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14075734 No.14075734 [Reply] [Original]

Monthly Reading For October: Quantum Thief

Charts & Monthly Reading Downloads

Archives, Recommendations, Release Dates, Downloads, and much else.

Previous Threads

>> No.14075815

does anyone recall any scifi that dealt well with themes of uploaded consciousness, anything where a human being is transformed into something else, a machine, a cyborg, a strogg etc?

>> No.14075882

Neuromancer has some puppeteer mindjacking and shared perception. Questions of immortality and digital consciousness.

>> No.14075888
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Books with Moebius feels?

>> No.14075890

Accelerando has all sorts of uploaded consciousness shenanigans

>> No.14075970

Thank you, Anons. I enjoyed both. Accelerando built up a good post-human feel

>> No.14075981

Any "Dark Crystal"-esque fantasy novels? Not in terms of shitty contrived plot, but a world without humans?

Bas Laagfags need not apply.

>> No.14075989

experiencing stroggofication scarred me as a child.

>> No.14075996


>> No.14076058

i hated the bridge series. fwiw, i still love neuromancer, count zero is almost as good but does have some better moments, and mona lisa overdrive was ok but obviously written for another pile of money. after the sprawl i had to force myself to finish the bridge. the difference engine was shit and i couldn 't finish it.

>> No.14076143
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Will I live to read Omniscience?

>> No.14076272
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Snapped a pic of my friends fantasy shelf, is he a pleb?

>> No.14076293

Jack Vance

>> No.14076324

lmao this has to be bait

>> No.14076340
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At this post rate, last thread before discussion!

>> No.14076348

Book of the New Sun

>> No.14076350

he seems pretty based

>> No.14076354

big ol' anime tiddies

>> No.14076358

Your friend have the most generic taste possible. Nice tiddy figurine however.

>> No.14076364

>my friend's

Yeah, you're a tasteless dweeb

>> No.14076368

Lovecraft's Dream Cycle

>> No.14076398



>> No.14076410
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>> No.14076411
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What's a book so bad you almost dropped it but then started enjoying it for just how shitty it was? Funny bad, basically.
Webm unrelated.

>> No.14076420

It's basic. That being said, I don't really own many physical copies of anything, so it's probably just what he found easily and cheaply and likes.
Unable to hate him/10

>> No.14076427

I like the Dresden files books and some weeb novels for this reason. They are completely unashamed of what they are and they know they aren't taking themselves seriously, so it's easy to enjoy the ride.

>> No.14076439

Yo but seriously, what is the Red Wolf Conspiracy?

>> No.14076446
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>> No.14076451
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>Robert vs. Reddick: The Red Wolf Conspiracy

>> No.14076456

Don't tell me you actually lug books around with you in this day and age.

>> No.14076485


It's literally fanfiction.

>> No.14076520

The Quantum Thief, funnily enough.

>> No.14076549

>current year
Good argument, lil zoom. If you're reading outside as you seem to be implying, a cheap paperback is a lot less likely to be damaged or stolen than a kindle is.

>> No.14076574

Literally everything ever written is fanfiction

>> No.14076589
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>> No.14076744

do you think a soulless corporate entity picking up your book for publishing somehow gives it divine decree and legitimizes it?

>> No.14076867

I hope you don’t

>> No.14076878

Whys that webm gotta stop right before the dick comes out

>> No.14076995

Please tell me Lindon drops scarface and gets with jaickie chen

>> No.14076999

I have never read an e-book and never will. I read 100% physical words on paper.
I only listened to an audiobook once when I was riding passenger in someone else's car. It was "The Silence of the Lambs" and I quite enjoyed it, but audiobooks are still not 'for me'.

>> No.14077016

shite, but at least he's got decent taste in figurines

>> No.14077225

Altered Carbon
Agent Cormac series (and sequels) by Neal Asher
Lit rpg shit

>> No.14077269

Why would he get with Jackie Chan? He isn't gay.

>> No.14077326

Is there a specific "aesthetic" to 70s science fiction/fantasy and what are the best examples of it?

>> No.14077337

Unironically yes.

>> No.14077360

Would you take branded Aspirin for your pain, or would you just trust some shady dude that "made his own Aspirin"?
Same concept applies to being published. Being published has at least /some/ sort of stamp of decent quality. Self-Published is 99% absolute garbage, 0.5% acceptable first drafts, 0.4% fairly entertaining, and 0.1% legitimate quality that shouldn't be self-published and won't be for much longer.

>> No.14077371

Nice stats. Please post your sources.

>> No.14077383


>> No.14077420

The only difference between published and self-published is that people still think there's some sort of badge of quality ascribed to published works - there isn't. Fucking random D&D game masters on YouTube doing sessions have a better grasp of storytelling and the English language than your average published YA writer. The publisher nowadays is only relevant in two ways
>if you need to trust their translations of a work will be decent without knowing anything about it
>if you are into a specific kind of story and trust that publisher to work as a curator for what you want to read
I personally hope traditional publishing houses die and get replaced by smaller ones that work more on financing certain kinds of work than just randomly publishing what they think is good - kind of like how Black Library commissions Warhammer works.

>> No.14077469

>Fucking random D&D game masters on YouTube doing sessions have a better grasp of storytelling and the English language than your average published YA writer.
Do you maybe think that's because you're comparing it to YA writing like a fucking retard? No shit YA novels are written poorly. They're written for literal tweens and teens to get their feet wet into genre fiction, not to be some long standing classics that everyone in the genre should read and look towards when writing their own stories.
How fucking dense are you to suggest that a "random D&D game master on youtube", someone that only has to do the most barebones and basic of outlines and can just riff the rest, is in any way comparable to having to literally write the story. No shit people can outline and plot idea points out on a map better than someone can tell a full and complete story. Outlining and coming up with plot points, like a GM of a D/D session does, is maybe 1/10th of the work of actually writing a novel.
This thread is just absolutely full of morons like you, isn't it?

>> No.14077494

Imagine being such a child that you tell someone to fuck themselves when asked to prove something. Good to see /sffg/ today is no different than any other day. At least we know who would be an academic reject lawl

Did you not read Underlord?

>> No.14077514

Imagine being such an idiot that you actually ask for sources when someone starts a stat with 99%. Good to see /sffg/ today is no different than any other day. At least we know who the literal retard is who can't tell sarcasm without the /s tag

>> No.14077531

>i was only pretending

>> No.14077536

You're as dumb as a nigger if you think I was being anything other than facetious with a statistic that starts with 99% of all self-published novels being shit. Actually, you're dumber than a nigger, if that's true.

