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/lit/ - Literature

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13950314 No.13950314 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.13950332

and this is supposebly an english board KEK.

>> No.13950366

- [ ] Crossed legs. Her skirt barely covering them. The skin ascends from her feet, then bends, then descends thickenig towards a place we are not allowed to observe.- And? What goes next?- -Well, the door is still open, we can go back today and- - Come on, I know that’s not what you’re thinking- Her legs opened for an instant, letting him see a little secret, to then cross again. But he was not impressed, although very aroused. -How old are you?- -sixteen, but come on, the difference isn’t that much- -five years of difference doesn’t seem like to much?- -she tried to smile, but her face was red with shame. So she sighed and got off the chair, turning her back to him. She bited her lip, and began to take her skirt off. He couldn’t talk, just feel his body nervously shaking. Then she turned around taking her shirt off, making her breasts bounce. -you like what you see, don’t you?- - I.. - she then grabbed him by his face and sat on his legs, turning his chest in a way her breast where around his neck. - Today you will have everything you wish, but if you want more, you’ll have to do a little favor for me- -wha.. what do you want?- - I need you to find The j*nnie that banned me and snap that faggots neck-

>> No.13950373
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>implying he used the incorrect you're/your
>he used it properly the first time

I thought you were a grammar nazi. KEK.

>> No.13950377

Sitting in a library not reading anything but 4chan

>> No.13950383

I'm wondering why it is that people respond to obvious bait posts so often on here. Are you all retarded? Do you want this board to slowly die?

>> No.13950384


>> No.13950497

mighty KEK

>> No.13950527

You might wanna ask this anon. >>13950373
Although you might also ask why this anon >>13950332 thought it was funny

>> No.13950651

In a balmy evening we were there
Before a good performance
And sipping on despair
The hours passed in a musical transe
Stealing looks and acting cold
But op is a faggot and so am I
Stuck in my mind, it sure gets old
I should've talked to you not to care for a reply

>> No.13950709

throwing a couple wenches in a working, functioning machina is always good fun

>> No.13950726
File: 45 KB, 431x308, 0819CB22-6626-4E80-B353-22ACBC7AC069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the world. There is so much evil in the modern age. Virtues are mocked, while degeneracy is celebrated. Jesus told us to hate the world, but how much is too much? There are so few things to hold on to. I can only hold to the dream of someday being with her, and raising good children, much better than I was brought up as a child. But most of the time I feel as though I’m being pulled in a current, a current that is dominated by a mass of evil and low intelligence. The world tries to make you think that you are the problem, that you need to fit in, because it’s much easier for the individual to change his ways than for society to change. But the ways of society don’t care for the individual. This raises the question, what exactly is the goal of our society? Are we just blindly marching on without seeing more than what brings temporary pleasure? Doesn’t anyone ever stop to question the point of it all? Do they not wonder if we’re going down the wrong path? That maybe we lost some of the wisdom that guided the ancients? At this point, I just accept that the world will soon be dead, but still, it is not so easy to configure my life around such a chaotic world.

>> No.13950891

i moved from a college campus town back with my mother for the moment and im not liking living in shitty suburbia. i cant find anything interesting to do, whereas when youre on a college campus, you can go see music art and movies within walking distance and talk to people. i cant find that here, maybe im not looking hard enough. i burned most of my bridges with friends because i didnt care for them anymore, this seems good and normal but my one real friend got an internship near austin and is gone. i dont know how to make friends in a place like this.

>> No.13951071

>It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear! And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!

Sounds like life desu

>> No.13951612

>That maybe we lost some of the wisdom that guided the ancients?
Did it?

>> No.13951628


>> No.13951657
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The same kind of thing happened to me a year ago and I've been stuck and desperately brainstorming ways out, mostly involving returning to school. Cf. Pynchon:

>> No.13951691

I don't believe in love

>> No.13951765

Love believes in you

>> No.13952048
File: 96 KB, 1000x900, 1567943483357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to do something about my islamist godfather. But I just don't know what.

His brother died in Syria 4 years ago and I fear that one day he's gonna kill a bunch of people for revenge.
I need a few months, maybe a few years but at some point, I'll be ready to defend them from him. There has to be some way.

>> No.13952067

>Do you want this board to slowly die?
I have some bad news about every board on 4chan. You might want to sit down...

>> No.13952092

>I'm wondering why it is that people respond to obvious bait posts so often on here
this is literally every thread on 4chan newfriend

>> No.13952201

I don't deserve to be ugly and short, i don't deserve to be unhappy.

>> No.13952434

It's punishment for past-life crimes

>> No.13952446

Bloodlust lover. Nice

>> No.13952457

I'm really tired. I was depressed two years ago and many years before that and I don't think it ever really left. But I don't feel the fog anymore, so I don't think I have it. I don't want to be cured anymore. After being depressed for so long, I feel like stopping now would feel awful.

>> No.13952557
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My friends that I knew for fourteen years have stopped talking to me. I don't know what it was that I did that was so unforgivable, especially considering all the crazy stupid shit we've all done over the years. Maybe they just got sick of me, or i got too insufferable for whatever reason. Could be that my best friend finally got himself a girl, and doesn't need me anymore. Could be. I'm sad about it. I'm lonely, but fuck 'em.

>> No.13952620

I don't need the external world to dictate my value to me. What others think of me means nothing to me.

