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/lit/ - Literature

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14059691 No.14059691 [Reply] [Original]

Is Will Hunting /lit/?

>> No.14059704

>me, a short balding manlet identifying with a perfectly handsome and masculine character just because he's portrayed as an underdog

am i retarded

>> No.14059709

Matt Damon is only 5'10".

>> No.14059718

despite what 4chan says 5'10'' is not short irl

>> No.14059739

I literally teared up at the

>it's not your fault

scene, but will's trauma caused him to be a an aggressively attractive bad boy while mine caused me to be



>> No.14059748

>Comes out of nowhere and tries to show off by insulting some dude about his supposed lack of knowledge about American history
It is /lit/ only in terms of autism.

>> No.14059751
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>5'10'' is not short irl

>> No.14059759

LMAO leave the basement and step on a college campus some time

>> No.14059770
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>tfw friends and GFs have told you that you act like Will Hunting
How do I fix myself bros? Never seen the movie, but I’m pretty sure that’s not a good thing. I’m 20 years old if that matters

>> No.14059777

you should take that as a compliment

>> No.14059785

100% correct.

just a big meme

>> No.14059788
File: 848 KB, 960x1150, Manlet_btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manlet cope

>> No.14059793

>tfw 5'8"
Why do I even bother getting out of bed in the morning

>> No.14059794

How’s that a compliment faggot?
>>hurr your smart
There’s nothing more cringe than this vain obsession with intelligence. From what I know about Will, he’s someone who could have it all but is a very closed off which leads to disastrous consequences. What’s good about that?

>> No.14059804

the movie isn't about him being smart, that's just a plot device because something has to carry the fucking story and give it a reason

he's an aggresive and irrationally arrogant kid, which in itself are attractive traits irl

when people tell you you act like will hunting 99% of the time they don't mean you're smart because those who aren't autistic are able to pick up on the real traits that make the character

>> No.14059810

how inept do you actually have to be not to pick up on Will's disregard and even contempt for intelligence? He ridicules intellectuals the whole movie.

>> No.14059811
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The will to live. Even manlets have it. It's tragic, really.

>> No.14059817

>tfw 5'6” blonde blue eyed
Muh master race, right guys?

>> No.14059832

I never watched the movie faggot
Okay, thanks

>> No.14059837

>tfw was 5'6'' blonde blue eyed

could've been attractive in HS if I wasn't shy and depressive

now I'm just

>a balding manlet

>> No.14059842

i wrote the both replies actually so I'll take that as

>thank you faggot

you're welcome, watch the movie, it's good

>> No.14059852

I think it's also the fact that some part of me doesn't buy into the "bigger is better" logic. It always seems the smaller animals are the ones that prevail, while the larger ones go extinct, certain marine animals being the exception. Look at the tiny, peaceful Okinawans living to be 110, decades longer than lanklets. But in our world of bigness -- big nations, big business, big people -- manlets like me are looked down upon. Anyway, these are the lies we manlets have to invent for ourselves if we're to make it.

>> No.14060020
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>For my mother the goddess, silver-footed Thetis, tells me that twofold fates are bearing me toward the doom of death: if I abide here and play my part in the siege of Troy, then lost is my home-return, but my renown shall be imperishable; but if I return home to my dear native land, lost then is my glorious renown, yet shall my life long endure, neither shall the doom of death come soon upon me.

>> No.14060032

do you like apples?
no tell me, do you like apples?

>> No.14060036

No, I don't particularly like apples. Why do you ask, anon?

>> No.14060065
File: 5 KB, 225x225, apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well maybe you like this apple

>> No.14060078

No, not really. I guess you must really like apples though given your insistence on bringing them up in a conversation that doesn't at all relate to apples or really any other kind of fruit either.

>> No.14060093

blatant demoralization propaganda from the overclass

>> No.14060103

how do you not like them apples?

>> No.14060121

I really don't care to continue this conversation anon. And besides, I got her number already.