>> No.14077537
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Is it supposed to be hard to get a mental picture of this series or am I just a brainlet?

>> No.14077630

You're fine, it's quite dense.

>> No.14077668

Also lmao I just got to the part where he fucks Jolenta immediately after being reunited with Dorcas.

>> No.14077743
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Just read pic related. You can tell how desperate i am to read new stuff. Post NEW books plz!

>> No.14077772

Hey pol, not bringing out other facts from your ass?

>> No.14077778

Amazon kindle unlimited

>> No.14077804

The only passable things here is Erikson and Glen Cook

>> No.14077836

No I'm on Skysworn.

>> No.14077872
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Does /sffg/ have an irc channel?

>> No.14077967


>> No.14077971


>> No.14078167


>> No.14078502

No, and it would be even deader than this thread.
There isn't anything outside of this thread.
If anything, it would probably be discord because that seems to be the currently cool thing to use.

>> No.14078986

>Tolkien and Herbert aren't passable

>> No.14079118

tolkien is shit, he takes every overused fantasy trope and cliche and just puts it into his book

>> No.14079179

2/10 bait.

>> No.14079184

Is the protag in this as insufferable as all the other Sanderfag female protags?

>> No.14079297

I've read half of it, and though I like Sandersons works (those set in the cosmere mostly), I haven't been able to continue. It is meant for a younger audience, early teens seems like. As such the main character seems to be insufferable by design. And she's cringe-y. At least for the first half of the book she does and says things that are painful to read.

>> No.14079658
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>> No.14079706
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Feels dead. Don't know if I'll finish.

>> No.14079727

You shouldn't finish it.

>> No.14079764

Did you slog your way through the whole thing? Tell me if the woke shit is a setup for some kind of gag or just woke shit

>> No.14079776

No, I meant that you shouldn't have even started reading the first book.

>> No.14079790

Does Wandering Inn stay good after volume 1? I liked it but don't want to invest a bunch of time into it if it turns into shit.

>> No.14079802


>> No.14079815

Are these you?
Just wondering if you had a change of heart.

>> No.14079821

Not the guy you were responding to but i enjoyed it a lot. That being said im reading mainly the webnovel and its ahead by like 2 books or so on the story. And yes the whole catgirl story arc is a setup but it doesn't end like you'd imagine it to end.

>> No.14079835
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>> No.14079894
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Are the Expanse books based or cringe?
Are these the last passable Western Hard Sci Fi books out there?

>> No.14079917

>literally coomer station

>> No.14079969

They are definitely NOT hard sf. However, the first few are fun action stories I really enjoyed reading. Around book four there was a contract renewal -- uh, I mean change of venue, uh whatever -- and I couldn't connect with the new mission. But the first ones, solid, square jawed white American male hero stuff.

>> No.14079998

lindon is 100% asexual, and if he wasn't he'd be into dudes

>> No.14080034

are you a tard? He had a wife in one reality and blushed or felt awkward when he and yerin took baths. He's 100% straight and literally in the process of building a harem

>> No.14080188

To anyone who cares, this is where the rabbit hole started

>> No.14080257

So many books I want are being released consistently.
>lightbringer 5
>everybody loves large chest 4
>waldo rabbit 4
>more to come next week
Christmas starts early.

>> No.14080359
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That is why you use audiobooks.

>> No.14080382

Yeah but do I speed it up or what. I'm not immortal.

>> No.14080393

>16hrs is eternity
Gotta go fast zoomer at work, I see.

>> No.14080400
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>> No.14080422

16 hours is a lot when sometimes you just want the plot to move but the author is jerking themselves off with 2 paragraphs of useless descriptions you'd just glaze over otherwise

>> No.14080429

No, not me.

>> No.14080431

Use Smart audiobook player
You can sonic it up if you want.

>> No.14080519

>16 hours is a lot when sometimes you just want the plot
Then read a wiki article about the book you faggotass crybaby.

>> No.14080529

It get's better but volume 5 is all about goblins

>> No.14080531
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how about i just read the book the way i want to instead of having it spoonfed directly into my ear canals

>> No.14080584

How can I get this manly?

>> No.14080795

I have no mouth and I must scream.

>> No.14080806

My biggest problem with the first volume was that the point of view of the narrative for Ryoka was sort of a mess. I couldn't tell if Ryoka was supposed to be the narrator or not because it kept flipping between 1st and 3rd person. Do they keep that up? It irritated me for some reason.

>> No.14080824

It get's better, the first volume was written 2 years ago and after 3 million words you can actually see the improvement in the writing. Say what you will about webnovel authors, they write A LOT. They are bound to improve.

>> No.14080832

Lightbringer was a pretty good ending book imo. It was a lot more christian than I was expecting it to be.

>> No.14080835

Also we eventually follow more interesting characters. Ryoka gets somewhat better but I consider her the worst character.

>> No.14080850

Can't listen to 16 hour audiobook in single day?
You are like baby.
This is what do.

Awaken 6AM: Begin listen
Do what need do during day. Listen all time.
Finish 10PM.
Sleep to 6AM.

Easy. No can multitask? Consider no live.

>> No.14080858

>They are bound to improve.
Wishful thinking. That isn't how it works.

>> No.14080865

So it had a Gene Wolf ending?

>> No.14080926

They are hard sf, it's just hard politics instead of hard gay ass science stuff

>> No.14080958
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There is no such thing as hard politics

>> No.14081006

It's literally how you improve at something. The more ours you spend actually doing the thing (running, writing, piloting a plane) the better you get. Sure there are geniuses and talented people who are better than someone who practices, but for regular folk the more you dedicate your time to something, the better you are at it. Are you asserting that's not true?

>> No.14081022

So what do you prefer, if the author gives no physical description of a character at all, some light descriptions or extreme overt descriptions?

>> No.14081032

>Are you asserting that's not true?
Correct. It has to be deliberate practice. Not all practice is the same.
A very basic overview: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Practice_(learning_method)#Deliberate_practice

>> No.14081059

How I imagine a character to be is generally more important to me, so I prefer light description.

>> No.14081063

But that's where the webnovel format shines -- continual performance and continual critique. If anyone is capable of improvement that is the best circumstance to bring it about.

>> No.14081096

What's your opinion about these?

Words: 4,556,264

Words: 4,102,328

How proficient ought they be now?

>continual performance
Without any reflection or thought due to time restraints. It's just produce as much as possible as quickly as possible. Probably without any editing at all. The roughest draft is also the final draft always.

