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/lit/ - Literature

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14192370 No.14192370 [Reply] [Original]

Monthly Reading, November: Let The Right One In

SFF Charts

/sffg/ Group

Threads, Other Charts, Recs, Release Dates, Downloads, etc

Previous Threads

>> No.14192389

Fuck sanderson, fuck jordan, fuck martin, fuck abercrombie, fuck self-publishers, fuck female authors, fuck chinese shit, fuck video game fantasies

>> No.14192431

Second for yid army

>> No.14192434

Well fuck you too

>> No.14192442

Any fantasy like Troy? With demi-gods, gods and super soldiers dabbling on mere mortals?
Don't say Malazan.

>> No.14192457

Fuck sanderson, fuck jordan, fuck martin, fuck abercrombie, fuck self-publishers, fuck female authors, fuck chinese shit, fuck video game fantasies
Up with Masters of Rome, Chronicles of Amber and the Black Company.

>> No.14192501

6th for cool books and fuck abercrombie

>> No.14192526


based fpbp

>> No.14192539
File: 288 KB, 500x850, monthly reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On time! Suck it!

>> No.14192544
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I've been dead for most of the year.
Why are the charts a download now?
It makes no sense.
please tell me at least
y'all found
some new bokks
i need kitties

>> No.14192545

Just read the Iliad senpai

>> No.14192592

Do they yiff?

>> No.14192599

yiff occurs

>> No.14192606

does it occur between that specific human male and feline female?

>> No.14192650

She starts thinking about it during the hazy contentment of a regular sensual massage session, but the unexpected probing of engorged slave penis in her nethers elicits sharp rebuke for the effrontery.

>> No.14192675

>humans are slaves to cat people

>> No.14192691

Have you read Chanur stuff?

>> No.14192731


Enough is enough, this world is accelerating towards the Abyss

>> No.14192739

The sequels to two books I read this year are out tomorrow and I already can barely remember what the fuck happened in them

>> No.14192753

Yeah, Chanur sequence some of my favorite books. Actually just read them for the millionth time last week because I was lazy.

>> No.14192757

The War Nerd Iliad is really fucking good at turning the Iliad into a modern prose novel if you don't want to read the fairly stilted traditional direct translations.

>> No.14192789

I mean, what would you do with a bunch of shaved apes you found that were intelligent enough to be taught simple tricks?
Just because you have erotic thoughts about the mules sometimes doesn't mean you actually want to have relations with animals.

>> No.14192959

>/sffg/ Group
Please tell me you didn't let Kevin in

>> No.14192995

who's kevin?

>> No.14193008

so it begins

>> No.14193021

What's up with China Mieville? I'm about to start The City and the City.

>> No.14193057

They aren't only a download. You can view them perfectly fine online, including as a slideshow.

>> No.14193066

Really liked that one. Didn't care for Perdido. So I'm waiting before trying another. I'd like to say what they had in common is that they're more about setting than story, but that's not quite right. The story is about absorbing the setting? Dunno. Give it a shot.

>> No.14193069


I've only read Perdiod Street Station but it definitely needed to be a few hundred pages shorter. Really cool backdrop though.

>> No.14193102

I see my poor layout choices continue to confuse chart connoisseurs.

>> No.14193121

I think it'll take the average reader a single year to read the entire fantasy canon (LOTR, Elric, BOTNS, that stuff). Thing is, no one seems to have done that.

>> No.14193124

I thought the emoji face last thread was you, cat fag.
What have you gotten up to? Read all your cat books?

>> No.14193142

Mayor of noobtown and raze?

>> No.14193145

I would hope they didn't let Vince in.

>> No.14193158

>such boring drivel
>why does it seem like people don't want to read them

>> No.14193172

Nah, wasn't me :3. I finished a second read of Malazan earlier in the year then haven't felt much like reading. Now I'm lazily rereading things off my shelves. Currently Stainless Steel Rat.
I need to get a to read stack going again so I can just grab them. Or sleep. I need sleep.
Stuff looks pretty much the same here. Did we get any new meme books?

>> No.14193188

Writers, what's a good book to learn plotting from?

>> No.14193195
File: 30 KB, 500x460, DyIquvwX0AA3dHW.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean that I had her first, high and mighty Lucius Licinius Lucullus! I had her first, and long before you! I had Clodia first too. We used to sleep together, but we did more than just sleep!
>We played a lot Lucullus, and the play grew greater as I grew greater! I had them both, I had them hundreds of times, I paddled my fingers inside them, and then I paddled something else inside them!
>I sucked on them, I nibbled on them I did things you cant imagine with them!
>And guess what? Clodilla deems you a poor substitute for her little brother!

>> No.14193230

I've heard it's decent, but because I listened to an interview he did about it that spoiled the twist, I haven't read it.

>> No.14193241

Spoiling the twist doesn't spoil it. The book rests on exploring the gimmick, not surprising you with it.

>> No.14193357

One or two, shortly lived though.
You reading the self published books for your catgirls?

>> No.14193383

I can't even tell if you're being sincere or taking the piss out of litrpg dreck lol

>> No.14193507


>> No.14193687

Such has not been my wont, stuck with dusty old books, but I had intended to give them a go.
Did those series you liked to talk up ever finish? IIRC they were something like daniel black and superheroes with a catgirl named Andrea?
I kinda didn't want to get into them until they were complete.

>> No.14193699

/sffg/, I've got a feeling tonight. tonight I'm going to write excellently

>> No.14193781

Google exists.
It tells me that it's MASTERS OF ROME that he's been pushing for a while. Specifically the 4th book, Caesar's Women. It doesn't belong in this thread.

>> No.14193785

So that was the result of your emotion roulette.

>> No.14193804

Grim, apocolyptic, or surreal fantasy and sci-fi recommendations pls.

Here are mine:


Alastair Reynolds' Chasm City and the Prefect (better than his main trilogy and more haunting feeling, trilogy is good too though. Pushing Ice was meh)

The Girl With All the Gifts (zombie story with actual twists, retelling if the Pandora story).

Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion - surreal and a bit grim. Endymion is still good but with a far lighter tone. First is a retelling of the Canterbury Tales.

Neuromancer - perfect mood

Fantasy, I can only really think of Bakker.

>> No.14193822


I forgot. Very surreal sci-fi book. Pretty great. Basically people eat various feather to trip balls and and alien landed with a bunch of addicts. Not totally clear what is going on at all times.

>> No.14193948

Super sales on Super heroes is finished(sadly the author started to leak him shitty smut all over in the last two books).

Daniel Black's author wrote himself into a corner and skipped a bunch of steps to put the MC where he is now in the latest book. Word is he doesn't want to continue the series, but as it is what brings in the bacon, he is left forced to write something he doesn't like anymore, and the work greatly suffers for it. He should have written a trilogy. This is what happens when you try to stretch something for too long (he also writes slow as fuck, while other authors might put out 2 to 3 books a year, it takes him a year plus to put out one. And get this he is a "full-time" author).

