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14189365 No.14189365[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>few inches of height
>few millimeters of jawbone
>few centimeters of hairline
>few inches of penile length
These things define your life more than decades of intensive education and reading ever could. How do you cope with this terrible knowledge?

>> No.14189374
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I just read and listen to music

>> No.14189377
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>How do you cope with this terrible knowledge?

>> No.14189379

Sartre, a small hideous man, fucked Beauvoir. She may not have been the sexiest woman in existence but I would be thrilled to be in any sort of relationship with a woman like her. You think she would have had anything to do with him if he weren't so educated?

>> No.14189380

By restoring the balance, returning women to their former status as contented domestics ruled over by men, and waiting a generation or two for modern Jew-harnessed sexual degeneracy to normalize, so that sex goes back to being a minor part of our human life instead of being the gigantic hypertrophied main focus of it

>> No.14189383

>You think she would have had anything to do with him if he weren't so educated?

Women don't give a fuck about anything but looks, status and money

>> No.14189386

She's an uggo and she cucked him for the entire length of their relationship.

>> No.14189411

>penile length
>not penile girth

Pencil dicks lose to battering rams every time.

>> No.14189418

How did he become famous/respected? His education.
Maybe an uggo to you but she's sexy to me. As for the cucking, consider Sartre for a moment. Look at the man. Most guys who look like that wouldn't even have the privileged of being cucked by a woman like her. I'd say he did pretty well for himself, all things considered.

>> No.14189419

>How did he become famous/respected? His education.

You have better odds of winning the lottery than becoming a respected, famous writer retard.

>> No.14189422

>Most guys who look like that wouldn't even have the privileged of being cucked by a woman like her. I'd say he did pretty well for himself, all things considered.
God, you're pathetic

>> No.14189430

You're a cuck yourself if you think that your dignity is not worth more than getting to smell some uggo's pussy after she has been pounded by her bull.

>> No.14189431
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>even have the privileged of being cucked by a woman like her

>> No.14189432

True. Fortunately I just read Solitude by a psychoanalyst named Anthony Storr, and he gives several examples of men who found happiness and fulfillment in art or science because they couldn't form intimate relationships with people. I know I'm short and ugly and women want nothing to do with me, but that doesn't mean my life can't still have some redeeming qualities.

>> No.14189433

Lol relationships are a spook.

>> No.14189470

>virgin and never done anything more then kiss a girl before 21

>24 and hooked up/fucked 11 girls this year

there's hope 4 everyone except ugly dudes bros.

>> No.14189480

nobody cares manwhore

>> No.14189482

You mean by selling himself as a celebrity. Anyone can bullshit their way through it while being uneducated. Just look at entrepreneurs.

>> No.14189485

based femcel

>> No.14189489

>except ugly dudes
No, even they have a chance. I see ugly guys with girlfriends everyday. Their advantage is that they're unaware of their ugliness so they're still able to exude confidence.

>> No.14189491

post your cute feet so i can contemplate you in ethereal form without ever despoiling you

>> No.14189496

This is it. Intellectually, he's a nobody. Heidegger himself BTFO'd him about his misreadings of Sein und Zeit.

>> No.14189498

>there's hope 4 everyone
We're all gonna make it
>except ugly dudes
Oh no

>> No.14189505

This is epic, ignore OP

>> No.14189507

He is a nobody to people on /lit/ but at one point a lot of people took him very seriously.

>> No.14189509


I'm on 4chan and we're in an off topic thread, what do you want from me, deep discussion? We have 4-5 incel threads on here daily.


Well you're right, but if you are ugly it makes it so much harder to gain any confidence when you didn't have it in the first place. I wasn't bad looking and i had 0 confidence, what hope is there for you if you're a 2 in looks.

>> No.14189518

Disregard the Sartre/cuckold talk, the truth is that couple nanometers of neurons are in fact more defining when it comes to your happiness than most of the things listed by OP. Sartre is a silly example ad absurdum, but no matter how you look at it, 102 IQ Chad with all Chad characteristics will never lead the life of a 115 IQ man with little bit worse hairline, because only the latter will ever be able to get a well-educated, well-connected and wealthy wife. Talking about 2mm of jawbone is incel cope.