>continual critique
I really doubt they are provided any substantive critique and certainly not by those who would know.

> Another important feature of deliberate practice lies in continually practicing a skill at more challenging levels with the intention of mastering it.

>> No.14081102

or for a different example, for those who translate the extremely lengthy Chinese webnovels and some such, are they becoming both highly proficient translators and writers?

>> No.14081153

Dude it's not an assembly line. They've put themselves in the best position to improve. If their max potential is shit then they're on track to reach it. But do you not think they're better then if they'd sat typing in the basement that whole time? Should they go to the molten core of the Earth and cultivate until their writing is up to snuff? You might not get better with feedback but you won't get better without it.

>> No.14081178

You seem to be misunderstanding. I never said they shouldn't be doing as they do. I simply think they won't see much improvement in terms of their writing. Improving is rather irrelevant if their fans already enjoy it. Improving their writing may even be actually detrimental to their readership.

>> No.14081348

A Sampling of Charts
I read a few pages at most.

The Darkness That Comes Before - R. Scott Bakker: No
Skinwalker - Faith Hunter: No
Fated - Benedict Jacka: No
Son of the Black Sword - Larry Correia: No. Probably won't ever write anything I'd finish.
The Time Machine - H.G. Wells: No. I don't see the appeal of Wells.
Rough Magick - Kenny Soward: No
Metro 2033 - Dmitry Glukhovsky: No
Shades of Grey - Jasper Fforde: No. The gimmick seems intriguing.
Written In Red - Anne Bishop: No. Looked at reviews as it starts with something I assumed would cause an intense backlash, but seems that didn't happen. Curious.
Iron King - Julie Kagawa: No.
Thief's Magic - Trudi Canavan: No. I haven't liked any of her works.
Maximum Ride - James Patterson: No. Several years ago I read Along Comes A Spider. I liked it at the time. This though? Never.
The Waking Fire - Anthony Ryan: No. Interesting dragon stuff, but I don't like how it seems to be done.
Seven Forges - James A. Moore: No.
Immortals: The Calling - Jennifer Ashley: No.
A Shadow in Summer - Daniel Abraham: Pending. Going to give another chance another having now finished The Dagger And The Coin.
Seveneves - Neal Stephenson: No. I don't like Stephenson. I understand why others do.
Dhalgren - Samuel R. Delany: No.
Something From Nightside - Simon R. Green:No. Supernatural private investigator mediocrity.
The Windup Girl - Paolo Bacigalupi: Yes. Finished. Decent. One of my favorite short fiction writers.

All You Zombies - Robert A. Heinlein: No
Nightlord: Sunset - Garon Whited: No
The Big Over Easy - Jasper Fforde: No. This satirical and parodical murder investigation is not for me.
Treason - Orson Scott Card: No. Ender's Game may be the only Card novel that I'll have finished.
Tunnel In The Sky - Robert A. Heinlein: No.
Lucifer's Hammer - Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle: No. Provisionally. I remain conflicted, which means I'll never get around to reading it.
Fevre Dream - George R.R. Martin: Yes. Finished. Passable vampire fiction.
The Man Who Fell To Earth - Walter Tevis: No
Legend - David Gemmel: No
The Broken Sword - Poul Anderson: No. A Golden Age author of many awards admired by authors but I've never understood why.
Girl Parts - John M. Cusick: No. Starts with a suicide on a livestream with several 100s of viewers. Parents buy him a female android because he's Very Online and hope this helps. Deserves a full post rant, but I won't do so.
Rivers of London - Ben Aaronovitch: No. Supernatural police investigation. Probably liked by those interested.
Good Intentions - Elliot Kay: No. Starts with a full page of content warnings. Seems to be mocking rather than sincere.
Something More Than Night - Ian Tregillis: No
1984 - George Orwell - No. Finished. Read for class.
Stranger in Strange Land - Robert A. Heinlein: No. The only one I've finished is Starship Troopers, which was meh.
Out of the Dark - David Weber: No


>> No.14081515

Otherland by tad Williams

>> No.14081544

Not him but I'm 38, I spent a couple years with that rhetoric when smartphones and tablets were beginning to become popular. Then I borrowed my mother's nook for one of Erikson's malazan that just got released instead of drive for a few hours to go get it.
I have never looked back. Paper books are so inconvenient. Biggest thing was reading before bed always having to turn off the light as I am nodding off

>> No.14081726

Sounds like a personal problem. Instead of buying a nook you could have bought a $5 lamp for your nightstand instead.

>> No.14081756

Why two copies of The Last Wish?

>> No.14081760

Not him, but that only solves one of many inconveniences. At this point, it's some combination of fetishism, ignorance, bigotry, technophobia, neo-luddism, paranoia, nostalgia, and various other ideals.

>> No.14081783

You sound like an extremely lazy individual and your ability, or lack thereof, to make a coherent argument clearly reflects that.

>> No.14081784

I've actually flipped back. I've read a lots of books on my kindle and some on my phone just because it's always with me. But now I'm back enjoying the analogness of color covers, hardbacks, specifically typeset fonts, etc. I'll still sample books digitally but I want to have a little shelf of my favorite books instead of a file list.

>> No.14081793

I'll rephrase: Paper books only continue on because of inertia. Eventually they will be mostly phased out.

>> No.14081806

that's what they said about vinyl

>> No.14081815

>I'll rephrase: Paper books only continue on because of inertia. Eventually they will be mostly phased out.
Most books are now print on demand anyways.
There will always be physical variants but i agree that most sales will be digital only. However the collectors market is huge. My calibre library is like 40k books at this point and i do have an e-ink reader. But i still go for physical versions of books simply because i like having them.

>> No.14081822

Yes, and it's true. I didn't type "entirely".

>> No.14081828

That isn't really a "collectors' market".
That would be more like https://www.foliosociety.com/ and similar.

>> No.14081851

So you're not only lazy but you're also an idiot. Any other predictions you'd like to make, Nostradamus?

>> No.14081863

I predict that you'll insult me regardless of the content of the post.

>> No.14081867

No, that one is a fact. Now go do some research on the subject before you make yourself out to be even more of a fool than you already have.

>> No.14081921

>all of Rand's problem in WOT could have been solved if he had time to talk to his father
>and not by the cunts who bitches at him
Based Tam was the true hero after all

>> No.14081930

>Based Tam was the true hero after all

>> No.14081936

Basically every problem in WoT could have been solved by honest conversation and by having Egwene assassinated in about book 2.

>> No.14081969

>did what every women can't do in just a few scenes and make Rand go full Jesus
He was based throughout the end.