>> No.14060148

It depens on where you live. I live in Turkey and I'm 1.65.In Turkey most girls are shorter than me. So, I have no problem "having sex".

>> No.14060171

"living a day as a lion" saying

>> No.14060176

The devolution of /lit/ in two posts.

>> No.14060182

Nah. GWH is /sci/

>> No.14060183


>> No.14060199

>here's a difficult FOURIER ANALYSIS proof
>a shot of a blackboard with some trivial graph theory

>> No.14060203

Not him, but I like apples. What about them anon?

>> No.14060208
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No, but the sequel is.

>> No.14060213


>> No.14060228

That has nothing to do with height though. Mussolini was a manlet.

>> No.14060230

I like apples

>> No.14060236

He's right. I'm nearly 6'2" and tower over everyone. 5'10" is average but the vast majority are also around that height. There's probably one in a thousand who are taller than me, not going to look up the statistics but even 6' is pretty rare.

>> No.14060239
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/sci crossed with /tv/

>> No.14060266

If you hang out with college athletes, that’s not the case. My point is if you hang out with socially relevant crowds, 5’10” is SHORT

>> No.14060272

>just put your blinders on and only see tall people
kek you're the mascot for your team aren't you

>> No.14060287

the fact that so many still name "Good Will Hunting" as a great or even decent film only tells you how far cinema still is from becoming a serious art
it's a completely thoughtless piece of american sentimentalism playing
don't see it
it's /lit/, shares the same puerile obsession with authenticity

>> No.14060298

Sometimes I am upset about my 5 6 height, unattractiveness and average IQ. When I ponder about it without too much melancholy I stop feeling sad because nothing would change anyway if it wasnt so.

>> No.14060303

The film is completely detached from the actual struggles of the type of character it was trying to explore. The Will Huntings of this world — abused, traumatised, arrogant, self-hating, hypermasculine, working class kids — are not people with genius intellects who can embarrass pseuds in pubs with their verbal prowess and firm grasp of historical literature, and win over girls by doing this. They are generally people of low to above-average intelligence who have a hard time expressing themselves and struggle with their own inadequacy. For me, it would have been much more interesting to see Will Hunting portrayed as a character who has an interest in intellectual matters, mingles with the academic coterie while employed as a janitor in that university, but ultimately has to face the fact — after failing to gain entrance into that lifestyle, either symbolically by being exposed as a dimwit in conversation, or literally by failing an entrance exam or something — that he is not good enough. This for me would have been a much more authentic and sympathetic portrayal of the character.
Hunting is simply a character with superhuman abilities which he can rely on to redress his other problems. The film can only speak superficially to the majority of us who have no redeeming qualities to serve as an oasis for our miserable lives.

>> No.14060325

the point of the movie was that he fixes his mental problems and goes after the girl, instead of using his genius to get rich or whatever.And even the genius thing is kind of just saying to apply whatever strengths you do have instead of being scared of failure. It's Hollywood so they made him a meme character

>> No.14060334

One might object to you saying that it is attempting to portray a great intellectual, but these are very seldom traumatized plebeian studs, so either way the picture fails

>> No.14060338

You completely miss the point. Will is a one-off, who slipped through the cracks of society despite his exceptional intelligence. He is much like the working-class genius Michael Faraday, who discovered electromagnetism. He's not your average working class boy. He's a rarity, an exception, one in a million.
I know someone exactly like him in many ways.

>> No.14060340

5'10 is peak aesthetics. Any taller and you're a lanklet any smaller and you're a manlet. It's hard being this perfect, but me and my 5'10 bros manage.

>> No.14060346

Mediocre genes cope.

>> No.14060356

I actually agree. I think the 5'10" to 6'1" range is ideal.