>> No.14189525

That really depends upon what you want to achieve though, and how you choose to define your life, does it not? If you have all of those things but your IQ is 80, you’re never going to achieve much intellectually. How do you define your life and what is achievement to you?

>> No.14189529

Worse genetics don't stop at looks. Incels are usually less intelligent as well, even though they often fancy themselves as intellectuals to cope with their physical inferiority.

>> No.14189535

>low level inceldom shilling
/lit/ is sinking more and more everyday, every single day

>> No.14189541

dick size is a meme. unless you have literal micropenis you're never going to get turned down for sex if you've gotten far enough to take all your clothes off.
t. big dick that does nothing besides bottom out

>> No.14189550

Cope. Women associate big dicks with masculinity and dominance. The visuals of a big dick turn them on on a primal level.

And even though they'll complain all day long about how hard it is to handle a big dick, you can bet that they'll sooner call the guy known for having a huge dick than the guy who's 4.5x4.

>> No.14189554

Not really. Only retards more identifiable with celebrity gossip than intellectualism.

>> No.14189557

My boyfriend has a small dick but I love his poetry if that makes you feel better

>> No.14189561
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>people on /lit/

>> No.14189616

you go back to >>>/r9k/

>> No.14189634

Guys also are attracted to big tits , pretty face, big ass but that means nil in real life. Love and divinity reach farther than superficial devotion to the senses. Be above it, anon. Don't get sucked into the slavery of your senses. Just because others are doing so, doesn't mean you should too..

>> No.14189644

Men have varying tastes in women. Women only have one type of guy that they like. Women are also several times as selective as men, so the fact that men fuck everything that moves doesn't help with making your case one bit.

>> No.14189648

You're overgeneralizing men and simplifying women. Not all men fuck whatever they can. If they have good morals and a strong head on their shoulders, they'll wait for the right woman regardless of her features (to an extent, obviously.) Same with women. If she's q virtuous person, she won't give a shit about superficial features since she knows better

>> No.14189649

You're way too optimistic about women lmao

>> No.14189651

>Women only have one type of guy that they like.
You're actually a fucking idiot

>> No.14189657
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>> No.14189659

I've struggled with this for years. Why was I given all these positive characteristics by sheer luck while some of my closest family members weren't? It kills me inside, especially when thinking about a few close family members who will most likely never get married or have a good career. Meanwhile I've been a lazy asshole my entire life yet was born tall, good enough looks, smart enough to finish college/career all of which I attribute to my intelligence as I never put that much effort into my schooling.

>> No.14189667

Yeah there's zero righteous women on Earth and every single happy marriage is a sham bro. Thanks for your epic conspiracy, you've revealed something astonishing and utterly true.
Just date guys.

>> No.14189673
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I cope by having a boyfriend and a mutually beneficial, happy relationship.
Besides that: this society fails both men and women but lookists blame their average looks for their staggeringly poor personalities.

>> No.14189675

Or rather, they blame their average looks when the poor personality is the genuine cause.

>> No.14189681

I went to an all boys school. We went on an excursion with the girls school one time during summer.

One of the boys (Marcel) fucked 21 girls in 2 weeks. He got 5 of them pregnant at 16. I didn't flirt or talk with a single. I do not understand how what he did was possible.

>> No.14189685

When will you retards realize that personality doesn't fucking matter in women's attraction?

>> No.14189687

Was Marcel some godlike Chad or just not really choosy?

>> No.14189694

He looked no different than any of the other boys. He was short for his age, and he had a silly looking moustache.

>> No.14189703

What happened afterwards? Were the girls all uggos?

>> No.14189705
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You're an unpleasant person. This is the truth.
You can blame it on your allegedly poor looks, but at the end of the day ugly people get laid all the time. Your obsession with getting laid and with your poor model of the female mind has warped your perception of reality. You are an inverted feminist.

>> No.14189717


Confidence at 16 goes a long way, it's why just a few boys had the pick of the litter at highschools.