>> No.14081975

But Nyanaeve cared!

>> No.14081987

t.braid tugger

>> No.14082072
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It's been almost seven years, and this mofo STILL hasn't published The Thorn of Emberlain yet. What are we up to now, four years past deadline?

>> No.14082138

Does anyone have a list of Lovecraftian horror or Cthulhu Mythos (besides Lovecraft himself) books?

>> No.14082271

WOT seems to be discussed much more than GOT.

>> No.14082358

It's a love and hate thing, really. But more hate mostly.

>> No.14082363

Fucking /tv/ tourist

>> No.14082364

but muh depression

>> No.14082373
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>waiting for part 4 of a series that went to shit after the first book

>> No.14082412
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How did someone even manage to impregnate mercy's mum. Bitch is bigger than mountains.

>> No.14082415

Not with that attitude

>> No.14082530

What? Get out of here.

>> No.14082597

Fuck the knife ears, filthy degenerates.

>> No.14082603

Answer the question and screenshot the results and post them here please.

>> No.14082639

Same way they impreggers big mom from one piece of shit.

>> No.14082700


>> No.14082905

Her size is variable

>> No.14082915
File: 43 KB, 323x499, 51RFfF0pfML._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna rant about this book for a minute, please indulge me.
i'm 450 pages in, which is practically the dead center of the book, and so far absolutely jack shit has happened except some slight build up. it's the 5th book in the series, and 400 pages from the entire series being finished Weeks has basically introduced the idea that nothing going on really matters, because the entire world is about to be infiltrated by the 200 immortal gods now that humanities last line of defense against them (the blinding knife) is essentially 'lost.'

450 pages left, and this guy is just now dropping into who the "real" big bad evil villain of the /entire series/ is.

it doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going to happen. koios is going to attack the jaspers, right as the immortal 200 break through, ending in all sides of humanity banding together to kill the immortal aliens. it's going to be andross and kip and the mighty and karris and koios and his army and king ironfist and his army all combining forces against the immortal-demon-alien-gods-that-gave-humans-magic.

fuck this book. fuck this series. fuck this author. seriously, it's barely even been hinted at the gods/aliens being a thing. there's been ONE instance of it happening in the entire other 4 books - and that was towards the very end of the last book. you don't set up a giant scale war between three major factions fighting over the religious capital, just to say 'lol nah none of that is important they're all gonna band together and fight the demons/aliens/gods and then live happily ever after'.

if you ARE going to pull some shit like that, you do something like GRRM did with ASOIAF and make the VERY FIRST FUCKING CHAPTER OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING SERIES ABOUT THE ALIENS/GODS/IMMORTALS. You don't wait till 4/5th through the 4th book before you drop that conflict in. that's just fucking stupid, and goes right along with all the "holy shit how do i get myself out of this mess, oh i know, ill just throw a random plot twist out there" bullshit weeks has done in this series (i.e. grinwoody being the master of the order, ironfist being in the order, andross is actually a good guy, dazen killing gavin on sundered rock)

goddamn what a fucking waste of time.

>> No.14082919

You are 200% wrong

>> No.14082928

you didn't read a goddamn thing from that because you posted a reply less than a minute after i posted it.

>> No.14082930

How do people even give birth in cradle. Anything Iron up would crush the baby to death with their contractions.

>> No.14082951

I read all of lightbringer already, so I can already tell you that your theory is wrong.

>> No.14082982

Not all iron bodies are equal. Plus I’m sure there are some drugs that help with that in cradleverse

>> No.14083016

Imagine having a true gold gf crush you to death between her thighs haha

>> No.14083044
File: 304 KB, 646x595, 1527057485549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be silly, who would want that. Haha

>> No.14083067

Imagine having a monarch gf who can stop time and sit on your face in the middle of the throne room, while everyone else is still time stopped haha

>> No.14083117

Based Greene Daniel with another banger


>> No.14083137

Im on book three of WoT. Jordan's use of simile is almost obnoxious. Has anyone else noticed that?

>> No.14083139

Hate this cunt

>> No.14083149

Wtfs simile

>> No.14083154

You're as dumb as a nigger.

There, that's a simile.

>> No.14083173

Please don't respond to newfag shitposters, anon.

>> No.14083185

>I read all of lightbringer already
let me guess, you're the "it was all a story in the Night Angel universe" and "zymum kills everyone" guy, right? literally no one believes you.

real talk, if you've read the lightbringer, spoil who the actual lightbringer is. because unless you've actually read the series, you'll never guess.

>> No.14083214
File: 46 KB, 564x741, 005cb41dc1efd94d94e7e0753637f13a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boyos, any mecha novels? preferably not light novel shit, although i'd rather not be picky with such a niche flavor of sf&f

>> No.14083216

I wanna read something new. Is there something like the annual Locus magazine recommended reading list but not made by insane trannies?

>> No.14083236

Not into mecha but I want to point out that there's a fuckton of Battletech/MechWarrior tie-in novels.
Kazuma Kamachi is one of the few LN writers I deem readable and he has a mecha series, Heavy Object. There's only a fan translation but at least it's fairly up to date.

>> No.14083243

No I’m not.

Andross is the lightbringer, but Kip is Jesus, and is “crucified” to bring back Dazen’s faith.There is a night angel cameo, but he’s just there as a tool of Orholam.

>> No.14083258 [DELETED] 

>Andross is the lightbringer

confirmed for not reading the books. they make it very, very clear that none of the characters in the story are the lightbringer, and that the true lightbringer is Kip/Tisis' child

>> No.14083260

Only thing I don't like is the figurine. How socially and mentally inept do you have to be to buy physical figures from anime

>> No.14083263

>confirmed for not reading the books

none of the characters in the book series are the Lightbringer. the Lightbringer is Kip/Tisis' child

>> No.14083281
File: 3.81 MB, 1440x2560, 6712023906971057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this, but less pretentious

>> No.14083288

they aren’t even pregnant by the end of the book. Andross is declared the lightbringer, even though kip is the one who solved all the problems, and was the one to restore Dazen’s faith so he could shoot his white luxin load all over Big Jaspar. Lightbringer is just a title. Sevastian could have been a lightbringer too, if Andross didn’t child murder him.

>> No.14083308

lol at your reading comprehension.
Kip talks numerous times about how he's shot enough man spackle inside of Tisis to get her pregnant. Tisis talks about how she's missed her last two moons. during the andross flashbacks when he and felia are finding out about the prophecy they discover that either the lightbringer was born already, or will be born in 38 years, and surprise surprise, the flashback is dated 38 years ago.

it's literally like grade 7 level reading comprehension bro, cmon.

