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14189741 No.14189741 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14189792

He will be vindicated

>> No.14190117

not dead fuck off

>> No.14190121

He's 77.
How long can he live anyways.
My guess is that Pynchon will live linger

>> No.14190514

>How long can he live anyways
He was eating home-cooked, calorie-restricted meals and laboring outdoors for decades. Probably extended his life into the 90s doing that

>> No.14190518

i read his book. 7/10

>> No.14190531

Yeah but prison life and stress will shorten his life span by, at least, 5 years.

>> No.14190538

so 85-90

>> No.14190560

dude's serving a gorillion years for domestic terrorism, sits in his cell all day long, gets three hot meals a day and can spend his time reading and writing. what's there to be stressed about? he's not up at fucking oz dodging hiv needles

>> No.14190594

yeah, but he's not able to fondle qt blonde twinks in prison, is he now?

>> No.14190661

I'm pretty sure they make his life hellish.
Imagine living so many years free in the mountains, /out/doors all the time, doing stuff and now you have 1 hour of air a day and limited access to informations, news and are basically muted while people talk about you all the time, they do whatever with your life long work, sell it, edit it and you aren't allowed to intervene.

>> No.14190949

>they do whatever with your life long work, sell it, edit it and you aren't allowed to intervene
Ted wrote forewords for Technological Slavery though in which he expresses his thoughts about that. He knows that's the only thing he can do but he wants his stuff out there.

>> No.14191078

Yeah and he says that he isn't happy at all about what they did with it, that he had more to add stuff to revise

>> No.14191088
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>> No.14192161
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We should break him out so he enjoys his last years out in the wilderness

>> No.14192378

I hope he at least gets to be remembered as some sort of Jesus of the coming era.

>> No.14192444

>implying he would survive more than a week

>> No.14192519

Free my nibba ted
He didnt do nuthin

>> No.14192535


>> No.14192543

based retard

>> No.14192614


>> No.14192701

He built a cabin and lived in it almost completely isolated for decades you retard
I swear 95% of the people who criticize Ted can't even skim his wikipedia page first

>> No.14192741

I'm pretty sure that he means that he's gonna have a hard time as an old man living like that.
You folks like common sense, I swear you sound retarded

>> No.14192745
