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/lit/ - Literature

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13982094 No.13982094 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently working on a "Best-of" internet article compilation. Currently including works from

Nick Land
Hotel Concierge
Autistic Mercury (Both the New and the old)
Various one-off n/ACC stuff

Any contributions in the form of articles, blogs or comments are appreciated. Also, if anyone has the short story where a guy waters a plant with diet soda and then goes to a night club, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.13982475

bumping for great justice

>> No.13982492
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>> No.13982529 [DELETED] 


>> No.13982535


>> No.13982551

would read op. hope it happens. esp if it includes stuff like >>13982492

>> No.13982562

So far this is the most interesting piece from the magazine.


replace the onions with basedbeans without the beans, word filter is fucking up the word.

>> No.13982585



>> No.13983072
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Great project

>> No.13983080

obviously the spoony experiment circa 2004-5 is on par with these so called intellectuals

>> No.13984373

I'll post it once I'm done editing it for clarity. I have a first draft epub/Google doc ready to go. I can upload it if you're really impatient.
I'll check it out
Sadly I don't have the time to transcribe all the Phantasmagoria videos, but I could include the court transcript

>> No.13984382

No images sadly. It's already 330 pages with tight spacing and I'd like to print it out

>> No.13984392


>> No.13984394

There was a recent long article in the Atlantic which was a white liberal trying to do the right thing and forcing his son through public school so he got to experience all the 'benefits' of diversity. But it all falls apart and the liberal is forced to acknowledge the not so good aspects of diversity and ultimately ends up sending his younger daughter to a private school.

>> No.13984428

Meditations with Moloch, The Outgroup article and the Parable of Lightning are all excellent and well written, even if I fundamentally disagree with two of them

>> No.13984492

Oof yikes sweetie

>> No.13984518


>> No.13984706

is there a blog like these but for philosophy? i want a weekl/ymonthly link round up of happenings/goings on, new articles by famous people, studies on brain science, etc.

>> No.13985143


>> No.13985189

Check out Jacobitmag.com.
I don't think he has good enough standout pieces to include. Hotel Conceierge covers the narcissism topics pretty well. He's also aged sort of poorly as he wrote about very short lived outrages ect. Still rec reading him individually though

>> No.13985194

I think most of Moldbug has aged poorly, but his Clearpill series is pretty nice so far. SSC bad is a "nick land nazi" tier reactionary opinion

>> No.13985201

Name of the painting?

>> No.13985403

Dont know, just saved it from a girardfag thread.

>> No.13985411

No Last Psychiatrist?

>> No.13985446

i'm looking more for a blog/site that would link to these sources (among others)

>> No.13985496
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Giorgio de chirico - The seer (1914)

>> No.13985571

See >>13985189

>> No.13985572
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>> No.13985574


First commentable draft to those interested.

>> No.13985576

is this sam hyde brainlet shit?

>> No.13985582
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our own schizo poster/s

>> No.13985586

Don't think that really exists. What you can do is look up the people writing this stuff, and read their works. They often refer to other people and places.

>> No.13985593

if you have a big brain then you dont need to ask

>> No.13985595

As much as I personally enjoy reading the schizoposting this would be more of an entry-mid level guide to modernity via articles, not a shitposting compilation.

>> No.13985596
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>> No.13985618


>> No.13985631




>> No.13985639


my upcoming publication in the lit quarterly, bitches.

>> No.13985645

your diary desu?

>> No.13985668

The /lit/ quarterly should really have been called something like that

>> No.13985671

someone should make such a thing

>> No.13985676
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Well, it's sort of what I'm doing right now.

>> No.13985761

sort of

>> No.13986805

Thanks! The enviormentalism looks like an interesting take. It'll probably age badly though.

>> No.13986901

>all nrx alt right crap

I get it you are a straight white dude and feel resentful at the realisation of your mediocrity

>> No.13986909

communicating entirely in prepackaged buzz phrases is pretty mediocre

>> No.13986968

SSC is left-libertarian
Hotel Concierge is apolitical in the sense of a postive program.
Samzdat is an individualist, slightly right leaning if I had to guess, but with an unmistakable liberal leaning.
About half the Jacobite articles are written by card carrying marxists.
u/ACC is very, very far from nrx.

If you're gonna be obnoxious, at least be accurate.

>> No.13986996


you are either being disingenuous or lack the self awareness and reading comprehension to be able to realise how plausible deniability and ''irony'' function as the oldest tricks in the alt right playbook. Stated ideology is less important than factual alignment.

>> No.13986998
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This. Time to drop some jerk physics on these low-order derivatives.


>> No.13987001

don't think you're gonna find any good articles on any of those websites

>> No.13987049
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What is acceleration?
>the rate of change of velocity per unit of time.
What is the mathematical function that describes this?
>Calculus differentiation.
What else is involved with calculus?
>Integration, the inverse operation of differentiation. Integration is cumulative change.
So basically, all that most accellerationists can do is one level of differentiation, and ignored integration entirely?
>Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.
What is calculus, anyways?
>The mathematical study of change.
Where does "the mathematical study of change" come from?
>according to cognitive linguistics, from our embodied experience of the world.
Doesn't this suggest an intimate connection between the mathematical study of change and our experience in the world of it?
>Yes, those are the necessary implications.
Doesn't this have implications for evolutionary change in conscious experience over time, and our perception of change?
>That's what I'm counting on: https://old.reddit.com/r/Tao_of_Calculus/comments/9rpnrl/space_taoism_101/
What does this have to do with cultural/memetic change over time?
>A memetic / empathic singularity, recursive mutual improvement in human relationships.
Cool, are there any memepunk animes that give an easy introduction to all of this?
>Glad you asked, yes there is: https://vimeo.com/specalblend

>> No.13987079

Drink less onions

>> No.13987084
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Forgot the most important question: who is Our Guy?
>Alfred North Whitehead, of course. I am Your Girl.