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/lit/ - Literature

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14077332 No.14077332 [Reply] [Original]

Th-that’s not true!! There’s plenty of good right wing literature! Jordan Peterson... uh.. Ann Coulter...

>> No.14077352
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Damn, you're right. Guess I'll go read some leftist literature like pic related.

>> No.14077370

Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Hobbes, Burke, Schmitt, Spengler, Evola...

>> No.14077379



>> No.14077384
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>> No.14077389

Yukio Mishima, D'Annunzio, Ezra Pound, Ernst Jünger

>> No.14077394

Looks more like liberal literature.

>> No.14077421

François-René de Chateaubriand
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Pierre Drieu la Rochelle
Lucien Rebatet
Robert Brasillach

Learn to speak french you dumb ameritard.

>> No.14077475

The left-right dichotomy is a spook.

>> No.14077493
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>Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Hobbes

>> No.14077498


>> No.14077602


>> No.14077607

Goddamnit guys I thought this one would be good! I spent a long time thinking this thread up and fucking gookmoot won't let me delete the thread.

Fuck you.

>> No.14077624

Oswald Spengler
Edgar Julius Jung
Carl Schmitt
Thomas Mann (until 1922)
Ernst Jünger, and his brother Friedrich Georg Jünger
Arthur Moeller van den Bruck
Stefan George
Ernst Niekisch
Martin Niemöller
Wilhelm Stapel
Hans Freyer
Othmar Spann
Hugo von Hofmannsthal and the Lensch-Cunow-Haenisch group
Ernst von Salomon
Ludwig Klages
August Winnig
Georg Quabbe
Hans Zehrer
Werner Sombart
Hermann Rauschning
Julius Evola
Martin Heidegger
Gottfried Benn
Fiedrich Hielscher
Karl Haushofer
Alfred Bäumler
Paul Ernst
Paul Lensch
Mathilde Ludendorff
Sigrid Hunke
Jakob Wilhelm Hauer
Hans Grimm
Ernst Forsthoff
Werner Best

>> No.14077631

Fucking Based. Best author to have ever lived. Everyone should read Les Deux Étendards.

>> No.14077633

Just ask for recs, faggot. It's okay

>> No.14077635

What would be "right wing literature"? Could you explain what would be the themes?

>> No.14077638

Evola, Schopenhaur... the list goes on!

>> No.14077643
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>reading contemporary literature

>> No.14077654


>> No.14077661

define right wing
Plato and Hobbes are both extremely authoritarian and Plato especially is ultra-nationalistic.

>> No.14077666

>authoritarian = right-wing

>> No.14077670
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aren't we forgetting something?

>> No.14077677

Calling Chateaubriand right wing is fairly misleading.

>> No.14077678

Evola is trash
Read two of his books and both were shit

>> No.14077699

The Bible

>> No.14077701

I've always found it hilarious that the best far-right author was a Jewish lesbian.

>> No.14077706

>What is Russian literature.

>> No.14077709

>all those literally who's

>> No.14077710
File: 75 KB, 600x400, basedbaudelaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b a u d e l a i r e
seriously, someone who says that there is not right wing literature hasn't read in his fucking life

>> No.14077719 [DELETED] 

Wow. Literally all garbage and not a single person that is relevant LOL. I guess if it makes you feel good larping as "muh aristocrat of the soul" and fantasizing the good ol days then that is fine. Don't read any real theory or thinkers that matter LOL.

>> No.14077726

>>14077624 #
Wow. Literally all garbage and not a single person that is relevant LOL. I guess if it makes you feel good larping as "muh aristocrat of the soul" and fantasizing the good ol days then that is fine. Don't put any strain on your tiny brain reading any real theory or thinkers that matter LOL.

>> No.14077728

So was Stalin

>> No.14077748

Goethe, Quevedo, D'Annunzio, Cervantes, Ezra Pound, Marinetti, T.S Elliot, WB Yeats, Baudelaire, Lord Byron, Carl Gustav Jung, the list goes on!

