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File: 382 KB, 499x516, e37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14026889 No.14026889 [Reply] [Original]

>Humans are special, we're here for a reason!
Actually advanced consciousness is all that separates us from the beasts and it's nothing but highly complex sensory input processing. There are plenty of animals with a better sense of smell/touch/hearing etc. but we're the best at "processing" the input and translating it into useful information.
>But only humans possess this so we must be important!
Actually neanderthals possessed similar levels of consciousness evidenced by the fact they buried their dead and cared for their injured. We killed them all and who knows how many other similarly conscious species.
>W-Well clearly our ability to search for meaning implies there's meaning to find!
No, your consciousness is simply daydreaming now that it doesn't have to provide you with information like "there's probably a great big dirty lion nearby" or "you're being stalked" every minute of the day. Consciousness was essential to our survival and propagation for hundreds of thousands of years, now that survival is so easy you could do it blindfolded your whole life your mind has all this power and nothing of real consequence to use it on so it turns on itself like a nuclear reactor with no outlet.

Debate me retards.

>> No.14026906

You're not wrong. Most prescriptions for contentment or happiness are forms of self-fooling, to get the consciousness to quiet itself.

>> No.14026921

Why? Just keep debating strawman, you're doing pretty well so far.

>> No.14026926

Feel free to offer your own arguments.

>> No.14026941

shut the fuck up NIHILIST

>> No.14026943
File: 124 KB, 680x680, ackchyually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All life is special, humans included. Scientists still don't even know how to create single-celled organisms. They can't explain the origin of life. I can: God.

>> No.14026950
File: 12 KB, 236x333, 5f5a4b69aeaf86c3c1b29454dccdb2f4--ready-readers-abbey-lee-kershaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your endgame in life? To be a soi-disant "know it all" who makes his dates shift uncomfortably in their chairs over coffee and buttonholes his friends, ever-glancing at their watches, with his profound materialist insights into life? To become what's known as a bore?

Regardless of whether you're right or wrong, what does it matter to you? Especially if you're a simple materialist--just go out and live a happy life untroubled by it all. You sound desperate as it is, drowning in a bilious dark sea, clinging at rafts of Dennet-derived cliches.

But it's ok, hon, we're the retards after all...

>> No.14026985
File: 182 KB, 850x1810, 041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's a suicide of the consciousness, the cultivation of not-thinking-about-useless-bullshit

>> No.14026995

>We killed them all and who knows how many other similarly conscious species.
We also interbred with them. Probably just took all the best caves and poached all their food sources

>> No.14027000

I think you could adopt OP’s ideas while also realizing that the world should be changed to accommodate our biological nature. For example, Ted Kaczynski advocated returning to a more primitive lifestyle, one in which modern problems like depression are almost non-existent. I think people like OP alike to criticize those who have certain beliefs that make life more meaningful, because they themselves cannot find real meaning, and wish that everyone was as miserable as them. Then, perhaps everyone would come together and, sharing the same negative experience, try to restructure society in such a way that materialists could actually be content.

>> No.14027003
File: 12 KB, 413x550, shanghai-express-marlene-dietrich-directed-by-josef-von-sternberg-1932_u-l-pjudoj0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everybody, look over here, he's finally returned: The modern day Nietzsche, the anti-christ to our deification of the anthropos. Ecce Homo!

>> No.14027058

yes indeed, Ecce Homo.

>> No.14027080

If you wish to kill your consciousness, why are you even wasting your time here?
What purpose does this serve?
This a completely useless act, you gain absolutely nothing from posting here.

>> No.14027083
File: 452 KB, 850x1195, on-think-and-grow-rich-napolean-hill-850x1195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post is absolutely based and I agree with it 100%. You are a fucking intellectual badass and I cheer you on. However I want to talk about this:

>No, your consciousness is simply daydreaming now that it doesn't have to provide you with information like "there's probably a great big dirty lion nearby" or "you're being stalked" every minute of the day.