>> No.14083320

Lol at your reading comprehension
There can be more than one lightbringer.

>> No.14083329

'lightbringer' and 'Lightbringer' are two different things, which is very clearly stated in the books if you have half a brain and actual reading comprehension. It's the difference between a god and God.

>> No.14083357

based. giving Heavy Object a read right now. are the battletech novels any good?

>> No.14083363

>Answer the question and screenshot the results and post them here please.

This, please.

>> No.14083486

Is boxxy a guy or a girl?...

>> No.14083493

You're from pol.
That's another one.

>> No.14083502

Pretty sure that was some shadow aura manifestation or whatever.
Would be pretty hot if not though.

>> No.14083528

No it's not, and further proving my point that you're dumb like a nigger.

>> No.14083585

As I said, not into mecha. I've never read any of the Battletech books but there's a bunch on Mobilism, judge for yourself.

>> No.14083634

Monarchs are too flippant she'd crush your spin on purpose as opposed to accidentally getting lost in the moment.

>> No.14083638

Dumb bigger here. Hes not me.

>> No.14083654

You're right. He's not you. He's /like/ you. Because it's a simile.

>> No.14083675

Yeah thatd be terrible haha. Having Malice’s fat ass crush you to death haha no way anyone would want that

>> No.14083715

I want to be lovingly crushed to death

>> No.14083741
File: 28 KB, 963x534, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I'm the one who posted that in the first place. I'm glad that you asked.
As I keep saying, autism is used here as basically a catch-all for "posts that I don't like" or "some kind of mental illness". Clearly you remain ignorant of what it means despite seeing the test and infographic posted.
I'm not saying that I'm not mentally Ill. I am. Severely so. It's just that isn't autism.

>> No.14083819

Pol, what are you doing here? There are no infographs to spread. Are you the one spamming the off topic "Christian" and religious threads?

>> No.14083823

>decide to give a chorus of dragons a second chance, see if the sequel is any good
>the third chapter starts with a 5 page lecture on how sex is different than gender

It’s all so tiresome. Why do I even try to branch out?

>> No.14083849

>answer questions wrong to try and fool us
>clearly autistic from typing out, and searching for, tens of books you have 0 intention of reading, then reading some lines to form an "opinion", then sharing your half assed(less than half actually) "opinion" with others who don't want to know
>continually doing it even when it adds literally nothing of value to the general because "you can't stop"
>not autistic in the extreme

>> No.14083932

>answer questions wrong to try and fool us
I thought about not bothering since it was obvious you'd say this, but I did so anyway.
Again, that's simply your misunderstanding of what autism is.

>typing out
It doesn't take that long to type them out.

>searching for
It only takes seconds to get any particular book from IRC once I already have it open and ready.

>tens of books you have 0 intention of reading
Won't know until it's been tried. I'm open to being surprised. What I've posted in the thread is nothing compared to what I don't post.

>then reading some lines to form an "opinion
A few pages, not lines, but yes. Readers of the slush pile do even less for more important matters.

>sharing your half assed(less than half actually) "opinion"
Not any less than someone who recommends for or against the title and nothing else. I think your problem is quantity of the negativity. I have certainly been told that I am overly negative frequently.

>others who don't want to know
I think it's more likely that others would prefer to be without these arguments, but clearly neither of us are doing that. I mostly do the long posts for my own reasons, but I type out these replies specifically for your benefit.

>>continually doing it even when it adds literally nothing of value to the general because "you can't stop"
If you would, please direct me to posts in this thread that add value so that I can better understand your definition of value.

>because "you can't stop
If you mean the joke I made about being addicted, that's all it was. I've basically gone through the charts regularly posted here, which were basically all made by the same anon, and I don't believe I'll do the others.

>not autistic in the extreme
How about you post your results?
Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed the attention I've given you.

>> No.14083993

You should know that replying like that, breaking it down point by point, bit by bit, is exactly what a turbo-autist would do.

>> No.14084008

According to your definition of autism anyway.

>> No.14084084

How did we manage to attract /v/ crossboarders? I know /sffg/ is full of shit normally but today has crossed some line of extremity.

>> No.14084093

Wait I thought it was /pol/ crossboarders ruining the general? You really need to settle on a boogieman to blame all the the things you don’t like on.

>> No.14084389

Lindon should have just given Ekeri the key in exchange for sex.

>> No.14084401

When did you become aware that you were an incel?

>> No.14084429

>humans ever bowing to gold dragon oppressors
Disgusting. If Northstrider was here, you’d cripple yourself for saying something so disgusting.

>> No.14084447

When I started reading cradle.

>> No.14084452

Lindon's not human. He's asian.

>> No.14084730

Thread Sampling
>>14058648 Heroes Die - Matthew Woodring Stover: No. Grimdark fantasy science. Not quite something I want to read due to the prose.
>>14060051 The Ten Thousand - Paul Kearney: No. A minimal, basically historical fiction, fantasy grimdark of Ancient Greece. Close, but no.
>>14062405 Monument - Ian Graham: Yes. May be interesting and I liked the voice.
>>14062856 Battle Mage - Peter A. Flannery: No. Don't like the writing.
>>14063241 Haxan - Kenneth Mark Hoover: No. Maybe sometime I'll read a "Weird West", but not this one.
>>14068223 Dauntless - Jack Campbell: No. Not my sort of spacefaring writing.
>>14060159 Snakewood - Adrian Selby: Yes. I'll give it a chance. "The Winter Road" seemed like it may be alright as well.
>>14077743 Skyward - Brandon Sanderson: No. I didn't care for "Defending Elysium" and this seems to be the same universe.

Twelve Kings in Sharakhai - Bradley P. Beaulieu: Yes. Different setting and may be worthwhile.
The City Of Brass - S.A. Chakraborty: Yes. Different setting and may be enjoyable.

The Elfin Ship - James P. Blaylock: Yes. May be fun and relaxing. Some time ago I posted that I liked his short story, "The Dry Spell".
The Last Unicorn - Peter S. Beagle: No. No comment.
The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern: No. Seems like it may be good for someone who wants to read a fantasy romance that takes place over 30 years.

The Red Wolf Conspiracy - Robert V.S. Redick: No. Seems to be nautical fantasy and meh at that.
The Sword-Edged Blonde - Alex Bledsoe: No. Not a first person view that I can tolerate.
Winterbirth - Brian Ruckley: No. Meh.
Sea of Ghosts - Alan Campbell: No. Blah.
The Conqueror's Shadow - Ari Marmell: No. The dialogue wasn't tolerable.
Prince of Fools - Mark Lawrence: No. Ugh.

