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13990824 No.13990824 [Reply] [Original]

>overhear woman at work saying that she doesn't see the point in philosophy, that you should just get on with your life
Reminder that the concept of a P-zombie is not just a philosophical argument, but a reality.

>> No.13990827

Yet she will give on her genes with the blink of an eye, while you engage in sterile intelectualism to be an genetic death end.

Pride will be your downfall.

>> No.13990830

The only point about philosophy is philosophy.
The works are never cited outside their own field, except to put in a pseud quote for the entertainment of the reader.
She is unironically correct.

>> No.13990835

She's probably happier than you are for it desu. Not everyone has to like what you like or participate in the rituals you participate in.

>> No.13990854

7billion humans, we're under no imperative to procreate.

>> No.13990913

Imagine being that kind of retard which gives up millions of years of evoution because some negress already has 14 kids. Well, go on. It's not liek every of your forefathers since the dawn of the Taktilakk, hasn'T fought tooth and nail to spawn you, yet here you are talking about the importance of big brain time instead of producing kids, with the traits you cherish so much.

Guess what, if people with X character trait and abilities do not procreate, those traits will become null and those of people which fuck instead of think, will be dominant. If you would actually use your intellect you would be inseminating as many women as you would be able to.

>> No.13991079

If you would use your intellect you would realize that it doesnt fucking matter and you shouldn't be having kids for such vapid reasons, god I hate muh genes faggots more than antinatalists

>> No.13991089


>> No.13991093

This op is a fag fedora tier dork

>> No.13991095

>that you should just get on with your life
She's 100% right.

>> No.13991099

philosophical zombie isn't referring to a person who isn't interested in philosophy

>> No.13991102

God I wish I was like her, not overthinking pointless shit and just living out my life in blissful ignorance
And I don't mean this in a condescending manner

>> No.13991110

This lmao. OP just kys.

>> No.13991117



>> No.13991120


>> No.13991136

You missed his point. The woman just regurgitated an opinion without critical thinking. That's a pzombie.
Philosophy isn't important? Where does she think ethics and morals come from?

>> No.13991138
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>implying woman can ever understand philosophy the way men can

>> No.13991140

Humans are so closely related that even if you don’t have kids your relatives will. Our genes will pass on regardless.

>> No.13991146

>philosophy is useless! it never proves anything!
This is just the pleb filter. They are capable, just stunted by a meme they've unfortunately been infected with. That said, a good portion of philosophy is worthless to you in that it will only hamper intellectual development or waste your limited time and mental resources. Better to make up your own mind than be cucked by academic sophistry. Being able to surpass both sides is where your journey begins

>> No.13991174

How very philosophical of you! :^)

>> No.13991187

passing on genetic information may count as reproductive success for insects, but the majority of the information man passes on into the future is mimetic. a psychopath who raped thousands of women and had some of them bear his children doesn't pass on anything of significance about himself, whereas the great artists, inventors and educators left a legacy even if they died without even once, as they say, having sex.

>> No.13991190

Rape her because ethics doesn't even real bro

>> No.13991195

happiness is reddit

>> No.13991199

>ethics are purely philosophical

Found the brainlet.

>> No.13991208

Based Big Brain pedant absolutely destroying a shitposter.

>> No.13991219

God, /lit/ really has become a cesspool. OP's post isn't even so bad, but then all this incoherent REEEing violently gesticulating shitslinging afterwards takes all of the fun out of it...our shitposting used to be well-written and maybe even insightful.

>> No.13991239

I had my kids because I want to give on my heritage and all that is good about me, as well as my private library of knowledge. Genetics are just the realism behind it. Claiming that kids are useless in a world of niggers is braindead in both aspects.

>> No.13991249

You do not understand biology, let alone genetics. People who claim that we are so closely related forgett that we also share 70% of our gens with a fucking banana. 95% with negroes only shows what small percentages matter. They make the difference between mud cookies and the library of alexandria.

Not reproducing because someone else did, only makes sure that your whole ethnic line becomes smaller, because other lines do not restrict themelves by such intelectually vapid reasons. After generations they will have tousands of descendants, yours hundreds at best. Evolution doesn't look kindly on subjsct unwilling to do her bidding.

>> No.13991255

>share 99% dna with chimps
>only share 95% with negros
Got me thinking senpai

>> No.13991257

She’s right, there’s no point in philosophy. But she’s wrong in thinking there’s any point in any other aspect of her life, to “get on with living” is an impossibility because every aspect of life is meaningless.

>> No.13991269

>That's a pzombie.
the fuck, no it isn’t. the entire idea of p-zombies is that they’re completely indistinguishable from regular people.

>> No.13991281

Who cares? The world is going to shit, anyway. If we somehow end up doing ok in the next few centuries, we’ll have genetic engineering

>> No.13991283

>but the majority of the information man passes on into the future is mimetic
Memetic are linked to cognitiv functions. You can't pass on memetics in a hostile biological form nor physical envoirement. And do not forget that you can meme your children into what you want the future to look like, if you don't have any. Your brain is the vaste majority of your genetic data, so small differences will make a big impact and you will have non if you do not steal other peoples children and indoctrinate them in what you want them to think.

