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/lit/ - Literature

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14026031 No.14026031 [Reply] [Original]

Is it retardery? Sand-baggery? I hardly doubt /lit/ is that stupid that they can’t understand the basic premise of recognizing an object in motion, wanting to accelerate that motion to its maximum, all in order that you bring about the objects stop in a manner that is more conducive or more favorable towards your ends after the motion of said object. If you are not actively interfering with an object, you are willingly abdicating power to the enemy. Don’t be stupid, accelerationism really isn’t any more complicated. RadLib Western civilization is inevitably at its point of near maxim. Gently nudge it over the edge and get this fall started before things get any more ugly for your position on the right. Demographics are destiny. Time is running out. Tik tok tik tok.

>> No.14026049

basically it goes back colbert's truthiness bit, accelerationism sort of feels right. it's also very memeable

>> No.14026058

it's essentially a 21st century retread of jewish apocalyptic gnosticism.

>> No.14026068

>the basic premise of recognizing an object in motion, wanting to accelerate that motion to its maximum
What does this even mean? You are spouting gibberish
Also what the fuck has this to do with literature?

>> No.14026080

op doesn't understand it, everything doesn't want to accelerate that's a misinterpretation from zeroes and ones. she was really referring to the massive extent to which philosophers have ignored the way a fundamental prinicple of self-preservation plays both among organisms, discourse, and culture

>> No.14026096

make up your own '''hot takes''', brainlet. sad and saged.

>> No.14026113

Could you please elaborate what role self-preservation plays in the aforementioned

>> No.14026138

no it's too hard and i need to log off and get things done. read archaeology of knowledge and world as will and representation/beyond good and evil (maybe you already have). then go on twitter, reddit, or fb and turn on the news. discursive formations fighting each other to reproduce themselves.

>> No.14026146
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i don't even know what people are talking about in those threads. I don't know what accelerationism is in the first place.

>> No.14026167

Not really. It’s more so that each organism inevitably kills itself in that it overloads and indulges within the makeup of itself leading to a self-destruction due to the inherent nature of violent reactionaries. The far left is obviously doomed to oscillate back right at some point. What the right should be inclined to do at this point is ironically embrace liberalism, giving it a “hug of death” of sorts. The more insane and reactionary you can create other people to be before the potential for reactionaries to be created diminishes, the better. Obviously demographics are fucked. The right needs to pick up the left and throw them even further, encourage their fucktardery, glow it up in the normies face. Overwhelm them and create the reactionary that is inherent within.

>> No.14026219


>> No.14026298

landian neoreaction explicitly ends in a class of technocrats and captains of industry monopolizing transhumanist technology and using it to transcend and either enslave or destroy everyone else. if you aren't a capitalist or one of their pets, neoreaction is a no win situation for you.

>> No.14026322

When is it ever a win for humans? We arguably march on an infinite line towards whatever comes after ourselves. The automobile, and its often unobserved consequences, is just a simple representation of how we remove a part of what makes ourselves human in order to achieve this non-human entity.

>> No.14026491

>delusional retard cope mechanism to feel like you can "nudge" society in any particular direction
Yeah, because a bunch of tranny fetishists sissies on twitter, 4chan and Discord will ever have an impact on anything. Do kill yourself, you stupid cunt

>> No.14026513

it's certainly a win for the humans who get to transform themselves into immortal cybernetic ubermensch.

>> No.14026534

The Eternal Wage Cage now with Cope Syrup

>> No.14026556

What’s the point?

>> No.14026558

>implying we aren't in freefall already
You can't accelerate it any more, dummy. We're falling as fast as we can.

>> No.14026576
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cumbrain philosophy

>> No.14026583

Accelerationism is a meme kept alive because it has a cool sounding name and has an aesthetic that melds well with what's popular with Very Active internet users. They don't actually know anything about technology beyond reading some edgy sci-fi and spending a lot of time on twitter and discord with their glitch art avatars and full width text usernames.