>> No.13952668

currently getting drunk on wine and finishing editing the last chapter of my book
tomorrow I'll be sending out first emails to publishers
I'm wondering if a dedication 'to Dionisus' would be cringe or not. Noone real feels like deserving of a dedication

>> No.13952672

I think that's great.

>> No.13952715

I just came to this realization recently. The world throws a lot of bullshit at you and it's easy to let it stick rather than shrug it off. I used to crave the validation of others just like everybody else, and all it did was cause me agony.

Ultimate freedom resides in a subtle, benign psychopathy.

>> No.13952731

I don't think that I have arrived at that point yet, unfortunately. But I mean it when I say 'good for you', anon! You still like compliments, right?

>> No.13952742

Same thing here, except I'm the one doing the ghosting. I love all my friends dearly, but don't have the energy anymore to hangout with them so I've estranged myself from all but one. I can't do it anymore. I thought I was doing them a favor, but just a month back one of them texted me and asked if they had done anything wrong and I felt awful for letting them believe it was their fault in anyway. Not to say this is the same situation with your friend, but I think you should talk to them sooner rather than later, anon.

>> No.13952750

> 'to Dionisus'
kek, no one reads those anyways but whoever gets it will get a chuckle. I like it.

>> No.13952752

You'll reach your breaking point eventually, promise. And yes I still have an ego, complements don't leave me completely unaffected. Still, fishing for compliments is another form of social slavery. I won't say stop complimenting me, but I won't sit wagging my tail like a hungry dog begging for them either.

>> No.13952769
File: 250 KB, 869x943, 1472233577608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got my xbox back from them a week ago. they said they'd invite me over, and they didn't, but i still see them hanging out all the time on social media. This has been a long time coming, i suppose, and if they're all collectively just going to treat me like this without an explanation than I don't care. I'm not going to open up to them, just to get hopeful that things will go back to the way they were in high school, only to get pissed on again.

>> No.13952774

>but I won't sit wagging my tail like a hungry dog begging for them either.
Can I scratch your tummy and ask you if 'you're a good boy'?

>> No.13952800

what do you mean, a dedication is literally the first think you see when you open a book lmao
but thanks for your opinion, I think I'll roll with it then, I'd post a fragment here but it's in polish so...

>> No.13953559

The more Apostolic theology I read, expecially based Thomas "Begone Thot" Aquinas, the less baptist I feel.
The problem is, if I convert, I'll have to convert my Fiancee first, then about a dozen other people, and I'd be THAT Cathodox. What's worse, Catholics in my country are known for being left-leaning CINO commies.

>> No.13953566

Made me chuckle

>> No.13953602

The single, solitary dot of an i.

>> No.13953638

atleast tell them to fuck themselves

>> No.13953814

if i choose not to rule the world, what else will satisfy me

>> No.13953886

I don't see a problem with being idyllic. I want a fantasy life and I'm going to try my best to mold my reality into this life.

>> No.13953894

i'm drunk, AMA

>> No.13953896

What's your fantasy, anon?

>> No.13953912
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I fear I will die alone because I can literally find no one I think I can love
I dismissed a girl the other day because I thought she was too passive and not incisive enough, and today because I thought she was too active and self-reliant

I don't know if I have too high standards, but I'm too worried I'll eventually end up with someone who doesn't question what I do and makes me unhappy because of lack of sincerity or someone who questions everything and makes me unhappy because we can't reach an agreement
Basically, I feel like I only have choices between 1950s aloof housewives and 2010s overconfident hedonists

>> No.13953929

I'm worried about this too. Sometimes I wonder if I should just go with them and see what happens. I guess that nobody can ever be perfect or match whatever ideal you might have in your head.

But honestly, I'm more worried about wasting their time.

>> No.13953936

This board is shit

>> No.13953952

I feel the same way, anon
I also wonder if maybe it's just a chemical imbalance that makes me this lonely sometimes. Maybe paying for love will suffice. Maybe it will make it worse. I don't think I have the energy to try, anyways.

>> No.13954237

Retard here, is it ok to use contractions in dialog? Not doing so makes everything sound so formal.

>> No.13954271

I got a job in ministry and feel woefully unprepared, spiritually, professionally and emotionally. I’ve no idea how to cope. I’ll be working inside a church every day, which just makes it so much more intimidating.

>> No.13954287

You can use anything in dialogue, silly. How young are you

>> No.13954288

Of course it is. How many people do you know who speak sans contractions? They aren't Commander Data.

>> No.13954300
File: 1.96 MB, 3264x1836, 15705021234093675711716568902512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Gimmick Poster Here. Zizek sent me with Jim Sterling's Battle Standard and a Bastard Sword wrought from Natalie Wynn's hair. I descend on the wings of my own pretentious misunderstandings and only know how to show penance like a gender dysphoric Simone Weil- so, like, just Simone Weil?]

>> No.13954308

None of the old russian books /lit/ told me to read used contractions that I can remember. I don't know what contemporary dialog looks like

I mean yeah, I meant more would an editor make me change all of them if I were to get published

>> No.13954311

thinking about where I'd be if I had used all the time I've spent masturbating on writing

>> No.13954319

the fuck is up with young kids and vaping. a kid was vaping in my class today, not that it mattered. i called admin to come get him and no one ever showed up. another one got called down to the office because he was caught selling the shit in the cafeteria lunchroom. it's everywhere. we have kids here as young as 14 and they're doing it, probably happening in the middle and elementary schools too.

tattoos too, jesus. two kids of mine walked in to class with new tattoos just last week. derivative bullshit, too. roses and gangland graffiti stencil. embarrassing, not that they'd ever know. it's like everyone is going out of their way to ensure a generation of douchebag addicts develops.