>> No.14189723

Buying condoms at that age is awkward, and girls that age are really fucking stupid and underestimate how safe condoms are. Whenever we had house parties, pussy is guaranteed as long as you know how to behave the same in front of girls as you do with everyone else. Girls are for the most part attracted to people who are comfortable with being themselves. If you try to act like someone you're not, it's obvious and looks beta as fuck. High school girls are especially susceptible to confidence, because again, they're stupid.

This is truth. I have a crooked jaw, had shitty skin as a teen, and am pretty short, but still got girls simply because I treat them like any other person.

>> No.14189733
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How do you people have delusions this severe, yet they don't crumble under the weight of their own absurdity? How can you keep saying such basic bitch just world shit with a straight face?

>> No.14189745

It's not just-world nonsense. The world is not fair. It also isn't all about your looks. You have a warped perception of reality that you should strive to correct.

>> No.14189756

Where are you getting this idea from?

Better looking people have greater success in dating in every possible metric. They have more partners and need to try less.

In job scenarios the same thing happens. Taller better looking people rise through the ranks quicker. This is proven by statistics.

>> No.14189760

You only need one person, dude.

>> No.14189761

>statistics and science is bullshit, dude

ok genius

>> No.14189764

Looks are the single biggest influence on what course your life will take, after whether you were born into a rich, educated, and influential family, or a family of born-to-be-a-slave proles.

>> No.14189772


>> No.14189783

It may or may not be true, it's just not important. At least to me. You're telling me about things that I don't care about. I'm happy with my one (1) sexual partner and my clerical job. If I wanted to bang someone new every week and I wanted to engage with capitalism any more than I need to to literally survive, then I guess the things you're talking about would matter to me.

Your obsession with Who Is Having Sex has warped your brain. Even if you lift, even if you looks max, you will still be an ugly person on the inside and you will have difficulty finding someone to have a relationship with. That's my take. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.14189813 [DELETED] 

Morphological attractiveness is based on biological superiority, for example a strong/defined Jaw is the result of high testosterone levels, height naturally offers great strength, and so does a large chest, broad soldiers, all of these factors. For women however wide hips are attractive for birthing, plump (but not too plump as then it goes beyond the initial attraction into absurdity losing its original benefit) lips are the result of higher oestrogen levels, big round eyes the same. Feminine women, and masculine men. All these reasons are also why children and babies of both sexes have these typically feminine features, and so you wish to protect them, like a cat or kitten also, because you recognise them as weaker than yourself in individual survival and that is mans compassion taking forth. Though of course the sexual aspect of the desire is totally removed and remains an option only for the adult of the opposite sex. It also extends to race: a well defined European nose is of superior facial angle and so cranial size as well as of the colder (more suffering) climate and finds a more beautiful shaping to it, it is the same reason, in regards to facial angle, why a protruding mouth is also unattractive.

Morphological attraction is not always representative of certain states of being, look at Kant for example, or Socrates, or Schopenhauer -- none by any means "attractive" in the traditionally masculine sense but a look of interest, for that is representative of a higher intelligence/character/will, and so remains a higher attraction in itself. All of these traits blend together, for example the morphological traiting of a negro forbid this same higher look of interest, just as an extremely effeminate man likely would. All related yet simultaneously unrelated in their many exceptions.

T. 6 ft 4, good looking, intelligent chad

>> No.14189815

Maybe a third of your personality is "defined" by genetics. Incels are usually in the middle of the bell curve when it comes to IQ, they're just reluctant to adapt to social norms.

>> No.14189825

Thanks for this crucial detail, now this is some good prose in your post

>> No.14189827
File: 44 KB, 250x409, Race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morphological attractiveness is based on biological superiority, for example a strong/defined Jaw is the result of high testosterone levels, height naturally offers great strength, and so does a large chest, broad soldiers, all of these factors. For women however wide hips are attractive for birthing, plump (but not too plump as then it goes beyond the initial attraction into absurdity losing its original benefit) lips are the result of higher oestrogen levels, big round eyes the same. Feminine women, and masculine men. All these reasons are also why children and babies of both sexes have these typically feminine features, and so you wish to protect them, like a cat or kitten also, because you recognise them as weaker than yourself in individual survival and that is mans compassion taking forth. Though of course the sexual aspect of the desire is totally removed and remains an option only for the adult of the opposite sex. It also extends to race: a well defined European nose is of superior facial angle and so cranial size as well as of the colder (more suffering) climate and finds a more beautiful shaping to it, it is the same reason, in regards to facial angle, why a protruding mouth is also unattractive.