>> No.14026668

I dont think you understand it though OP

>> No.14026695

Don't tweet, don't twitter. That place is a hell worse than 4chan

>> No.14026730

yeah but twitter has more people being unintentionally funny + keskold

>> No.14026738

accelerationism is basically Deleuze minus the vitalism, and it has nothing to do with transgenders (g/acc is a thing but 99% of acc isn't g/acc); it doesn't look to "speed things up" or "make things worse", so much as it recognizes that things are already speeding up/getting worse. This is a lot like the conflation: "since Neech wrote about nihilism, he must advocate nihilism".

>> No.14026768

let me spell it out for you: it doesn't matter what the point of it is. if land is right, waiting at the end of the neoreactionary accelerationist line is a world where a very specific class interest has exclusive access to the ability to essential ascend to godhood. note how his preferred system of government is specifically designed to give power of the state to plutocrats and leave everyone outside of the proprietor class entirely powerless beyond the capacity to flee. we are talking about a filter where humanity goes in one end, and the super rich and powerful come out the other.

the chances are virtually certain that neither you or i will be on the right side of that filter. now, if you would snap out of your defeatist pseudo-nihilism for a brief moment, consider that this does not need to happen. what i am describing is the final phase of class conflict. if we go down land's preferred path, the proprietor class wins, and we all lose. if we remove these leeches from society, and take power over the future of humanity away from them, then we become the propritors of the future. otherwise, you might as well just shoot yourself now.

this is all assuming land is right of course, and i am not so confident to say he is wrong.

>> No.14026796

>we are talking about a filter where humanity goes in one end, and the technocapital singularity comes out the other
nothing human makes it out of the near future

>> No.14026829

>nothing human makes it out of the near future
it goes without saying that following the transhumanist revolution humanity is done for. the point i am making is that to say that it is necessary that only an elite few who happen to hold power in modern capitalism can profiteer from that future is fatalistic nonsense. this is why i find land so disgusting; his anti-populaist rhetoric doesn't serve to stabalize society as he makes it out to with his talk of zombie apocalypse and a post-modern hellscape. it serves to implicitly bolster his vision of a technocratic furture in which the dregs of society (like you and me) are filtered out.

>> No.14026846


>> No.14026853

>can profiteer from that future is fatalistic nonsense
nothing human profits from it, what gets emancipated are the means of production, not the capitalists

>> No.14026857

that's why the cool kids read Fisher

>> No.14026885

>tfw alec was right all along
it doesn't matter if what comes out will be human or not. i'm not a humanist. what matters is that whatever does come out will purely machine or human, it will be symbiotic, and everything that isn't in on the game will be killed or enslaved. i don't know about you, but i'm not very interested in playing a game that cannot be won.
i've been meaning to read him. would you mind giving me a quick run down?

>> No.14026920
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>> No.14026969

holy based. gotta pick this up. danke anon comrade.

>> No.14027226

>I hardly doubt /lit/ is that stupid that they can’t understand the basic premise of recognizing an object in motion, wanting to accelerate that motion to its maximum, all in order that you bring about the objects stop in a manner that is more conducive or more favorable towards your ends after the motion of said object.
You haven't actually read Land have you now.

>> No.14027262

Ahhhh now i see. Go back to pol you degenerate brainlet. Stop spewing your pseudo philosophical redpill bulshit

>> No.14027664
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I haven’t. This is my own interpretation of Accelerationism. Before infitnity chan was shut down we used to have numerous threads based around this idea. We know it’s also very effective and only tangentially related to Lands philosophy.

>> No.14027726
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Because people like you, OP, overdo it with fancy vocabulary. If you actually wanted to further the discussion, you'd say something like: "I'm sure /lit/ understands the basic idea: rather than trying to slow capitalism down, we should speed it up, so that we move on to the next system of economics that much more quickly."

But you didn't. You said a lot of overly complicated, referential, dense bullshit in a failed attempt at flexing. And as you later admit, you don't even understand the system of thought you're trying to meme about. Get off my board, /pol/tard.