Why do you devalue dreams? Have you considered that daydreaming and sleeping dreams are evolutionary processes? The more you daydream, the more you're experimenting with your experiential DNA, combining and mutating elements in order to create possibilities that are otherwise than you have experienced.

Dreams Anon, dreams are key to who we really are. Dreams do not separate from us absolutely from other animals qualitatively, it is only a matter of how far we can grasp with our dreams.

>> No.14027084

Monisum leave you nothing. Don't fall for it.

>> No.14027107

>What purpose does this serve?
thinking everything has to have "purpose" is the trap. Learn to chill out, and enjoy life for the thing in itself, forget yourself, choose for life itself to be enough. It's okay man. If you have a job that pays the bills, you aren't killing yourself by doing it.

>> No.14027114
File: 58 KB, 728x546, aid7584962-v4-728px-Diagnose-Vomiting-in-Dogs-Step-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are a fucking intellectual badass and I cheer you on.
Why are nihilist such fucking faggots holy shit

>> No.14027118

I only dream very rarely so I haven't given dreams much thought. If I had to take a stab at their purpose it would be subconscious worries with no clear solution bubbling to the surface when the rest of your mind is resting and unable to suppress them. I don't think dreaming or daydreaming is anything more than therapeutic, an outlet for pent up stress.

>> No.14027132

You’re in a performative error. If meaning did not exist you would not feel the need to tell anyone because whether they believed in meaning or not would be meaningless. The moment you say meaning does not exist, and truly the need to share that news with others which you clearly feel else you would not post, you affirm the meaning you feel in statement. Meaning is what we fundamentally are; it’s an axiom of our being in the most fundamental, pervasive and inescapable sense. It doesn’t matter how you respond to this, you simply are meaning- when you decide to eat, to think, to shit in a toilet rather in your pants, you are navigating meaning and evaluating which hypothetical reality is the best among all possible realities you could manifest. So get over yourself and make the world a better place, there are enough pseudo nietzsches enlightening the world with their ignorance

>> No.14027137

Do you realize how fucking contradictory you're being right now? You claim you want to kill the conciousness, that you want to cut all the bullshit out from human life, to leave thought behind because you don't need it anymore, and here you are looking for a fucking intellectual debate. You're not living the life style you claim you want to live, you're not pursuing your end goal, you claim that you want to end superfluity while being an utterly superfluous person. It's fucking absurd

>> No.14027147

>Actually advanced consciousness is all that separates us from the beasts and it's nothing but highly complex sensory input processing.
You have no idea wtf You're talking about. We don't know what consciousness IS, We've been fighting over this for centuries now.
Saged and hidden.

>> No.14027150

>You’re in a performative error. If meaning did not exist you would not feel the need to tell anyone because whether they believed in meaning or not would be meaningless.
Take your pseud nitpicking and shove it up your ass.

I never said existence was meaningless, I said there was no meaning. As in, there's not an absence of meaning but asking "what is the meaning" is asking a question with no answer. You can't have meaninglessness if there's no meaning to begin with, there's no meaning to miss. So trying to say what I state is equally meaningless is idiotic because that's not what I'm saying.

Playing silly wordgames like this offers nothing to the discussion.

>> No.14027156

>We don't know what consciousness IS
I do. It's input processing, it's not magic. Keep being a coward though and hiding any thoughts that disturb your precious beliefs.

>> No.14027172

You don’t get it. The path is in Plato, Aristotle, Spinoza, Emerson, and Zhuang Zi.

>> No.14027175

wheeeee i'm alive :----) hehe how fun

>> No.14027178

No you don't. Even scientists are trying to figure this out.

>Inb4 eastern poo religion has all the answers

>> No.14027179

I feel like everyone secretly knows this is true but we just pretend it isn't

>> No.14027184

just having fun posting online with my bros is all.

>> No.14027186


>> No.14027189

Dreaming is your brain clearing beta amyloids from your brain, not changing dna you retard.