>> No.14077754

Literally obsessed
Imagine living 24/7 thinking about black penises

>> No.14077759


>> No.14077763

There are three great authors on this list -- Mann, Jünger, Hofmannsthal -- and only Hofmannsthal was a right winger.

>> No.14077768
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>If they're not taught as lecture philosophy they don't count!!!

>> No.14077769

What would be a right-winger? What would be the beliefs that he has?

>> No.14077787


>> No.14077789

>all major publishing houses are liberal and would literally flat out refuse a writer for being a white male
>HA! Take that, it proves conservatives can't write lmao!

>> No.14077792

The right-wing left-wing divide is a recent invention used to describe political division in the Trump years. You can't arbitrarily force ancient authors into its categories.

>> No.14077799

Definitely written by a right-winger. Why would a left-wing sissy write the blacks to be socialists oppressors? The author’s clearly a repressed fantasy type.

>> No.14077803

Stalin was a right-winger.

>> No.14077929

Wow, those guys got memory holed hard.

>After the liberation of France in 1944 he [Brasillach] was executed following a trial and Charles de Gaulle's express refusal to grant him a pardon.


>> No.14077948

>Lucien Rebatet
"Comme le temps passe" is such a gorgeous novel.

> Cette jeune femme qu’approchait la trentaine, avait tout son éclat, toute sa beauté, à cette heure merveilleuse qui est entre le printemps et l’été, et où jamais une femme ne peut être plus belle. Mais elle savait déjà en elle-même, que c’en était fini de la grâce acide de la vraie jeunesse, de son insolence printanière. Elle savait qu’un jour viendrait d’un été plus chaud, d’un automne déjà moins loin d’elle même que ne l’était son enfance, et cette proximité l’effrayait.

>> No.14077950

>shitty book gets rejected
>"I-it's because I'm a white male!!!! Fucking FemiNazis!!!!"

>> No.14077961

there's plenty of good "right-wing" authors.
what you'll never find is a good capitalist author. the right can make art, it's capitalism that can't

>> No.14077963

Nietzsche, Melville, Thoreau, Whitman, and the founding fathers. Plus they would all be white nationalists if Alive today

>> No.14078015

Artemis Fowl

>> No.14078028

>literal fascist wins the nobel prize in 2019
You're just shit at writing, anon

>> No.14078038

Entirely class-based society, extremely rigid structures.

>> No.14078045

No, it's "positive discrimination". Remember all the scandals when award winning Asian/Black writers were in fact white men?

>> No.14078046


>> No.14078076


>> No.14078153
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this thread is a fucking joke

>> No.14078169
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Shows what you know

>> No.14078181

What. The. Fuck.

>> No.14078214

How did you come across this?

>> No.14078229

Read the "On the Marble Cliffs" by Ernst Jünger

So you can see that he wasn´t a braindead subhuman right-winger.

>> No.14078242

you are the braindead idiot here, clamming that Junger was left-wing is like claiming that Marx was right-wing.

>> No.14078735
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Plato is both right wing and left wing: or better yet, neither right wing nor left wing. He doesn't fit into either side.

He supported eugenics; he thought monarchy w/ expertise was the best rule; he thought democracy was idiotic; he looked down at the common man (he is an elitist); he hated the popular culture of his day (those newfangled musical modes which he thought led to immorality); he was a monotheist, but hated the greek religion of his time.

He didn't share in the belief, common in his day, that the Greeks were superior to all other races (at least, he has the Visitor in "Sophist" critique this idea). He hated greed. His opinions on slavery are very hard to pin down. He believed (unlike almost everyone else in Athens, including Aristotle) that women were ought to be educated.

Now, all of these points are up for debate, because Plato never speaks in his own voice in his dialogues. Still, it seems clear that Plato is not captured by our right/left dichotomy.