>> No.14060368

/lit/ is mostly elitist psueds, they are more a fit of the guy he btfos
>reads everything he can
>doesn't give a shit about others opinions of books
>doesn't care about being seen as smart

>other guy
>doesn't form his own opinion
>only reads to maintain the image of being smart
>cares about if people think he's smart

>> No.14060370
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>> No.14060371

>The Will Huntings of this world
who are they

>> No.14060381

Mathematically speaking 510 is the average male height for most of the developed world. It can't be considered short then, mathematically speaking, because it is the mean which defines what is short or tall.
Because height doesn't really correlate with any meaningful traits such a cognitive ability, it should be seen as merely neutral. Most people find slightly taller to be ideal, capping off at about 6ft 2. But being average height means that your body is likely to be more proportional which some might find aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.14060399

yes. this is basically what happens at the boston /lit/ meetup, except just imagine more focus on the chicks feet.

>> No.14060469

He's about 5'10"

>> No.14060597

kys pretentious nigger, the movie is supposed to be enjoyable comfy New England kino not “high art”

>> No.14060635

I don't care what it's supposed to be, but what it is, and it is shit

>> No.14060661

what did you think about children of men?

>> No.14060723

He was a genius that intentionally took a simple life, whoever brought him out of that simple life was a moron.

>> No.14060739

what about the titanic?

>> No.14060800

That's even worse

>> No.14061055

List your favorite films, I’m just curious

>> No.14061150

never seen it
never seen any good ones

>> No.14061171

>Look at this dumbass trying to hit on these girls. I'm going to make fun of him
>Hey, you're talking about a class from grade school
>Now let's talk about US antebellum agrarian economics, because this is clearly relevant to the conversation, and any random person at a bar who doesn't know obscure information is an idiot
>oh, your friend knows more than i do.

It's such a ridiculous scene. Why anyone would bring up the economic modality stuff in that context makes no sense.

>> No.14061175


>> No.14061179

you just seem like a hipster contrarian
what're you 5 favorite books?

>> No.14061222

Paradise Lost
Orlando Furioso
Faerie Queene
Iliad of Homer
Gerusalemme Liberata

>> No.14061235

>Faerie Queene

>> No.14061241

>Paradise Lost

>> No.14061255

whats wrong with paradise lost

>> No.14061272

he's a genius who knows everything about maths and history and art and medicine/chemistry

ummmm.... how?

>> No.14061275

He paid the Public Library $1.50. You too could do this.

>> No.14061276
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superior new england genetics.

>> No.14061288

when did he go to the library? do his friends who he spends all his time with know he goes to the library?

>> No.14061390

Be me
>blonde hair, blue eyes
>chad like facial features
>have Aspergers and an almost photographic memory
>insensitive to physical pain
>obsessed with math, science, and philosophy
But I couldn't be fucking 6'4, I missed the chane to be a hyperchad.

>> No.14061403

he mentions it in this exact bar scene

>> No.14061489

What do you think about Kubrick?

>> No.14061515
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>tfw im 5'10"
Why couldn't God give me just a couple more inches?

>> No.14061527

you can have mine if you want I'm not using them

>> No.14061744

I've seen "Clockwork Orange" and "Strangelove" and thought both of them decent at best

>> No.14061752

Rambo First Blood is more lit than Good will

>> No.14062000

What do you think of Renoir?

>> No.14062173

No, the problem with the film is that when you have this type of emotional problems you usually get stunted on issues of intellect.
Intelligence is a meme. It should be called emotional stability and good stress regulation