>> No.14027193

Feel free to make a real counter argument at any time

>> No.14027197

I don't care if I can't prove it, it's obviously related to survival and the only logical use of it is processing and displaying input in a way that enhances survival odds. Name one other possible reason for consciousness.

>> No.14027207

Do you have a single opinion or belief that isn't peak normalfaggot?

>> No.14027213
File: 109 KB, 1080x1331, Average Heideggarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the something which might help you OP: you are very wise indeed, so feel free to mark it off as ridiculous.

If you are right, then it doesn't matter that you are right: there is nothing 'special' at all about truth beyond its value for survival.

If you are not right, it matters a great deal that you are not right: because in this case there may be a real meaning to life which you are shutting yourself off from, thinking you know something when you do not know it.

If you are right, then it doesn't matter if you are right. If you are wrong, it matters a great deal that you are wrong. Now, what ought you to do? Should you keep trying to convince us that you are right, or should you start trying to think about why you might be wrong?

>> No.14027222

We are arguing axioms, we cannot do anything but assert. It takes a lot of reading and reflection to manifest the only thing which can shift one’s axioms- sudden epiphany. That’s the phenomenology of philosophical insight. I’m not going to be able to achieve that in you over 4chan. The books I suggested are a curriculum towards the insight and epiphany which will unlock within you the perspective with which I witness creation. The question: am I casting pearls before swine or man?

>> No.14027228

>If you are right, then it doesn't matter if you are right. If you are wrong, it matters a great deal that you are wrong.
This is Pascals wager and you can go fuck yourself with it. I'm not going to base my life around a "what if I'm wrong", I prefer to live my life on what I intuit to be the most probable.

>> No.14027238

>The question: am I casting pearls before swine or man?
I'll save you the suspense and tell you I don't care how you came to your conclusions or why. I know I'm right and it doesn't affect my life if you disagree.

>> No.14027244

>I'm not going to base my life around a "what if I'm wrong
That's fine, but you ought to realize that this a thoroughly unscientific and unphilosophic attitude.

>> No.14027256

Input processing isn't the same as consciousness. A computer can process information faster than a human brain, but it's not conscious. It can't make its own decisions independently, so consciousness isn't a requirement for input processing. As for reason, it's just a human construct.

>> No.14027259
File: 35 KB, 672x468, 1569335104378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your post is absolutely based and I agree with it 100%. You are a fucking intellectual badass and I cheer you on.
>that notable spacing
>that picture

>> No.14027266
File: 47 KB, 334x499, demonhauntedworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to think in very concrete, real terms. Over time as individuals we grow and change, hopefully for the better. This is an evolutionary process. What is needed for this process is causal efficacy (the ability to form effective habits in interacting with reality) but also divergence from established routine, and in terms of individuality daydreaming or "imagining" is an essential part of conducting simulated experiments to mutate existing routines.

The point is also that self-awareness is a skill that is variable within humans and can be trained, i.e. one can "learn how to learn." This ability is present in both the scientist and the artist, the only difference is domain of application.

Imagination and skepticism. We are animals of art and science.


I am an artist by trade, but it was scientific thinkers who helped honed my creative ability to a razor's edge. What is the scientist doing? Science. What is the artist doing? art. Look at what you are doing, and think about what you are doing, and you are doing both with your own life.

>> No.14027272

>That's fine, but you ought to realize that this a thoroughly unscientific and unphilosophic attitude.
Blow it out your arse pseud

>> No.14027273

I will set a curse on you. You will shitpost to other anonymous nobodies, avoiding actually reading the classics, dogmatically hold on to the beliefs that make sense to your level of knowledge and acculturation. You will do nothing, know nothing, be nothing, and sow discord and nihilism in this world. One day The Light will come and you will see it or be crushed under it.

>> No.14027285

>Input processing isn't the same as consciousness.
Yes it is.
> A computer can process information faster than a human brain
Numerical information, the human brain is far more complex than any computer and processes countless types of information every second.

