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14218337 No.14218337 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Taleb
>Official Language: Arabic
>Majority religion; Islam
>Culinary; Arabic
>Cuture; Arabic
>Most commom name; Muhammad (and its variations)
>Controlled by an islamic terrorist organization called Hezbo'allah
>cluster genetically with other arabs
Somehow you think you're not arab?
What gives? Are you mentally ill?

>> No.14218426

Lebanese are the most annoying fucking arabs, they suck up to the white man and desperately try to separate themselves from us even though their country is as fucked as the Gaza strip with a 15 year long siege. They learn French in school and believe that makes them sophisticated in the fucking 21st century where French is literally useless. The most pompous, arrogant, self centered, extremely insecure middle eastern people second to only atheist persians with zoroastrian necklaces kicked out after the revolution. They seriously believe an imaginary like drawn up by anglos and frogs disconnects them from 1500 years of history. The people of Haifa and Alexandria are just as "Mediterranean" as the people of Beirut

>> No.14218463

>middle eastern people
Fucking idiot, it's east middle.

>> No.14218469

Mods, delete this IMBECILE Post.

>> No.14218485

You forgot
>48% Christian

>> No.14218493
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>> No.14218496

>mfw it used to be like 90%
Why do muslims ruin everything.
Why are they so jealous of everything the Christians build.

>> No.14218506

Literally the same could said of pagans and christcucks

>> No.14218551

I'm a Christian Arab and I fucking hate the Lebanese this >>14218426 Anon is right

>> No.14218556

Christian converted the pagans though, they wanted them to be saved.
Muslims just invaded and never left.

To this very day, muslims continue this age-old tradition of invading christian nations and not leaving, such as in France and England.

I have nothing against muslims. One of my best friends is a Palestinian. It's just so sad, even he thought it was funny when the Notre Dame de Paris erupted. He's not even religious.

You people obviously don't care about our nations, so you should honestly all go back. To turkey I guess, since they have the most room.
Even Turkey used to be a Christian inhabited area though. See where this is going?

>> No.14218608

holy FUCK
I expect this kind of stupidity on pol or even his, but for this post to actually be here in lit, is fucking embarrassing.

>> No.14218623

>I have nothing against muslims.
Well you should. These people aren't even human.

>> No.14218661
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wtf I'm a fascist now

>> No.14218673

>fucking 21st century where French is literally useless
If fucking french is useless every fucking language aside from english is useless then. Stop speaking arabic Muhammed!.

>> No.14218678

lol only muhammeds speak french

>> No.14218688

How do you know so much about the Lebanese?

>> No.14218705

Nice try, but I'm not a frog.

>> No.14219431

If you're part of the Christian Arab community outside the ME you'll run into tons of them

>> No.14219465

>Controlled by an islamic terrorist organization called Hezbo'allah

>> No.14220940
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Your nations belong to Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala, not you. You are rogue states, theologically speaking. And no we won't leave and yes we will eventually establish Shari'a, Insha'Allah

>> No.14221066

Holy shit
Lebs told hard

>> No.14221085

>>Controlled by an islamic terrorist organization called Hezbo'allah
Hezbollah are not a terrorist group since they don't target civilians as a matter of policy but limit themselves to military targets.

>> No.14221086
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>Controlled by an islamic terrorist organization called Hezbo'allah

>> No.14221117
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>Muslims just invaded and never left.

>> No.14221125

>Be Maronites scheming with the french
>Make Greater Lebanon and make all the people there Lebanese

>> No.14221349
File: 85 KB, 840x630, The-Sword-in-the-Stone-the-sword-in-the-stone-11805576-840-630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have nothing against muslims. One of my best friends is not even religious


>> No.14221955

huh, kind of interesting you say that. It explains my mom's side of the family pretty well to some degree. Anything else you care to share ?