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/lit/ - Literature

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14191172 No.14191172[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14191179

can i walk into a random Catholic church and confess to a priest?
is this the poorfag way of getting pseudo-CBT therapy?

>> No.14191196

when i eat bananes i cut them with a knife and use a fork

>> No.14191200

I don't see why not, they would probably just be thrilled that you're there.

>> No.14191308

I plagiarized the lightning thief.

>> No.14191332

I started with Boethius, then Proclus and slowly made my way back to Plato and the presocratics

>> No.14191438
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>I started with Boethius, then Proclus and slowly made my way back to Plato and the presocratics

>> No.14191465
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>First introduction to political theory was Ayn Rand

Kill me.

>> No.14191511

I crave dick and I have a very hard time feeling bad about it :/

>> No.14191519

I use the term spook without knowing what it means

>> No.14191527

Literally why?

>> No.14191531

I think 1984 is just the Hunger Games for boys

>> No.14191535


>> No.14191544

I only confess and ask forgiveness from God, christc*ck

>> No.14191558

I have retard brain and I physically cannot read a book, put it down, and pick it back up later. I have to read everything in one sitting or else I'm never gonna finish it. Thankfully I'm a pretty fast reader and my schedule allows me big chunks to just devote to reading but god forbid I get distracted or have to eat. I'm like 200 pages into every book and I hate it.

>> No.14191559

Enjoy purgatory.

>> No.14191603

Tongue my anus, cathoshit.

>> No.14191688
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I think JD Sallinger is the most overrated author of a time. Catcher in the Rye was extremely unrelateable, and yes I read it as a teenager in high school. I silently and privately judge everybody who relates to Holden and I have nothing but contempt for people say that it's a good book.

>> No.14191702

Reread it in your mid-20s

>> No.14191842

I skimmed it last year and still hated it. People who complain about social masks annoy the shit out of me, it's reasoning that is meted by hyper-naive individuals. These individuals hold expectations that don't correlate to reality, a make-believe social theory learned from god-knows-what. When this conception of the world comes into contention with experience, rather than acknowledge their own naivete, this individual doubles down on their fantasy world and loathes reality for not conforming to it.

To boil it down to it's basic components, it's an individual who bemoans having to let go of their ignorance. It's a coward who refuses to bear witness to reality in all its glory and all its horror. It's the manifestation of a weak will, and a weak character, and I have little patience for such qualities.

I will never like that book. It grates against my very soul.

>> No.14191876

Hearing confessions while not being a priest is an excommunicable offense.

>> No.14191890

You're a fucking virgin and your opinion is discarded. I'd suck Salinger's dick if the opportunity showed itself.

>> No.14191891

I wish god is real just so i can spit in his face for making me an ugly manlet loser in this day and age.

>> No.14191910

>Not knowing what purgatory is.
>Probably spews shit about unbaptized infants and limbo.

>> No.14191921
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I needn't even discard your opinion; reality itself discards it every day, ossifying your soul and making you progressively more bitter.

>> No.14191945

>Critiques someone for warning them they'll have to purge their sins after death if they don't confess by complaining they don't know what purgatory is
Wew lad.

>> No.14191960

I'm 27 y/o khv. Never asked anyone out, not sure if I will because I don't care.
The social stigma on the other hand, feels a heavier weight to me.

>> No.14192006

You'll go to purgatory anyways, player. To remove the scars that sin has left on your soul

>> No.14192040

>because I don't care.
You don't care so much that you made a post about it. So what's the real reason?

>> No.14192055

Like I said, about the social stigma I do care. Whatever people think about me affects me greatly.

>> No.14192200

You first, padre.

>> No.14192207

Purgatory's not even real, fags. You're welcome t. Reformed chad

>> No.14192209

People care even less. Most people wouldn't even care if you dropped dead right the fuck now.

>> No.14192223

I never read the Bible

>> No.14192251

I struggle with my faith :(

>> No.14192285

>The social stigma on the other hand, feels a heavier weight to me.
Does anyone actually know, though? I'm a 28 y/o kv but everyone assumes i'm normal. Just don't tell them if it bothers you

>> No.14192625

I coom

>> No.14192638


>> No.14193440

same, one day I'm sure of it the next I'm doubting everything

>> No.14193465

I shit on The Republic. Literally. I emptied my bowels upon a cheap Hackett copy of Plato. Wiped my ass and threw the whole mess into the garbage. Fuck Plato.

>> No.14193485

29 year old khv. Being an ogre sucks. I've slowly come to accept that I will not have anybody to grow old with. I will go innawoods once I get older and have no family left.

>> No.14193528

Judging a book based on how "relatable" its characters are is exactly the kind of thing an immature adolescent like Holden would do.

>> No.14193573

It certainly doesn't have anything else going for it. The plot is trite, the setting is generic, the prose is mediocre. In an attempt to understand why the book gets shilled so hard, I read plenty of opinions on the matter and they were all variations of the same thing: relateability.

Would rather read yet another half-finished Kafka novel where he can't refrain from dedicating an entire chapter to his self-insert womanizing some random minor character.

>> No.14193591
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Glad I'm not alone

>> No.14193653

I haven't read a book in months.

>> No.14193747

>probably an actual woman

>> No.14193754

I fucking hate Protestants

>> No.14193757

My life sucks, I wish I was dead

>> No.14194011

I'm a liberal elitist that advocates for rights for everyone, but deeply despises the uneducated. Every now and then my best friend gets mad at me because I say something elitist, like mocking public education --as I never assisted to a public school--.

It depends. For some people, religious or moral redeem might be enough to get rid of their guilt. Unless you're not dealing with something deeper, that requires actual psychological assistance, and if you have faith in that sort of thing, why not?

>> No.14194024

Yikes, I'm methodist and we don't do confessionals at MY church.

>> No.14194028

t. Midwit.

>> No.14194104

I don't know who your favorite author is, or who anybody is for that matter.

>> No.14194120
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>and use a fork

>> No.14194145

I can't read. Someone had to read this post for me.

>> No.14194153

Im german and I dont like Goethe

>> No.14194157

I am deathly afraid of dying.

>> No.14194169

My escapades of spray painting my shitty school led to a man dying when repainting the school over the summer.
I feel like I indirectly caused a death of a man.

>> No.14194265

I grew out of it. Now I really don't care anymore.
Not in a sad, nihilistic way, but more in an acceptance kind of way. I have better things to do with my time. Like read books. And shitpost on message boards. Yeah, much better things to do.

>> No.14194318
File: 42 KB, 640x640, 1571548237791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a lapsed Catholic since I was maybe 13 or so. I was Baptized/Confirmed all that stuff as a younger dude. I've been looking at getting back into Catholicism after looking around at other belief systems in the time I quit being religious. What do I do crew? I prefer to let strangers on the internet make decisions for me.

>> No.14194326

oh wow i guess lit isnt a high IQ board after all just like the rest of you brainlets!