We are al descendants of rapists and psychopaths, such is the nature of man, as are the best of us. Dhingis Khan and Alexander repopulated the world in their image and we have much more cultural impact from them, be it natural or nurtural, than from any big brain nibba inventing some fancy shit. We live as genetic vessels, an IQ too high is disgenic as has been shown multiple times in history. If you overthink sex, you don't survive as a genetic vessel.

Get kids, instead of trying to meme other people offspring into your disgenic ideas.

>> No.13991291
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>> No.13991300

I cherish no human traits, I believe the biosphere is a violation of the most ancient and sacred cosmic canons.

I believe humanity was planted in Gods head by forces unseen. I believe this was done as a plot to eradicate all organic life. God unknowingly drew upon a chaotic force of the cosmos to create our consciousness, and we were pulled from the void to live in these abhorrent devices of stasis.

The surcosmos guardians knew we would burn this world and destroy God's creation, and the irony of the foolery would drive God to suicide.

Human intellectuals skip over our true purpose. They refuse to reconcile with their destiny. They oppose our destiny. Indeed, this destiny exists mostly in the blindspot of humanity. Some see our destruction of the environment as an accident, some as malignance.

Both are wrong. Nothing is more purposeful, or benevolent than the destruction of all life. Our existence is a suicide mission, with an end goal to remind the Almighty it's not alone, and it's hardly sovereign. Preventing the perpetuation of intellectualism furthers this goal. Death to the holy and unholy alike, the surreal runs all layers.

>> No.13991299

>we’ll have genetic engineering
I don't like the tv, but you should watch stargate and reconsider your idea of outsouring evolution if you do not want to go existinct like the Asgard.

>> No.13991305

She’s right. Philosophy is a big nothing.

>> No.13991306

>The Asgard, pursuing means of extending their lifespans, began to use cloning technology. The mental patterns of Asgard that became ill or fatally injured were preserved by "downloading" them into computer memory crystals. The patterns were later placed in a new cloned body. This made the Asgard effectively immortal at the cost of the ability to reproduce sexually. This prevented the natural process of evolution, making Ascension impossible without assistance.

>The excessive use of the cloning process began to damage and degrade the Asgard genome. This would result in the eventual extinction of the race unless a cure could be found. The Asgard devoted considerable time and resources to the project, but their best efforts proved fruitless. (The Vanir had more luck in dealing with this issue than their Ida counterparts, primarily because they were willing to experiment on humans when the main faction would not. Even so, they were not able to eradicate the problem, only postpone it.) The final attempt to solve the problem resulted in a rapidly progressing, fatal disease. (SG1: "Descent", "Covenant", "Reckoning, Part 1", "Reckoning, Part 2", "Unending") (SGA: "The Lost Tribe")

>> No.13991318

Sound retarded, prolly is. Read about the Gleissberg Cycyle, the regular annihilation of biological life, as was the case with humans already multipe times instead of spreading some ay lmao nonses. Humans are far too fragile and already sitting on the next time bomb as to be some bio weapon themselves. That's literally mongo-indoctrination as with the greta sperg.

>> No.13991326

Nobody gives a shit about direct posterity. Augustus Caesar’s dna is virtually wiped off this earth and great men’s kids are usually spoiled faggots, so that’s a good thing

>> No.13991334

She’s right anon.

>> No.13991363
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And with our failure we will return again and again.

You lack the forsight to understand, we've been sewn in the fabric of reality, such that with sufficient conditions we take host with whatever emergent conditions can serve as vessels.

It doesn't matter if we die and microbes survive. This isn't a zero sum game, it's maintenance. You don't spray pesticide once. Our fragile vessels are a message, and a cog in a greater scheme. When our sun expands into a nebula and reforms, should life arise again, we will as well. the perpetuation of this cycle is why life is a violation of the canon. To save this cycle is why you must destroy life. The nebula and its solar system is the real prize.

>> No.13991371
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>Nobody gives a shit about direct posterity.
Kekeridoo, keep telling yourself that, while I bust another fruitfull nut into my wife.

>> No.13991390

Imagine if there was a mammalian castration parasite and you realized this whole time you've been busting a worm's cum in your wife this whole time.

>> No.13991394

Take your meds schizo.

>> No.13991396

Kill yourself then, lol

>> No.13991398

>She's probably happier than you are for it desu. Not everyone has to like what you like or participate in the rituals you participate in.

The unexamined life is the only one worth living? You should live to satiate your base desires and ignore everything different from that?

>> No.13991412
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That's certainly in the cards, but that will be played when the time is right. I have no ability or choice to influence the "when".

>> No.13991421

I bet China's working on it right now. Could imagine the hilarity if they tainted the US drinking supply with such a thing?

The absolute assrage as American women discharge writhing piles of worms, and men whos bodies break down from the worms overloading them with sex hormones.

>> No.13991422

Is this supposed to be proof? Lmao go back

>> No.13991436

Plato was right when he wrote the Republic. We need absolute state control and a stratified society.

>> No.13991441

Or what?