>> No.14027992


>> No.14028188

Not really. I just type freely without bothering to edit for brevity or simplicity. This dissuaded the shitposters for one, and also elucidates the somewhat curious and intelligible.
>in b4 you don’t need fancy equipment to spar, you can use simple words to speak
nah, fuck that. I use complex and retarded combinations because like with muscle training, the more complex a movement and machine, generally the higher intelligence required to properly operate said machine or perform said movement. Also, I’m hungover. Have sex

>> No.14028213
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What’s more is that you’re retarded and completely misunderstood what my whole premise is based upon because you’ve already infected yourself with the Land and leftist philosophy like the Untermensch you are. As I stated, and you clearly missed out of your own retardery and sand-baggery: accelerationism is not about collapsing capitalism but instead imposing the left from within. You retards don’t know when to stop, so when the right ironically pumps the gas on your lunacy the worlds gonna turn like a light switch on you fags. Mmm
>they’re gonna hang me in the morning
>before the night is done
they’re gonna hang me in the morning
>and I’ll never see the sun

>> No.14028537

>if land is right
not even once

>> No.14028567

>You haven't actually read Land
Land is irrelevant. It's not the only brand of acc.

>> No.14028578
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>twatter philosophy

>> No.14028592
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>why are people opposed to the worst ideology in history
tough one

>> No.14028877
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So if I understand accelerationism correctly, it means that unproductive part of humanity should be killed off (in a way that is satisfactory for everyone and not too messy of course)
This will mean the death of at least 80 % of humanity. Now the rest can live comfortably. The very concept of violence (which played a big role in societies for all of history) would be obsolete, all resources can flow into science. I have to admit, it sounds a little grandiose and attractive.

>> No.14029043

Okay, getting really sick of the tepid IQ takes on accelerationism so here's a new pasta for you fucks. Accelerationism is not about making things worse or faster or feminine or any of that. Accelerationism is a way of understanding material history, and the increasingly rapid complexification of what is often called "technocapital". Technocapital is exactly what it sounds like. Some people come out of this analysis thinking the process is a good thing, some think it's bad. To emphasize this, Nick Land thinks Ted Kazynski was one of the most brilliant thinkers of our age, and obviously he disagrees with Land completely when it comes to politics.
What they both agree on, and where acc really comes into existence, is the recognition that this process is one which has ultimately slipped out of our (that is, humanity's) grasp. If you think accelerationism is:
>a religion/psuedoreligion
>a moral system relating to judgements of "good" vs "bad"
>a political movement
then you have missed the point. Having said that, are there people calling themselves accelerationists who might lapse into these? Sure. Especially if you get your takes from Twitter. But if you read any of the core works of accelerationism you will find it much closer to something like a form of critico-speculative metaphysics. Also g/acc literally only exists on twitter and a handful of blogs, I have no idea how people on here became so obsessive over it.

>> No.14029072

Kinda weak ngl. We all know what the inevitable end game of life results in: the end of lift itself. I just want to enjoy it the way I want and set it up so my future generations can maybe somewhat enjoy it a little too.

>> No.14029087

Of course you do, that's the Human Security System in action

>> No.14029089

>Kinda weak ngl.
>bro just enjoy bro were all gonna die stop thinking

>> No.14029097

>I have no idea how people on here became so obsessive over it.
its them samefagging and shilling

>> No.14029102

>Why is /lit/ incapable of discussing Accelerationism?
Do you even browse this board? Look at any thread on any topic. /lit/ is incapable of discussing ANYTHING!

>> No.14029108

can somone explain this in retard terms for someone who doesn't read sci fi and know all the gay terms

>> No.14029111

this is actually the l/acc take.

>> No.14029113

Why would they spam anti-g/acc shit? Why would they call themselves troomers? There is next to no support for it on here, the spam has been literally the opposite of shilling.