Dragon Seed - James Osiris Baldwin
No. Have you ever wanted to combine Black Mirror's San Junipero episode, Sword Art Online's terminal illness arc, and Dragonriders of Pern with fun pop culture references to spice it up? If so, you're in luck!
>But as Baldrick from Black Adder would say: “I have a cunning plan.”
>energetically rasped a battlecry. “PORK CHOP SANDWICHES!”
>“Sayonara, bitches!” I found myself laughing
>'Fuck it: might as well go out making up stupid Latin words for the Sephiroth theme song one last time’. You know how it goes: ‘French frogs, big cherries…” “Peter Pan, magic cheese. Sephiroth!”
>She seemed to know how to effortlessly position her body for maximum attractiveness, like something out of a movie – or a hentai.
>"Yeah. I had... have a thing for old games. My grandad used to play Elder Scrolls.”
>I’d probably read a Name backwards and summon Cthulhu.
>"Spot! Fucking hell! Starwars call a..."
>My adrenaline points dropped as I rose up with an uppercut, unnaturally fast, and punched him right in the dick.
>“Tarn takhrah, motherfuckers!” I bellowed, and charged in like the barbarian I was.

Total: 20
Yes: 5
No: 15

>> No.14084749

Assuming that a setting is one like our world, save for the fact that magic used to be relatively widespread before it dwindled away, what do you think would be a good time period for magic to vanish, and why?

>> No.14084759

Can you use a tripcode so I can easily filter these massive walls of autism ?

>> No.14084905

Nah, using a tripcode has been shown to irritate several people and since you're only a single person, it isn't worthwhile. I'll include "gtfa" in every long post and you can filter any post that includes that. That's the first time it's been posted on /lit/ so shouldn't filter any other posts.

>> No.14085227

same reason you're confined to your general instead of just having threads like the rest of the pseuds on this board; genre fiction is lowbrow and easily accessible

>> No.14085325

/tv/ is /pol/.

>> No.14085326

You're a unibrow.

>> No.14085334

Every board is.

>> No.14085364

>Being published has at least /some/ sort of stamp of decent quality
Less so lately. Nowadays the stamp is that it holds the right political views or the writer had good social connections. All new YA Fantasy is trash. Utter trash. I've read half-way decent self-published works in that genre.

>> No.14085365

/tv/ more than others.

>> No.14085400

>I read a few pages at most.
Your opinion is worthless then.


>> No.14085415

I hope you realize these aren't recommendations. It seems you didn't read the replies about what was linked either.

>> No.14085435

Dude, and I'm not the poster you are responding to just another person perusing this thread, but holy fuck your autism is off the scale and this response proves it.

>> No.14085452

Trying too hard

>> No.14085778

So pol is a bunch of pedos? Makes sense.

>> No.14085824

You're so wounded

>> No.14085835

But you said it was /v/ posters? So it’s /v/ /tv/ AND /pol/ posters? I’m just trying to keep track of who’s to blame.

>> No.14085840
File: 82 KB, 249x249, pepe cirno disintegrate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So it’s /v/ /tv/ AND /pol/ posters?
Basically it's this guy.

>> No.14085842

all crossboarders are to blame.
v, tv, pol, m, fit

>> No.14085860

He cute

>> No.14085918

The entire idea of crossboarding is complete idiocy.

>> No.14085923

For you

>> No.14085939


What do you mean, exactly?

>> No.14085952

I agree. Anyone who has ever posted outside of this general shouldn't post in this general.

>> No.14085959

Sorry I meant mu and fit.
Fit are the fags posting the rugged bearded guy, and mu asks for books that are like this song or that album or some shit.

>> No.14085962

It's entirely silly to be concerned about how many boards someone posts on.

>> No.14085977

It's more so that newfags can't reign themselves in and change their behavior or blend in when they switch from board to board. When their idiocy is abundantly obvious, it becomes simple to tell where they originated from.
It's not so much that browsing multiple boards is /wrong/ but that behavior is static across /all/ boards.

>> No.14085993

/k/ is the classic example of this. They rail against crossboarders from /pol/, but most /pol/ crossboarders are completely unnoticed by the people sperging. It's only the dumb newfags that get spotted.

>> No.14086012

What about when people from other board go onto /pol/ and post?

>> No.14086032

When are you gonna reclaim your rightful places in the catalog, /sffg/?

>> No.14086035

They get flooded in /pol/ content and either ragequit or are transformed.

>> No.14086068

Yes, because having many threads with almost no posts would be so much better.

>> No.14086099

I find it hard to believe that there's so few people on this board wanting to discuss genre fiction that they fit neatly into a single general, but the rest of the board can somehow support dozens of independent threads about various esoteric non-fiction shits.

>> No.14086103
File: 26 KB, 594x631, 1480003668102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read 2 and a half cradle books in a day

>> No.14086106

just finished a memory of light
what should I read next?
I was thinking the wizard knight

>> No.14086111

The worst thing is that the majority of content in every /sffg/ discusses the same books/authors ad nauseum.

>> No.14086122

Feel free to make your own threads.

>> No.14086137

Most of the posts in the general aren't even book related as is

>> No.14086156

Sad state of affairs, I'm pretty sure /tg/ discusses genre fiction more than /lit/

>> No.14086178

That would make sense since their post rate is many times more with many times more posters

>> No.14086191

Do they have dedicated threads at all? May need to immigrate.

>> No.14086201

And the board culture isn't hostile to boot

>> No.14086212

Have fun discussing Warhammer novels

>> No.14086224

>safe space

>> No.14086242

That's literally what this general is

>> No.14086257

Next you'll say all of 4chan is a safe space.

>> No.14086443

This general is a ghetto, not a safe space

>> No.14086457


>> No.14086493
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, mmm_madra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys help I just finished uncrowned and I desperately need more schlocky powerup junk to read. any format OK, worldbuilding a plus.

>> No.14086542

Read xianxia

>> No.14086571

Jump down the rabbit hole of Desolate Era, friend.

>> No.14086595

Light Novels

or go beyond reading.

>> No.14086705

>tfw you're 40k words into writing a book and you're not even a quarter done yet
>tfw you're writing at half your normal word count with twice as much narration

fuck me. How did I get so bad at this? At this rate I'll be lucky to be done by 2021

safe space for /pol/ maybe. literally no part of this god-forsaken website is "safe"

ignoring the shitposters, I think you'd like the Dresden Files if you haven't read it already. It's schlocky, but it's well executed and and completely unashamed of what it is.