>> No.14027294

Cry more

>> No.14027296

>humans aren’t special except for this very reason
>actually there was another highly advanced race (dare I say special) and evidenced very basic levels of compassion
>human beings (who are totality not special) have engineered a world that caters for all their base needs that they are free to direct their effort else where (and this isn’t impressive)
Since you’re too much of a brain let for the spiritual argument even based on probability, organic life itself is very special, not to mention consciousness, language and the ability of self reflection

>> No.14027298
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, Blessedness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just an ad-hominem. Why, anon? You are better than that, friend. I know you are committed to the truth, so why do you attack someone who points out the obvious to you?

>> No.14027304

I made a delightfully ridiculous art video about the relationship I see between artic and scientific creativity: https://vimeo.com/265524091

For example, it features Carl Sagan and Nietzsche performing a fusion dance to become Richard Dawkins.

For me, it is a love story: love of life.

>> No.14027311
File: 86 KB, 892x551, yus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>organic life itself is very special, not to mention consciousness, language and the ability of self reflection
Yes, all of this. But both you are OP are big brains imho.

>> No.14027318

No you don't. Nobody does. I studied neurology and I dont. And you most assuredly know less than most here.

>> No.14027332

>This is just an ad-hominem
No, it's called an insult. In this instance it's used to signify that I think you're a twat with nothing interesting to say and that your pompous self importance leaves me unimpressed.

>> No.14027352

>No you don't. Nobody does
I possess consciousness, if I'm not entitled to say what I think it is then no one is. Get fucked.

>> No.14027365

>You are better than that, friend
He's not.
>It's obviously related to survival
What If I told you that consciousness is litteraly detrimental to our long term survival as a species and in general a trait that isn't an evolutionary advantage?

>> No.14027366

Everything the human mind perceives can be represented as "numerical information". The text you read, the images you see, and the sounds you hear from your computer is represented as strings of 0's and 1's. The human mind isn't powerful enough do the same tasks that a computer can do. Otherwise, we would have no need to for computers.

>> No.14027374

What's wrong with having 'normalfaggot' beliefs? Me and my friends get along. Why would I go around subscribing to 'underground' belief systems, this isn't music or film. I don't think it's healthy to compare your tastes in thoughts as if you were scolding someone for not listening to Sun Ra or David Toop.

>> No.14027385

>I do
based sub-90 IQ

>> No.14027386

Oh What a wonderfull and well thought out argument, You're an intellectual giant. By this same reasoning since you have legs you MUST be able to describe to me in physical terms the act of walking.

>> No.14027390

>What If I told you that consciousness is litteraly detrimental to our long term survival
I'd agree.

I'd say in the beginning it helped us rise but now that we're at the top its destroying us. We can't dial it back or turn it off, not permanently anyway. If you've ever been drunk you'll know its like placing limiters on your consciousness, containing the excess and bringing you closer to inner peace than the average man ever is sober.I'm not advocating for booze but it is what it is, if nothing else it's proof the more you limit consciousness the better off you feel.

>> No.14027395

Sub 50.

>> No.14027398

As some American once said, "I don't know how to define obscenity but I know it when I see it".

>> No.14027407

>I'd say in the beginning it helped us rise
How is it an evolutive advantage to look at your prey and feel bad for it.

>> No.14027408

>Everything the human mind perceives can be represented as "numerical information".
And yet it isn't. So what?

>> No.14027411

you use the human exceptionality to criticize it... Huh ... Looks like Your the retard.

>> No.14027414

Unfortunate that nobody here has uttered any true obscenity except for me. It's all just hyper-normative cracker bargle. One day I shall find just an inspired dreamer as myself. The perverted art we make together shall be legendary.

>> No.14027415

>I don't think it's healthy
The battle cry of the terminally dull.