>> No.14193955

You forgot to say vurt was the name of the feather eaters book.

>> No.14193968

for tonight anyway. I also had a new idea for something to add to the story for the first time in a while, though I'm not exactly sure if if it's the right idea.

my MC is sort of supposed to have a tin man motif, but I've been bothered that his story focuses more on his handicap than his metaphorical lack of heart. It occurred to me as I was writing today that the same accident that crippled him could have required a heart transplant that left him with a baboon heart. Considering the last person they did that to only lived until her 20s, it would give his need to prove himself more urgency, and maybe validate some reckless behavior

the Mistborn Triology?

The Library at Mount Char?

>> No.14194019

That's what it means to be a professional author. It's a job.

Arthur Conan Doyle introduced the world to Holmes in 1886 and killed Sherlock Holmes in 1893, but ended up writing Holmes stories until 1927. He died in 1930.

Agatha Christie's first Poirot novel was published in 1920. 'By 1930, Agatha Christie found Poirot "insufferable", and, by 1960, she felt that he was a "detestable, bombastic, tiresome, ego-centric little creep". Yet the public loved him and Christie refused to kill him off, claiming that it was her duty to produce what the public liked.' She continued to write them until she died in 1976. That's 56 years of writing the character, almost all of which she didn't like it.

>> No.14194280

>heart transplant that left him with a baboon heart
So you're writing the movie "the animal" in book form?

>> No.14194303

The problem is, those authors put out. E William Brown is keeping his legs tightly crossed.

>> No.14194386

What recently released books are you guys reading?

>> No.14194452

I just want something classic that feels like an adventure, with castles, kings, schemind nobles, taverns, etc.
Does Memory, Sorrow and Thorn qualify?

>> No.14194501

What does a sea demon from the Lightbringer series look like?

>> No.14194581

It occurs to me that I wanted to set a better pace for my novel when I started over from the beginning, but I've already taken half again as long to get to the same point in the story. I'm 6.5k words and four scenes in before my MC arrives in the fantasy setting. Even so, the writing feels better. I just hope I'm not writing a doorstopper

>> No.14194718

What happening my /sffg/ negros?

You had me till you mentioned vidya fantasies. Planescape is pretty fun time.

>> No.14194735

>before my MC arrives in the fantasy setting.
just stop

>> No.14194811

Is that a length complaint or an isekai complaint?

>> No.14194868

Don't write isekai

>> No.14194918
File: 22 KB, 220x357, TheCitadelOfTheAutarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished. I'm too tired to make a long post right now, but I'll have more questions and comments later. It was incredible. Such a beautifully strange series and even though I still don't understand some things, I love it.

>> No.14194963

As a general tip:
>don't write isekai

As a tip more specific to your problem:
>begin with (the) action

If you've got a bunch of scenes before anything specifically happens, literally just cut them. Your opening chapters are then less about a boy getting lost in the woods and finding a portal and more about "holy fuck this isn't earth."

Learning where exactly to begin your story is a bit of a skill but the rule of thumb I use is to write the opening sequence and then scrap the first few scenes.

>> No.14195126

As a general tip:
>don't write isekai

I'm writing this whether you guys like it or not. I know isekai is trashy and what I'm writing is trashy too. I'm not writing this because I think it will have a shot at being memorable (In all honesty, my first novel is probably the only one I have with even the slightest potential shred of immortality). No, I'm writing this story purely for myself, because I need to write it as much as I need to tell it

>> No.14195180


>> No.14195198
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>> No.14195199

Did this book have an original concept?
>An all-powerful entity, created with one goal by God, gets "defeated" because the protagonist causes its goal to be completed in a different way than what the entity was trying to do.

>> No.14195331

That's dumb.

>> No.14195431

Try Ilium/Olympos by Dan Simmons

>> No.14195463

>The Girl With All the Gifts
How does it compare to the film?

>> No.14195499

Someone recommended Inda here a few days ago.
I'm almost done with the first book and I'm back to report in that it's not great. It's slow-paced, which is fine if the character-driven writing and plot make up for it but they don't because they're all so boring.
So fuck you, whichever idiot suggested this book. What a waste of time. I'd literally read sandershit over this. Not that he's terrible. Sanderson is so very mediocre and this slightly more so.

>> No.14195574

learn to put a book down if it's not enjoyable. you don't have to finish everything

>> No.14195677

Big mutated glowy whale thingie.

>> No.14195801

Chad Historical fiction vs the virgin scifi

>> No.14195852

what's some good chink shit to read?

>> No.14196016

They said you can't will cast a whale, and only dolphins if they trust you.

>> No.14196186

How the fuck are we on page 5 in less than an hour? Why aren't the mods cleaning up those philosophy and religious off topic threads.
Their shit posting is pushing /lit/ threads off the board.

>> No.14196390

A while ago someone wanted fantasy navy seals.
The Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks and the unhewn throne fuck adare

>> No.14196452

lol the sffg goodreads group already has some girl who is a goodreads power user in it

>> No.14196455

you asked for pirate fantasy and there's like 6 books of it in existence mate

>> No.14196470

Duh its not a whale but its vaguely whale-shaped like i imagine.

>> No.14196482

I wasn't that guy. You mentioned it was I like good bildungsroman books and you mentioned that in connection with Inda so I checked it out. It did not live up to expectations. Maybe the other anon liked it.

>> No.14196600

>goodreads power user
What does that mean? She has site wide moderation?

>> No.14196626

I guess I should have asked, are those still your recs for self pub with catgirls, or have you found better?

>> No.14196652

How many times have you posted this by now? Shut the fuck up.

>> No.14196662

You are probably one of the Christcucks or philosofags, and want people to be silent so you and your ilk can continue posting. Go fuck yourself. You failed both your parents and should an hero.

>> No.14196674
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x1896, Animal Man 005 (1988) (Minutemen-DTs).cbz-Animal Man 05 (1988) (Minutemen-DTs' GMDCURP)-am_05_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good books where there are human animal hybrids or heroes are animals or they think like animals or animals are sentient biology and stuff

also any good geological scifi?

>> No.14196690
File: 159 KB, 370x600, Quozl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Quozl?

