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13997485 No.13997485 [Reply] [Original]

>Anti-natalism is wro-
Watching the video in this article is heartbreaking. It honestly makes me fall into a deep depression knowing that stuff like this happens every day, all around the world and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Millions of animals are slaughtered every day and kept in unimaginable suffering.
It would be better if humans had never existed.

>> No.13997492

>appeal to emotion

>> No.13997500

>German Laboratory
can you imagine how the chinese and american ones must be like? good Lord

>> No.13997502

t. retard

>> No.13997503

>not making appeals to emotions
Face it, emotions is the only thing that matters in the end.

>> No.13997506

Germans have violence in their blood. Honestly, they should all be killed off.

>> No.13997508

>It would be better if humans had never existed.
then do the world a favor and magdump your nearest gradeschool and kill yourself after you are done.

>> No.13997510

Not really, humans can do more to help animals. But should the humans that do these things be harmed? Absolutely, they should unironically be burned to death in public and televised for all to see. People that harm animals are lower than cockroaches. Nevertheless, humans on the whole are pretty good. There are millions of people out there that care for animals. A few bad apples just need to be brutally kicked to death.

>> No.13997519

This. I don't need to rationalize or explain jack shit to anyone. How I feel is the ultimate authority, period. We can spend forever going around in circles or just admit the simple fact that feelings will always come first, and people that even imply facts take precedence are the lowest kind of sleazy windbags.

>> No.13997523

I would happily exterminate every living monkey if the research resulting from it cured cancer

>> No.13997524

This is toxicology testing, not wanton animal cruelty for the sake of it. This is necessary if we are to develop medicines and cosmetics. IMO I'd rather humans never exist if it means this shit is avoided.
Also, you're ignoring the fact that the mass factory-farming industry is inherently cruel.

>> No.13997529

I don't care if they died quick deaths, but watch the videos. These animals are being psychologically tortured.

>> No.13997530

FUCK monkeys.
I'm happy knowing those little faggots die.
By the way.
How the fuck do you think animals treat eachother? Stupid retard.

>> No.13997536
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>yfw we're the probing grey aliums to these animals

>> No.13997540

I've never seen a monkey strap down another monkey and pump it full of toxins desu

>> No.13997548

They just rip each other’s dicks off and skin each other alive for fun. At least this horrid shit in the OP is being used to research cure for diseases

>> No.13997551

Is there a more brainlet take than this? Pascal proved you wrong 300 years ago.

>> No.13997552

> eternal Anglo out for Aryan blood again
Cool down buddy. I'm sure nothing like that ever happens in England.

>> No.13997559

It's more a question of animal's rights than anti-natalism though.
What worries me is that the psychopaths working in these labs are at large, and routinely tell people they are working in medical research without arousing suspicion, earning even praise.
They might snap one day and start dissecting kids in their basements, since you have to develop a certain indifference towards mammals to do such things. Butchers have more respect for other life forms than them. That's the scariest thing.

>> No.13997566

>I'm sure nothing like that ever happens in England.
Everyone in the UK gladly gave up their weapons. That's because we aren't violent, unlike the Germans who torture animals, attempt to genocide races, etc.

>> No.13997571

>the powerful rapes children because your society is so neutered and passive and set up against you

>> No.13997573

Not what he meant, anon.

>> No.13997632

fuvking treerats. They shouldn't give them anestesia they should make them scream harder how i fucking hate those disgusting abortion monsters like humans but wrong wrong WRONG fuvking wrong. Shit how I hate them and their wnvironmentalist cuddlers I hope You never reproduce OP i hope You manage to live your retarded ideology to the fullest and that int descendants shall never have to deal with vegans environmentalists animalists and antinatalists as they go around the galaxy genociding fuvking disgusting aliens.
Aliens! Aliens are one of the few things i hate more than environmentalists and monkeys and vegans (but I repeat myself) they didn't even have the complacence to be born in the fuvking right planet with the fucking right biology I'm sure they're fuvking silicates i SEETHE at the mere thought of a silicate form of life how will I love my descendants when they'll nanoplague their planets.
BUT BACK TO MONKEYS fucking monkeys are what you should put on condom and cigarette packages "WATCH OUT! YOUR KID MIGHT COME OUT A MONKEY!" Nobody would fuck or smoke ever again You should think about It It would help your retarded ideology you RETARDEDRETARDED RETARDEDRETARDED fuvking antinatalists God gives a Spirit of error to those He wants to damn and to NOT REPRODUCE so again I wish you and whoever follows you the best of thE BEST OF THE BEST in your ENDEAVOURS as long as you go all live in a island full of niggerapers and never show your face amongst us again YOU DERANGED ASSHOLES.