>> No.14027419

everything the human mind perceives of that the human mind perceives can be represented as numerical information

>> No.14027431
File: 27 KB, 240x360, Michaelangelo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you ought to think more clearly about why you feel like you have to interact like this.

I think you ought to think more clearly on if it helps you at all in learning anything, or moving you towards the truth.

I think you ought to think more clearly on if it makes you happier.

I wonder what makes you feel like you have to interact with the posters in the thread in this matter, and I wonder if you interact in the real world like this.

Do you, anon?

>> No.14027432

By the fact that we're at the top of the food chain and every other organism isn't. Take away our advanced consciousness and we'd still be residing in trees, fearful of the leopards and panthers below.
>How is it an evolutive advantage to look at your prey and feel bad for it.
You only feel bad because you were raised in isolation from the natural world. I assure you an Amazonian native does not feel bad when he slices a boars throat.

>> No.14027438
File: 330 KB, 680x340, myself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all need absurdity

>> No.14027440

So far, no one has done a very good job of arguing against any of my points. Just how dumb is this board?

>> No.14027443

And as my Surgical technique professor once told me "there's no cure for foecal craneopathy". Goodbye.

>> No.14027446
File: 516 KB, 2000x1522, speculativescheme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The true method of discovery is like the flight of an aeroplane. It starts from the ground of particular observation; it makes a flight in the thin air of imaginative generalization; and it again lands for renewed observation rendered acute by rational interpretation.

-Whitehead of the North

>> No.14027450

Because you have no points, so people can't do anything but insult you.

>> No.14027453

That means he wins, you know. Sorry for your loss. :^)

>> No.14027461
File: 36 KB, 600x560, screen-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you ought

>> No.14027464

If you want to ought, you ought to ought. If you can't ought you can't become other than what you are, except by accident.

Problem, presentists?

>> No.14027466

Circular argument.
"We're at the top of the food chain and we're conscious this means consciousness is an usefull trait to have darwininstically speaking"
"How did we come to be at the top of the food chain?"
"It's Because We're conscious!"

You're the product of a generation in which teachers can't use corporal punishments.

>> No.14027467

>If you want to ought
I don't. Check.

>> No.14027468
File: 7 KB, 180x280, dANTE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ought as in "It would be in your own best self-interest," if you like :)

>> No.14027474
File: 19 KB, 175x175, omniquery-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, you have truly arrived at yourself. Enjoy being dragged into the future by force of gravity while us co-creators co-create with potentiality and actuality work to create the future.

It's just a question whether you'll be eroded away or not by your resistance to creative advance.

>> No.14027478

>"You can WIN an argument on the nature of consciousness!"
You, instead, are an anomaly. In a world in which 32 milion kids gets aborted every year, how did you arrive at the age in which you can post on 4chan?

>> No.14027481

Yeah... I guess your'e right, actually. I haven't been on 4chan in a while and I just learned about accelerationism. Like, what the hell? I can understand discovering and diving deep into German underground cinema or dungeon synth music, but looking for more and more fringe/esoteric beliefs feels like playing with fire. That's your BRAIN, man!

>> No.14027482


>> No.14027487

If you need it spelled out for you I can do that.

>We started off roughly equivalent to the other species on earth
>Through sheer luck we had the right conditions to encourage progressive intellectual complexity
>We advanced step by step, faster and faster and left the other species in the dust
It's very simple. One species was bound to stumble upon the optimal min/max build eventually, it just happened to be humans. And like all min/maxing autists you force every other build into submission. We're at the top of the food chain because we have vastle more complex consciousness than any other species, we gained this through gradual development that initially started as an optimal combination of variables, we gained those optimal variables through luck as out of billions of species one was bound to rise above the rest.

>> No.14027492

>It would be in your own best self-interest

>> No.14027495

>Through sheer luck we had the right conditions to encourage progressive intellectual complexity
...which is not an advantage, as you admitted yourself...
You litteraly can't follow your own arguments.