>> No.14196714

never heard of it will check it out

just to add ive read moreau island and mouseguard already

>> No.14196752
File: 482 KB, 1600x1344, web novels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear anons,
This is the web serial anon.
I have thought about the chart I had posted a while ago (4-5 months?) and realized that some of my ratings had been influenced by peer pressure (i.e I inflated the rating because of popularity and undersold some obscure ones). Additionally, I have read some stuff since. I can't be bothered to update the image right now, but here's the new list:

God Tier:

Mother of Learning (great time to start reading, it is about to end)
A Practical Guide to Evil
Worth The Candle

Good tier:

Twisted cogs

You should check these out tier (mostly rationalfic, fanfic, and similar garbage that can be entertaining):
(Upper level)
The Games We play
The Gam3
Purple Day
A bluer shade of white
Harry Potter and the Methods of rationality
The Waves Arisen
(Lower tier)
The Good Student
Re: trailer thrash
The Metropolitan Man
Metaworld Chronicles

Stay away tier:

The Wandering Inn
Star Child
Savage Divinity
The Zombie Knight Saga
How to Avoid Death on a Daily Basis
Super Powereds

Best chinkshit has to offer tier:

The Novel's Extra
Release That Witch
Emperor's Domination
40 millenniums of cultivation

>> No.14196815

I was hoping for a fantasy series with these aspects. Not actual Troy.

>> No.14196859

Now that people actually read that shit and commented, you put wandering inn from "okay" to "stay away".
How about I stay away from every piece of shit on that chart. Thanks for making a stay away chart.

>> No.14197053

Think whale body with a shovel shaped head similar to how a hammerhead shark looks, that has a giant horn at the end of it and a mouth/beak of an octopus/squid underneath.

>> No.14197073

So a narwhal, shark and octopus had an orgie and this is the offspring?
Some chutulu creature is the most loyal sea creature?
Based whales bashed those demons to death.

>> No.14197090

You're all wrong. It has to be some lobster variant. That's the only thing in the sea considered immortal like, other than the lion mane jellyfish.

>> No.14197113

They're described about a dozen times throughout the books. Most of which is just nebulous "giant sea demons", but once specifically mentions they have a beak-like mouth, it's specifically mentioned 2-3 times that they charge with a horn that sticks above the water-level and is so hot water around it straight up evaporates, they've been described as having a giant hammer or spade-like head, and they've been described to be similar in overall size/shape to what whales.

Literally the only thing that backs up the idea that they're some lobster variant is that they're red. Pretty sure at some point they would have mentioned it having claws of some sort if it were a lobster variant.

>> No.14197155

can I get an opinion on giving my mc an artificial heart in addition to his prosthetic arm? I wouldn't have to change anything to insert it, but it gives some of his more irrational actions more justification, it strengthens a weak motif and it lets me give him a happy ending that doesn't involve getting his arm back which would defeat the point of his character arc

>> No.14197173

Latro in the Mist

>> No.14197190
File: 31 KB, 291x400, 1571404760441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, fuck off to /outerlit/.

>> No.14197231

I had always had a warning stamped that I don't like the novel and I only put it in good because I thought other would enjoy it. I have recently realized that such decisions are wrong and hence the current list is entirely personal.
Anyway, no one is forcing you to read anything. No one is interested in your screeching either. The general would be in a much healthier state if you spent your time discussing books you like instead of critiquing novels you haven't read.

>> No.14197256

im writing sff

you might like the farseer trilogy. the main character, fitz can form telepathic bonds with canines that cause their personalities to bleed together. there's some other stuff there that's down your alley, but I won't spoil anything.

if that sounds interesting, you might also like worm: its a capeshit webnovel, but the MC, Taylor does the same thing with swarms of bugs, and between that an a secondary power that grants her enhanced multitasking she sort of gets a hive queen mentality. there's also another girl on her team with the power to transform dogs into hell hounds. one of the side effects of her power and abusive upbringing is that she's borderline feral and the MC actually has to buy a book on canine psychology just to figure out how to deal with her

>> No.14197265

Get fucked.

>> No.14197342

>implying Latro is fantasy

>> No.14197427

What about the Worm sequel, I think i read the first few chapters when it started. Is it good ?

>> No.14197449

not as good. less creative power use, every fight ends in deescalation, not as good buildup and no endbringer fights. its okay, but not great

>> No.14197508

Chart anon here.
It's the worst work of Wildbow IMO. I suspect that he started believing that he could write shit with actual literary merit instead of just really epic shit. It's pretty much stay away tier desu because you are bound to be disappointed. I highly recommend Brennus instead, if you want something similar to Worm.
Ending of worm > Pact > The rest of worm > Twig >> ward

>> No.14197537

>started believing that he could write shit with actual literary merit
Indeed, it's such irony that any improvement from writing millions of words on a constant basis decreases their perceived value and lessens how many readers they would have. Such is the intractable plight of the web novel author. Forever doomed to self-enforced mediocrity if one is to continue being popular.

>> No.14197618
File: 79 KB, 500x441, seeing-aint-free-the-coming-of-the-lightbringer-gotta-be-6232961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF /lit/? I just finished the last book in the Lightbringer series, and there was no rape or incest in this book.
From the memes and book 4, I expected a bunch of debauchery and carnage. What I got was a bunch of slog, introspection and philosophical whimsy.
What a fucking waste.

>> No.14197628

The problem is that what you refer to as an improvement is merely in illusion. Wildbow's characters still remain amalgamations of well-established character archetypes; he has little meaningful to say, what he attempts to present as psychological hardships are in actuality simplistic plot devices.
If I expected depth from Wildbow, it would come from the sociological aspects of his work - something he has always handled well. His plots are complex and intriguing, his world are truly unique. In essence, he has the qualities that are deemed to be of foremost importance in a science fiction writer, especially a golden age one (as much as I dislike the period) as opposed to literary realism.
He started believing that his work could be appreciated in an almost slice-of-life manner and that is just untrue. If he wanted to move towards more serious literature, he could have jut shifted his focus towards the struggles of people in power, towards grand plans and conspiracies as per Umberto Eco. Contessa would have served as an ideal protagonist for ward.
The point is, Wildbow will never be Kafka, he will never be Hamsun, and he will never be Dostoevsky. If he truly wanted to transcend the mediocrity of web novels, he should have use Borges or Bradbury as his role models.

>> No.14197630

Any of you ever read the Benjamin Ashwood Series?
It's like a carbon copy of WOT at times.

>> No.14197643

Thanks for the peak /lit/ post.

>> No.14197667
File: 173 KB, 640x400, If+you+have+problems+you+can+always+scream+_5426b1f090e62c01c185d22ce85668b6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The general would be in a much healthier state if you spent your time discussing books you like instead of critiquing novels you haven't read.
I saw you particularly bash on the chartfag multiple times, and I'm sure you haven't read most of his books.

>> No.14197693

You've replied to the poster who created the chart and didn't realize it. You are blaming the chart creator for bashing on himself.

>> No.14197773

I liked it desu, a good conclusion for the series.