>> No.13997666

>What worries me is that the psychopaths working in these labs are at large,
You know what would be amazing? If i could track You and legally force You to wear a star-of-david badge with each of your clothes in the shape of an animal paw. Once regostered as the kind of people who considers animal experimentation "psychopathy" you would be forever forbidden to buy products created through it.
How fucking WONDERFULL that would be.

>> No.13997681

Hahaha. I can't wait for technological singularity so post-humans perform tests on humies too.

>> No.13997684

When is the next /lit/ suicide meetup?

>> No.13997687

My descendants ARE the posthumans retard. Now get in the line you need your prostate excruciated out with electricity We can't have you reproduce.

>> No.13997692
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OP wouldn't think twice about aborting her own child yet kvetches about animal testing - ironically necessary for all medictions including those for whore-contraceptions and infanticide.

Fuck off with your gay ass shit which has nothing to do with /lit/.

>> No.13997698

Sane poster.

>> No.13997699
File: 186 KB, 200x152, erect.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't threaten me with a good time fuccboi

>> No.13997712

animals have a higher right to life than a fetus, retard

>> No.13997715

Your emotions are irrelevant. That's the whole point of the thread.

>> No.13997721

it's ethics, not emotions

>> No.13997724

Let me guess, you are disgusted by feces, blood and corpses.

>> No.13997725

A thousands billion fully grown animals don't have the right to live of one human embryo at the state of blastula. Seethe as much as you want but thats truth.

>> No.13997726

>valuing food over your own flesh and blood
Enjoy being a genetic dead end in all your moral suberiority, while me and my kids feast on grass feed animals after you mass people are gone.

>> No.13997734

Ethics say you do animal experiments and like them Because the life of one (1) Human regardless of the state of development has more value than the lives of billion animals.

>> No.13997736

kek I don't even care. Enjoy your shitty spinning spacerock you can have it. Life is suffering as you will surely learn one day.

>> No.13997740

Why do so many faggots seethe at the idea of giving a shit about something besides yourself get a grip

>> No.13997741

It's a matter of opinion, there is no objective truth.
Nah, I've convinced two girls to get abortions because I'm not dealing with no fucking kids. I'm not even graduated university yet. I'll have kids when I settle down though.

>> No.13997746

Define what a right is, faggot.

>> No.13997747

Fuck off to the void if you hate it so much edgy cunt

>> No.13997751

Why do you speak of "ethics" as if it's some iron law? What's to say 1 human life is more important than a billion animals?
At the end of the day it's my values vs. yours.

>> No.13997757

Life is suffering to be overcome, little shit hedonist. I will do so and have the stars.

>> No.13997760

Some animals (particularly chimpanzees) are more sentient and intelligent than babies. Therefore, in the classic example of a house on fire and you can only save one, I choose the chimp every time.

>> No.13997765

He won’t because he’s an edgy 14-19 year old.
If he really felt that way he’d have the balls to put a gun in his mouth and end his “suffering”

>> No.13997768

And yes, by extension I would have a much harder time justifying harm against a chimp than a fetus.

>> No.13997769

>Nah, I've convinced two girls to get abortions because I'm not dealing with no fucking kids.
I know you try to trigger sensible and sane people, but you should have picked something more realistic than that twao (2) females have allowed you to stick your pepe in them, anon.

>> No.13997773

Nigga 4chan IS the void. Look at you screaming at the ghosts of thoughts by faceless strangers.

>> No.13997775

like the enviromenralist should be ghettoized and never allowed to purchase things made with animal resting ever again, so should relativists be lobotomized and a new set of circuits installed in their head so that they might be put to working mining mercury or doing other dangerous jobs for the community.

