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14138210 No.14138210 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with the demoralization and degeneration process?
You must educate an elite to understand what is going on

I'll recommend a few books if one wishes to survive in the modern world without SSRIs and/or mood stabilizers

1) Man and Technics by Spengler
2) The Crisis of the Modern World by Rene Guénon
3) Lord of the World by R.H. Benson
4) The plot against the Church by Maurice Pinay
5) Counterrevolution and Revolt by Herbert Marcuse (you must understand your enemy)
6) Karl Marx and the Radical Critique of Judaism by Julius Carlebach
7) "Gli uomini e le rovine" (Men Among the Ruins) by Julius Evola
8) Du pape by Joseph de Maistre
9) The Jews by Hilaire Belloc
10) The French Revolution by Hilaire Belloc

>> No.14138216 [DELETED] 

If you have never read any of the books above start with Guénon, then Man and Technics and third The French Revolution, Belloc. Proceed to rest the rest in any order

>> No.14138219

If you have never read any of the books above start with Guénon, then Man and Technics and third The French Revolution, Belloc. After it the order of the rest won't matter much

>> No.14138222

>How do you deal with the demoralization and degeneration process?
Prayer, Exorcisms, self flagellation, training, ascetism. Reading too.

>> No.14138233

The common men must read first. He will never understand the idea of praying and self flagellation without knowing what is going on

>> No.14138256
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like a schizoid the modern man living under capitalism gets detached from reality into his little circle of artificial desires fueled by his coping against alienation. for each modern man it seems that everyone else is living on earth while he is on pluto but in reality all of them are far from each other. social lines lengthen and any non-solipsistic effort seems futile so he retreats into a castle of delusions where his scenery and marble is commodities, his dragon is soviet and his charming prince is suicide

>> No.14138266
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At some point last year I snapped. Think I had legit breakdown
I've been reading Eliade since then.
It helps... Sort of

>> No.14138368


>> No.14138381

I take it in stride, it's a process which can't be stopped. Nothing lasts forever and our civilization is approaching its final hour.

>> No.14138485

>At some point last year I snapped. Think I had legit breakdown
That's good. Now pray and mortify your body and God will rebuild you as his perfect omnicidal weapon.

>> No.14138492

Yes But reading must always come "after" prayer, in hyerarchy If not on the timetable, for the enemy has his own books.

>> No.14138513
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your recommended '''based''' books either written like 70 years ago or can't even compete with its contemporary counter-ideas.

west is done

>> No.14139583

If you know Eliade already go read Joseph de Maistre, Kuehnelt-Leddihn and Father Leonard Feeney
You'll thank me later

>> No.14139606
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>cope with the process of commodification by becoming a schizophrenic fascist

>> No.14139614

Maybe try going to therapy bro

>> No.14139638

I just pretend I'm Odysseus and that works pretty well.

>> No.14139644

>James Joyce has entered the chatroom

>> No.14139690

>If you read Evola, de Maistre, Belloc and Chesterton you become a fascist
the state of western "men"

>> No.14139695

I don't know what else you'd become. In any case they're total pseuds. No integrity

>> No.14139701

What do you mean by mortify, specifically?

>> No.14139742
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They all look happy
What is the problem

>> No.14139781

What am I supposed to get from these books?

>> No.14139788


>> No.14139861

They who?

>> No.14139868


>> No.14139886


>> No.14139891

Poor kids.

>> No.14139908

whitey must die

>> No.14139923

>How do you deal with the demoralization and degeneration process?
I enjoy the fall and try to preserve myself, physically and mentally, from the insanity. I accept the fact that I can't change things and that it's not sustainable anyway: at some point all of that is going to crash, hard, and that as a cisgender straight white male I have the tools to prepare myself and probably survive all of this but even if I don't: it's alright, I will return to the state I was in before I was born, I don't mind death.

There's no point getting sick over the degeneracy, really.

>> No.14139940
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The only way

>> No.14139948
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>> No.14140403

seconding this anon's question >>14139701
what do you mean by mortify within this context?

>> No.14140456
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eh, for islam to ever work for us it would have to be massively restyled. Maybe some dude will rise up as the white sharia nerevar but i doubt it

>> No.14140488

nwah I want to cum inside almalexia

>> No.14140797

>How do you deal with the demoralization and degeneration process?
I try to ride the tiger but it’s hard not to feel so helpless and angry at this shit.