>> No.14197828

If I want a copy of WoT I’ll read the licanius trilogy. If I have to read about ash wood wanting to brew beer again I’m going to lose it. And I have a tolerance for most self pub

>> No.14197902

David Brin's Uplift novels (1980–1996). Six books featuring (amongst a host of non-humanoid aliens and pesky humans too) sentient dolphins… in space!

Good shit though. Recommended.

> also any good geological scifi?

Incidentally, a bit aged, but again David Brin, Earth (1990).

>> No.14198056

>Masters of Rome
Aurelia a cute

>> No.14198464
File: 61 KB, 292x475, 117902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Messiah has only left me feeling more "weird" for lack of a better term. Messiah almost feels like the pieces to a bigger game is getting set. So now I'm curious to see how it will all play out. But man, the weirdness was cranked up on this one.
I guess Paul is an omniscient space hitler now. That's real neato.
And two more hyper intellectual babies. Great.

I don't even know what to say, except what the fuck.

>> No.14198613

>tfw when I backtraced that photo it came up on some meme archive site
>tfw it said the source was phacebook
>tfw I made it and posted it for sffg
>tfw I have no face

>> No.14198621

Im talking about the self pubbed chartfag, not the webnovel chartfag. You only just started.

>> No.14198659

I'm about halfway through Wizard's First Rule, is there going to be many more of the anti-commie tirades?

>> No.14198690

How much cock did you take from David Brin over the years?
Did he groom you from young?

>> No.14198748

It gets worse with every book until 9/11 happens irl after which he goes so insane that it's genuinely funny

>> No.14198807

Any good new fantasy books? You know, than aren't influenced be shitty USA politics, but good old fun?

>> No.14198816

damn, should I just stop after the first one or does this end on a cliffhanger?

>> No.14198825

nah it ends fairly neatly

read this if you want to see how silly it gets

>> No.14198834

Fun is too problematic in the current year.

>> No.14198862
File: 22 KB, 258x387, TheHighCrusade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to thank the anon who recommended pic related. it was a super fun read.

>> No.14198891

> Wizard's First Rule
I'm trying to think of another series that tanked so hard and so fast but I can't. If you think those tirades are bad in the 1st book they pale in comparison to what appears in later novels.

>> No.14198906

I don't know if "bad" is the right word, but they just seemed a little out of place I guess? The conversation between the farmer and the queen was so over the top I found it hilarious, though I'm not sure if that was the intended reaction.

>> No.14198938

Tad William tanked too.
But because of the market back then you had to take what was given to you.
It's why Sanderson and Rothfuss got so popular.
They came out just before self publishing got popular, and thus avoided the boycott a lot of publishing house authors are receiving now.

>> No.14198953

>the boycott a lot of publishing house authors are receiving now.
Can you elaborate on this?

>> No.14198985

There's going to be an awful lot of Kahlan about to get raped

>> No.14199002

>dungeon core
What is this actually from?

>> No.14199032

Plenty of stuff.
Usually litrpg.

>> No.14199050

Yes, but I mean originally

>> No.14199072

DnD probably.
When you go dungeon diving, there is a "core" controlling stuff. Now righting about dungeons and their cores is a sub genre of the litrpg scene.

>> No.14199089

>Best chinkshit has to offer tier:
>Emperor's Domination

Anon, you...

>> No.14199104

Yes, I see it in litrpg, which is why I asked. But there were no "cores" in DnD -- there the dungeons are meant to be actual dungeons, actual caverns, actual monsters. When I first heard about it I assumed it was an established online gaming trope (I only ever play single player) but that doesn't seem to be the case, at least as far as my examination took me.

>> No.14199107

Is there an alternative translation to the Three Body Problem? Or maybe some sort of re-write?

>> No.14199108

It's bullshit. With very few exceptions every author wants to be with a publishing house.

>> No.14199156

Is this a portal fantasy? Otherwise both MC and Fantasy setting really should be introduced asap.

>> No.14199165
File: 794 KB, 1684x2560, 91DIYtTpRnL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read this? The cover is fucking beautiful, but every review I've read of it always emphasizes how similar it is to GoT and how it's a feminist fantasy, which makes me think its derivative as hell.

>> No.14199179

>female author
red flag my man

>> No.14199203

>looks up title on googoo
>"feminist retelling of Saint George and the Dragon"

>> No.14199232

>female author

>> No.14199258

They are the same person.

>> No.14199300

no they are not. the self pubfag doesn't talk about webnovels.
As I see there are at least 5 chartfags in teh general.
The selfpub chartfag 1
Selfpub chart fag 2
Webnovel chartfag
sffg modern chartfag
and other one.

>> No.14199325

My initial assumption is that its literal autism. I looked at a few different dungeon ones from the self pubbed. By which I mean it sees inanimate objects the same as animate. It entirely conflates the two. In a way its similar to the Japanese trend of turning everything into girls. Guns, ships, planes, and so on. I think there may be some sexual fetish overlap as well, specifically vore. The dungeon literally devours everything and grows more powerful from it. I may look into its origins sometime.

>> No.14199366

Not making any judgements but I only know of the author because Bone Season was a manufactured hit (the publisher spent something insane like a million quid on buying it) so I'm naturally skeptical of them

>> No.14199405

Yeah, you seem to be about where I'm at, thinking this seems to have been copied from somewhere but I can't find out just where. It has a distinct set of properties as if they'd been settled over years (like "orcs") but who is the Tolkien of dungeon cores?

>> No.14199513

>book measures the strength of a character in ox or dragons or elephants


>> No.14199523

cars have their strength measured in horses.

>> No.14199553

I’ve been reading chrysalis
I enjoy it
Also those chinkshit are terrible stuff I haven’t read or dropped

>> No.14199613

I forgot that Urth existed and it's not technically apart of the original series but should I also read that? Apparently it fills in some parts of the original 4 books? If any questions I ask are answered in Urth you can just not answer. As far as citadel

The claw. Is it magic or not? I asked about magic when I posted about shadow of the torturer and I think the responses were it doesn't exist so I assumed it was some alien healing technology not a thorn from a bush. I assume most of the "miracles" Severian did could be explained except for Dorcas. Is it actually some religious higher power like he speculated?
After Severian goes back to the inn to see the waiter who gave the note in shadow I thought that would be the son of Severian/Dorcas through some time travel stuff but supposedly that was Severian's father which would make Dorcas his grandmother? So he had sex with his resurrected grandma (And the guy in the boat in the botanical gardens was Dorcas's husband)?
If all these various aliens are able to time travel and travel space why do they not just move the population of Urth to a new system? Instead they meddle but never outright help even they clearly have an interest in its people.
What is the significance in returning to Valeria?
I had a feeling she would play some other role because he often mentioned her beauty and their initial encounter would have been pretty pointless otherwise.

