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/lit/ - Literature

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14146185 No.14146185 [Reply] [Original]

>prominent atheist figures such as the late Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins have praised the King James Version as being "a giant step in the maturing of English literature" and "a great work of literature", respectively, with Dawkins then adding, "A native speaker of English who has never read a word of the King James Bible is verging on the barbarian".[162][163]

>> No.14146193

Whoa, two youtube tier soundbite pundits from 1993 think I should read it?!

>> No.14146236

>imagine reading the bible

>> No.14146252 [DELETED] 

>t. R*dditor

>> No.14146254

Because I'm Jewish.

>> No.14146258 [DELETED] 

So was Bloom.

>> No.14147179

So how am I supposed to read the bible? Like just start in Genesis and keep going?

>> No.14147188
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This is now a Douay-Rheims thread.
Reminder that Douay-Rheims
>Is more poetic
>More beautiful
>Came out earlier
>Got ripped off by KJV
>Is just way better in every way possible

>> No.14147200

OT is a fucking slog. Reading the Pentateuch might be worth it all in one sequence but really, you can read Genesis and Exodus, some Synoptic Gospels, jump around the more famous Prophets, skim around the Wisdom books whenever you feel like it (except maybe read Job all at once), read Revelations just because, etc. There's no set way to do it.

>> No.14147223

>There's no set way to do it
That is not helpful for my autism.

>> No.14147232


Just read the New Testament all the way through. As the New Testament references OT passages go read those for some context.

>> No.14147425

>Why haven't you read the KJV yet
Because I'm reading the Vulgate you pleb fuck

>> No.14147475


>> No.14147487

You should reconsider your ways if you're not reading the RSV-2CE.

Douay-Rheims is fine as well, though.

>> No.14147492
File: 306 KB, 1125x672, 6EA49DE9-9307-4EC6-92A2-60C13AFA5836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Is more poetic
No it isn’t
>>More beautiful
No it isn’t
>>Came out earlier
By a year
>>Got ripped off by KJV
No it didn’t
>>Is just way better in every way possible
Hahaha no
Pic related is a good example of the stilted Latin-to-English In google translate style of the Douay-Rheims vs the beauty of the King James

>> No.14147805

unironically the begats
in fairness it's partially my fault because i was using one of those tiny bibles, so they took up like 5 pages.

>> No.14148119

Not Anglo
Not a Protestant
Not interested

Simple as

>> No.14148511

>More poetic
>More beautiful
Lol no, it's dull and clunky in comparison. Just look at some famous passages:

1 Corinthians 13:12
KJV "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
D-R "We see now through a glass in a dark manner; but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then I shall know even as I am known."

>Came out earlier
>Got ripped off by KJV
Only the New Testament, and the KJV was a revision of the Bishop's Bible in any case, which was published in 1568. The Douay-Rheims was heavily influenced by other English translations like the Bishop's Bible and Geneva Bible. Additionally the only version available today is the Challoner revision which edited the text to be more in line with the Greek and Hebrew, and the KJV!

>Is just better in every way possible
Oh dear

>> No.14148536

>reading the translation of a translation of a translation of an edit of a translation of a -

>> No.14148553

it's a shit translation

>taking advice on what bible translation to read from athiests

>> No.14149602

based. However do as me, rip out the pages of revelation.

>> No.14149716

Because it's a heretical protestant translation

>> No.14150204
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Once you look into modern bible versions, it's really, really bad.

NWO Bible Versions

How to get saved and go to heaven when you die

>> No.14150225

Who do so many people I know IRL spout this "translation of a translation" meme? The KJV isn't a translation of a translation, they translated everything from the original Hebrew and Greek. You might be able to make the argument that scholarship/philology has come a long way since the KJV came out and that it's helpful to reference more recent translations, though.