>> No.14140892
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>> No.14140916


>> No.14140949

In that moment yes they are all smiles. But when those boys realise they want a family and all the women reject them for being to feminine they won't understand what went wrong and believe that They're wrong they'll kill themselves.

Thus demolarized white boys who were never guided properly on the course to manhood. They'll firecery be misguided boys demoralised by their society.

They didn't ask for this and we let it happen.

>> No.14140954

Mohamed fucked a 9 year-old

>> No.14140958


>> No.14140962

and he was absolutely right to do so, base and healthypilled

>> No.14140990

it's kind of hilarious when you think about it. Muslim aren't allowed to criticize anything Mohammed did right?

>> No.14140991

she was actually 11 or 12
and she already bled so idk
I remember seeing some well developed girls in 6th and 7th grade.. I would have bred with them if our parents arranged a marriage

>> No.14141029

nah she was 9

>> No.14141031

Try telling a raped child that. Oh wait she was trained from baby to be his wife so she probably didn't think anything of it.

Mohamed is the ideal man and what all good Muslims should aim to be

Maybe when you were in the 7th or 8th grade but a full grown man lying with a child is sick, it's abusive and , self satisfaction of his twisted sexual desires.

>> No.14141038

>she was trained from baby to be his wife so she probably didn't think anything of it.

and thats a good thing we dont need any more pro lgbt children but healthy, honest and loyal wives dear to god

>> No.14141039

Ye married at six and consummated at 9. Islam uses lunar years so she could have been younger.

>> No.14141049

All children deserve to be free and their own person. Modern society pushes a degenerate agenda, so do not blame the children.

>> No.14141063

>All children deserve to be free and their own person.

no this is agenda of t. current western thought of few decades not universal law that all humans share

>> No.14141094

We may not share an opinion but an independent individual can be strong in the right society.

>> No.14141102

IIRC this is based off of the hadiths, which are witness testimonies from the Prophet Muhammad’s life. this particular testimony came from a guy who was extremely old by the time his experiences were recorded, and the inconsistencies in his language regarding dates means that Aisha could have been 6 or 16 when she was married, 9 or 19 when the marriage was consummated. I’d like to think it was the latter, since child marriages have been punished under sharia law for at least centuries, and I’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt, but so many Muslims are willing to defend Muhammad being a child rapist that I’m not sure if it’s really worth the charity at this point.

>> No.14141111

Okay but why do muslim men fuck so many little girls?

>> No.14141112

>Maybe when you were in the 7th or 8th grade but a full grown man lying with a child is sic
Not if she's developed. Bruh, some 12-13 year-olds look like they're 18. Period is the deciding factor. If she bleeds, you're not a pedo. End of.

>> No.14141115

because peepee hard and young hole very tight

>> No.14141121

are these boys? even so...
I think you just can't fight entropy, I'm personally trying to use life to do the things I like, working towards what I value
this >>14139923 guy is also right, if death is like a dreamless sleep, there is nothing to fear, I'd even enjoy it

>> No.14141159

They're still young impressionable children you degenerate. You as a man could say what ever the fuck you want to them and they would hang on your every word BC you're older.

You'll understand how to be responsible and empathize some day maybe, probably not tho you'll just get killed in prison when Jamal asks you what you're in for.

Yes Muslim men cannot control their sexual desires much like animals can't tame their own instincts.

>> No.14141174
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>> No.14141188

I don't think Jamal gives a shit. Jamal would probably fuck the 13 year old too, it's not exactly rare in the ghetto

>> No.14141191

lel gypsies and niggers fuck each other at 8-10yo

>> No.14141232

Haha bro cultural marxism is ben shapiro tier boomer talking point. Real Marxists are based. Actually marxism is right wing.

>> No.14141250

> dude if you dont fuck 9 year olds you're a progressive lgbt degenerate western


pure cope...the argument is literally "dude i think they smuged out the '1' in 19 and it's not 9 but actually 19 because...because i want it to be so"

>> No.14141252

>You as a man could say what ever the fuck you want to them and they would hang on your every word BC you're older.

>> No.14141253

>Period is the deciding factor. If she bleeds, you're not a pedo. End of.

you're still a creep to be a 54 year old man fucking a 9 year, even if she bleeds, it's you with the degenerate morality

>> No.14141255

> dude if you dont fuck 9 year olds you're a progressive lgbt degenerate western

das rite whitey

>> No.14141312

how are you any different than OP's pic?