>> No.13997780
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>unironically thinking objective morality exists

>> No.13997788

Sentience (Also you mean sapience, ignoramus) is not in any way shape or form an aceptable milestone for human rights. By definition only humanity is. And a blastula at the moment of conception Is human.
Also your fucking chimpanzee can all go to the excruciating room i hate them.

>> No.13997789

>like the enviromenralist should be ghettoized and never allowed to purchase things made with animal resting ever again,
This would be based af tbqh. While you’re at it castrate and brand all of the retarded hardcore environmentalist leftists that shame the middle class for driving cars and using plastic straws. These retards should be banned from purchasing any petroleum based products ever again.

>> No.13997792
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>going so much out of you way
Anon, retards are biodegradable and fertilizer is always going to sell. German efficiency and all that. After all, they themselves say that flora an fauna is worth more than their own life.

>> No.13997802

People who can't read should be treated exactly as relativists.

>> No.13997803

>humans deserve rights because they are human
epic argument bro

>> No.13997816

Awesome. We can have them Live in 0 plastic zones like pariahs. But what (wooden) badge should they be made to wear?

>> No.13997819

Well YES
Humans invented rights therefore Humans get rights for being humans.
What part you dont understand?

>> No.13997820

I just want people that think they are meat robots with no free will to discover ethics to Live as fucking meat robots with no free will. I thought It was obvious.

>> No.13997821

what defense do you have when the aliens come and enslave and kill us? There is none

>> No.13997836

>look at you behaving like a human!

>> No.13997855

Just is life.

It's not like moral reasoning would safe you when some intergalactic Big Gray Cock wants to prop your anal cavity.

>> No.13997861

If aliens can murder us they will anyway. They're contemptible forms of life by virtue of not even being able of fighting out CORRECT biology and physiology.
Also pure game theory inescapably say that we either murder them or they murder us so They're as irrelevant to ethical cálculus as monkeys.

>> No.13997882

>It's a matter of opinion
Does the blastula have a human genome? Yes. Then I wipe my ass with your opinion.

>> No.13998184

You never defined what constitutes a right.

>> No.13998257
File: 6 KB, 224x224, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thinking will literally destroy this person after death
>mfw predestination is true but that which predestines him is not the power of god but man's true free will that can just as easily make him obstinate in bestiality

>> No.13998276

No, He's 100% correct.
Fuck curing cancer If murdering every monkey in the world cured one boy in a dialisys machine I would.

>> No.13998278

Animals are not conscious, they do not have souls, they are in automata

>> No.13998285

this is your brain on mutt humanism

>> No.13998292

Retarded take. They are conscious and have souls. They're just irrelevant and their suffering ethicaly valueless.

>> No.13998294

Wow, animals strapped into metal harnesses and tortured. It's just like what happens in nature! No wait, it's not. Civilisation did this.

Stop being a brainlet and being anti-nat when you should be anti-civ. You're misidentifying the cause.

>> No.13998295

>man's true free will that can just as easily make him obstinate in bestiality

what kind of god creates this

>> No.13998297

This is your brain on pro human extinction ideologies.

>> No.13998300

No, they are not conscious and they certainly are not endowed with souls. Only humans are. Sorry.

>> No.13998303

Why so butthurt, Satan?

>> No.13998306


The best one. Free will unless this or until that is not free at all.

>> No.13998308

Irrelevant to what? GDP?

Mutt dichotomy

>> No.13998314

I'm sure your concept of a soul is very sophisticated.

>> No.13998316

Why do anti-natalists think suffering is bad? Maybe they should read Nietzsche lol.

>> No.13998324

You mean 'free will' that makes him obstinate in bestiality and then get sent to hell for all of eternity?

The fact is you have no defense of this because your God is not a 'being', he is in a process of becoming

>> No.13998328

You think If tigers had opponsable thumbs they wouldnt kidnap people to extract their prostate to chew it as a sex enhancer?

>> No.13998332

What is your concept of soul? I'm going to stop being close-minded and listen to you.

