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14219524 No.14219524[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy

>> No.14219530

>t. englishman

>> No.14219531


>> No.14219555


>> No.14219560
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>> No.14219563
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>I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy

>> No.14219566

But they won't let you, that's the problem, same as it's always been.

>> No.14219569
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> I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy

>> No.14219571
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>I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy.

>> No.14219573
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> I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy.

>> No.14219577

obsessed samefag

>> No.14219579
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>I don't care about politics, race, nationality, or gender. I just want to be happy

>> No.14219583
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>I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy

>> No.14219584
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You lazy cunt

>> No.14219587
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>I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy

>> No.14219592
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> I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy

>> No.14219594
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>I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy.

>> No.14219600
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> I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy.

>> No.14219603
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>I don't care about politics, race, nationality, or gender. I just want to be happy

>> No.14219605

keep seething

>> No.14219606

This is why Virtue Ethics and Deontology chads despise utilitarians.

>> No.14219607
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>I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy

>> No.14219609
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> I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy

>> No.14219611


>> No.14219612
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>I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy.

>> No.14219614
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> I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy.

>> No.14219619
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you will be very happy in the far-right ethno-state, fren

>> No.14219623

no, this kind of person would be much happier as a wagie cagie in a liberal cosmopolitan world. They don't care about their identity, purpose, or anything like that. They want a psychoactive spell, druglike, that cover their world is pleasantness, no matter its character.

>> No.14219624
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It's true. He won't have to worry about any of taht stuff there.

>> No.14219631
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>> No.14219635

based. ethics are only here to serve and maintain human happiness. Nationality and culture are important in unifying people. But if that stuff starts to get in the way of happiness, then its the right time to call it bullshit.

But antifa-tier autistic tantrums arent the way either. The best way to start is reading non-fiction

>> No.14219636

the who are you quoting shitposter in this thread really can’t comprehend that the type of person compelled to make a post like OP’s is the strongest argument in favor of culture homogeny. one does should not have to design to care about the fragmented war of multiculturalism.

>> No.14219637

What if he isn't white?

>> No.14219639
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>I don't care about politics, race, nationality or gender. I just want to be happy.

>> No.14219642

He can go live in his homeland which is already an ethnostate.

>> No.14219646

Sage and report people that flood threads. Tourist fags need to be put in their place

>> No.14219658

What if he considered his homeland to be the place you want to be a white ethnostate, or what if he doesn't want to leave?

>> No.14219664

I'm a white Australian

>> No.14219690

he does not get a say because like most people he is apathetic and only craves happiness. he will support whoever brings order to the chaos. which is why the chaos was engineered

>> No.14219700
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Read this in his voice desu

>> No.14219704

>hehe only way you can be happy is by being a fucking nazi.
Mongoloids, fucking terrible to have the board being flooded by nazi hollow brains who think they are some kind of genius because they swallowed 50 year old propaganda.

>> No.14219708

I don't care about food, water, clothing, or shelter. I just want to be happy.

>> No.14219734


>> No.14219743


>> No.14219749
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the alternative model to ethno-states is a (jewish) world government who will oversee and control the divided and conquered masses by preventing them from thinking or acting freely, or noticing things. globo-homo-shlomo's consumer heaven. the world as a giant shopping mall. anyone who opposes this gets called a nazi by those like yourself who have been conditioned to crave this future, where implicitly there are no problematic or toxic "isms" because they have all been sent to the metaphysical or physical gulag. but you're not there yet. this is the phase where people like you are going to find out how many people like me there really are

>> No.14219755

Keep jerking off in your rooms and try to read a book other than CoC and Siege. /Pol/ is a feedback loop and wants you to be upset.

>> No.14219763
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this is /lit/, nigger. we expect a better caliber of shill on this highest IQ of boards

>> No.14219765
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>> No.14219767

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.14219779
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Ironically i live here>>14219524

>> No.14219786
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have we really reached the stage where the people who have been calling the great replacement a conspiracy theory for the past 50 years take their masks off and start gloating? not a good look, sweetie

>> No.14219798

You do know that this is the cradle of /leftypol/, right?

>> No.14219804

Where is the conspiracy? People are freely choosing to marry and raise families with whoever they like. Are your own children 'replacing' you in the way you imagine?

>> No.14219809

White bois can't compite.

Believing there is a conspiracy is admiting that

>> No.14219825

We should not give them (you)s, they never want to have a conversation or an argument to defend their collective schizobreaks. They post a picture of someone tracking non hispanic birth proportions of us and they think they made a point.

>> No.14219834

I think the point is that there is no critical mass of nazis who are going to rise up and enforce miscegenation laws. Just consider that every mixed race person has two parents and four grandparents who now have no incentive to buy into racial segregation and hierarchy

>> No.14219855
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you're forgetting something, shlomo. other people are freely choosing to reject that which is being imposed on them by their own governments. governments which, through mass immigration, are dissolving the people and electing another in order to weaponize the tyranny of the majority of the third world. this is abuse that democracy cannot withstand
no shit. that is the coudenhove-kalergi model in a nutshell. and who is most excited to rule over this mongrelized world of rootless cosmopolitans who are too divided to oppose it? the nation without a home, the eternal Jew

>> No.14219878

Kalergi was a pan-european. He was proposing the EU as a great european continent.
He was literally a european nationalist, just with europe as one big nation.

>> No.14219909
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even if that reading of his works were accurate, that is patently not what the EU actually is

possibility 1 is that the european union is a lie used to sell globalism until nations are too fragmented to oppose it
or possibility cope is that third worlders are being used to reveal that europeans are much alike, so they will join together and repel the african/muslim invasion as one united europe

>> No.14219917

Jannies I regret making this thread please delete and ban everyone who has posted in it. Saging my own thread so it can die.

>> No.14220035

Better than living there unironically.

>> No.14220096

become a monk in theravadan tradition.
do not fall for the mahayana mix of hindusim and buddhism

>> No.14220105
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>it is important that peasants care about politics

t. humanist bourgeois scum . Reminder that classical and new liberals are cancer that should be killed like Mao tried to.

>> No.14220108

angry chang is angry again

>> No.14220134

Being ruled by the Jews seems preferable to Nazis. The Jews just want their money and they leave you alone. The nazis will kill you

>> No.14220141

Based OP
Don't let them drag you back in
See how unhappy they all are?
Some Taoists explain why men should not concern themselves with these things

>> No.14220151

Happiness is a sin and you WILL burn in hell for it. Bliss is reserved for heaven not for life on earth.

>> No.14220152
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>Being ruled by the Jews seems preferable to Nazis. The Jews just want their money and they leave you alone. The nazis will kill you

>> No.14220258
File: 85 KB, 785x731, 1574399429358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Jews just want their money
an aeons-old anti-semitic canard! i sentence you to watch schindler's list 3 times a day until you admit that the Jews did NOTHING wrong, goy

>> No.14220279

That's a case in point. Ethnic minorities in Israel have it far better than under a nazi regime which would simply exterminate them

>> No.14220296

Jewish neocons in America manipulated an enormous western military alliance to attack Israel's enemies and sack several of their states (in a war that isn't over until Iran is gone). That's as fairly close to extermination as you are going to get without people wising up to their games.

>> No.14220313
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>> No.14220343

Have sex incel

>> No.14220472

you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.14220480

Enjoy the eternal lake of brim and fire.

>> No.14220501

Certainly no sane Christian says this

>> No.14220515

goyim, i...

>> No.14220758

Are you English ?

>> No.14220800
File: 1.57 MB, 500x281, WarlikeWhichBoar-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