>> No.13954371

Hong Kong is a Chinese city, sorry seething imperialists and mentally-colonized HKers

>> No.13954385

My paranoid thoughts that my only friend hates me and is annoyed by me, as well as the torture of my unrequited love towards her.

>> No.13954394
File: 1.21 MB, 3264x1836, 15705035631738422392783176366850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Ah, man. That is the fucking pits. Do you write her letters, trying to figure out how best to either a. Tell her how you feel or maybe b. Get over this feeling to maintain the best friendship? Or anything along those veins? I write those to some of my exs and those who have spurned me. Many Dear [Saint Divine] and [Venice] so on and so on. What I coulda done different, what I should not have done or should have done. What I always regret is I never appreciated any of the attention while I was in it. I just took someone caring about my day for granted. Now. Now I live with my mom. Cautionary tale. And all this was a lie.]

>> No.13954397


Nu sjunger jag den stora äppelsången
jag sjunger den för hundrafemte gången
med stora runda ord högt opp i himlens sky
och jag är den bedårande den arga lilla My!
Väldiga äpplen runda och sköna
gula och lysande röda och gröna
plocka och mosa och sylta med kraft
vin för en pappa och barna får saft!
Veva vår väldiga äppelkvarn
del myllrar och kryllar av äpplen och barn,
nu börjar det regna nu skvalar der snart
så nu får ni sätta en fruktansvärd fart
och skaffa er ett himla paraply
- men det gör inte jag, sa lilla My!

>> No.13954399

develop a tight bond with him, learn about his plans, and sabotage them. easy

>> No.13954427

I text her regularly and we hang out. I've asked her out already, so she knows I have some feelings for her. I'd be too ashamed to go into depth about my feelings for her with her though.

>> No.13954448

I daydream a lot. Lose focus a lot. Never start something I know I'll enjoy. Procrastinate on things I should do. Doubt my intelligence. Forget stuff. Do things several times because I'm unsure if I did them. Do things in bursts of hyper-focus. Get bored easily.

Am I stupid or do I have ADHD?

>> No.13954465

Society is not Humanity friend. Don't think that just because our current social values are bad everything's no longer worth it. Fight on, and do what you think is good and just. At least you'll be able to say you did something.

>> No.13954485
File: 2.05 MB, 1339x879, 1570160143310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kinda sucks being alone. With that no special person to share your moments with, with no one there to talk to about your ideas and just being comfortable with that person. There's a chick I know who's rather comfortable with me but I can just "feel" that she doesn't see me that way.
But all at the same time, I'm not willing to take that dip to try and go back into a relationship or anything because of my past relationship. When met with pain, we often try to avoid the cause. I just don't know if I can go through shit again

>> No.13954499

I used to think I'd never give up video games as a hobby. Now I just don't have the energy to play it anymore. I'm unironically reading and writing more now. Has anyone else gone through something similar?

>> No.13954507

>That maybe we lost some of the wisdom that guided the ancients?
Precisely what got me into archaeology. If you're in need of catharsis that might hinge on this just know: "The ancients" "Wisdom" was simplicity. The average HG spent 4 hours in upkeep and the remainder in leisure.

>> No.13954509

Nope, I just wrote my Thesis on the importance of Heidegger in modern society and I'm training to go to EVO next year to crack top 8 in SFV. Git gud scrub.

>> No.13954518

I can't really sleep anymore. These last few nights I've fallen asleep at 6 and woken up at 8. Shit sucks. I've been just floating through college lately, getting c's in my classes. After giving up on making friends, being normal, getting married, or making money I finally had to give up on being smart.

>> No.13954522

>playing dead fighter v
You're not impressing anyone lmao

>> No.13954532

I can smell you Smash players from here. Keep reading YA fiction LOL.

>> No.13954535

I'm in a similar situation as far as being mutually comfortable with a girl, but her not feeling romantically towards me. I feel like she understands me, but she doesn't see me as more than a friend.

>> No.13954606

post your thesis you liar

>> No.13954741
File: 2.37 MB, 498x227, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll float in space, just you and I
And I will love you till I die
And I will love you all the time
So please put your sweet hand in mine
And float in space and drift in time
All the time until I die

>> No.13954775
File: 346 KB, 719x1278, C9601B9B-757A-4639-A88B-43CAA4A25E62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sometimes feels like you are climbing the mountain. It sometimes feels like you are carrying the mountain.

>> No.13954781

Based 21st century underground man outlook

>> No.13954985

>I just came to this realization recently. The world throws a lot of bullshit at you and it's easy to let it stick rather than shrug it off. I used to crave the validation of others just like everybody else, and all it did was cause me agony.
>Ultimate freedom resides in a subtle, benign psychopathy.
based faggot who just read TSZ

>> No.13954988

Wow dude, so deep. You should get that tattooed right above your "Not all who wander are lost" compass piece.

>> No.13955011

It is a good thing I don't have access to a genie or horrible things would happen

>> No.13955062

lead her feelings to meet yours

kiss her and escalate your physical relationship
don't tell her your feelings. lead her to where you want to be

>> No.13955070

You'd finally wish for a circumcision?

