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14155317 No.14155317[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are most historical philosophers men?
It doesn't make sense, because nowadays Philosophy attracts women the most, and men are in tech and engineering jobs.

>> No.14155324

>nowadays Philosophy attracts women the most
lol no

>> No.14155326

Most modern philosophers are men. I can only think of a few female philosophers

Susan Blackmore
Judith Butler
Paula Churchland

>> No.14155335

Um, this is not true. In my uni, every single philosophy professor I've had is female, and my coding professors have been male.
Also, name one MALE philosophy youtuber. There's none. There's a lot of female philosophy youtubers though.

>> No.14155340
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The Jews desu

>> No.14155341

A simple answer that women don't like to hear is that men have much more variable IQ's than women. This means that there are more male geniuses and idiots compared to women who are much more average. This reality informs behavior and societal expectations so men were classically given more preference in education. In a world where efficiency is important it doesn't make sense to try and turn a bunch of midwit women into scientists.

>> No.14155344

Think I might have spotted something which could explain this

>> No.14155345

Females don't come up with original ideas in philosophy

>> No.14155349
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>nowadays Philosophy attracts women the most,

Why is this?

>> No.14155348

technology didn't exist back then

>> No.14155351

>midwit women into scientists
Okay, I'm new on this site, but holy shit I didn't know you guys were incels. You don't ACTUALLY believe this, do you?? There are a shit ton of genius women in the world that are world renowned scientist. Why do you keep believing this chauvinistic myth? That's extremely absurd.

>> No.14155356

Historically, philosophers were always also mathematicians and scientists in general. Science is a male dominated field, however, philosophy in current times has shifted to the humanities for some reason, hence, the whamin.

>> No.14155357

Do they come up with something new or just rehash the same ideas over and over again?

>> No.14155365


>> No.14155366

Piss off

>> No.14155374

Is this what you guys actually believe in order to satisfy your fragile male ego? You actually think the ideas of female philosophers are mere "rehashes"?? This is beyond pathetic.

Technology has always existed you idiot, it's not just as advanced today.

??? I have no idea what you are talking about.

Women are better at mathematics so it doesn't make sense that there are still way more male philosophers.

>> No.14155375

>just rehash the same ideas over and over again?
How else would you know they were philosophers?

>> No.14155380

Tell me one original idea by a woman philosopher. I'll be waiting. I don't have work today.

>> No.14155381
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There are no philosophers in academia. Women are just better manipulators.

>> No.14155383

>Technology has always existed you idiot

Um actually technology was invented in the 80s

>> No.14155389
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>Women are better at mathematics

>> No.14155392

Hmm, why am I not surprised that the Literature subsite of this website adores Jordan Peterson?
Just how insecure must you people be?

People had desert wheels, sand mills, rock cars, knives, weapons, and utensils back then. Those are considered technology, and they require heavy math in order to design and manufacture, hence why it's mostly women who designed them because they are better at the field.

>> No.14155401
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>Just how insecure must you people be?

>> No.14155412

They are better at mathematics. THAN YOU. But then again you sound like a moron so it shouldn’t be hard.

>> No.14155417

Thank me later.

You can look that up yourself.

>> No.14155418

Which philosophers discuss falling for obvious bait?

>> No.14155428

How did you get that Jordan Peterson is adored from that post?

>> No.14155431

nice reading comprehension moron

>> No.14155434

Those articles are grasping at straws; none of those woman have made any achievements or contributions to math.

>> No.14155436

>Women are better at mathematics
>Thinks /lit/ likes Peterson
>Doesn't recognize sarcasm
>You can tell xhe is literally shaking by the sheer amount of mysoginy on display

Holy FUCK this has to be bait

>> No.14155448

>nowadays Philosophy attracts women the most
It really doesn't. I can remember single digit women in most of my upper level undergraduate courses and even less in grad school. Academic philosophy simply does not attract women, although the ones that are there receive a lot of attention, I will concede that.

You either didn't get past intro Ethics classes or you're at a shit school because this is not the case in most places

>Also, name one MALE philosophy youtuber.
Dr. Sadler, easy. Also, I didn't realize this was the new metric we're using for philosophers, rather than academic publications and teaching positions. lel.

Groundbreaking, lad.

>philosophy in current times has shifted to the humanities for some reason
You know that past the undergrad level, and assuming you're not in France, most philosophy is still firmly in the analytic tradition?

I was originally going to chide you for your lack of subtlety, but somehow what you're doing is working, so keep it up, sport

>> No.14155457
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They smell like a grimey newfag, fresh of the reddit migrant boat.

Lurk for two more years, OP. You don't have to go back but you can't post here.

>> No.14155467

slit your throat you subhuman waste of space

>> No.14155522
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>> No.14155526

I talked about Ayn Rand too, and all I got is "har barr female philosophers aren't original and are just rehashes derrr". It's freaking annoying.