>> No.14029116


>> No.14029119


>> No.14029121
File: 766 KB, 1080x1932, state of lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Singular people can have great power over this board. I've fucked up this board on a few different occasions. Posting stupid shit like pic related easily nets multiple hundred (You)s

>> No.14029137

/pol/ and /lit/ mean two extremely different things when they talk about accelerationism and it shows

>> No.14029147

Pro tip: you can derail on-topic threads easily by accusing someone from being from Reddit. If someone takes the bait then you two go back and forth with reddit accusations until the thread is derailed entirely.

>> No.14029170

theres a couple anti accs who counter spam them. at this point they think people hating them is a good thing that proves them right. but its only sad because no one would pay attention to them otherwise. its like tabloid marketing.

>> No.14029193

One side is doing all the work, it's ay best 80/20 anti/pro

>> No.14029205
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>> No.14029207

that's why i spend most of my time in these threads shitting on neoreaction specifically desu

>> No.14029213
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Bascally cut off your dick and become an orgone accumulator for capital.

>> No.14029232

who knows and who can prove that? no one. i guess thats the cue for them to stop posting on the board based on the democratic decision of the population? who knows? i dont know. theres other boards specifically for the social needs of a diverse range of individuals who visit the highly esteemed 4channel.org on the worldwideweb in the year 2019.

>> No.14029253
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Because of nigger lover influence.

>> No.14029261

nigger just count the posts

>> No.14029286

truly catastrofick

>> No.14030461

Based twitter speedposters

>> No.14030995
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Why are accelerationists incapable of discussing acc?

>> No.14031031

Is this crypto-a/acc post? Even brainlet accelerationists like xenogothic hate the "gotta go fast" flavor of accelerationism and have written on the retards that spread it.

>> No.14031182
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This is why I’m trying to encourage my discussion that focuses on the distinction between the two. It’s going to take some effort, but I know that people are going to catch on that accelerationism has been derailed by people for some time now. Every thread devolves into a shitshow and it’s obvious that those who try to derail the threads know how powerful accelerationism is. Discord trannies are afraid that they’ve gone too far with their libshit insanity and are in full damage control mode. The thing they fear most is /pol/ catching on, and spreading their tranny bullshit into the normie sphere and off of the containment boards provided. Just think if there was a concentrated effort on the right to infiltrate and subvert the trannies, just like the tannies try to do to the right. The right takes themselves too seriously and doesn’t realize how easy it is to sandbag other groups through the internet.

>> No.14031194

>who try to derail the threads know how powerful accelerationism is
You've been hypnotized, sissy.

>> No.14031205
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You really won’t be able to derail them very much any longer. The more I continue to expose, the sooner the tactics will become visible to those who’ve got lesser intelligence in the spheres of pattern recognition. Trannies aren’t that smart. They’re just good at being cockroach faggots who infest every board through their anonymity.

>> No.14031239

I own this board, sissy. Everyone here working towards some goal , pushing some agenda, is operating under logics that I've personally designed and implemented.

>> No.14031275

this is why you guys like larping about politics and you dont understand what it can provoke. if you dont know why its being derailed and your best guess is to ask randoms on a 4chan board, you are lost and stupid. its better if you e celeb types stfu about things you dont understand and blaming other people when things go wrong for you. its simple, stay on twitter. youre the one breaking the containment zone fucking brainlet. you guys arent important. you have inflated heads filled with sophistry. gtfo.

>> No.14031374

this. lgbt is the future and /pol/tards only have shrinking time before they’re hunted down like the vermin they are.

>> No.14031927

Interesting, capitalism as inefficient machine. But again is really human desire more excesive that capitalism capacity to deliver? more so when it appears human desire is structured by capitalism itself

>> No.14031996

>You really won’t be able to derail them very much any longer. The more I continue to expose, the sooner the tactics will become visible to those who’ve got lesser intelligence in the spheres of pattern recognition.
this is an anime website you schizo.