>> No.13955086

The urbane humming after work sings me a lullaby as I see red and yellow come and go. The white lines get carved inside my eyelids and I feel the sunshine hugging me like my lovely wife used to. My fingers lose their might and one by one let go the the wheel. I crash. As a reflex I cover my face with my hands. My might is back. I punch the windshield and go right through it. I fly out off my gray car; I even fly out off the highway. Surely everyone that see me flying above them will think of me as Superman. As I feel the melting concrete shattering my skull I feel more sleepy than before. Those horrific screams and police sirens sound so far away as I go deep inside myself until I can finally sleep.

Also does anyone know a good (and easy) bilingual book for french?
Was looking for l'etranger online, but couldn't find it

>> No.13955125

I have a feeling that she's the kind of girl who, if I did that and she objected, she would not speak to me again. I've already asked her out, and she said no, but wants to continue being friends.

>> No.13955203

ive been waiting all this time
its all over now
youre not going anywhere
now im going to make you mine

>> No.13955497

UGH must gain welf UGGHH forget all but self UGGH get job UGGGHH make boss money UGGHHH become boss myself UGHHH make more money UGHHH society is collapsing UGHH everything I care about is decaying UGHHH I have a lot of money UGHH started with the Greeks UGHH I don't live a virtuous live UGHH I have a lot of money UGHH I made a lot of money UGHHH I hate all my friends UGHHH everyone I care about is gone UGHH I have a lot of money UGHH

>> No.13955506
File: 16 KB, 325x330, E1AAAB74-E55B-4AC3-A628-4D3447005C0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is nothing more than two Irish dudes verbally shitposting while being ghosted by a troll named Godot and yet people still try to analyze it.

>> No.13955609

mysig låt

>> No.13955613

i have ADD and you sound like me.
If your really concerned, get yourself checked out

>> No.13955692

Sometimes the shitposting is worth analysing.

>> No.13955723

I read this as trolled by a ghost named Godot and it was much better

>> No.13955799

question of writing advice

how polished do you want a rough draft to be before moving on? I get caught rewriting the first page 100 times over or else I go too loose and write 10-20k words and none of them are good and the job of editing seems just too daunting. How do you regulate this? Also often when I go back to rewrite an earlier passage I rewrite it in a way so that it no longer coheres with what comes later, either thematically, poetically, or narratively, I will have changed something and set the later stuff out of place. What am I supposed to do? It seems like embracing all these setbacks and interruptions is a perfect way to burn yourself out on the material and waste a lot of time getting nowhere. I don't think I buy the perfectionist myth anymore. I know this is a vague question and the only answer is something like "find the balance that works for you" but I wonder if anyone has any advice

>> No.13955855

>Doesn’t anyone ever stop to question the point of it all? Do they not wonder if we’re going down the wrong path? That maybe we lost some of the wisdom that guided the ancients?
Do you? If yes, then what answers did you come up with? Let's hear them and discuss. And if you have no answers, then what makes you think it isn't the same for the people you're mocking? - and you are mocking them, the condescension is palpable. I don't care if you're unconscious of it yourself: You think of them as lesser. Again, just as they do as well. They're not blind to these questions, they just don't have the answers. Don't interpret these two as the same.
Somewhere out there is a guy looking at you the way you're looking at the people you're referring to. You're both wrong.

>> No.13955882
File: 155 KB, 292x470, 409w86593808w592-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to say that the Library of America books look beautiful and I'm sad that they're so expensive to get over here in Australia.

>> No.13955917

The liberation of souls is the first step towards reincarnation. Really you should hold it in high esteem.

>> No.13955944

I just feel down and it affects everything I think and do. It'll go away and I'll return to normal but it sucks right now.

>> No.13955987

I want to see you cry and beg for your fucking life. I want to see the fucking look on your face when you realize it's fucking over and you won't be spared.

>> No.13956017

probably some form of adhd. then again, what zoomer doesn't have adhd these days? just don't use adderall like it's a cure-all

>> No.13956024

fucking brainlet. ADHD is literally for retards, if you dont have a para don't take drugs jesus. Your just suffering from the internet age, it shortens your attention span an insane amount, it is why most people can't sit down and read for two hours straight. Spend less time on the internet, and, if your a brainlet and havent already, get off all forms of social media, its all datamining for advertisers that "feels" like an interactive "game"

>> No.13956049

Any other self-aware brainlets here? Were you able to overcome difficult books or did you accept that they are out of your reach and gave up?

>> No.13956062
File: 818 KB, 1242x737, 1AB0B40F-73C9-454E-AC3C-C7506EF36128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans are so utterly stupid when it comes to politics, it’s maddening. Context doesn’t exist to them, their own actions don’t exist to them, they see no difference in ideology, they’ll rant on and on about minor inconveniences while their own people die from a myriad of preventable things, no one in high office plans for the future, they’re absolutely braindead. At this point I can only hope that there is a full scale climate apocalypse so that I may be released from this madness. Full scale starvation is the only way to actually convince them at this point, and that’s tragic.

Play a better game, if you’re going to EVO there’s a ton to choose from

>> No.13956099

You'll have to deepfake it then

>> No.13956206
File: 281 KB, 599x780, Souryuu.Asuka.Langley.full.544869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything domestic is expensive, and typically, having things posted is expensive, too.

Do you think we might have done something bad in a past life to deserve this fate? Also which books were you looking at, anon?