Morphological attraction is not always representative of certain states of being, look at Kant for example, or Socrates, or Schopenhauer -- none by any means "attractive" in the traditionally masculine sense but a look of interest, for that is representative of a higher intelligence/character/will, and so remains a higher attraction in itself. All of these traits blend together, for example the morphological traiting of a negro forbid this same higher look of interest, just as an extremely effeminate man likely would. All related yet simultaneously unrelated in their many exceptions.

T. 6 ft 4, good looking, intelligent chad

>> No.14189832
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In regards to personality, morphology both plays a role in character, but also does not. As if shaping what is already there, or perhaps what is already there shaping the latter morphological character, whatever it is there is much interplay.

>> No.14189838

>all these fucking idiots itt defending how character, will and intellect define your life also where in they do not realise they are going by Op's standard of the social life
Still the hormones relating to jawbone have an effect on your character.

>> No.14189996
File: 82 KB, 625x804, Bientot-une-station-de-metro-Serge-Gainsbourg-aux-Lilas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Gainsbourg, he might be an ugly alcoholic kike but he was with some nice-looking women.

>> No.14190019

But that already discredits OPs original post. Besides it is also predicated on the idea that women are the be all and end all of life. I sincerely dislike women due to a bad experience with my cousin when I was 8. I have zero interest in ever being in a relationship and I have had sex a few times in my teens but after turning 20 I just don't care about women. I would however sell my right hand for money.

>> No.14190057
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im not convinced without the data. Like anything else, I believe the cold hard red pill is that men and women have preferences you can categorize. You can organize them however you like, I like to organize them according to Physical, Mental, and Spiritual preferences.

You are giving too much weight to physical preferences, I am not so convinced females are mostly influenced by physical qualities, not to mention you state an incredibly subjective assumption that will vary according to the readers own preferences in what they value in life.

>> No.14190096

27 5'4 khv manlet here.

>> No.14190101

>These things define your life more than decades of intensive education and reading ever could
Only if you're an idiot

>> No.14190145

This board has really gone downhill.

>> No.14190213
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Dear God the board is turning blue..

>> No.14190243

Is it just me, or is an ugly, world-weary, decadent, womanizing artist some sort of popular archetype in France?

>> No.14190253

Got told by multiple nonrelated-women I am attractive. I can make girls laugh pretty easily. I mean they pretty much start laughing as soon as you just show the intention to make them laugh. Im still a virgin with 24. Girls dont throw themselves at you for being attractive. I never actually met a girl I was really interested in. You know having a crush, falling in love how does that work? You really have to try hard to like someone. Its pretty much all about the effort you put in to show a girl that you like her. I would never show a girl I like her I mean what kinda pathetic needy super cuck would flirt or give girls attention? I will never find someone but thats okay because for me its really not worth the effort. Irs not like I have many hobbies I could share anyway.

>> No.14190264

It somewhat is, or at least it seems we have more of these.

>> No.14190280

Have you ever heard of women with a BBM (big beautiful man) fetish? or a butterface fetish?

>> No.14190281

Please consider ridding the gene pool of your defective genes

>> No.14190307

What's this referencing?

>> No.14190328

I don't think it's refering anything in specific, just how some incels would prefer to take the bluepill because they can't cope anymore. Also it was made by a based artcel.

>> No.14190334


>> No.14190351
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I don't need to cope, as I have no interest in sex or romantic relationships.

>> No.14190378

Based and celibatepilled

>> No.14190422

He fucked much more women than just beauvoir. She accepted it

>> No.14190434

I don’t need any of those, I got qt3.14 Jewish gf heeheheheheheh

>> No.14190441

Yes it is. But you need talent. Something incels don't have.