>> No.14199750

your question about the claw is answered in Urth.
Yeah Dorcas is his grandma.
To understand why the Hieros do not directly interfere reread the part in chapter 34 of Citadel where Severian explains the secrets Malrubius told him on the ship. "However it may be, they shape us now as they themselves were shaped; it is at once their repayment and their revenge."
Valeria is a mystery. Some people think she is his maternal grandmother thanks to time travel shenanigans. I think she is the Severa that is implied to exist. Her line “I am all the sisters we breed . . . And all the sons” is a reference to a Shakespere play (Twelfth Night) where a woman thinks her twin brother is dead.

>> No.14200087

>Messiah almost feels like the pieces to a bigger game is getting set
Pretty much. Dune Messiah and Children of Dune felt like a long setup for God Emperor. Not necessarily a bad thing, since the payoff of that setup is God Emperor, which is great.

>> No.14200159

>trend of turning everything into girls. Guns
Read gunmeister online :3

>> No.14200170

Not me

>> No.14200183

Why don't you want to read it?

>> No.14200422

My best guess is that it started with the PC game Dungeon Keeper in 1997.
I never played it, but I knew about it.
As it says, "The Dungeon Heart represents the Keeper's link to the world. If it is destroyed, the player loses." It inspired various other more recent games.

The oldest I see on Goodreads that is a western work with a quick look is The Slime Dungeon which is listed as April 24th 2016. There is almost certainly older though elsewhere.

The work that popularized it is as best I can tell the web novel version of "I Absolutely Don't Want to Work as the Dungeon Master Until I Indulge in My Laziness" whose official English name is Lazy Dungeon Master, which I've looked because I've looked at all the light novels in the light novel torrent. The web novel version started around
Apr 29th 2015. There were probably others at the same time and almost certainly wasn't the origin. It was posted on Syosetu.

>> No.14200427

No that post wasn't me :3

>> No.14200443

what :3

>> No.14200454

Don't copy me >:3

>> No.14200458

no no
this is good :3

>> No.14200517

>catfag got his identity stolen
You shouldn't have said anything. You've been on here for years. You know they look for weakness, they can smell it over the internet.

>> No.14200539

If I'm not me, they aren't me, and they aren't them.
Then there's at least three of me :3

>> No.14200786

all not me

>> No.14200797

are you okay?

>> No.14200846

I just finished the monthly book. Anything else like this? It touched me in weird places.

>> No.14200973

The first book was one of the most boring things I’ve ever read. Hard to say what was worse, the characters or the overall plot

>> No.14201009

Cradle series
Licanius Trilogy

>> No.14201014

>Bone Season

It was also a shitty textbook YA example.

>> No.14201025
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>mfw set up for the pun in the third book

>> No.14201033

Not the anon you replied but I tried Cradle. It was beyond bad.
Don't listen to this anon. Can't say for sure about Licanius since I haven't read that though.

>> No.14201037

The adventures of dogfucker and blowflygirl. I’d read it.

>> No.14201170

I have no idea what evidence would point to Valeria being his grandma. How would your sister theory account for their father working at the inn?

>> No.14201406

I really need some decent sci fi. All I have is fantasy and the sci fi I have is shit classics. Anything modern remotely interesting is is part of a 20+ book series, is 99% space ship battles, or has been pozzed with pronoun faggotry and other nonsense.

And where the hell are the anti heroes?

>> No.14201410

Anything similar to Chronicles of the Black Company? I just finished the whole thing and need something similar. It was too good.

>> No.14201413

Pretty much all of this is explored more fully in Urth. Valeria is still mostly a question mark for me but the rest of it is spelled out pretty plainly. Surprised you didn't ask about Erebus, I like to hear theories about him.

>> No.14201424

you'll get a lot of shit recommendations like malazan and the blade itself, but none of them are any good

>> No.14201427

the grandma thing is based on stuff that happens in Urth. Ouen says that he was once in a relationship with a woman named Catherine that got taken away by the law.

>> No.14201434

Did you read all the books or just books of the north? I stopped after north because I found it to be a bittersweet ending and didn't want to ruin it reading about everyone dying or just having the other books not be as good as north.

>> No.14201438

same, considering the other series that were going on when it was newer(Raven's Shadow and Unhewn Throne leap to mind) that had absolutely awful endings this felt really satisfying by comparison

>> No.14201476

Unhewn throne book three still makes me mad

>> No.14201510

Is Powder Mage trilogy by Brian McClellan any good?

>> No.14201530

Valeria is really an enigma. Severian mentions in Urth that he wanted to keep their relationship private, but there's more going on than that.

>> No.14201614
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>tfw you thought you were going to need to re-write a scene but the original was so honest to god funny you ended up only scrapping a single paragraph of it.

I'm on a roll /sffg/. Also, no, I won't fuck off

Unironically read Robopocalypse. It's the World War Z of robot uprisings. Don't mind the name, it's the only bad thing I remember about the book.

>> No.14201701

And where is it implied Catherine gave birth to twins? Gene does have a thing for twins stories but I don't see it here.

>> No.14201704


>> No.14201715

Valeria is from a past so way back that the noble families were still living in the Citadel with the Autarch and not the House Absolute, which doesn't even exist in her time. Her family either got lost in the Atrium of Time or was left behind as they fell out of favour.

>> No.14201733


>> No.14201734

I like the main books, haven't gotten into any of the side books

>> No.14201742

they're pretty good, I think the next trilogy in the same universe is better IMO

>> No.14201743

When did Severian even find out about Catherine?

>> No.14201752

It dragged off on the third book, otherwise it's decent.

>> No.14201754

When he returns to the Sanguinary Fields and gets Ouen's confirmation he's his son. It is not confirmed anyway that the Catherine Ouen had an affair with is the same one Severian beheads(or doesn't), nor is there any mention of twins.

>> No.14201758

Yea but where did he first hear about Catherine? I thought he had no memory of his parents. He just walks up to Ouen and tells him he once loved a woman named Catherine. Where did he get that name from?

>> No.14201768

The Feast of Saint Catherine dood. The rest is fan conjencture and I don't buy into it.

>> No.14201809
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I've just read this and I've got so many unanswered questions.
How did the Nightfighter end up buried under Callisto?
What happened to the rest of humanity?
What happened to the Raft?
What was that box orbiting the sun?
Why did the Photino Birds try to destroy the Ring?
Who was Jim Bolder? What happened to him?
What became of the Friends of Wigner?
What became of Arrow Maker?
What became of Miriam?
What became of Garry?
What became of Dura?

How many of these questions do the sequels answer?

>> No.14202064

Thanks bro, I'm with Lyonesse books and enjoying them, its just sad new books are such dumpsters on fire.