>> No.14086717
File: 44 KB, 318x424, 44659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the Belgariad and Malloreon any good

>> No.14086727

Are you really going to have some random anon decide for you whether they are any good?

>> No.14086732

>not even a quarter done yet
Just how many 100s of pages do you want it to be?

>> No.14086749

What I meant to say is "what are they like"? What's the writing style? What kind of milieu does it evoke? What's the timescale of the novels? What kind of spirit does it have? Is it more like Tolkien or GRRM? Gene Roddenberry or George Lucas? Give me a few hints of the type of novels they are beyond mere plot details.

>> No.14086754

You're an idiot
Slightly redeemed by the RA Salvatore hidden on the bottom shelf.
Would you please shut the fuck up?
kek, this, these are the same people caught up in the left/right only political spectrums.

>> No.14086810

Belgariad is something you had to read as a child
now it's just really cringy

>> No.14086819

I don't think in terms of pages, but I don't really want to go all that much over 160k words. It's more a matter of how long I have to spend writing it than how long I want the book to be. i can't trust myself to keep going for more than a few months

I got my first novel done in somewhere around 3 months, but I was going at roughly 1000 words a day. Right now I'm running without the passion so I'm going at half pace, and my book is probably going to be twice as long by the end of it. I'm worried I'm dragging my feet on unnecessary narration, but I'm not sure what I can cut exactly

>> No.14086842

You expected people to get all of that from >>14086717 7 words?

>> No.14086853
File: 19 KB, 712x215, anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14086861

Is this the cynicism of "grownups" that makes you dislike anything enjoyable by children or is the Belgariad the literary equivalent of Teletubbies? Chronicles of Prydain is a series "for children" but it's quite enjoyable if you take the right frame of mind for it. Would you say it's more akin to that over something like The Wheel of Time? Or are you saying it's something pathetically derivative, rote, and cliché, like the plagiaristic Iron Tower trilogy?

>> No.14086899

For anyone who isn't autistic it's easy to do.

>> No.14086915

It's not the equivalent of the Teletubbies but i feel like it's for an even younger audience than Prydain

>> No.14087041

"Urban Fantasy" may well be the most disappointing subgenre of fantasy. The name is a misnomer. "Modern Supernatural" or "Paranormal Fantasy" would be more accurate. No doubt similar terms would also be considerably more accurate. It may be the cluster of tropes that make up this marketing term that are so unappealing. That it has such close ties to paranormal romance doesn't help either.

>> No.14087180
File: 301 KB, 288x475, 1557802261363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the anon who recommended Tanith Lee has pretty based taste, desu ne.

>> No.14087233

Congrats on liking a thing.

>> No.14087238

The feeling of finding something good after reading a huge bunch of mediocre or bad stuff is amazing.

>> No.14087245

Maybe just don't read that stuff?

>> No.14087252

Yush, I drop books very often, especially since we have easy piracy now and everything except the most dino dino that never got a release is downloadable

>> No.14087262

It's wonderful.

>> No.14087263

Book paradise! Until the change the DRM to something that Alf can't solve.

>> No.14087281

Ubik by Philip.K Dick has an interesting concept for uploading your conscious to a mirror reality when you die. The bodies stay in a large, cyber mortuaries that have computers that host the minds of the dead.

>> No.14087289

Is black company like an edgier version of a YA adventure book?

>> No.14087312 [DELETED] 

>>>14075734 (OP)
>Ubik by Philip.K Dick has an interesting concept for uploading your conscious to a mirror reality when you die. The bodies stay in a large, cyber mortuaries that have computers that host the minds of the dead.

Meant this for you

>> No.14087320 [DELETED] 

>>>14087281 (You)
>>>>14075734 (OP) (OP)
>>Ubik by Philip.K Dick has an interesting concept for uploading your conscious to a mirror reality when you die. The bodies stay in a large, cyber mortuaries that have computers that host the minds of the dead.

Whatever, I fucked up.

>> No.14087332 [DELETED] 

I hope you realize that you can delete posts.

>> No.14087362

I personally don't like dropping stuff even if I actively hate it because I think experiencing a wide range of quality is important to keep perspective. If I don't have a background of true shit to compare something against I can't meaningfully judge it. "The worst book I've ever read" should be a title that means something.

Not to mention that my initial reason for hating something might have less to do with its overall quality and more to do with my unfamiliarity with the context in which it was written- a culture or subgenre I don't understand and without which the book suffers. Imagine reading a single Batman comic without ever coming across the concept of a superhero before. It would of course just seem weird and stupid out of context. Continuing with something I hate for that sort of reason can contribute to my understanding that might lead to genuine appreciation of the work in the future.

>> No.14087370

Batman is weird and stupid even in context, as are pretty much all superhero stories.

>> No.14087372
File: 7 KB, 187x108, 1551190057708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yush, you can delete posts, but it takes like 1 minute for it to be deletable, there's a delete limit and also if the post is older than like 10 minutes you can't delete it. Also, typically if someone means something for someone else you'll see quotes like

meant for

>> No.14087373

There's no time to do that.

>> No.14087424

Ubik by Philip.K Dick has an interesting concept for uploading your conscious to a mirror reality when you die. The bodies stay in a large, cyber mortuaries that have computers that host the minds of the dead.

>> No.14087432 [DELETED] 

Delete this.

>> No.14087539

Bronze Age collapse.

>> No.14087574

That cover is fucking cool.

>> No.14087581

Not to me it isn't.

>> No.14087660

The cover is alright.

>> No.14087676

Reading white authors write fiction set in Asian culture makes me cringe. Can't help it. I was briefly curious about some posts itt and checked out a new series called Cradle. Got to the first page before I started reading shit like 'Wei Shi Lindon'. Christ. And you know what? My disgust for this is all superficial. Just keep all the surface shit white, like names. When you get to the symbolism, dig as deep as you want, and all the better for it, truly.
t. Asian. It's not quite as bad as when I read English names in books of my own language, but still bad. Is this a personal fault of mine? How do I break out of this innate reaction of disgust to this?

>> No.14087698

>Read cringeworthy litrpg garbage
>Complain it's cringeworthy

The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.14087700

You've entirely misunderstood his complaint.

>> No.14087718

>I was briefly curious about some posts itt and checked out a new series called Cradle

No, i didn't, it's just litrpg garbage.

