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/lit/ - Literature

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13989080 No.13989080 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13989104

Only white men can understand a book about getting cucked?


>> No.13989108

Every serious work of literature ever created?

The cuck is the jew. Nice fail.

>> No.13989116

>Jewish diaspora can't be white people
Nice meme, fash boy

>> No.13989118

That fucking book. Every chapter went right over my fucking head. After the Shakespeare chapter and the chapter with multiple stories that ended with an Irish reference I had to drop it.

>> No.13989130

Jews are Middle Eastern semites.

>> No.13989167

... who assimilated and bred into European populations for centuries to the extent that they don't look like mid Easterners. What does "white" mean to you?

>> No.13989171

Your neurosis sticks out like a sore thumb, kike.

>> No.13989189

> I can be anti-semitic online. Nobody is stopping me. Those darn Jews
Except you can't say anything in person because white people are weak, cucked, and guilty. Truly pathetic.

>> No.13989194

>I don't like what you said, you must be a Jew
I'm not but go off

>> No.13989197

Jews have never assimilated anywhere, which is why they're still around. They are a roving human parasite.

>> No.13989201

Get the fuck off this board, you dirty rat kike.

>> No.13989205

The whole world will hate you until the end of time.

>> No.13989268

Thanks for reminding me why I don't go on 4chan anymore. Because every board, even the hobby ones, is now infested with /pol/lacks who want to do nothing except REEEE autistically about how the Jews and nonwhites are responsible for literally everything wrong in the world

>> No.13989281

> Durr I'm useless and stupid and contribute nothing to society, so I'll just hate the Jews because I'm a torpid blob of shit

>> No.13989291

> But also Hitler didn't kill 6 million, he killed a couple hundred thousand, but I still think he was right and good and should have killed 6 million

>> No.13989292

>shitty meme bait thread on the literature board of 4chan
No one cares. You have false memories of this place or you're a retarded newfriend

>> No.13989293

If everyone is talking about the jewish problem everywhere you turn, seems you're the one not getting it.

>> No.13989301

>hate the Jews
The issue is that jews hate whites.

>> No.13989307

Jews contribute nothing to society.

>> No.13989317

Alright, and I'm not denying that, but the Jews have maintained group identity throughout human history and white people deny race and freak out about appearing to be somewhat racist.
Are Jews responsible for our entire society (which u think is bad), or have they done nothing? Make up ur mind

>> No.13989334

Should I read this book?

>> No.13989335

Whites are responsible for society, Jews pollute it.

>> No.13989342

>white people deny race and freak out about appearing to be somewhat racist.
Who runs the media and puts whites on show trials over perceived expressions of "racism"? You are very uneducated on this subject, would be wise to stay out of discussions you know little about in the future to avoid embarrassment.

>> No.13989344

Are you white?

>> No.13989347
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Lol I use the word “Jew” in my everyday language. I use it for anything or anyone that reminds me of the tribe. Almost the exact same way people use faggot or gay for general shitty situations.
Also things that I use just to list a few
>nigger or some variation for when people are being loud
>spic just as a general insult
>chink for when someone is being subversive or self interested
>bug man/people I’ve stopped saying Chinese when referring to them
Eat shit KIKE

>> No.13989350

I’m Jewish

>> No.13989351

I don't deny any of this, but autistically screaming "The Jews," and your other autistic habits aren't accomplishing anything. Jesus fucking christ, anyone that doesn't agree with you /poltards 100 percent is the enemy.

>> No.13989358

Well you're pathetic then, u dumb infiltrating kike. Jews are doing well, why would u ally with irrelevant poltards that are cringe.

>> No.13989363

Jews have brought nothing but misery into the world. We should not exist.

>> No.13989364


>> No.13989367

Nobody is doing that, puss. And I for one have literally never posted on pol. You lack awareness of what you're attempting to talking about.

>> No.13989368

Despite what OP said. The book makes you want to drill nails into your forehead. It's fucking hard.

>> No.13989379

maybe I won't read it then...I love reading though but fiction is hard as hell for me anyway.
I heard it's more about the prose that gets people into it

>> No.13989383

LMAO whitoids BTFO

>> No.13989388

That would be nigs. Jews have a strong group identity and have been successful in every society. Jews have been tried to be killed because of envy. I mean I'm like a quarter Jewish, and am religiously Christian, so I'm not too fond of Jews myself, but there is certainly something to be taken away from the Jews success
Fuck u

>> No.13989394

No one has ever envied being a Jew. It’s a cursed existence.

>> No.13989397

You're delusional, OP. You have to be Irish to get this book, and Ameriturds considered the Irish to be lower than niggers, so don't be a hypocrite, faggot.

>> No.13989399

>Jews have been tried to be killed because of envy.
Notice how the tribal sickness and inbred delusion is present in even quarter jews. Everyone tries to kill jews out of envy, yup... Has nothing to do with their own behavior lol. Now way!

>> No.13989400

Not him I wish I was a Jew. They're the coolest and most powerful race on Earth.

>> No.13989404

Beyond pathetic.

>> No.13989408

Jewish women are inhuman and Jewish men lead cursed and depraved lives. I would trade for a European upbringing in a heartbeat.