>> No.14027506
File: 155 KB, 640x572, dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By coming extremely close to killing myself due to my own fundamental stupidity several times, and learning from it. Absolute suicidality and hopelessness is the school of hard knocks for the hardest to knock. I have crushed all my hopes over and over until only a singular gem was left, and that gem is inexorable hope born from reborn love of life.

In short, I am an incredibly good patient of mental health who had grappled for suicidality for 17 years of my adult life. It was worth every bit the immense suffering I experienced.

Can you imagine being immune to suicidality in today's bullshit world with the most painfully clear knowledge of how bullshit it is? Such an imagination is my own, and it speaks of the greatest courage and heroism.

I am without sin, having burned the God virus from my soul, a virus comprised of hatred of life in its many forms.

>> No.14027508

>which is not an advantage
It was initially as it allowed us to rise beyond being preyed upon to being apex predators. BUT in the end it proved to be our undoing.

I don't see why you find this so hard to grasp. It was helpful for a short time period and then it stopped being so.

>> No.14027509

>Actually advanced consciousness is all that separates us from the beasts and it's nothing but highly complex sensory input processing. There are plenty of animals with a better sense of smell/touch/hearing etc. but we're the best at "processing" the input and translating it into useful information.
That sound special af, retard.

>> No.14027511
File: 13 KB, 225x225, Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. your own best self interest is indeed subjective. Still, what does that have to do with the questions posed in >>14027431?
Do you not want to be happy or learn or know the truth anon? It is OK if you don't, but I think it is a silly way to live.

I don't think you even believe it yourself, you goof!

>> No.14027517

>Can you imagine being immune to suicidality in today's bullshit world
You certainly aren't.

>> No.14027521

>That sound special af, retard.
The king of shit mountain is still a piece of shit himself.

>> No.14027523

>I don't see why you find this so hard to grasp.

>> No.14027527

>Still, what does that have to do with the questions posed in >>14027431?
Those questions are so boring I can't summon the energy to expand on why.
>Do you not want to be happy or learn or know the truth anon?
No. If I seek anything it's what civilisation is determined to pretend never existed.

>> No.14027530

I'm not.

Something can start out good and end badly. Like a relationship.

>> No.14027542

I know I am, because I have experienced and achieve exactly what I am describing. There is no argument against me, only a matter of me demonstrating what is within me. I created art while I was on my penultimate journey of self-creativity during the last four and a half years: https://vimeo.com/specalblend

These are my wildest speculations: https://old.reddit.com/r/omniqueryinitiative/

I am half-mad, equal parts rational and irrational, and these parts dance with each other. This will be discovered by whomever has the curiosity and inquisitiveness to inspect me thoroughly. I delight in such an inspection, knowing nothing but the glory of a truly wild and free creative animal will be found, without shame or fear.

I am without sin because I am without gods.

>> No.14027543

>One species was bound to stumble upon the optimal min/max build eventually

For specific ecological conditions. Once those conditions change, that build would be suboptimal as was the case of the dinosaurs after the meteor strike.

>> No.14027551
File: 29 KB, 400x413, cea838ebb2bd3d0254f549968ba02e93065b4f4f_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without gods or masters, even myself as one. I am an absolute anarchist!

>> No.14027559

True, but humans are far more adaptable than dinosaurs ever were. But yes, given the right conditions humans would be wiped out and fucking giant worms or some other random shit would become the ruling species.

>> No.14027578
File: 13 KB, 225x225, Witty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for tiring you out Anon! I'll stop with my questions then. I hope you have a good day!

>> No.14027591

Top kek. I like the cut of your jib.

>> No.14027601
File: 14 KB, 408x510, questionb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14027614

No he's not
He's the king of shits, no piece of shit is equal to him

>> No.14027643

>He's the king of shits, no piece of shit is equal to him

Call me the shit-princess, shit-daddy.

>> No.14027769

>God is an explanation, a tool for us to use
Nah, you got it wrong as well. Don't misuse the name of God.