>> No.14155538

Nice try incel. Try having more sex, sweaty.

>> No.14155541
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>sees lobster meme
>doesn't understand it
>thinks /lit/ likes p. eterson

>> No.14155542

Not a philosopher, nor anyone intelligent

>> No.14155544

>you're an incel
>no you're an incel!
Nice argument, buddy.

>> No.14155557

I'm not actually calling them an incel because I don't have the weird obsession with sex that leftists do. I'm making fun of them, and the spelling error in "sweaty" should have tipped you off, at least.

>> No.14155579
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>all these bait posts about women getting (you)s

>> No.14155652

t. incel

>> No.14155681

I dont think modern philosophy attracts women the most, but I do have a different criticism

Women only ever philosophise about feminism and other useless movements because they only care about themselves, give me one female philosopher who actually comes up with original ideas about morality/ethics/the meaning of life, and either, criticised feminism, or atleast ignores it in their works.

Mary Wollstonecraft was one of the earliest, well known female philosophers and only really cared about feminism. but up until then, women had made very few contributions to the field of philosophy, and still dont make any contributions other than muhh feminism and muh idpol

>> No.14155872

>Da jooz

>> No.14155880

This desu. Women only talk about themselves. I'm very lucky myself to have a girlfriend that actually cares about me and other people, not just herself.

>> No.14155884

Philosophy transitioned from an attempt to understand reality to semantic word games to justify behaviours and neuroses. Since women by nature are prone to doing this they are natural born “philosophers”

>> No.14155904
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>nowadays Philosophy attracts women the most,
wmen have always be in awe of mental masturbation, because
-they suck at it
-the rationalists keep saying that fantasies lead to truth knowledge and morality, whereas all fantasies do is keep people cravings for sex and arguing
Professional intellectuals have turned this into entertainment and women have held salons where coomers and sluts could speculate and dream of changing the world after their orgy, feeling good about themselves.

This is why intellectuals and women crave the bourgeoisie and why the Humanists are here for a long time. Even mao could not kill them all.

>> No.14155911

Anne conway and Damaris masham were big influences on leibniz

>> No.14155929

Who the fuck let you out of the kitchen?

>> No.14155936

Stefan Molyneux

>> No.14155938

The level of cope in those articles.
It's unhealthy.

>> No.14155941

Nowadays we have no philosophy. Everything is just gnostic or marxist propaganda.

>> No.14155943

>gnostic or marxist
Redundant. Marxism is a subbranch of gnosticism.

>> No.14155985

Agreed. But not every gnostic teaching is marxist. Take Jung as an example.

>> No.14156005

before the bourgeois took over, the christians naturally excluded women from thinking. the best they could do was letting some nuns talk about having orgasms during their mediation [which is retarded but sluts cannot understand this] because women always relate their experience to sex.

Plus really even the christian monks were not great. all they could manage is to write about their peak autism on god and babble about sex.

>> No.14156038

t. seething christian orthodoxytards who hate Marxism and Gnosticism so they join them together

kind of like how Jordan peterson joins together Marxism and postmodernism and idpol.

"Gnosticism" is just Platonism&Neoplatonism that was corrupted by the Sethianism, if you really want to understand what Gnosticism was then read Valentinian Gnostic texts, neoplatonic texts or hermetic texts. Not garbage Sethian Misotheistic texts like the Apocryphon of John.

>> No.14156099

Neoplatonism (only, not Platon who is anti-gnostic) is indeed largely in line with gnosticism, but gnosticism doesn't at all necessitates a plotinian view.
As for Marx, his gnosticism is not really in question. Even when asked what precedents to his thought there was, he cited various gnostic sects of history.

>> No.14156100

The reason why gnostics read platonism is because of their firm belief in the idea that forma are the only thing that exists. For example, they say you are a soul with a body (not a conjunction of body and soul). The important difference between platonism and gnosticism is that while the gnostics see evil as the inherent ruling element of our material world, Plato saw Good as the inherent ruling element of existence, which material things try to imitate. In this sense, gnosticism and platonism are opposites.

The reason that marxism is gnostic is not because of a direct philosophical succession, but because gnosticism gave rise to the revolutionary mentality that is inherent in marxism. Their desire and justification can be traced back to gnosticism. Furthermore, you should also look for the relationship between gnostic ideas and marxism: Karl Marx, for example, was a known gnostic.

>> No.14156110

If you read the Bible you’d understood phenomenon

>> No.14156118

How can I get a transformed bimbo gf at uni?