>> No.14202121 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14202144
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Rate my copy /sffg/

>> No.14202209
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Anyone got a PDF of Three Hearts and Three lions by Poul Anderson or know where I can find one? Epdf won't work for me, and I can't find any other options.

>> No.14202242
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To the anon who recommended me the Radix book, thank you. I just finished and it was one of the best scifi (if you could call it that) I've ever read, up there with BotNS.

>> No.14202252

No, that's dumb.

>> No.14202258

Because Severian is a "twin name" along with Severina. If you have twins in their world, you usually give them twin names that match.

>> No.14202263

>tfw no frizzy bubbly happy writer gf with slight autism which makes her characters endearing and real.
Why ever read/write/live at this point? There is nothing for me on this planet.

>> No.14202323


Damn son,
. that sounds ... nice

>> No.14202331

What book?

>> No.14202444


>> No.14202509

Started it yesterday and I already went halfway through the first book.
I like it. It's easily digestible and doesn't pretend to be something that isn't.

>> No.14202545

I found it bland and forgettable, but not disagreeable.

>> No.14202737

Fuck I think I read Robocalypse like 8 years ago or some shit, thanks for reminding me that this exists.

>> No.14202762

Me and selfpub chartfag are different people but I have always complimented his work and never bashed on him.
The retarded Sanderfag shill I *do* bash, but I have read or tried to read the majority of books in his chart so this is allowed. I have written multiple long posts criticizing specific works in that excuse of a list.
Ant isekaii litrpg sounds really dumb to me and i have been staying away from it, but who knows maybe I should look into it.
Chinkshit is pretty terrible, yes. The works I listed are the best I have read (on top of my head, I have read Desolate Era, The Will Eternal, Swallowed Star, Against the Gods, and Everyone Else Is A Returnee, all of which were worse)

>> No.14202833

Show vag

>> No.14202840

The first book, the one about Sumner Kagan.
It was such a trippy ride, god damn.

>> No.14202841

>wearing armor on your arms
>leaves vitals all exposed
>woman logic

>> No.14202845

You think a woman drew that?

>> No.14202847

>tfw I'm that gf

>> No.14202859

I don't want a gf with a penis, sorry.

>> No.14202876

Guys. Anyone read books where an undercover tranny dies, and the bf is exposed for fucking a dude in the ass?
I'm sure post mortem medical examiners are shocked when they see a cute face, pull up the sheets ready to cut, and there is a dick.

>> No.14202919

In chapter 27 of Claw he remember's suckling at his mother's breast when he was trying to recall the feast of Holy Katharine.

>> No.14202977

Can someone explain to me why I'm looked down upon for liking gri books? All the classics I read also had some form of gri. Why do they get praised and a pass and my books get ridiculed?

>> No.14202995

prob because you suck

>> No.14202998

hello brent

>> No.14203001

such as?
also if you're actively seeking out degenerate shit you're going to be looked on as a degenerate.

>> No.14203006

It's genuinely funny how the selection in goodreads books of the year gets worse as it gets cut down between voting rounds.

Scifi is left with some of the worst books of the year in their final list lol

>> No.14203016

>you're going to be looked on as a degenerate.
Oh shit I'm scared

>> No.14203029

you asked why you were looked down upon and I told you. try to pay attention to the questions you ask.

>> No.14203062

All the years I used goodreads I never voted. A lot of my fellows don't vote either. I just used it as a library /book diary.

>> No.14203078

Not that anon. Don't reply to my posts again, nerd.

>> No.14203080

I only voted because I've had it open a lot these past two weeks for other stuff.
It's just sad seeing all the 'acclaimed' books just happening to be the ones that got big prerelease pushes. It takes years for other, better, books to get noticed and even then it's often a matter of luck as to if it ever happens.

>> No.14203298

They're too big for the paperback format desu

>> No.14203454


Im a big dude, i just have nice hands...

>> No.14203463


Im not even half way done, im mauling it and when im done using it its ripe for discarding on the side of the road. I got no idea what is exactly happening by the way but its starting to pull me in. Is deadhouse gates even the first book?

>> No.14203501

Need more books like the ones William Rand and Randi Darren makes.

>> No.14203513

isn't he the same guy?

>> No.14203516

It's book 2, but you probably aren't hurt that much by reading it before the first one.

>> No.14203530

I have no idea. I just want more degenerate stuff and sexualized women.

>> No.14203545

The story is largely centered around Baxter's autistic self-insert, Michael Poole, so if it isn't directly related to him, don't expect answers, especially for one-off stories.

>> No.14203571

Let me think then...., you want sexualized women so you should try Michael Scott Earle's Tamer (though any of his other books include a harem or two but that series the objective is to survive and get as many hotties as possible)
Also M.H Ryan's Island Jumper is up your alley. have fun.

>> No.14203669

Every name could have a twin, there's nothing to suggest Severian has a twin.

>> No.14203691

no Gardens of the Moon is, BUT, the first four books alternate between storylines happening in different places, so book 1 and book 3 are basically separate from book 2 and book 4 so like >>14203516
anon said there's no harm in reading out of order a little

>> No.14203798

Yes there is. When he meets little Severian the family mentions his sister Severa so you know that Severian is a twin name just like Agia and Agilus. Beyond that I don't know

>> No.14204045

Citadel Chapter 10: “I’m Ava. Severian is one of those brother—sister names, isn’t it? Severian and Severa. Do you have a sister?”
“I don’t know. If I do, she’s a witch.”

>> No.14204267

I completely forgot lil' Sev had a sister. She's the one the alzabo gets to first, right?

Logically, Merryn is his sister then.

>> No.14204326

Are there any books set in a fantastical, strange or otherwise unusual version of the UK? Ideally something sword and sorcery but anything will help.

I have an idea to write a story in that setting, but I want some research.

>> No.14204370

You can try Edmund Hughes books (Blood magic and arcane dropout are his better works. Heartgem homestead is hit or miss and weatherblight is a marked improvement) or the Heartstone Saga. Both monster girl smut.

>> No.14204449

There's literally thousands m8

>> No.14204460

write your own fapfiction

>> No.14204574

>Logically, Merryn is his sister then.
If you're basing that on just what Severian said I doubt it. Merryn is just a random acolyte. If Catherine had twins then it does make sense that the daughter would go to the witches. But Ouen also said that he got with several women so Severian could have a half sister. If there was any concrete evidence I'm sure it would have been figured out by now though

>> No.14204612

I wonder if Valeria is his sister that was spared the pain of being forced into a guild. Doed she look like him?

>> No.14204664

Doess anyone have a chart for military science fiction?

>> No.14204699

Yeah, it's called Starship Troopers.

>> No.14204711

uh I guess ender's game counts

>> No.14204728

No, that's shit.

>> No.14204743

I've already read the classics and I'd like to dig deeper into the genre, but don't know where to search.