>> No.14141343


>> No.14141362

cracka it is time to pay what you owe us

>> No.14141369

> muh gibs


>> No.14141386
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how the fuck does deleuze soar so far above us

>> No.14141417

Trips of truth, I would recommend adding self-flagellation reps to one's daily routine just to be sure

>> No.14141421

happy ≠ good

>> No.14141424

>How do you deal with the demoralization and degeneration process?
Prayer. Simple fact is not everyone hears the holy word. I'm wracked by what these kids were born into. I pray for the future.

>> No.14141436

>pure cope
on the other hand, it looks like pure cope to trust a senile old man’s recalling of dates at face value. desu, I don’t care enough to figure it out, since enough Muslims believe and defend the 9 year old interpretation to make it not worth my time to consider Islam.

at this point, is there any Abrahamic religion that hasn’t been stained by pedophilia and pedophilic-like practices? From the Catholic Church to Jehovah’s Witnesses, from ritualistic bris to Muhammad’s child marriage consummation, it’s all repugnant and contemptible.

>> No.14141960

> is there any Abrahamic religion that hasn’t been stained by pedophilia and pedophilic-like practices?
I dunno havent heard anything bad about manichean, bahai, yazidi and druze but they all out in deserts so who knows.

>> No.14142002

Jamal’s mom was 13 when she had him

>> No.14142020

This the problem with the best world
the basic lexicon is fucked up

>> No.14142043
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Unironically, and not in a ‘know you enemies sense’, Adorno is one of the best critics of the modern age you can find. He’s so pessimistic about the prospects of a communist revolution that despite being a communist, he doesn’t have to be read as one.

It’s worth noting that it’s all the first world capitalist countries that have that sort of shit, not places like the Soviet Union or Cuba.

>> No.14142064

>Adorno is one of the best critics of the modern age you can find.
That's wrong. I think he has only 2 works against the degeneracy of the west (one of which is focusing on popular music and consumerism). His critique of modern age is irrelevant and superficial. However in his work "Fascist Personality" he went full subversive jewish snake. His work is just a bad copy and paste from Marcuse other than his criticism of pop music

>> No.14142696


See, I knew Sinbad played a Genie

>> No.14142719
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So vibrant, so diverse.

>> No.14142727

Says who? Women are inferior to men, If I by a girl in her prime and want children, she can give me the best product compared to a mature 24yo woman. Who cares about individualistic feelings? Think of the family, my kids will come out of an extremely healthy womb.

>> No.14143046

I apologize, I was away.
"mortification" litteraly is to "make as dead". The dead body knows no pleasure not pain. Some ideas on how to mortify yourself.
1) If You're eating something and You like it a lot, leave at least half.
1b) addendum: try to eat bland insipid food you don't like.
2) you should never masturbate because It's a Sin but If you start for some reason, punch yourself in the gut before you can finish and stop.
Strangely it is somewhat more edifying at the beginning to start masturbating and stopping as an exercise of will than not starting at all. In the beginning.
3) only ever freezing cold showers.
3b) If You start an hot shower make it really hot to the point where you can't stay in there a second more. Then STAY THERE A SECOND MORE.
4) today we have gyms which are perfectly convenient for pay torture chambers for the would be mortifier of the flesh. Trick yourself into doing more exercise than You can handle, run 5 minutes more on the tapis roulant etc. Lactic Acid will teach you about the weakness of the flesh.

>> No.14143063

The real enemy are the hosts of wickedness in the high places, the Powers and Principalities.

>> No.14143167

What did the break feel like? Details please

>> No.14143203

Based muslims, maybe it wouldn't be so bad for them to take over after all.

>> No.14143227

If I imagine his lips as pussy lips I get a boner.

>> No.14143240

Good recommendations. I recommend Matrix III by Val Valerian. Book is on what you would call 'conspiracy', the largest system of that kind ... information-compendium of secrets of our times.