>> No.13956322

I would really like Flannery O'Connor's collected works, she's one of my favourite writers and I think a beautiful hardback edition would be a nice, especially since it has letters and essays which I've never read.

>> No.13956329

You might have only written porn novels because of how pent-up you were. I tried avoiding it for a week once to write, everything I wrote reeked of lust.

>> No.13956340

We might be shit, but at least we don't throw on a tripcode.

>> No.13956357

Cool. I like her too, although I wouldn't say that she's one of my favourites. But good luck finding something of hers to hold in your hands, anon. You never know when something might appear for a reasonable price on eBay or Amazon, or wherever. Sometimes you can just be in the right place at the right time for these sorts of things.

>> No.13956451

I cant read, I literally cant.
I mean I can read small text, but a page long? No way.

When I try to read I space out and before I know it i'm on page five and I have no idea what i just read. So I read it again, but then I just give up.

Guess ill die dumb

>> No.13957098

Defense mechanism. You're reinforcing the delusion that you can't read so that you feel justified in not even bothering to face the struggle, "why try if there's no hope for me?"
And actually I don't know why I bother responding to you, it's true. You're in your little spiral of patheticness and you won't get out unless somebody IRL ruins your little shell of comfort or something.
Time to hit the gym and vent by bad mood in a more productive manner.
Books for this feel?

>> No.13957153

If I wiped your memory right now, would you have anything to talk about?

>> No.13957217

I want to garden but it's fall.

>> No.13957315

I'm sorry to hear that. Same situation for me. You might as well find some more hobbies to feel some accomplishment.

>> No.13957435

In the reverse order

>> No.13957576
File: 2.98 MB, 640x360, london.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sweater I'm wearing smells like ass

>> No.13957608

I was in London last year.
Goddamn London has a lot of brown qt3.14s
Thank god for immigration. Otherwise i would be stuck with awful white """""women""""""

>> No.13957635

Uppers change me for the better. Personality is such an interesting concept. It's dependent on mysterious chemistries, subtle fluctuations, hormonal spurts. They call it a "fix" for a reason. Some people are just missing that little extra splash of dopamine, or whatever it might be.

>> No.13957638

Agreed, let's enjoy the qts until the backlash against multiculturalism starts and all the nogs are forced back to their shit countries.

>> No.13957791

Regardless, I just wanna say Nas annoys the fuck out of me.

>> No.13957881

>The $10 began its long journey into Kellener's wallet in 1983, when a beefed-up national defense budget of $210 billion enabled the military to purchase advanced warhead-delivery systems from aerospace manufacturer Lockheed. Buoyed by a multimillion-dollar bonus, then-CEO Martin Lawler bought a house on a 5,000-acre plot in Montana. When a forest fire destroyed his home in 1986, Lawler took the federal relief check and invested it in a savings and loan run by a Virginia man named Michael Webber. After Webber's firm collapsed in 1989, and he was indicted on fraud and conspiracy charges, he retained the services of high- powered law firm Rabin & Levy for his defense. After six years and $7 million in legal fees, Webber received only a $250,000 fine, and the defense team went out to celebrate at a Washington, D.C.-area restaurant called Di Forenza. During dinner, lawyer Peter Smith overheard several investment bankers at an adjoining table discussing a hot Internet start-up that was about to go public. Smith took a portion of his earnings from the Webber case and bought several hundred shares in Gadgets.com, quadrupling his investment before selling them four months later. Gadgets.com's two founders used the sudden influx of investment capital to outfit their office with modern Danish furniture, in a sale brokered by the New York gallery Modern Now! in 1998. After the ensuing dot-com bust, Modern Now! was forced out of business, and Sotheby's auction house was put in charge of liquidating its inventory. The commission from that auction enabled auctioneer Mary Schafer to retire to the Ozark region of Missouri in 2006. Last month, while passing through Hazelwood, she took her Audi to Marlin Car Wash, where Kellener was one of the employees who tended to her car. She was so satisfied with the job that she left a $50 tip, which the manager divided among the people working that day.

>> No.13957966

A female might read this

>> No.13958040

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock hits me like a truck right now.

I was in the woods today writing poetry. While trying to find a beautiful way to write down the sentence "My life is not the odyssey", I remembered that "I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be" already exists and cursed T. S. Eliot, then I cursed Beckett too because fuck them both, and then I managed to curse Kerouac too for no reason in particular.

That's the state of my mind right now.

>> No.13958089

>I was in the woods today writing poetry.
Hopefully you had green clothes on and was smoking a pipe

>> No.13958231

I'm going to say yes to both just to keep appearances up.

>> No.13958842

not drunk anymore, AMA

>> No.13958869

What about the internet causes you to sit aimlessly before it? Why does it cast this spell? The way it "sucks you in" becomes the arbiter of all importance, is alarming.

>> No.13958881

I just sat doing nothing and have felt more contented than I have in years. I don't know what it was but the whole world and me in it just chimed.
I know that moment will fade, but this is what peace is. Peace really is holy, which makes me think we live in unholy times. Why it is so, what's at the root of it, is a question that betrays the peace.

>> No.13958900

this, the only thing that you can do on your computer, that would make you happier is turning it off

>> No.13958904

I wonder how much of my alcoholism is mental and how much is physical.
When I stop drinking I feel like shit, but I felt like shit before I started drinking too. I am afraid to stop because of DTs and so on, but once I drank enough to be safe of that I keep drinking more because of depression.