>> No.14087721

Sorry, I didn't realize you were autistic. My mistake.

>> No.14087833

So Quantum Thief discussion soon?
Month is about to end.

>> No.14087836

Next thread I assume.
Bump limit is 310.
That's 11 posts away.

>> No.14087838

There are tons of Asian Xianxia or Wuxia read those when it triggers you that much that a white man isn't particular good with naming.
Later on there is a whole clan of super powerful shadow mages and absolutely everyone has some gay stripper name.

To bad though that Cradle is better than everything Asia has produced in terms of Xianxia.

>> No.14087844

> It's not quite as bad as when I read English names in books of my own language
Seems you've misunderstood as well. The naming isn't the problem. It's the mere presence of an author writing outside of their own race.

>> No.14087866

>outside of his own race
Well that sounds like some stupid /pol/ shit if that really triggers you. The naming I could actually understand because it's often rather clumsy at both sides.
It's fantasy. A writer can write outside of humanity, from the perspective of orcs/demons or interplanetary beings that transcendent time etc when he is good at it.
To get triggered when someone writes from the perspective of someone with more slanty eyes and slightly allergic to milk is kinda retarded.
I know, I know, one is an actual culture and the other thing is completely made up so I somehow know where you are coming from but still it's as you already described very superficial but you already see that.
As to what to do against that I can't help you.
When I watch anime and the Japs make Germans into some super edgy chuni Panzermagier who spouts Goethe quotes when summoning gas Chambers or something I just laugh at it instead of cringing. Just take it with some humor.

>> No.14087867

I'd really rather fucking neck myself this very instant than ever dip into the cesspool of modern chink shit. Especially not their fanfiction-tier self-published garbage written by children of illiterate parents who grew up playing video games instead of reading old literature following the hero's journey. It really shows.
Not quite so. I don't mind if a white author thinly veils their mystical exotic eastern weeb fantasies with the veneer of a culture that they actually know about. Just give me enough to suspend my disbelief of their ignorance. I'm tired of these people whose sum of all knowledge of the setting of their book comes from second-hand internet research. It just shows in their writing and cringes me out. I don't know how else to put it. It's like reading Asian authors write about knights and castles and dragons stealing princesses with characters called Arthur or John.
If it's about a culture I have no idea about, like niggers, I don't get this feeling in the slightest. There's a reason why all my examples consist of whites and Asians--they're what I know.

>> No.14087876

You can't do much about your feelings of it not seeming like an authentic experience.

>> No.14087878

I'm aware. It's why I'm trying to condition myself out of this feeling so I can enjoy literature regardless of its author and backgrounds. In the end it's all fiction, no? It's a stupid thing for me to feel this way, but it's involuntary.
I'm going to continue this book until I can safely say I wish to drop it not because of my dumb feelings but because it's simply bad.

>> No.14087880

I put race rather than culture because what about an Asian American who doesn't know anything about Asian culture but decides to write an Asian Culture novel anyway? It's too much type out to go into nuance, so I just put race because I may be wrong, but I think you'd cringe less with an ethnically Asian name on the cover.

>> No.14087885

Definitely, even though the actual content of the book might not differ from a white author. I can't be perfectly objective. In the end it's my instinctive feelings causing this and they've got to be influenced by the name on the cover. I'll try to teach myself out of it.

>> No.14087887

You know there is actual Asian Wuxia that actual made the genre a thing. Stories about immortals and all that jazz.
Why not read that instead of western stuff which you already suspect you will not enjoy in the slightest?
Journey to the West is like the original DBZ fantasy.

>> No.14087892

>I'd really rather fucking neck myself this very instant than ever dip into the cesspool of modern chink shit.

>> No.14087895

Try this. The book is fun, I guarantee, but I'm curious what your bugbrain will think of the names.

>> No.14087898
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I forgot to post the actual book.

>> No.14087899

It's amazing how once this sort of book is mentioned, all rationality and reading ability departs from the posters. Assuming they had any in the first place. Seems that it's a mindkiller.

>> No.14087902
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>> No.14087904

I was talking about old chinkshit. You know journey to the West right? Probably one of the most influential novels from China and one of the big three.
Legend if the condor heroes is another Wuxia that's pretty ok. Also got a good number of serializations.

>> No.14087911

What bad timing. I don't know whether to make a new thread right now, go to sleep and it may still be here, or just provide the text for someone else to copypaste to make a new thread including a Halloween themed image and the updated thread list. Guess I may as well do the latter anyway.

>> No.14087912

I've obviously already read it in its original language(s) and I enjoyed them for what they are. I actually never finished Legend of the Condor Heroes. Maybe one of these days.
I'll try it. Wasn't super into Tigana.

>> No.14087923

Eh, whatever, it doesn't matter and I don't care.


You can keep posting in this one if you want as well. Off to sleep.

>> No.14087925

A couple of years ago I set about reading the series and ended up dropping it somewhere in the beginning of the fifth book.
It's as clichè as they come, if competently written. Basically, child of prophecy has adventures and makes lots friends while travelling the world with what remains of his family. Has that late-20th century tendency of women often being complete cunts, but what are you gonna do, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
An interesting facet of the worldbuilding is that nations have common personality traits. Drasnians are cunning and mischievous, Sendarians are practical and clear-headed, you get the idea. And yes, all the bad guys in the first series are from one nation only, iirc. Their national trait is that they're the baddies.
I would say read the first book and see if it is to your liking, the rest are paced similarly and feature similar adventures with an ever-expanding cast of characters.
If you're looking for feel-good old-timey fantasy filled with goody two-shoes characters, I'd recommend Feist's Magician. It's a standalone and features both a standard quest narrative with a larger cast and subversive elements (from one point on). The plethora of sequels are a mixed bag but I'd describe the other two installments in the Riftwar Saga as Belgariad but better and briefer.

>> No.14088019

>It's a standalone
Yeah, a standalone 30 book series.

>> No.14088151

All major plot threads are resolved in the first book. The titular "Riftwar" is resolved. The next two books feature a secondary protagonist from the first one a quest related to what was formerly a minor subplot.
Later series don't feature the same cast. In fact most of the sequel series don't even exist. Pic related. This book doesn't exist.

>> No.14088377

>gotta go fast

Batman was a bad analogy to use.

>> No.14088434

>a pol slant eye rice eating gook bugman being racist against blacks

>> No.14088440

Anything set from the pov of the defenders in a siege?

>> No.14088442

No one cares Charlie

>> No.14088923
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Are you seriously making me shill your book, Tom?