>> No.13989411

Jews are literal parasites who have never created anything, while whites have built civilizations and are responsible for 98% of all scientific and technological innovation. That you literally want to be a jew is indicative of how deeply you've been brainwashed by them.

>> No.13989412

If whites are so good then why don't they rule the planet? Checkmate, whitoids.

>> No.13989415

Jews created Hollywood, which is reponsible for many cinematic masterpieces.

>> No.13989416

what a horrible thread
sage and kill yourselves

>> No.13989420

Jews like Kubrick hated Hollywood and other Jews.

>> No.13989421
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>Jews have been tried to be killed because of envy.
>7 cases of ritual child murder

>> No.13989423

We did and still do. There are just currently a race of parasites inhabiting out institutions.

So you're a literal retard. K.

Jew trolls are still abundant on /lit/ unfortunately.

>> No.13989430
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How American this post is. Jesus Christ.

>> No.13989435

Yes envious of Jewish group dynamic and annoyed by their mawkishness, deception, and moralization.

>> No.13989439

Jewish women are subhuman looking, I would agree to that. I wish I dated a blonde shiksa goddess and got bleached by her.
God, I fucking hate my people, they're nothing but disgusting rats that should've been exterminated a long time ago.

>> No.13989442

>We did and still do
Cope. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Jews rule the world.

>> No.13989447

Nah, we just want them gone. Simple as that.

>> No.13989449

>Jew trolls are still abundant on /lit/ unfortunately.
As are /pol/tards.

>> No.13989453

and whites are european semites what's your point

>> No.13989456

Gone from what. I doubt u interact with Jews on a day to day basis.

>> No.13989457

The west and the world has been crumbling since jews were allowed to attain power. These are parasites, not a people capable of building or running institutions.

>> No.13989463
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We're here to stay, faggot. You'll be our slaves forever and ever.

>> No.13989464

I grew up around them and interact with them regularly.

>> No.13989465

Jews cannot rule over their own depraved lusts, how will you rule the world?

>> No.13989466

Jews improved every aspect imaginable in American society. If it weren't for them you'd still be nigger tier.

>> No.13989467

The point is even jews proclaim not to be white. Which is why the phrase white passing exists.

>> No.13989470

You've been kicked out of everywhere you've ever been. That you think this time is going to be any different is delusional. The next expulsion is on the horizon, rabbi.

>> No.13989471

Same anon. I'll admit that's probably pretty fucking shitty desu

>> No.13989475

Just like they do now.

>> No.13989476

You delusional faggot. You have no idea what they're doing to us.

>> No.13989477

If jews could build and create on their own they wouldn't be forced to live in other's nations.

>> No.13989478

>Jews improved every aspect imaginable in American society.
Invading other countries. Welfare for nigs. Open relationships, depravity. Hate speech, women's rights, liberalism. Lmao, nice one.
White guilt, miscgenation, late fucking term abortions. Fucking nice one kike!

>> No.13989479

The Bible
The Qur'an
The Torah

>> No.13989484

Yeah but whites agreed to allow all that to happen.

>> No.13989487

>Yeah but
Stopped reading here.

>> No.13989488
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lmao cry more /pol/turds, your days are numbered.

>> No.13989490

How’s that? If Jews ruled the world then where is your temple?

>> No.13989493

Because whites allow Jews to rule them and that's the sad truth.

>> No.13989494

Jewish institutional power in the west, especially culturally and politically, is a very new phenomenon. Jews were purged from the Soviet Union after a couple decades of rulership. They simply cannot rule because they are literal parasites.

>> No.13989497

If whites rule the world then why do they whine like cunts about Jews?

>> No.13989504

The whole world has whined like cunts about you for millennia. Not a single race has ever had anything good to say of you.

>> No.13989505

They don't. It's only a very small number on /pol that do.

>> No.13989508
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America is our whore and so is Europe and there's nothing, NOTHING in the world you can do about it MWAHAHAAHAHAHA

>> No.13989511

How is Judaism a race? You're retarded

>> No.13989513

Institutions that whites built rule the world and whites allow them to continue to function. Jews maintain proxy power over them and our culture and politics generally, however, and need to be purged like the were in Russia last century.

>> No.13989516

Pedophilia, Homo rights, homo marriage, trannies, legalising mentally ill people, racism not allowed, gender studies, debt, degeneracy, sexual-deviancy, consumerism, school shootings caused by social unrest.

No, they don't. You're vastly overestimating it.

>> No.13989517

True, evertime I see a post "exposing" them I just think that it's amazing how they can organize in a way that no others ever could.

>> No.13989519

We can and will kick you out again.

>> No.13989522

Snark and derision, the last resort of the cornered jew.

>> No.13989523

Yeah that's so legal in the United States. USA is the only country in the world with a sex offender registry. Netherlands AOC is like 12

>> No.13989524

>Not a single race has ever had anything good to say of you.
>Not a single race
(other races)
>has ever had anything good
>to say of you.

Reading comprehension level=coomer.

>> No.13989526

You are probably some raceless hapa though.