>> No.13958931

You're absolutely right. The power of the internet is that it seems like a world, because it captures the world. It is a surrogate, a second image of the world, over and above the world of first order experience.
I have the option right now to go view anything I imagine thanks to the internet. I could also leave my house and go experience for myself. But the cheapness of internet experience, the instantaneousness of it, scratches the immediacy of the urge of addiction.
I wholeheartedly believe in the idea of internet addiction just as I believe in the concept of behavioral addiction.

>> No.13959068

I'd say it's mostly because of the age of crippled communication. I'm only here because I have no-one to talk to right now. Most of the internet is powered by pure loneliness.
It's scary, for example, that I can improve my pick-up game by just plugging everything off.

>> No.13959131

This week I decided to read Animal Farm, and then re-read 1984.

Something is quite engrossing about 1984 -- It's a tale that you just can't put down. It's painfully self-aware and Winston feels like a voice in my own head.

The ending is astoundingly devastating even in a second reading. As Winston proclaims his love for Big Brother, you can't help but feel the boot of O'Brian stamping the life out of your humanity.

>> No.13959147

>I'm only here because I have no-one to talk to right now. Most of the internet is powered by pure loneliness
I enjoy talking to you anons. Much moreso than 'regular' people. Maybe it's because we're all a bit weird and understand eachother. Thank you.

>> No.13959200

Thinking about going hermit mode for awhile and diving into Gnosticism, Heremeticism, Thelema and general Occultism.

>> No.13959213

But it's very circular. You're alone with nobody to talk to because you're getting a surrogate of it online. If you lacked that option, you'd have no choice but to go out and mingle or go insane. The internet keeps you in that purgatorial limbo where your brain thinks it is getting what it needs when it isn't.

>> No.13959230

I dont know if im a moral egoist or if im just pretending to be

>> No.13959261
File: 184 KB, 1280x853, adventure-cloudscape-cold-2387869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night I attempted to write a poem about my four walls. I swear, it's the closest I ever came to insanity. I tried to recall all the experience I spent alone and it overwhelmed me.

>> No.13959274

I don't hate niggers I hate nigger culture and entitlement, but the fact I can't say that, while criticising white people in the exact same vein gets you a medal is a fucking annoying. How are we as a society meant to have a productive discourse if you can't even have one side of the conversation?

>> No.13959278

I used to be so romantic. I'd pine after girls. I'd write terrible poetry. I'd have coffee with a qt and be elated for the rest of the week. I'd post about my oneitis.

Now I am jaded and cannot bring myself to become attached to a woman. I miss being a romantic.

>> No.13959308

I'm romantic right now. Idealizing the living shit out of that experience after going through a phase of falling for the "don't idealize" meme. In short, it's best explained by the Zizek colonoscopy argument.

>> No.13959322

>Last night I attempted to write a poem about my four walls. I swear, it's the closest I ever came to insanity.

I think I should treat this as a lesson but I don't know.

>> No.13959399

By facing down aloneness you ultimately face down the whole universe. There is a reason why in all cultures there is the archetype of the solitary sage.
That said you can also just sit in your room going crazy, so it depends what your mind is doing in such moments.

>> No.13959415
File: 6 KB, 318x159, ackshually.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The latest fucking update of this OS does not show battery percentage by default. This is coming from one of the most sophisticated and successful companies in the fucking world with pioneering research and development in artificial intelligence and quantum computers .
Who in the hell thought that was a good idea? They should be summarily executed. This person does not justify their engorged salary. Unbelievable

>> No.13959499

Also who thought it was a good idea to make the same jack that you listen with your earphones the one you charge your phone with? Also, why go against the industry standardized peripheral inputs with this newfangled design? Other than to just lock in your customers to a particular product line.

>> No.13959512

you sound like my dad

>> No.13959545

I have pleurisy and I feel like my chest is gonna burst. I wish I had something deeper to say but you know, ow my lungs.

>> No.13960037

So this is what my life is, huh. Not a fan

>> No.13960113
File: 349 KB, 680x634, 1569279204981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It turns out I have sciatica in my right leg, hurts whenever I lie down which makes sleeping a bitch. Got banned from this site for a couple of days for posting gay bondage hentai on a blue board (oops), for banned from Reddit for posting "bigoted material" by literally just describing the views of /LGBT/-
Yes, I am a faggot, im very aware of that.
My parents were gone for two weeks and I memed myself into thinking I was trans, I posted my face and someone said it looked slightly feminine which set my autogynephilia off, I called up a therapist but then canceled after I realized that I would never pass and was just having a manic episode. Life fucking sucks and I'm cringy and if I was smart and rational, I would jump in front of a train, but, oh well. Had a minimum of three drinks every night for the past week straight so my liver is probably closed to giving way anyways. I'm an over ironicized retard without any authentic personal relationships

>> No.13960969

The yelling and fighting between my boss and his wife drives me insane. I don't have the time for that she says. We will have to take care of it sooner or later he says. I take out both services of the day and notice that I recognize the family from the second one. We get ready to leave and the deceased's daughter asks to ride in the hearse with me. She asked for my number a few months ago. While I'm driving, out of nowhere, she tells me while crying that her mom was enthusiast about the idea of she marrying me. Now an odd feeling of guilt invades my system. Her mother's eyes penetrating the metal from the casket behind me. She doesn't know me and neither does or will her mom. I try to comfort her. I slowly move my hand near to her hand. She knows I'm married, but still she holds me tightly like you would a loved one. Her hand is warm and with a slight redness. It's not a grip that you would give a stranger. It's not cold and lifeless despite the circumstances. I haven't felt another hand that isn't my wife's in years. It's a refreshing feeling that pump some blood into my pale cheeks. I give her a smile and squeeze her hand as you would a child's. We remain silent the rest of the way.