>> No.13998342
File: 135 KB, 1022x727, do it for ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

204. Revolutionaries should have as many children as they can. There is strong scientific evidence that social attitudes are to a significant extent inherited. No one suggests that a social attitude is a direct outcome of a person’s genetic constitution, but it appears that personality traits are partly inherited and that certain personality traits tend, within the context of our society, to make a person more likely to hold this or that social attitude. Objections to these findings have been raised, but the objections are feeble and seem to be ideologically motivated. In any event, no one denies that children tend on the average to hold social attitudes similar to those of their parents. From our point of view it doesn’t matter all that much whether the attitudes are passed on genetically or through childhood training. In either case they ARE passed on.

205. The trouble is that many of the people who are inclined to rebel against the industrial system are also concerned about the population problems, hence they are apt to have few or no children. In this way they may be handing the world over to the sort of people who support or at least accept the industrial system. To insure the strength of the next generation of revolutionaries the present generation should reproduce itself abundantly. In doing so they will be worsening the population problem only slightly. And the important problem is to get rid of the industrial system, because once the industrial system is gone the world’s population necessarily will decrease (see paragraph 167); whereas, if the industrial system survives, it will continue developing new techniques of food production that may enable the world’s population to keep increasing almost indefinitely.

>> No.13998346

A process of becoming doesn't condemn people to hell, retard.
>Irrelevant to what? GDP?
Irrelevant to philosophy of ethics.
>mutt dychotomy
I'm sure your actual position is sofisticated as fuck.
"Animal" litteraly comes from "Anima" which is the soul or animating principle. You are peddling descartian dualistica heresy which has no real connection with actual religion.
I at least had a trip, mr 303.

>> No.13998347

I'm not going to get technical. It's a quality in the eyes. An indication that something is participating in the same world you are and that it feels. There's no reason to torture living bundles of nerves to solve the problems civilization creates.

>> No.13998351

>I'm not going to get technical.
because you don't feel like it or because you can't?

>> No.13998353
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>Radical anti-natalism as a recipe for human extinction will fail because any predisposition to share that bias will be weeded out of the population. Radical anti-natalist ethics is self-defeating: there will always be selection pressure against its practitioners. Complications aside, any predisposition not to have children or to adopt is genetically maladaptive. On a personal level, the decision not to bring more suffering into the world and forgo having children is morally admirable. But voluntary childlessness or adoption is not a global solution to the problem of suffering.

>> No.13998358

Because I don't feel like it.

>> No.13998359

>Revolutionaries should have as many children as they can. There is strong scientific evidence that social attitudes are to a significant extent inherited

Then shouldn't everyone who is 'revolutionary' just be celibate so the future humanity can live amongst each other in good will?

>> No.13998362

This makes you look like you can't though, surely you recognize that

>> No.13998364

>A process of becoming doesn't condemn people to hell, retard.

You ignored everything that I said and confused the point. Do you believe that God would give man a freedom that causes him to have sex with animals and then send them to hell?

>> No.13998365

>You mean 'free will' that makes him obstinate in bestiality and then get sent to hell for all of eternity?
God doesn't care If you do experiments to animals. God loves you and He appreciates your attempts If you save someone. God is perfectly fine with you murdering each and every monkey in the planet to save one (1) sick little boi. Even If he grows up to be something disgusting like a leftist or a pedophile.

>> No.13998369

>living bundles of nerves

I said souls and consciousness.

>> No.13998371


I do have a defense, yes, that very will. The bad man having his will bound by being preserved from evil and/or have his will superseded by being saved would be just as bad as the good man having his will bound by being preserved from good and/or his will superseded by being condemned.

>> No.13998372

Briefly, the capacity for novelty. Animals display this in abundance. Your turn.

>> No.13998378

The soul/consciousness is the inner sense of that system. With an outside, you're always bringing an inside into the world. An inside adequate to it. I don't think people understand this and what we are doing.

>> No.13998379

>Freedom that CAUSES
Freedom doesn't cause people to do anything by definition, Free people cause themselves to do things Because They're free. And If those things are in abomination to the Lord our God so then they decided to forsake Him and rightfully go to hell.

>> No.13998384

>The bad man having his will bound by being preserved from evil and/or have his will superseded by being saved would be just as bad as the good man having his will bound by being preserved from good and/or his will superseded by being condemned.

I don't know what you are saying because you deliberately wrote in an obfuscating way and now you are going to respond calling me a 'brainlet' in order to prevent losing face in this debate because you couldn't put together a defense of your phony god

>> No.13998395

>cause themselves

>> No.13998397

There is no difference faggot. Technology is torture.