>> No.13991444

Who cares?

>> No.13991447

>yeah well she's gonna pass on her GENES bro how does that make you FEEL bro

lmao do Americans really do this?

>> No.13991464

And nobody gives a shit.
Point made.

>> No.13991472


you're an idiot

>> No.13991480

It's an exercise of your cognitive functions. You just as well can read "he revolutionary Phenotype" if you think yourself to be able to understand the frogs scientific reasoning. Outsourching reproduction means absolute dependance on that machine. Once you lose control over it, you lose your ability for procreation. Think overreaching goverments, wars or simply a natural catastrophe rendering them useless.

Biology can be quick. We can already see that women get more narrower hips in the west, as birth friendly hips are no longer a necesity for survival aka child birth due to a cesarian. Prior to that women with deficient hips simply died with their children stuck in them and didn't gave on the "small hips" gens. Nowadays everyone is going to sruvive, even the least fit. Reprodutional success rates are sinking. We are becoming less fit, the more we think we can trick nature by science.

Give it 500 years and the sexes will become adrogynious and natural reproduction practically impossible. Getting at least a cesarian will be like taking foliat vitamins in preggo.

Your faith in science will be your downfall.

>> No.13991487

only low iqs idolize philsoophy, especially the castrated men craving power, but all they have is their fantasies. likes the germans.

>> No.13991492

>he thinks God has a will


>> No.13991498

You sound like you watch other men fuck your wife

>> No.13991501

Infinity has its limits.

>> No.13991502

>>overhear woman at work saying that she doesn't see the point in philosophy, that you should just get on with your life

People like this are everywhere. Here's a fun thing to do with them: Ask them a philosophical question. It doesn't have to be a difficult one, just anything that would be on a test for an undergrad Philosophy course. Watch how they are unable to answer it in the most basic level. Watch how it seems like their brain is literally unable to comprehend the question in the first place. Watch how there's no self-consciousness about them failing to analyze the question. Watch how they just decide to ignore the question completely and go on to instead talk about Marvel movies or streaming services instead. NPCs are not a meme. They exist.

>> No.13991515

Oh wow. People have difficulty answering undergrad questions about things they aren't interested in???

Dude are you sure you're not the next Descartes???

>> No.13991523

You communicate like a little bitch

>> No.13991536
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So you mean, your inability to enjoy life and raising a family results in cooping through "intelectual pursuits" and making yourself feel like you are superiour to other people, while being unable to actually answer the answer to basic hard science questions? Surely, if your intellect would be so exquisit, you would use it in the most demanding art, which is mathematics instead of a talky-thinky degree.

But we all know that it's nothing but a coop, failing in real life, trying to make other feel bad becase they dare realise what a pseud you are.

>> No.13991537

Your hatred and angst poisons your world view, your bitterness blinds you. In desperate clawing for meaning, you could only come up with lies to protect your naïve view of the world around you. Your existence is a chronic failure to develop a long mental gait.

Don't sign your posts.

>> No.13991559

>enjoy life and raising a family

Life isn't about enjoyment, NPC, and creating a family is unethical. Sorry I don't hold myself to low NPC standards.

>> No.13991569

it doesnt work if all your kids grow up to be school shooters you tard

>> No.13991571
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>evolutionary primal directive is unethical
>paths for archiving this directive are "NPC"
I daily thank god for antibiotica resistant syphillis and antinatalists spiteful mutants taking themselves out.

>> No.13991573

yikes, this post is pure incel

>> No.13991580
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>> No.13991611

That guy is a douchebag, but you are not better.
What kind of anti-intellectualism is this where any kind of intellectual interest is because "you are some kind of failure"?

>> No.13991619

>his highest value is a blind and mindless biological imperative

he's right, you are an NPC

>> No.13991642

It's kind of pathetic and sad when those for which those terms were invented suddenly come around and think that mirroring them has any effect on healthy humans. You're the victim of our deranged zeitgeist, which by definition makes you the NPC of the Matrix. Defilling and bashing healthy human desires while biologically starving yourself like a honey monk, only makes it worse.

A honest pursuits of intelectual interests doesn'T need to go around and degrade those not admiring them or following it. It'S done for its own sake. OP on the other side defines himself by how much better he is compared to a completely differnt huamn being with different interests, only being able to put himself on the elf made pedestrial by bashing the equally valid others down. His goal isn'T intelectual pursuits, it's being perceived as intelectual.

>> No.13991661

Reproduction can be driven by blind instinct or conscious intent. Guess which one that is?

>> No.13991662

That’s an awfully large lot of words just to say that OP is a pseud.

>> No.13991680


>> No.13991737

It would be interesting to have a thread about whether or not philosphy is useful, who is it that doubts philosophy's usefulness, etc. but I guess the only threads that get replies are ones where the OP is retarded or has a scandalous image.

That's not what a p-zombie is, you're a retard, etc. etc. Philsophical inquiry is impossible to get away from anyways. People claim to dismiss philosophy, but will go on to ask why or how questions to political questions. Idk man philosophy doesn't really need to be defended anyways.

>> No.13992195

This thread was moved to >>>/his/7391419