Is this how a diary is supposed to be written?

>> No.13961000

I'm madly in love with my only friend, but she doesn't feel the same way. I feel like shit every time I'm not around her.

>> No.13961006

Bla bla bla. No one gives a fuck. Invite her over and strangle her already like you want to.

>> No.13961016

The jerk store called, they're running out of you!

Also, that's not what I want to do at all.

>> No.13961021
File: 81 KB, 645x671, 1569982515435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brother found out i'm a nazi on the internet. my parents hate each other. my grandparents are dead

i just want my family to be the way it was when i was a kid

>> No.13961511

I wish I had a messer. I would stab your fat fucking wife in the gut fifty times. Hell if your reading this and u arent JS then know damn well that I would kill you without hesitation. I fucking guarantee you.

>> No.13961551

Sometimes I read a joke or meme on 4chan and i laugh at it and i feel like I made it, like it is my sense of humor and only I would have made it. I unconsciously feel like all of 4chan is my creation. it makes me uncomfortable to consider these memes were created by others who are like me and existing independent of my acknowledgement.

>> No.13961601

I have psychosis and think that people can read my mind
So I don't have to tell you what I'm thinking do I?

>> No.13961635
File: 94 KB, 832x690, 1568793628441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current generation of writers should delve into the romantic period; maybe they'll lose some of their timidity.

>> No.13961675

Just found out I unwittingly cucked a guy, feels incredibly strange. I fell in love with the girl too. Seems everyone in their social circle knew about it but me and I never got confronted about it

>> No.13961768


>> No.13961773

it's pathetic when people take pride in suffering and consider it a sign of intelligence. this romanticism around depression and suffering needs to end.
if all this is meaningless then how one's thinking and actions are superior to others?
i wish there was a button or something for reverting back to living like normal people.
if suffering is "intelligence" then i really want to be a fucking animal. i want to forget this "knowledge" which made me miserable.

>> No.13961837

I don't know, but I enjoyed reading it.
Is it truth or fiction?

>> No.13961840

Yes, it is truth, every last word of it. I love my wife with every last ounce of my being and fibre of life.

>> No.13961871

i bet it feels great

>> No.13961898

feels fucking weird man
I've probably done this with other "taken" girls as well and all that's happened is a couple guys acting strangely passively aggressively

>> No.13962142

What did you drink?

>> No.13962146

And i was like
baby baby baby ohhhh
like baby baby baby noooo

>> No.13962160

I think it's funny that the Axis powers basically pioneered electronic pop music. Kraftwerk from Germany, Giorgio Moroder from Italy and YMO from Japan.

>> No.13962185
File: 213 KB, 1200x1007, ryuichi yamaha dx7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YMO were a really funny bunch.

>> No.13962195

I hate the average human.
They act like they know anything. When they give you advice it is not only obviously wrong, they give it so they can feel better about themselves. They only give you this "advice" for themselves, they are so blind and controlled by their needs and yet think they are smart.

>> No.13962196

I wish I had eyes like yours:

I wish I had
Eyes like yours
They probably
Behold the beauty
In everything

Tear trails and
Blood stains
Forlorn glances
Turning the mundane
Into art with
No shame

Take a picture
Last longer
Conquer time
With a frame of mine

Glass of wine
Scent of thyme
Anything I can get you
That would
Ease your mind?

Dead poetry sat on her lips
Art on the easel
Pure diesel
Was the taste her tongue took
My brain spat out words like an
Open cook-book
A deep-fried mind
Watching time pass
And all I could
Say was

Now we're
Cooking with gas

I wish I had
Eyes like yours
That hunt out pain
Like they've obtained
A doctorate in sadness

It's shit but it's the first I've written in awhile. And it rhymes far more than I normally like.

>> No.13962205

I love those crazy nips.

>> No.13962287

Spent all week writing a chapter and only got one comment from it from the same reader that always comments on my chapters. I dunno, I appreciate someone out there is reading my stuff, but at the same time it's kinda depressing I can't attract and new readers.

>> No.13962295

Maybe you just have a secret admirer.

>> No.13962335

After traveling around the us a lot I've realized that while my life may feel boring and unfulfilling holy shit is it better than a lot of people's. At least I'm not working 12 hours at a tortilla bakery (bakery? I don't know) then hoping over to the planet fitness for another 4. Or living in a kansas town that's exactly the same as all the other kansas town that lay like beads along the rail road, where the most prominent local feature is the grain silo. Or working a professional job in NYC where I pretend to be useful for eight hours before heading out to a local ethnic tapas bar with my identically dressed professional coworkers.

>> No.13962775

Pretty much every good car brand was involved with the fascist movement too: Toyota, Honda, BMW, Volkswagen, Mercedes, Ford

>> No.13963210
File: 45 KB, 639x960, 1569640960415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everything so slow and fast at the same time. As I grow older I feel as everyone I know is more mature than me. I'm just longing for those bright summer days from my childhood. But maybe I should wait till tomorrow. To see everything fall apart.