>> No.14032017

Because a lot of annoying people use it as a fashion accessory, making everyone think that it's just a shallow A E S T H E T I C thing for edgy /g/ users who want a step up from Lain.

>> No.14032043
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Lyotard, Libidial Economy
Fisher opens the essay discussing this passage

>> No.14032093
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>what i am describing is the final phase of class conflict. if we go down land's preferred path, the proprietor class wins, and we all lose. if we remove these leeches from society, and take power over the future of humanity away from them, then we become the propritors of the future. otherwise, you might as well just shoot yourself now.

tfw humanity is Shinji at The End of Evangelion.

>> No.14032249

Kek i always forget im supposed to be suffering, who would think that /pol/fags and trannies are really the fuel of capitalism

>> No.14032420

>Checks twitter feed
>Google translates a creepy word into Japanese and then puts it through Zalgo text
>Looks for Giger art to put a glitch filter on
>Rewatches Serial Experiments Lain and Texhnolyze
>Cracks open SICP
>Listens to Autechre
Yep... it's acc time.

>> No.14032900

Do you think there would be this much hype around accelerationism if it had a less interesting sounding name

>> No.14032993

Land has always been pretty clear that the idea of AI integrating with humans would be seen as nothing but a downgrade on the part of the AI. The idea of technological transcendence may drive silicone valley types, but they will be shucked off like the rest of humanity, and even if they were to become cyborgs or something, and Pythia (as land calls it) did make room for humanity in the future, it would be the equivalent of a trans-humanist Indian reservation.

>> No.14033106

I wonder why so many philosophers have this downright comical view on capitalism. Not even Marx at his worst was that bad.

>> No.14033222

No. Period.

>> No.14033233
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>accelerationism is an interesting sounding name

>> No.14033294

>Listens to Autechre
Don't you mean Kode9? He was a CCRU member after all.

>> No.14033298

Their specialty is coming up with words that sound cool see "poememenon" for a failed attempt

>> No.14033329

His music doesn't really fit the aesthetic these people are going for

>> No.14033335

he literally is one of "these people"

>> No.14033379

True, but I still don't think his music is as popular overall among the crowd

>> No.14033381

not for a long time, and certainly not the current generation

>> No.14033400

read ccru, land, plant, negarestani. ignore all the twitter pseuds

>> No.14033423

and frankly this whole thing sees its rightful close with mark fisher. hes like the chaser after those shots. he brings it back down to pedestrian life. you cant trust shill slave literally whos coopting what is otherwise a decent literary genre.

>> No.14033631

Any and all movements centralized around twitter are not worth paying attention to. The end.

>> No.14033869
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A good question. There is also an interesting correlation between the 'capital is everything' worldview and all of the worst ideologies ever created.

>> No.14033874

Shut up.

>> No.14033887
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>> No.14033930

doubt. out

>> No.14034825
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Kkkapital nose your future kid. Now get me some chems.

>> No.14036040

It's good stuff

>> No.14036125

>When is it ever a win for humans
When all humans realize life is one and that objective reality is not what we perceive. Kant was right.

>> No.14036146


the whole concept of accelerationism is so dumb that i can't believe nick land even exists after ~30 years of existing in such a domain of buttfucking stupidity
that goes for anyone who takes dumb "FWD" shit seriously. nobody's in control and especially not any dumb fucking neet or failed academic that is delusional enough to believe they are

>> No.14036156


>> No.14036165

Tell me about techno capital. I've heard the term thrown around somewhat but I'm not going to dig through Lands nonsense writing in order to find out what it means.

>> No.14036213

It's the equal to atheism sphere of the internet in almost like a decade ago.

>> No.14036218

Just imagine Amazon tier management applied to society.

>> No.14036378

t. read that one image and is parroting it

>> No.14036390

All of you retards parroting second hand milquetoast takes on Land actually need to fucking read Deleuze. Jesus fucking christ you people are pissjng me off so much. Fucking retarded ass bitches conflating r/acc with everything else

>> No.14036394

A term outing acc et al as retards.