>> No.13998405

Freedom is the ability to act or change without constraint. So giving someone the liberty to do wrong is in itself not what a loving person (let alone god) would do. Would you give a toddler a knife? A knife is merely a tool, like freedom, it can cut sandwhiches or human bodies.

>> No.13998408

Yes They decided to do thing X rather than thing Y. The whole point is that they decided to do one rather than the other, are responsible for that choice and go to hell. And everyone laughs.

>> No.13998409

Hello, i'm not the other anon but could you explain why you believe this?
>Technology is torture.

>> No.13998412

they decided to do one or the other....because?

>> No.13998420

I suppose your mother doesn't love you, after all she leaves you choosing for yourself rather than doing everything She knows is best for you...
Always the same retarded arguments, please people just fucking read a book once in your life this is embarassing.

>> No.13998424

>this is necessary to develop cosmetics
>this is necessary to develop cosmetics
>this is necessary to develop cosmetics
>this is necessary to develop cosmetics
>this is necessary to develop cosmetics

>> No.13998428

I dont know, they do.
In General people choose limited passing things respect to God because they wish for the fulfillment But only God can give It.

>> No.13998431

Reminder there are thousands of monkey torture playlists and videos on youtube
Reminder that there are thousands of users commenting their torture fantasies on videos of baby monkeys
Reminder these psychopaths will do anything to convince you they are "very well adjusted" but just feel the need to kill when they see cute monkeys
Reminder that thousands of baby monkeys are being sold as torture playtoys to tourists in Asia

>> No.13998433

Yes. If murdering every monkey in the world meant we had better cosmetics with less negative effects, I would buy a ticket to India right now.

>> No.13998432

Butchers are statistically FAR more likely to be involved in a violent crime too

>> No.13998440

>this post
im sorry what lol, is this copypasta or something

>> No.13998442
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When does it end?

>> No.13998444

Your mind on veganism.
Go extinct, throwbacks.

>> No.13998447

if you wanted us to know you use discord you could've just said so

>> No.13998449

Go to youtube and search for monkeys in pain. Multiple threads have been made about this for the last few years
For some reason monkeys trigger people like this >>13997632

>> No.13998450

>I suppose your mother doesn't love you, after all she leaves you choosing for yourself rather than doing everything She knows is best for you...

So you're saying God allows the child to stab themselves and cause evil and pain because he loves them? That's what you are ultimately saying here and your only defense is creating a completely different argument with a metaphor that doesn't align to it

Stop saying 'read a book' this is a literature board. I've read more books than you and I doubt you could recommend a book even in your own favour that elucidates it, you would just vaguely name aquinas or 'the bible' as your solution because you can't debate yourself

>> No.13998458
File: 659 KB, 271x223, Ryan-Gosling-Laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an elaborate prank

>> No.13998461

Its just that animals are ethically irrelevant and I'd honestly rather prevent a discord tranny from ruining It's skin than preserve the life of even one (1) monkey.

>> No.13998462


>> No.13998465
File: 230 KB, 1920x915, monkeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He told you exactly what to do and you're still memeing you stupid faggot

>> No.13998469

If only it was

>> No.13998471

If you think about it deeply, in the future monkeys will be doing the same.

>> No.13998480
File: 275 KB, 1920x915, vgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no excuse for this.

>> No.13998485

>I've read more books than you
First of all, no You haven't.
>so then does your mom let you stab yourself
No But my mom is after my physical well being God is after my spiritual one.
Moreover God wants me to make a choice. To choose Him or not-Him.
You're trying to characterize things as God punishing people But It's more like a parent telling his eroine addict son to get the fuck out of his house.
Read a fuvking book. You neoatheists and your precooked arguments are pure cringe.

>> No.13998489

I'll fap with gusto tonight.

>> No.13998494

Yes there is monkey are dumb and their suffering amusing.
Also They're innately uncanny valley so seeing them die is exorcismo gli the fear of the other.

>> No.13998498

Why doesn't Youtube do anything about this monstrosity? What should we do? How am I supposed to live knowing this kind of horror is going on undisrupted?