>> No.14143789

I await the glorious day of a totalitarian government who rules of an iron fist and inevitably will cleanse this planet from degeneracy

>> No.14143829

>All children deserve to be free and their own person
>nooo, don't have sex with adults, nooooo, you can't change your gender, you're too young for that

>> No.14143852

Not him, but I think I had something kind of similar. It was a series of days characterized by an explosion of just states of being that are so low they’re somehow high. Have you ever heard a gunshot up close? It’s so loud that for a few moments after you’re not really hearing anything. It’s just an explosion of noise and then your ears are just ringing some sort of blank white-grey anti-noise that somehow still contains noise. It was like that, but on a conscious, emotional, and even spiritual level. Nothing is exactly as it was before that. You see things, hear things, feel things and not all which is untrue or unreal. I’m still almost entirely lucid and we could have a perfectly normal conversation, but I feel like the fabric has torn a bit and every now and then something comes through or I poke my head through the tears.

>> No.14143856

Read The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.14143917

>children playing dress up confirms everything I want to be confirmed

>> No.14144055
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>implying drag is the same as playing dress up
Dude I'm an unironic lesbian or whatever but children in drag are deeply fucked up in similar fashion as child beauty pageant participants...

>> No.14145416


>> No.14145498

Sorry, but citing ten books all of which are a hundred or more years old - with the one exception of the "know your enemy" book, and that is sixty (nor is Marcuse much of an "enemy") - stinks of LARPing.
There are plenty of books dating from just the last decade or just the last year that will arm you well against degeneracy.
You imply that you read French, so have you read Philippe Muray, Eric Zemmour,Alain Finkielkraut, all of whom have published in the past few decades (some of them in this last year)?
Or was the pretence of reading French just LARPing too?

>> No.14145511

Deleuze gets a bad rap here because of the tranny connotation but he provides a demonstrably useful, original way for operating in this world. As opposed to people like Guenon who advocate going back to tradition that died for a reason. More people here should read him, I’m glad I did.

>> No.14145538

>His work is just a bad copy and paste from Marcuse
God in Heaven is it not possible for you 14-year-old stormbabbies to take just ONE DAY OFF from strutting around pretending you're Richard Spencer and READ A BOOK ffs?
If you had read even a 30-page "Western Marxism For Beginners" you would know that, whatever his merits or demerits, Adorno (along, admittedly, with Benjamin) was THE creative mind among the Critical Theorists and that the DIRECT OPPOSITE of what you blindly assert is actually the case: "One-Dimensional Man" and "Eros and Civilization" are very weak, watered-down, coarsened summaries of "The Dialectic of Enlightenment" (mostly the Adorno chapters) that Marcuse managed to squueze out after scratching his head over that book for twenty years.
Or, in short: just shut the fuck up, you pitiable moron.

>> No.14145557

Adorno and the F-scale are proof that cultural marxism is fucking real. The whole post war liberal democratic project relies on massive social engineering the systematic repression of our God given fear, disgust, and aggression reflexes, reflexes which as we all know form the basis of any functioning society. The only way to ensure total equality between an inherently unequal human race is to establish a totalitarian system which can control every aspect of all citizens lives, their every thought and desire. The post war order, its economics, its sexual mores, its academic theories and geopolitics, was created as an explicit response to Nazi germany, "never again" its sole moto. The way to freedom can only take the shape of a new Hitlerism.

>> No.14145591

Seriously, just shut the fuck up. You haven't read a single line of Adorno or of any other Frankfurt School writer - not that you'd have the IQ to understand a line of their work even if you had. You've gotten your "information" entirely from one of these stupid little meme-y photomontages that appear on /pol/ sometimes containing ludicrous misinformation about books that the people who make them have never read.

>> No.14145602
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I've had two breakdowns in the past 4 days. I feel like I'm getting so close to finally leaving the hell that is an empty Body without organs which I was forced into about 5 years ago.

>> No.14145607


>> No.14145630

>guenon is fascist
guenon provides the most acerb critique of everything modern; fascism included. Some of us aren't anglo and retained an ounce of self awareness too, you know..

>> No.14145679

I mean, seriously, just when one thinks you Alt Right people can't get any dumber and more ignorant, you surprise us and you DO.
It's not even like you have to be a drooling goose-stepping Stormfront quasi-moron to spew absolute arrant bullshit about this stuff.
Listen to Andrew fucking Breitbart, for example - the revered "intellectual" and "founding father" of the Alt Right movement - holding forth on "Cultural Marxism" and being unaware what a TOTAL FUCKING IDIOT he is making of himself in the eyes of anyone who has even a first-year-undergraduate knowledge of 20th century history of ideas.
He appears to believe that ANTONIO GRAMSCI was a member of the Frankfurt School and also that he'd been working "in the middle of World War Two" (Gramsci died in 1937).
And THIS guy is supposed to be on the subtle, educated, SOPHISTICATED wing of the Alt Right!
Imagine where that puts the poor illiterate little fuck who is posting about Adorno in this thread.