>> No.14036408

No one needs to read Deleuze, much less Land.
KYS troomer.

>> No.14036413


>> No.14036421


>> No.14036425

Life’s goal is to transcend life itself. Look at cars: we are dissatisfied with our human physical limitations so we create something which replaces are once necessary part. The human facit of self travel is reduced to something outdated and rather inadequate, in our eyes. Kant was wrong.
>reading and actually following another philosophers philosophy

>> No.14036427

Fuck we used to have space Taoism threads those were nice. Fuck you /lit/ for killing those discussions and replacing them with people who have nothing better to do than to spit bile for (you)s. Yes I recognize the irony. Dumb niggers

>> No.14036445

Nah atheism is at least defensible to some degree. Accfags are far worse. They're like the early modern ultramoralfags who would dress up pigs and other animals in gentlemanly attire to put them on trial.

>> No.14036474

Why "space Taoism" you may ask, because "infrauniversal African prevoodoo cargo cultism" was already taken.

>> No.14036486

>poster numbers hasn’t increased
>low effort and addresses nothing in the op
shit derailment, tranny

>> No.14036604

You sincerely seem like an unpleasant person

>> No.14036696

>criticize the trannies and you are a tranny
shit bait, reddit

>> No.14036836

Go back.

>> No.14037821
File: 18 KB, 300x400, Gollum--198384-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't capital just complete its acceleration from the beginning?

>> No.14037859

Why cant we just accelerate socialism until it comes to its natural capitalist end?

>> No.14037886

I have an idea for a project if anyone is interested. Basically it would be a rewrite of the Cantos from the perspective of a degendered blockchain algocurrency. Anyone want to help write it?

>> No.14037895

>t. hasn't read Bataille

>> No.14038314

I wrote that image so it makes sense you would see the similarity

>> No.14038345

>if humans were going to invent the wheel why didn't they do it as cavemen?
>checkmate atheists

>> No.14038367

same tranny poster

>> No.14038406
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oh wow you got me

>> No.14038416

wait is this the samefag I called out in the other threads now trying to find acc fags samefagging? is your only form of cope "no u"?

>> No.14039296


>> No.14039317
File: 211 KB, 976x906, cattheorist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao accels btfo once again. now tell me im samefagging so I can post a screenshot you fucking samefagging tranny

>> No.14039336

>recognizing an object in motion, wanting to accelerate that motion to its maximum, all in order that you bring about the objects stop in a manner that is more conducive or more favorable towards your ends after the motion of said object.
this is an even more embarrassing and retarded metaphor than braindead hippies talking about quantum mechanics.
>if u push an object it go fast and if it go fast u win, f=ma bro

>> No.14039346

to be fair this is a particularly retarded way of phrasing an already retarded philosophy

>> No.14039360

but the retarded "acceleration" metaphor is in the name even

>> No.14039423
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>u acc trannys are samefagging
>acc btfo forevr

>> No.14039425

According to xenogothic, who is a fat ugly fuck, the term was coined by someone who despised it and then rehabilitated by Mark Fisher. It wouldn't surprise me if it were true.
Regardless, accels shall perish.

>> No.14039455

Every notice all the accel schizo-wannabes? That's how you know it's a pathetic affair. All these zoomer trannies trying to emulate young Nick Land. All of them are on drugs too. It's just one big LARP fest with some botched philosophy and terrible poetry sprinkled on top so they go "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ACCELISM, LETS TALK ABOUT THE POEMEMONON!" whenever people rightfully are tired of having to see their forced trash memes.

>> No.14039489

accelerationism is just mental entertainment for people who have zero desire to actually do anything to bring about capitalism's supposed breaking point, nor realize that doing so is to tantamount to a complete and utter abdication of any sort of moral responsibility whatsoever. none of you are actually marxist. you just think chaos is sexy because you live hopeless and boring lives.