>> No.13998503

Shut up you fucking sped

>> No.13998507

>all this is fine but Alex Jones is too much

>> No.13998508

If this kind of shit cures shit like MS or cancer or whatever in a faster fahsion than hell yeah extinct those monkeys bruh

>> No.13998510

What did You do for the 32 milion babies aborted worldwide this year.

>> No.13998514

Because youtube profits off this. There used to be Thai and Arabic child trafficking and torture videos and for a while nothing happened to them after getting reported
The worst video was a naked boy tied to a pole while laughing bystanders whipped him and touched his peepee
You could find these videos by going to accounts commenting gibberish on Learn Colours With Injections videos

>> No.13998516


>This world is a corpse-eater. All the things eaten in it themselves die also. Truth is a life-eater. Therefore no one nourished by truth will die. It was from that place that Jesus came and brought food. To those who so desired, he gave life, that they might not die.

>> No.13998519

>he eats monkeys
Enjoy the AIDS

>> No.13998524

Ok I'll be honest, I was trolling when I saw monkeys because I hoped someone would link It to the monkey torture vídeos. But the point is the same, ethically idgaf about monkeys and If each of them dropped dead today But We had the cure for cancer, good riddance.

>> No.13998535

They didn't grow to show any child schemas or have been ripped apart in-utero to such an degree that it's unidentifiable anymore. And it doesn't get shown as suffering on TV, but "just a bunch of cells, dude".

>> No.13998548

So You see Why I'm trolling monkey lovers.

>> No.13998570

Our extinction is just an eventuality. Everything can and will die, it is Divine will; let life kick and scream in it's pitiful defiance. Suffering is the cost of being. Every kid we shit out is another grave we'll dig. Death is the only truth, even if we extend our lifespans everything will be extinguished. No more of anything, just the silence of empty space forever.

>> No.13998584

I don't want to be alive anymore. I have no clue why I would have incarnated here, assuming I had the choice. This place is not aligned to my concepts of morality. Neither yours, I imagine. I hope that after we pass away we can both go to a different, more spiritually evolved planet.

>> No.13998585

dumb third worlder

>> No.13998596

I'm not arguing the metaphysics of mothers I'm arguing abotu God. Why would God want you to make that choice? It's by nature an evil choice because of it's dualism causes some to go to Hell, whereas a loving God wouldn't of created that choice in the first place.

>> No.13998625

Pro extinction puppet.
So basically You're saying that either he gives You all the benefits of free will without none of the drawbacks or God is evil. You have to choose Him because you ruined your relashionship with Him through your Sin. The whole situation isn't even His fault but yours.

>> No.13998634

Jesus defeated death, humiliated her like the little bitch she is.
I will never die.

>> No.13998636

>anthropocentric theist calling anyone a puppet

>> No.13998637

>This is necessary if we are to develop medicines and cosmetics
If you think it's ok to do this just to develop cosmetics then you deserve to be shot to death. Animal testing to develop drugs might be ok, but you have to have conditions much better than this. The treatment of those animals is not acceptable.

>> No.13998642

It's not done for cosmetics but chemicals in them. Most of which have a multitude of applications.

>> No.13998643


>> No.13998663

First of all this:>>13998642
Second no, Even If he was wrong it would be morally impeccabile to do this for cosmetics. Fuck monkeys and fuck monkey lovers.

>> No.13998668

Genetic fallacy now? It's about the right level of conversation for you after all.

>> No.13998715

>should the humans that do these things be harmed? Absolutely,
Tell me, do you or have you ever in this industrial society consumed mass produced meat?

>> No.13998770


you're SO fucking mad about monkeys dude

>> No.13998796

Yes I am BECAUSE:>>13998510

>> No.13998850

capitalizing 'Him' doesn't make the god you worship more logical or sacred. If your God created choice whicn involves evil, instead of letting his creation play in love, then he is by nature evil.

>> No.13998919

You don't get to judge God, hubristic little shit; start taking responsability for what you did.

>> No.13999120

I'm not judging God. I'm judging your conception of God. I'd like to hear your defense against it which doesn't involve adhoms and weak mom metaphors.

>> No.13999399

yeah they should have better animal testing standards that shit looks real rough. I've been around rat experiments and cats with brain cases and they were treated nicely.

>> No.13999851