>debate me
You're not special. You're nothing but a young shitposter on a bad feels trip.

>> No.14027785
File: 990 KB, 170x170, 859E2203-AC29-4BFC-8B6A-39FC85488E4C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, kinda agree. But then I have an insane symbolic dream and am not sure.

>> No.14027799
File: 260 KB, 1280x720, 147325938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never killed a neanderthal and neither has you.

>> No.14027975

Pigs don't get my pearls.

>> No.14028024


>> No.14028047

Because it's literally R*ddit: the philosophy.

>> No.14028136

>Implying that 4chan philosophy of hate-worship is superior.

>> No.14028146

4chan philosophy of incelibacy, of being so cuckolded by the idea that hatred is a good thing that you make yourself completely unattractive to women and all other human beings who don't live an undying hatred of life every goddamned day.

>> No.14028163
File: 185 KB, 722x605, hotdogmedic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile I am literally the Überbitch of Nietzschean philosophy, the TRUE rightful princess of 4chan before it got infected with the Boomer virus of being an asshole to anyone else you can and thinking it's justified.

Get wrecked, you shitter. I'm a pro gamer girl, check my gamer style.


>> No.14028178
File: 168 KB, 1140x832, queenme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the queen of all bitches, I've been extremely online since 1998. I've sought out the biggest trolls to perfect the ancient martial art of troll kungfu. I made myself untrollable, and thus ultimately uncontrollable.

I'm an unholy love child between reddit and 4chan. Deal with it, lamer.

>> No.14028220

Not even the most wack-ass bitch in the world can style on me. The ultimate historical human dialectic is between the co-emergence of the ultimate human controllability and uncontrollability, a predator-prey game and arms race between those seeking to become human tyrants and those seeking to become human liberations. The ultimate of human tyranny would of course be doomsday, while the ultimate of human liberation is the annihilation of mutually destructive dynamics of human relationships via outcompetition with co-creative mutualistic dynamics.

Anyways this historical dialectic is coming to a conclusion, and the conclusion will be the discovery of the means to actualize the global win-win situation. I am a madwoman who claims to have discovered such means, and the implications will shock the world.

Anyways this leads into the premise of my first art videos: https://vimeo.com/specalblend

TL;DR I am a very spooky bitch, a memetic engineer.

>> No.14028284

Based af

>> No.14029325


>> No.14029465
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>> No.14029577

Evolution only affects humans from the neck down.

>> No.14029596
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what was this world created for? answer me seriously and you will see the flaws in your thinking

>> No.14029635

Loaded questions is all your kind has to offer. Sincere inquiry is completely alien to you, and that's what we're counting on.

>> No.14029669

>highly complex sensory input processing
You're thinking of science
Humans have a unique transcendent function regarding an innate creative drive alongside other drives like the biological one and the power one

>it's just daydreaming
Well if you want to stop daydreaming and start living out your dreams or whatever then try and read something cool like theosophy. Don't read Hegel. Everyone reads Hegel. Hegel is lame.

>but it's just survival instincts and now we're bored and we've lost meaning in everything so we're now just bored all the time
I think I'm mostly in agreement with your view, if it is true that one can pour theology into the moulds of say depth psychology and natural philosophy.

>nothing of real consequence to use it on
Ok then go fuck some anime titties what the heck else do you want. Utilization of your primal faculties? Go live in the woods. You don't want to do that because it's no longer necessary? Well you better fuckin find something, you could always investigate this "highly complex sensory input processing" machine via the means of hermeticism or depth psychology or philosophy or uhhh some science. That's what I'm doing. By the way, pseudoscience is a completely incoherent thing to say, there is no demarcation between science and "non science".

>> No.14029779
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Have you tried Whitehead? He's best read with the consideration that he was trying to reverse engineer the scientific methodology of his own creative processes.