>> No.14078774

He had conservative values but he was an anarchist in spirit. Borges thought that people didn't deserve having a (shitty) government. He just hated niggers and degeneracy.

>> No.14078778

Literally me

>> No.14078795

I think anything would be better than the homogenized MFA garbage we see some much of today.

>> No.14078843

Joseph de Maistre
French lit was b a s e d.
(Most Enlightenment thinkers would also be right wing by todays left's absurdity.)

>> No.14078854

fucking yes, based af

>> No.14078865


I had chuckle thinking about some trad incel reading Céline

>> No.14078938


>> No.14078950

He wasn't braindead, nor subhuman. But a right-winger

>> No.14078966

No one's saying Jünger was left-wing but as you read more of his oeuvre it becomes harder to see him as right-wing too. He was independent-minded.

>> No.14078991

I knew you would say something completely moronic like this.

>> No.14078996

So I typed up a reply and the thread was deleted, I don't want to waste so I'm posting in another trash thread.
it goes like:
>Yeah but they suck and repress art and science and life itself. The only thing that makes them sustainable is that they repress ideas, which never die, which is fine for humans that don't have any ideas, and need to be ordered. But honestly fuck those people who don't ask questions and don't like questions being asked. Authoritarians are afraid of inquiry, they see it as chaos. I'm not even a liberal democrat or a republican, but I completely refuse to live according to the logic of a repressive regime and demand to be ordered by the logic of inquiry, which necessitates justice, equity and freedom. The only sustainable order is THE LAW OF MIND
>You do know the foundation for our fair system of laws was Justinian, right.....
>You do know the foundation for our fair system of laws was Justinian, right?
First off, I don't think our system is fair, and I think the good ideas it has were appropriated from irl and codified to suit the purposes of the state apparatus, the map is not the territory. I completely reject the dichotomous logic of semiotic regimes, and only follow the living logic of semiosis.
>Who also built the Hagia Sophia, hailed as the most magnificent building in the world for hundreds of years. Constantinople had an aqueduct that was like 50 miles long to supply them with water.
These are not the accomplishments of the state, these are the accomplishments of the community that was appropriated by the state apparatus. Which is all fine and good, but there is a better way to do this, the other way around. Where the community has the power and appropriates the state for its own practical purposes. All those structures crumbled eventually, the methods the state appropriated will live forever, despite being forgotten by the medieval authoritarian regimes that followed suit.
look at Lysenkoism, Nazi race science, and how the American empire has handled climate science. There are numerous more examples and the stifling of art is just as egregious. The only inquiry authoritarianism allows is from retarded sycophants and spergs. There is no place for genius in authoritarian regimes, as creativity must be controlled to preserve them, anything that can't be appropriated by the state is discarded.
>You're a fucking sheep whose just regurgitating "muh democracy" because you were told how wonderful it is in school, fuck off
Nope, I don't recognize democracy either I already told you that, except as a tool to be appropriated by the community, not to govern the community as in democracy. As a matter of fact I stopped standing for the pledge early on because recognized the semiotic regime as illegitimate. Notice that I deny democracy on the same terms I use to deny authority. You have more in common with liberal democracy than I do.

>> No.14079030
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is hating da jooz right wing or left wing?

>> No.14079039

ca c'est de la liste, mon anonyme

>> No.14079041

It trancends the traditional right-left dichotomy.

>> No.14079062


>> No.14079085

Right wing. Hating capitalism is the left wing version.

>> No.14079092

Even though it's essentially the same thing

>> No.14079533

he was against the french revolution, so yes.

>> No.14079542

Stalin purged jews. Daily reminder.

>> No.14079586
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yeah, yeah, sure, he only disliked niggers

>> No.14079599

Hating Perón goes without saying

>> No.14079708


>> No.14079730

More like the only Soviet leader who knew that the union could not succed in any way under the autistic experimentalist leadership of his peers.