>> No.14204753

When he first meets her he comments about her dark hair which might be the only physical similarity written. I have trouble buying that because Valeria is pretty confident about her ancestry. Her family has lived in the atrium of time forever. Severian's father is a nobody and his mother ran away from a religious group (probably pelerines).

>> No.14204782
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what are some good worldbuilding tips you fools can give me

i'm writing both sci-fi and fantasy so anything is valid

>> No.14204807

avoid only having one culture for a whole country/planet.

>> No.14204893

fuzzy animal people are really popular
have those

>> No.14204896

I’m currently reading Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun and it’s probably the best thing I’ve ever read. You should check it out. One thing he does is never use modern day terms to describe things. Another example is he never says “horse,” instead using “mount” or “destrier” which allows the reader to imagine whatever kind of creature they want (although he explicitly states that the horses in the story are genetically engineered and capable of cavalry charges against enemies “supported by high-energy armament”).

>> No.14205040
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>> No.14205066

Undying Mercenaries by Bv Larson
Agent Cormac Series by Neal Asher

>> No.14205275

terms of enlistment goes to shit once they actually meet the aliens imo

>> No.14205325 [DELETED] 

I refuse to add this to the mega and it makes me want to separate others and even purge some due to your disingenuous taste pushing.

>> No.14205356

Does Shadow Campaigns count as military fantasy?

>> No.14205368

kek. have sex

>> No.14205385

I see we at least got a couple new charts. That's nice.

>> No.14205394

Does it really count as a meme/troll if they genuinely disliked the books? Having bad taste isn't a crime.

>> No.14205421
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Any recommendations for stories about artificial intelligences integrating into modern society that don't involve world domination?

>> No.14205621

There's one whose name I can't remember at the moment that I read. The AI even procreate by randomizing their matrices and can have any number of parents involved. Two protagonists, one of which is similar to Motoko Kusanagi because they've spent most of their life in a prosthetic body.
Not being able to remember stuff really impedes my recs quite often. I probably won't ever get around to making it easier on myself though.

>> No.14205844

That "chart" was made in 2017, anon.
The person wanted military fantasy and first contact novels. I gave them from what I read. I didn't say they were good, but they sell, so somebody likes them.

>> No.14205853

Yea, probably and the Gun powder junkies series too.

>> No.14205907

I didn't say they were bad. That was a kneejerk reaction, I agree. It's that those aren't what people looking for military fantasy would want is the problem, because they aren't.

>> No.14205942

I don't know what people are looking for in mil fant, anon. I just know those books had a military feel to them, battles, etc. So I recommended.

>> No.14206038

Why are two women writing the dragon lance novels?

>> No.14206049

they enjoy it

>> No.14206062

Because they aren't.
Tracy Hickman is a man.
Also, there are several authors because it's a shared world.
Also, those were written decades ago.
Also, you're a complete idiot who makes assertions without verifying whether they are true and don't care as long as you get to make a point that makes you feel good.

>> No.14206084

>I don't know what people are looking for in mil fant
That's the problem.

>> No.14206093
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Weis has a juicy vag though.

>> No.14206099

When people recommend shit here they don't ever know what the person is looking for.
Look how many people come back and tell us to fuck off because the book that was recommended to them with x in mind actually had y.

>> No.14206101

Go look at those books on amazon and search thfor ought the “people who vied this book also went to view/buy these” list
That’s what I do

>> No.14206133

Fair warning, Williams D Arand is one of the better self pub others (and that says a lot). His stories while mostly about angry men and harem set ups are at least enjoyable, and have some about of depth to them.
A lot of self pub authors "just put stuff out" and they are horrible trash.
Harmon Cooper and a few others copy what others wrote and is popular at the moment, and they are TRASH self insert authors. Their stories are shit and they should be removed from publishing at gunpoint.

>> No.14206156

I dont know if someone is looking for military fantasy but I read stigers tigers a while ago. Think the series is ongoing. I don't remember the actual prose much but it's basically a roman legion in a fantasy setting. I remember lots of writing about formations and military tactics and siege and trenches if thats what you want.

>> No.14206191

Again, the problem is that you don't know what anything about what was being asked so you as you said yourself, you recommended something that you thought could very vaguely described as to have others read what you like more without any consideration as to whether it was relevant.

It's like someone saying they want heroic fantasy and someone recommends them Harry Potter because Harry is such a hero, which shows a complete lack of understanding of what is being asked as it's entirely irrelevant.

Just because others do wrong doesn't mean you ought to as well.

>> No.14206339

No chart but I'll list everything I've read and remember

Cry Pilot - Mainly training/base focused mil scifi with the plot revolving around geo-engineering reviving relics from past wars into sort of pseudo-kaiju and the humans struggling to fight them.
Infantry/pseudo-mecha focus

Hangman's Daughter - About a penal ship being hijacked and turned into a penal legion by a commander who has rigged them all with bombs. Fun enough but I stopped the sequel halfway through.
Largely footbased from what I remember

Poor Man's Fight - Hyper capitalist future society places everyone into debt from birth, protagonist is forced into the largely peacetime army because of debt just as conflict starts to re-emerge.
I adore this, it's a trilogy focused on that, then it splits off into books that are less explicitly military but still fun.
Has space battles but also lots of troop stuff too.

Undying Mercenaries - Humanity is small fish in big pond and has to provide a good/service or aliens will wipe them out, turns out humanity is great at war.
Incredibly fun pulp style series, as far as I've read it's all footsoldier stuff dealing with a different planet and different enemies each time.

Vatta's War - Initially more about running blockades etc as war breaks out but I enjoyed it. Ship based

Honor Harrington - It's age of sail battles translated to space ships even have some weird sail based form of propulsion, Weber can get very lazy as a writer so mileage may vary.

Winds of Marque - Sailboats in space again, this time dealing with pirates, wasn't too much of a fan of this one.

Imperials by Snodgrass - Incredibly unequal and fascistic society implements some social mobility via military academy. Story is about two protags one ruler one ascendant peasant dealing with largely internal plots. Lots of bittersweet writing about the lie of mobility in society but I think it pays off well by the third book which ends teasing proper war.
Largely footsoldier based iirc

Frontlines (kloos) - Another unequal society forces protag into military, you get a big old training narrative for most of book 1 but then seemingly unstoppable aliens showup and it's about learning how to fight them.

Vick's Vultures: Humans are scavengers caught between more powerful warring species until the protags rescue a combatant from one of the sides and now have to outsmart and escape the other.
Amazing ship infiltration stealth sequence in this, rest is fun enough

Valour books by Huff - Protag can see future, has to join military to stop existential threat, seemed like a neat concept when I started it but didn't read far.

Ones I thought were trash: Falkenberg's Legion, Black Star Renegades Ember War, Rift Uprising.