>> No.14062256

why do we hate mr ponytail, or why are we driven to? because he recites some information about it in an attempt to demean some pissant trying to move in on a woman he's been trying to pull for months? i see him as more /lit/ than will. will, bigdick studpants walks over and does what to upstage this fellow, who likely spent years working, studying, had greater opportunities than will, sure, but also didn't waste them as those with such opportunities do; he upstages the man who is attempting to impress others by echoing some esoteric writers by doing the EXACT same thing, only harder. In attacking his limited ability to parrot esoteric writings, will demeans his own comprehensive knowledge of the subjects himself. by doing so he exposes that he doesn't himself comprehend the true depth of what makes a genius a genius. it is not the regurgitation of memorized knowledge but rather the synthesis of it to attain new perspectives in the given fields to which this knowledge applies. instead, a pissing contest ensues between two parrots who are written by two jersey boys who imagine what it would be like to be "wicked smaht", hence the lad going off with the woman, a moronic self defeating gesture, damning the legacy and responsibility that weighs heavy on men of genius, those who have greater calling than their own base desires.
no, this film is /lit/, insofar as it being an unceasing example of the limited scope of plebeians when contemplating the lives of those truly gifted, projecting their own insecurities onto them, and fantasizing about denying their gifts, were they to have them, to the world that denied them the gratification they desperately crave.

>> No.14062289
File: 743 KB, 1080x1080, F1B23CDC-5726-4352-A2E5-CAC3EF787CFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if /lit/ stepped on a college campus, this would happen

>> No.14062315

Well you’re not wicked smaht

>> No.14062417
File: 206 KB, 310x363, YOU.0.pnga .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shills a people's history of the united states
Cringe and midwit

>> No.14062477

Only seen grand illusion and rules of the game. Both great. A day in the country, boudu, and la chienne I still want to watch

>> No.14063041

no but your mom's a whore niggerasskikefagbitchcuntbugslutjew

>> No.14063042


>> No.14063080

Renoir you ask? I really like his late paintings: the modelling in his late Bathers...

Oh, you are talking of cinema? I am sorry I don't have time for things like that

>> No.14063087


>> No.14063308

Cinema is the greatest medium and Renoir is a fucking trash painter.

>> No.14063322

BASED and DFWpilled.

>> No.14064295

Never heard the name
Not me

>> No.14064527

You talk about how cinema isn't a serious art but haven't watched one of it's most important filmmakers?

>> No.14064536

I only speak of that which I have seen

>> No.14064545

Cinema is midwittism mediumified.

Since you make such normalizing claims without substantiation, I can as well as they're every bit as valid seeing how anonymous we are.

>> No.14064622

Literally the best take on this website.

Good Will Hunting really reminds me of a post from a while back on /tv/ about the way Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the genius of the sherlock holmes character as someone who applies their firm grip on logic to understand and navigate the world, versus the modern midwit writers of 'Sherlock' writing a 'genius' who can pull obscure facts out of his ass and make super witty one-liners.

>> No.14064626
File: 452 KB, 753x768, sherlock4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14064643

I've only read 3 books so I can confidently say literature is a terrible medium.

>> No.14064644

Cinema can do everything literature can do and more. Actually seeing human beings has a much more emotional effect. Something you can't get with literature obviously.

>> No.14064973

I cried at the "it's not your fault" scene when I was 17. After that I started reading a lot, and now after doing that I'm quitting at 21 for a few years to try and focus on school and friends more. He's not really a character I want to relate to, still come here sometimes as a habit.

>> No.14064978

It's reddit. Will Hunting is the false prophet of reddit who lures all white knights, normies and beta good bois into the trap of believing their inferior morality is popular by being an underdog. What most don't put into consideration is that matt Damon is a handsome Hollywood actor who pretends to be some idol these morons cling to. Have this movie remade and replace Damon with some dorky lanklet or some fat guy nobody would give a fuck since the character is far from perfection

>> No.14065218

You can read and still have friends and do well in school. I'm doing it now.

>> No.14065274

your dumb fuck friends won't be your friends in 5 years time
just letting you know that now. sorry bro

>> No.14065606

This. Good Will Hunting is a superhero film where the superpower is being wikkid smaht.

>> No.14065626

>never seen any good ones

>> No.14065686

>I was a high-iq massive mental issues kid
>got into a famous /lit/ ivy league school
>Completely unable to handle it, drop out almost immediately, suicidal the entire time
>6 years later I'm a janitor at the same place

>> No.14065702

>never seen any good ones
pretty based