>> No.14145689

Sorry, forgot the link


>> No.14145762

I'm kind of glad /lit/ is getting a few more faggots and trannies to defend their college student champagne socialism lately. I was worried the place was becoming too much of an echo chamber. I'd prefer a little diversity.

>> No.14145792

>we let it happen.
So much for being the superior race, huh, snow nigger?

>> No.14145824
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Rematch soon! Get hype!

>> No.14145831

Sorry, but I don't take slaves of Jews seriously. You can go be a narcissist in hell.

>> No.14145902

aaaaaaand the pathetic little monosyllabic chitter-chatter between pencil-necked junior-high morons trundles on

>> No.14145955

Every single person in this thread is a flaming homosexual.

>> No.14145980

They're clearly being sexualised.

>> No.14146109
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incontrovertibly based and red-pilled

>> No.14146114

What's wrong with that? Have you considered the possibility that you're the one who is fucked up when you deny normal sexual expression to children?

>> No.14146118
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>i think that andrew breitbart is an idiot
>therefore you are an idiot and everything you said is false

>> No.14146132

The best way is to cut yourself off from mass culture as much as possible. Do creative work on your own to fill the void.

>> No.14146147

It's the same you-know-what who was arguing with similar tactics in the Ellman thread. Any time s/he replies, s/he babbles on about something tenuously related just for the sake of filling up the text buffer and provoking the opponent into replying again.

>> No.14146242

I have made dozens of lengthy, substantial, thoroughly argued points in this thread: about the Frankfurt School, about Cultural Marxism, about several other things. Not one person has even attempted to seriously engage with me on any of these topics. I linked to Breitbart spouting nonsense that any undergraduate would recognize as such just as an example of how rife this ignorant blethering about "Cultural Marxism" has been for years now. But if anyone wants to actually argue the point about what the Frankfurt School actually were and whether they opposed "degeneracy" or promoted it, I am only too happy to do so. I don't think that would be "babble", whatever you might think of what I have posted so far.
So is anyone up for it?
Is anyone actually well-read enough to make any contribution at all - beyond "seriously, niggah?" or "u mad bro?" or "OK boomer" - to a discussion about the topic you say I am posting things only "tenuously related" to?
How about YOU, anon? You seem like a REALLY impressive person. You can actually use the word "tenuously".
Would you like to try to say something NON-tenuously related to this topic?
Yeah, somehow that is what I expected...

>> No.14146354

way to bring one of these silly little threads full of pathetic tryhard wannabe-edgy LARPers to an end: ask one of you snot-nosed ignorant puffed-up preening manlets to actually SAY something.
Immediate fucking tumbleweed...

>> No.14146385

I cant believe someone wrote this and then posted it thinking it was clever and smart. They wrote a tumblr post. They seriously wrote:
>Yeah, somehow that is what I expected...
I sincerely hope you're a troll because if you arent than you have some serious deficiencies in either your social or mental capabilities.

>> No.14146397

Oh my god. You replied to yourself. Its so obvious its not even funny.

>> No.14146442

This is so fucking hilarious. Is this REALLY all you can do? Just try to signal your "superiority" by typing stuff like "this is so Tumblr", "this is so Reddit", "lol you replied to yourself", "lol this is so cringe" over and over and over again.
I have explicitly challenged you to say something substantial about the ACTUAL TOPIC OF THIS THREAD, as I have done, I think, about a dozen times now.
But you just can't manage it, can you? It's just going to be "lol u so dumb" "lol u so cringe" over and over again until Mommy comes to tuck you into bed.

>> No.14146455

It really is so sad that 4chan has become so COMPLETELY swamped by witless snot-nosed little Redditors like you guys.

>> No.14146466
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>imagine being this triggered by a drag queen

>> No.14147518

>The child looks like he's enjoying the sex

>> No.14147525

Hedonists will be the first for the rope.

>> No.14147530
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How did the UK get so bad? I know we're all headed in that direction, but fucking hell

>> No.14147936

girl on the right is alright looking