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14044922 No.14044922 [Reply] [Original]

This is it. Going to better myself. No-fap, 3-4 hours of reading each day. Pomodoro technique. No sugar. Going to quit alcohol. Finding a purpose. Going for a full doomer into bloomer transformation. Hopefully reading will be the stepping stone.

>> No.14044925

Very cool blog, anon! Keep us updated on the mundane aspects of your life! When are you planning on taking a shit next?

>> No.14044928

I wish you good luck, but it's way better to gradually introduce improvements into your life. Doing all those things at once will be too much and you're more likely to relapse.

>> No.14044937

In about 2 hours going to burger king

>> No.14044940

Incredibly based.

>> No.14045154

Nofap is placebo.

>> No.14045169
File: 54 KB, 465x576, professionally memed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sexological literature clearly states that's not healthy

> 3-4 hours of reading each day
Make sure it's quality and not just quantity

>Pomodoro technique
dunno what that is

>No sugar. Going to quit alcohol
It's called moderation moron

>Finding a purpose
Good luck

>> No.14045178
File: 25 KB, 676x380, ray peatr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sugar

>> No.14045187

You´ll be back.

>> No.14045227

Good luck! You can do it.

>> No.14045237

>Still on 4chan
>never going to make it

>> No.14045239
File: 85 KB, 512x446, 7945e4b3-7f74-4fcd-b9f4-7e95c597b024_g_570[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me literally every time I hit rock bottom. I get this burst of energy, this hope wells up within me. Now is when it'll come to a stop. I've endured enough, I can't get any lower than this, I'm gonna turn this ship around! And I veer back onto course for a day, maybe two, a week if I'm lucky, but sooner or later I go back off course and sink lower than before. I sink and sink and go on sinking, nibbling on morsels of hopeful delusions for sustenance. Hope you are able to make real lasting change though anon.

>> No.14045249

Make changes one day at a time. Deciding to change everything at once is going to burn you out. Pick one thing you want to change today and change that, and once you're comfortable with it, pick up a new thing.

>> No.14045332

You're here forever anon. I don't think anyone's ever left this place.

>> No.14045337

>You're here forever
How is it that a site so addictive isn't a multibillion dollar atrocity like Facebook is?

>> No.14045376

Based. Remember that it's okay if you fail every now and then. If you drink soda one day, don't give it all up for something so minor. Same if you fap one day or don't read your allotted amount. Do not give it all up, and do commit to not failing the next day. The key, sincerely, is to keep at it.

>> No.14045383
File: 2.59 MB, 800x450, he fast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for it OP. I'm on the road to improvement myself. I cut down on my time on this shithole as much as possible, plan out my future, avoid sugar, go to the gym, we're all gonna make it

>> No.14045393

>'cut down my time on this shithole'
>owner of a rare pepe gif
Yeah, bullshit.

>> No.14045405
File: 276 KB, 900x600, It has been a pleasure, gentlemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just jealous

>> No.14045504

Ok. Finished taking a shit now going to a museum

>> No.14045535

it fills something primal (similar to gossip) that lures you and hooks you.
That’s my theory anyway