>> No.14206348

Read The Darkness That Comes Before based on these threads.

>Just finish the first trilogy
>Used to think Khellus was the best hero, rooting for his greatness
>I think he's still supposed to be the hero but I fucking hate him.

Do the later books end with the No God raping him (metaphorically, but also actually because he's into that shit.) I know he's incredibly powerful but the flash backs to the No God and his legions of demons make him seem like he'd wreck and human army instantly.

Team Mog here.

>> No.14206380

>being a dunyain apologist
Absolutely fucking disgusting. Rethink your life choices. Also leave before you get the second trilogy spoiled.

>> No.14206518

>the best hero
Khellus is the fucking antagonist. You are a weak willed, weak brained fool who another dunyain has captured and enslaved.
there is a head on a pole behind you

>> No.14206634

no, you're a mentally ill man

>> No.14206763
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I posted about this before but I've gone back to this and I still can't figure out if it's intentionally supposed to be a good omens style comedy or if the author intended people to treat his socially retarded but unbelievably powerful protagonist seriously.

>> No.14206787

Ha. Interesting. It was reading the Slime Dungeon right now that finally forced me to confront the question. In it, as in other litrpgs, it appears as a fully formed concept, written like it's playing to an established trope rather than inventing one. There's no self-amazed reveal, just a few quick strokes to catch you up on the nature of the dungeon core, like when you read a sequel . But a sequel to what?

>> No.14206799

That’s why you always tell autistic people that you are their friend

>> No.14206804

First time I saw dungeon cores was in a hentai dungeon crawler lol

>> No.14206806

Well the concept of a dungeon is pretty old and fully fleshed out in shit like rogue likes or old dnd role playing

So they are really just building off that

>> No.14206845

It's been discussed a few times but the general consensus is that Kel Kade has written himself into a corner and made the MC far too powerful. It's kinda too late to fix this but on the one hand i like the humor of in the series. At this point i'm just going with the flow no matter how stupid the plot gets.

>> No.14206847

No, it's quite different. A DnD dungeon is a physical place in an imagined reality, like a city or a haunted forest or any other setting. The dungeon core dungeon consumes mana and produces monsters, and is in a sense symbiotic with the adventurers who invade it.

The thing that bothers me is that all of these attributes seemed to appear all at once, which is why I suspect a hidden lineage

>> No.14206854

Are you joking?
The protag got his ass kicked by some forest goblin, also it’s so easy, just take the Chinese trope of “always a higher mountain” by adding new bigger enemies or goals or infinitely expanding horizon

>> No.14206869

Escalating conflict is a general trope, not a Chinese one.

>> No.14206879

You are completely misunderstanding.

>> No.14206906

Lmao the protag is 19, why is he horny for the first time ever 250 pages into the book

>> No.14206913

Ego from Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is a dungeon core.

>> No.14206950


>> No.14206973

Then name a good new fantasy you fat fuck

>> No.14206978

Neither is black company

>> No.14206993

Dragonslayer, For the Killing of Kings, Bone Ships, Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City,
The Ruin of Kings, Throne of the Five Winds...

>> No.14207002

Western fantasy tends to have finite borders and limits
Whereas the dao is infinite
So the MC is number one and too strong? Well then introduce the fact that the whole known world so far is just a speck of rice on the face of the continent, and there are 10 such continents in the world, and there are countless worlds, and these worlds are just lesser realms compared to the real immortal world

>> No.14207061

Yes, Western superhero comics tend to go to such absurdities as well as others. Also other eastern exist.

>> No.14207063

>sword and sorcery
>comparisons to zelazny
Ok I’m interested
>female author
Double nope
>kJ Parker
Only one I’ve heard of
>another female author
Come on dude
>female protagonist
I’m seeing a pattern

Well 2 out of 6 is better than most of the fags in this general do

>> No.14207083

Name western stories that do stuff like that

>> No.14207095

>female author
they're a man with long hair

>> No.14207107

>Chasm City better than main trilogy
you can go fuck yourself you horrible human being you

>> No.14207140

also Glory Season

>> No.14207163


>> No.14207170

No worries. I'll keep on searching, and hopefully one of us finds what you're thinking of.

>> No.14207207

yes, moggy rapes the entire great ordeal. it ends in a literal whirlwind of salt and butchery, somehow the necessary punishment for a gay cannibal holocaust that is ~30% of the final book. akka is cucked, again. male characters you are interested in are raped, again. black alien seed is splooged all over everything, again. kellhus gary stu's everything, again. esmenet is a pathetic human and screws things up royally, again. half-baked philosophy is over-generously poured over too many chapters, again.

that said, there's an interesting story buried beneath the mountains of "sEmAnTiC ApOcAlYpSe! CrAsH sPaCe of MeAnInG!!1!" bullshit. there's a couple pretty epic battles, some really interesting history revealed, but ultimately the series fails because the author isn't skilled enough to make it all work together.

if you continue through the aspect-emperor series, you're going to come out confused and frustrated and all bakker will do is say that he's happy there's no meaning anyone can discern in it.

>> No.14207222

You just BLACKED the thread.

>> No.14207264


Can anyone recommend me some actual intelligent Space Opera, Supernatural, or Dark/Gothic fantasy books. I'm sick of getting all of the same results and LARPing-ass bullshit. I want real, literary fiction. Not the dickriding D&D association.

>> No.14207289

>I want real, literary fiction.
Your definition of what that is may be mutually exclusive with what you want.

>> No.14207315

Nobody answered me, should I just read The Lord of the Rings and be done with it?

>> No.14207326

I mean, if you haven't yet, sure.
I suppose you could read the Riftwar saga.

>> No.14207421

/sffg/, my friends from my writing group seem in agreement that my main character having both an artificial hand and an artificial heart is "too much", but I don't think it is. Can I please get a third opinion?

>> No.14207449

Are they actually your friends or are they acquaintances?

Wouldn't it be a second opinion?

As to whether it's "too much" is silly. Both for them to say it's too much and for you to ask. It would be relevant if it were to say, "I want my protagonist to be blind, deaf, and mute, do you think that's too much?" but not in this way. These people are unreasonable or you are omitting important information, or both.

>> No.14207467

It had to be known.

>> No.14207468

Random post without any context

>> No.14207476

they're actual friends, which pisses me off more.

>> No.14207481

Is your idea of a friend someone who is always supportive of everything you do?

>> No.14207482

>The cover is fucking beautiful
Try not to judge books by the quality of their cover artworks.

>> No.14207483

no, but me being their friend means I've seen their art/writing. There's a reason I'm asking for a second opinion

>> No.14207495

If you don't think their input has any value, then maybe you ought not be part of it.

>> No.14207505



>> No.14207513

That means you're either trolling or being pretentious.

>> No.14207538