>> No.14029787

>nothing of real consequence to use it on so it turns on itself like a nuclear reactor with no outlet.
This is an interesting point, however it in unknowable

besides that, absolutely based

>> No.14029798
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>there is no demarcation between science and "non science".
No absolute demarcation, there's only a difference of level of skill. "Pseudoscience" refers to scientific activity that pales in comparison to the most effective scientific inquiry.
In otherwords, one can be bad at New Math.
>But in the new approach, as you know, the important thing is to UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE DOING RATHER THAN TO GET THE RIGHT ANSWER

>> No.14029860

I haven't looked at him, no. a lot of people tried to use methodology like russell newton and bacon but they couldn't exactly agree on proper standard inductive or hypotheticodeductive what have yous
>most effective
Right, so whatever science or natural philosophy is "more reliable" information would solve a lot of confusion and definitely help take away from the confirmation bias slapping a "this is science" label has for just about anything a person is trying to do

>> No.14029879

mcarthy cant write

>> No.14029895

Boy are you going to feel foolish weeping on your death bed begging for forgiveness and God’s love or laying bleeding out in some violent wreck using your last few seconds on Earth to try to save your soul like every other hypocrite atheist who died before you. I hope He gives you another couple seconds to think about how pathetic you are so the irony isn’t wasted. Bless your heart and I’ll see you in heaven faggot.

>> No.14029918

R.A.W. can: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Anton_Wilson

>> No.14029921

>Boy are you going to feel foolish weeping on your death bed begging for forgiveness and God’s love or laying bleeding out in some violent wreck using your last few seconds on Earth to try to save your soul like every other hypocrite atheist who died before you
Keep dreaming

>> No.14029933


Remember that this and me when you’ve turned on yourself and your beliefs in those last few moments and take His hand. Or before then hopefully when you realize He was there with you all along that all those times that were too good or bad to be coincidence, weren’t.

>> No.14029968

When I die I won't be begging for God or heaven

>> No.14029983

There is so many reasons you are wrong, I don't think anyone cares enough to explain this, but maybe read some philosophy once in a while.

>> No.14029996

So much of this peculiar. Consciousness is *just* "highly complex sensory input processing"? What's "just" about that?

>> No.14030006

>What's "just" about that
Because the majority of people think it's this unexplainable, even spiritual, aspect of humans when it's just another part of our anatomy.

>> No.14030013

Why even bother posting?

>> No.14030051

>Actually neanderthals possessed similar levels of consciousness evidenced by the fact they buried their dead
so do elephants

>> No.14030068

Elephants are incredibly intelligent, especially in terms of memory. They can differentiate poachers from regular people and their journey to their ancestors graveyards to die is a huge indicator of memories being able to be passed from parent to child.

>> No.14030076

this stinks

>> No.14031360
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>> No.14031398

Look into embodied cognition and extended cognition. The problem is that some physicalists don't go physical enough, and "consciousness is just another part of our anatomy" should be taken hyper-literally.

Also Dawkins' book "The Extended Phenotype" is excellent for describing the genetic correlate of extended cognition.


The point is that there's about to be a massive revolution in cognitive psychology and psychology in general. This revolution will be a psycho-social singularity, or memetic singularity: https://www.laetusinpraesens.org/docs00s/singmem.php

>> No.14031419
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>According to Alfred North Whitehead, one commits the fallacy of misplaced concreteness when one mistakes an abstract belief, opinion, or concept about the way things are for a physical or "concrete" reality: "There is an error; but it is merely the accidental error of mistaking the abstract for the concrete. It is an example of what might be called the 'Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness.'" Whitehead proposed the fallacy in a discussion of the relation of spatial and temporal location of objects. He rejects the notion that a concrete physical object in the universe can be ascribed a simple spatial or temporal extension, that is, without reference to its relations to other spatial or temporal extensions.


The cognitive analogue of process-relational metaphysics is Douglas Hofstadter's "analogy as the core of cognition" hypothesis. This video I made features a condensed talk of his theory with additional elements added for analogical contextualization:https://vimeo.com/129280982