>> No.14156164

Im gonna need a source for Karl Marx being influenced by Gnosticism - The Gnostic texts like those in Nag Hammadi hadnt even been rediscovered during Marx's lifetime, unless your claim is that he was influenced by what was written in irenaeus against heresies, which is specifically criticising Sethian Gnosticism, I have actually just been debating this near the end of this thread

What Plotinus criticized, specifically, was Sethian Gnosticism. Valentinian Gnosticism, is literally the same as Neoplatonism, but the church fathers grouped all the Gnostics together under the beliefs of Sethianism because they were the most heretical, even though Valentinian Gnostics opposed Sethian Gnostics for the exact same reasons the Neoplatonists did.

the bottom line:
The Sethians were the God hating, world hating misotheists, the Valentinians were much more optimistic and believed Yaldabaoth was just a force emanated by the Plemora & the Aeons

>> No.14156208

oop. unsage

>> No.14156220

i do analytic philosophy and it's heavily male-dominated. women tend to be into philosophy if it's more sociological/historical (i.e. continental), but analytic philosophy is still heavily male because of its closeness to mathematics

>> No.14156225

Dr. Sadler you imbecile.

>> No.14156314

the female argument
>do the bare minimum
> cry oppression while doing it
>congratulations your useless accomplishment is now on the same level as actual breakthroughs.

>> No.14156405

What I found interesting of late is that Mao was ineffective. 84% of the elite ruling class today in China are direct descendants of the pre Mao rulers. Perhaps the French with their guillotines and Pol Pot were on to something. The rich are crafty devils forever jumping over the nets we use to keep them from being monstrous. Mao was not skillful enough to defeat them even with his considerable body count.

>> No.14156428

On your second reply. you know that was a joke, right?

>> No.14156448

>Women are better at mathematics

>> No.14156454

Ada Lovelace.
Sure she was just the assistant of another male mathematician, but she's still a major contributor.

>> No.14156459

IDK I think the scholastics, and even some of the pre-scolastics of the 900's had some pretty interesting mental exercises when it came to metaphysics and logical reasoning. usually it wasnt applied stuff, like in government or business, but it was rather in depth.

>> No.14156471

Of course, but come on you just can't make an embarrassing statement like that.

>> No.14156475
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Reminder that the ideal life according to women is having sex and idle chatting about current events

>> No.14156500

as if men's ideal life is any different

>> No.14156513

sex, success, money, and power are more akin to men

>> No.14156633
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>> No.14156638
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>> No.14156655

18% of modern philosophers are women, anon

>> No.14156666

Two words: Harriet. Thatcher.

>> No.14156671

Two words: Margaret. Thatcher.

>> No.14156693

Any philosophy women do is in dilettante. In fact, anything women do before and after sex is in dilettante.

Imagine a child without parental supervision or discipline, and the body of an adult. A child who's aware of how people fawn over it and the power it holds to do anything it wants.

There, you have a woman.

one of the biggest red pills is the first time you realize that women experience literally no disconnect between saying X when it feels good to say X, and completely betraying and contradicting X five seconds later when it feels good to do that. women like to "try on" male-centric morals and virtues like children playing dress-up, but they don't actually know what it means to set up a virtue as an objective principle for oneself and then resist the temptation to break it in future moments when it stops being convenient and pleasant.

so if you ask a woman what kind of guy she values, she will blab on and on for hours about how noble she is and how she sees through superficiality and only wants sweet genuine men and etc., etc., etc. then five seconds later she'll completely contradict everything she said. the key thing to understand about women is that they don't perceive any difference here. from a man's perspective, you are thinking "but she said 'i only do X' and two seconds later she did 'non-X'?" this is because the fundamental modality of male consciousness is erecting principles and trying to follow them - even if you're a shitty man, it just means you're shitty and weak at erecting principles, not that the FUNDAMENTAL modality of principle-erection is absent. a woman's fundamental modality is "doing what i feel like." to a woman, that behavior is completely consistent: in the first instance, she did what she felt like. then she did what she felt like again. only a man perceives that the CONTENT of the actions was contradictory, i.e., would be contradictory if performed by a man. but for a woman whose primary stream of consciousness is "what do i want to do right now? :) perhaps i'll wear a ribbon in my hair tomorrow, tra la la!," no such contradiction occurred, or indeed is even possible.

>> No.14156756

actually based

>> No.14156801
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>> No.14156809

it is depressing to think that there’re people who actually hold such notions

>> No.14156822

ok boomer

>> No.14156831

>literally no disconnect between saying X when it feels good to say X, and completely betraying and contradicting X five seconds later when it feels good to do that.
apparently im a chick

>> No.14156833

>spelling error [...] should have tipped you off
no, half of /lit/ is illiterate

>> No.14156836

I only know MALE philosophers on YouTube. Cuckphilosophy, then&now, Gunnar kaiser.

>> No.14156850

you say it's depressing, but it felt good to say it, didn't it?

>> No.14156874

your moms pussy felt good whitey

>> No.14156880


>> No.14157079

>there are no male philosophers anymore
>name one MALE philosophy youtuber

Please leave