>> No.13989532
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Here's a real answer, anyone else refuses to look past muh colonialism

>> No.13989534

ikr, if the legends are true, then Jews are literally masterminds superior to the rest of humanity.

>> No.13989535


>> No.13989536

And then we'll be right back, because the truth is that your race is like a hot and bothered ex-gf who always kicks her "bastard" of an ex-boyfriend out but always runs out to bring him back in. You love us, you're problem is that the feeling isn't mutual.

>> No.13989538

My finger on the button will be the last thing you see, rabbi.

>> No.13989540
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You talk the talk, but do you walk the walk?

>> No.13989546

No one loves you, history shows that plainly. It’s why you have to marry your cousins.

>> No.13989548

and the Catholic Church?

>> No.13989551

Sure, goy. Make sure to have my dinner ready.

>> No.13989552

Nope. You can't hide like you used to be able to, jew. This is the information age. Your parasitic ethnic strategy is at the end of the road.

>> No.13989558
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Big talk, goyoboyo. Mere fantasies.

>> No.13989560

Let's not forget that circumcision is sucking a bloody baby dick done by a rabbi.

>> No.13989575

To that, I'm glad to be one of the uncut Jews. At least I was never molested unlike you douchebags.

>> No.13989579

Why don’t you ask your sister-wife to make some of that world famous Jewish cuisine for you?

>> No.13989581
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>> No.13989601

you hate us, cos you ain't us.

>> No.13989602

I'm a quarter Jew and was circumsied kek

>> No.13989606

Man, you're a faggot.

>> No.13989610

I have to wear lube to masturbate though

>> No.13989612

Can you fucking idiots recc more whites only books? This conversation is really pointless and gay.

>> No.13989614

That's pathetic kek ngl

>> No.13989616

I feel as if I would bully you in real life until you shot up a school.

>> No.13989623

>whites only books?
No such thing, unless you read shit like John Green or Neil Gayman.

>> No.13989625

Moby Dick, Pride and Prejudice, Iliad and Odyssey. It's a bait post as the entire western canon even Things Fall Apart were literally only made for white people (mostly men) including Jewish authors like Kafka and Salinger.

>> No.13989626
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>> No.13989630

How is that pathetic?

>> No.13989635

Everything pre-1900s

>> No.13989636

>Neil Gayman
Not white. Also, I would fucking kill him and his daughter. He's a fucking degenerate who opened up his relationship then felt bad about other people doing his wife.
I'd kill him.

Real men don't use lube, only their hands. Plus, lube is expensive.

>> No.13989637

>Doesn't know what Semite means

>> No.13989639

>Iliad and Odyssey
kek literally the entire planet Earth reads these

>> No.13989645

>He's a fucking degenerate who opened up his relationship then felt bad about other people doing his wife.
big if true, source?

>> No.13989651

>Not white
But he writers for whites, esp. American whites.

>> No.13989653

Jeez man, don't go killing people.

>> No.13989728


"I'm not sure it explains very well. And I don't think it needs defense. But I don't really want to explain it."

- "Do you regret going public with the open marriage thing given the way headlines have fixated on it?"


He gets really defensive about it.

"Amanda, 43, admits that she and Neil, 58, didn't enter into an open relationship lightly and the first time it was discussed it was a very awkward conversation."

"Neil Gaiman: Open marriage? Not now we’ve got a child"


"And to be fair, or to be totally honest, we agreed to shut down the openness of our relationship until further notice at least when I got pregnant, because it was too complicated. "

"A lot of it now is now like, Neil's in his fifties, I'm in my forties, neither of us are all that into super-casual sex. And neither of us are into sleeping with random crazy people. So, a lot of this happens in a more boring adult way.... Things like that do come up in conversation, and since it's been a number of years now since I've slept with anyone but Neil, I can't even remember. I'm so focused on my child right now instead...."

It seemed to have been more of a phase.

IDk, it's just kind of unfair for him, that's all. Maybe he doesn't outright show it but that's the impression I'm getting.

Just this bit in particular:
“For instance, when I was pregnant I respectfully asked Neil to close the marriage down for a while because it didn’t feel emotionally safe to go fooling around with anyone else. So, we closed the marriage down for a while.

It feels like this open relationships was more so her idea than his. Take away from it what you may.

>> No.13990482

No, he doesn't.

>> No.13990491
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>tfw he didn't actually read Ulysses

>> No.13990493

there aint no book that only whitey can read, yall fuckas aint go a lock down on what words the black man is allowed to hear. THATS WHAT A LIBRARY IS FOR. fuckers trying to run everything, trying to pick what words I know, get that shit OUTTA HERE

>> No.13990505

>book about a jew written by an Irishman
If anything this is a book that white men can never understand

>> No.13990516

Yeah, now that I think about it, Ulysses is really a book only nogs and chinks can actually, truly, "get".

>> No.13990585

>he thinks it's about a jew

>> No.13990620

I finished the whole thing without understanding any of it

>> No.13990645

>ended with irish reference
are you talking about wandering rocks? cyclops?

>> No.13990791

Hasbara came out for this one

>> No.13990791,1 [INTERNAL] 

kill all jews