Stalin was simultaneously the best and worst leader of the Soviet Union

>> No.14079810
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Fuck you, OP. The greatest writers in history were all reactionary. Shakespeare and Dante were both reactionary right-wing even way back then.

Also, I haven't seen Poe mentioned, people forget that he was the epitome of the reactionary right-wing even in America.

>> No.14079861

Shakespeare was kind of an asshole with his classicism though.

>> No.14079886
File: 374 KB, 1920x1879, Borges-1969-Photo-by-Diane-Arbus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To this day Basque are assblasted about Borges calling them worse than niggers.

>“Of course the blacks are unbearable…I don’t retract what I’ve stated so many times: the Americans made a grave mistake in educating them; as slaves, they were like children, they were happier and less annoying.”
>“Basque? I don’t understand how anyone could feel proud of being Basque…The Basques are even more useless than the blacks, and notice that the only good the blacks have ever served for is to be slaves.”

Sauce (a Basque cope online magazine): https://aboutbasquecountry.eus/en/2016/06/21/uncovering-borges-ignorant-racist-pinochet-admirer-and-hateful-of-the-basques/

>> No.14079903

absolutely based.
t. andalusian.

>> No.14079913

>No Knut Hamsun
God dammit /lit/

>> No.14079927

anyway the left right spectrum only work with liberals.

>> No.14079933
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Unironically Plato's Republic is NazBol.

>> No.14079946

I heard good things about Jean Raspail

>> No.14079950

There is good right wing literature. However, most American right wingers read shit like Ann Coulter.

>> No.14079952

Sometimes, yes, but I think he pretty much foresaw the decadence of Europe becoming aggravated and ruining the continent. This sonnet he shits all over all sorts of decadence.

Tired with all these, for restful death I cry,
As, to behold desert a beggar born,
And needy nothing trimm'd in jollity,
And purest faith unhappily forsworn,
And guilded honour shamefully misplaced,
And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted,
And right perfection wrongfully disgraced,
And strength by limping sway disabled,
And art made tongue-tied by authority,
And folly doctor-like controlling skill,
And simple truth miscall'd simplicity,
And captive good attending captain ill:
Tired with all these, from these would I be gone,
Save that, to die, I leave my love alone.

>> No.14079960

There really isn't a right-wing in America. I'd venture to say less than 1% of the country is actually right-wing. The rest is just a bunch of liberals arguing about stuff you'd expect liberals to argue about like taxes and foreign wars.

>> No.14079965

he got tired of stormfags

>> No.14079967

Nazbol is a bunch of mystery meat weirdos of questionable sexual orientation gathering on social media and sharing shitty memes.

>> No.14079992

That poem reads like an incel manifesto.

>> No.14079997

itt: leftoids purity spiralling for their opposition to declare that anything that isn't Hitler or David Duke is not right-wing, and therefore the only right-wing literature possible is from these sources. a truly smarmy show here on four chans

>> No.14080024

in russia nazbol is an actual thing
in the rest of the world its an oxymoron

>> No.14080036

The fact that you think he's a literal fascist is a bit of a self own.

>> No.14080409

Nah, I think it makes sense theoretically. In fact, I could maybe even call Stalinist Soviet Union kind of Nazbol. Think about it; Russification, cult of personality, the works. It’s both “nationalist” in a sense as well as having the obvious commie stuff.

>> No.14080437

It's not so much the white male part but whether you are Marxist or not. The Soviets subsidized publishers that they controlled, so the industry consolidated. Same as other corrupt government influence like British Petroleum / Dutch Shell / etc. consolidating energy business.

Look at how difficult it was for Vladimir Bukovsky to get Judgment in Moscow published in English despite being an internationally acclaimed hero.

>> No.14080743

Wallace Stevens, T. S. Eliot, Yeats, Pound, Wyndham Lewis, Mishima, Lovecraft, Junger, Evelyn Waugh, Walker Percy, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Celine, Stefan George

>> No.14080776
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Ummm sweetie...