>> No.13963224

I used to think I was smart because I thought so much, but I've come to realize that I simply think a lot

>> No.13963241

Capitalism is going to kill us and both capitalists and their cucks don't care.

>> No.13963254

waiting for Nemesis to get summoned again
this farcical hubris has gone on long enough

>> No.13963258


>> No.13963266

how did you know that

>> No.13963333

Knitting bees are great for gossip

>> No.13964062


>> No.13964108


>> No.13964155

October 9
I feel itchy. My hands, my arms, my face. I press my thumbs against my temples trying to touch one with the other. I hear a buzzing that hunts me wherever I go. I want to smash my forehead against something cold, maybe a table. It feels hot. I feel my left arm slowly going down, taking a nap. 300 fucking dollars for a fucking insurance.

>> No.13964239

I want to peel of my fucking skin. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

>> No.13964311
File: 7 KB, 250x227, 1569136908540s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, why are you trying to sound smart, even though you are a dummy like me? It's like: why are you speaking chinese, bro? you're neither chinese nor in China. Don't you know how much fun it is to be stupid, to say stupid shit and not worry about it? Just be light-hearted about it. And if you want people to take you seriously, let your emotions dictate what you say.


>> No.13964359

That's such a special album, anon.

>> No.13964383

I want to get into reading but the books I've read bored me because they described everything too much and gave me information I did not need. Book loving friends I talked to told me to stay away from classics because over-describing everything was a trend of the past but It's a given to start with the classics when you want to get into something right? So I'm not sure what I should be reading or if I should get into reading at all or not.

>> No.13964429
File: 61 KB, 720x906, 1557365359915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to feel empty, hopeless, as if nothing in life bears any meaning. I'm reaching new heights of achievement practically every month, and yet I'm sure that every day I'm more of a loser than the day before. I've wanted so much for so long, but felt too useless to ever try for something, and that feeling dragged on long enough that I saw these arbitrary milestones as hooks that I could cling on to, would I ever manage to reach for them.

And reach I did. Sometime last year I went to a psychologist, and after one session I decided I didn't need this crap and should just get on with it. I started making music like I always wanted, stopped giving a shit about if girls thought I was a creep, stopped giving a shit about being a fat loser and became a fat chad.

And now we're here. Yesterday I slept (just slept, nothing more) with two girls hugging me on each side, something I would've literally bet my entire life savings on never happening just one year ago. It seems like something so outlandish, and yet, it doesn't mean anything. Nothing really does. I still want to kill myself on the daily because the banality of life drains me dry, and every "meaningful" thing that happens just reaffirms that everything is part of the same matter, void of significance and subject to irrationality.

I feel much more attracted to the negative aspects of life than the positive because they feel more profound. I was at a party where my ex-girlfriend (who I thought I was on good terms with), didn't pay her much mind, until she came to me to tell me she was sick of me treating her like shit. I almost started to cry and haven't thought about much else. I still love her and the tragedy this entails entices me so much more than the fairytale life I seem to be living lately, I want to actively feel like shit instead of coasting through mundanity, and I think I'm going insane because of it.

My friends are telling me I'm not making much sense lately, and when I'm not in stream-of-consciousness mode but try to find structure in my thoughts, I feel like a schizo.

>> No.13964435
File: 180 KB, 677x1000, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is something nostalgic to me by reading old TV guides from when I was a child. Nothing brings me more joy than flipping through the pages of beige coarse paper and reading a certain dates programming; my favourite sitcom was Frasier, and although 9/11 was a national tragedy - what broke my heart was the death of David Angell, the genius behind Frasier. My least favourite show was Seinfeld. I absolutely hated seeing those kvetching jews bicker and lie themselves into triffles. I maybe would have liked the show more if it was a cartoon about over-the-top Brooklyn rats going through the inner-city struggle, but Seinfeld was far from this; Seinfeld was about hyperrealistic humanoid rat people and it freaked me the fuck out. So when one day my mommy brought home the May edition of TV Guide I felt a sense of pyrrhic victory reading the headline. Although I felt great joy knowing Seinfeld was over; I know the damage he has done to TV comedy is irreparable, and the ratlike caricature of him show that he knows that too. Pic related is the TV Guide I'm talking about. No piece of literary work gives the complex set of emotions this thing does.

>> No.13964441

yeah bro, like, why try to speak the most widely spoken language in the world? what are you gonna do with that? talk to some china man about the i ching and try to look cosmological problems from new perspectives? c'mon bro, just let your emotions save you from whatever. it'll be fun. fun is fun right? come grab a beer bro, chill out for a while or maybe forever? just fall asleep mannn shhhhhhhh fall asleep

nice song anon thanks

>> No.13964447

*Why are you speaking as if you were smart, bro? you're neither smart nor in a smart environment.

>> No.13964449

kikes and niggers, as well as their intricate plans for the reduction of the white populous
(the kikes think for the niggers, the niggers rape and bludgeon in their concealed name)

>> No.13964450

Just had a small epidermal cyst on my scalp removed. I feel very satisfied. It was harmless but it bugged me to no end. After seeing how this type of cyst was removed on YouTube it became very hard for me to sleep knowing I had something similar on my head. The sight of the thing on a plate after the doctor removed it was extremely gratifying.

>> No.13964452

This board is not the least intelligent on 4chan, but I think it has the most emotionally vulnerable and manipulative posters. I don't sense quite the same amount of multilayered irony as the other hobby boards. I consider butterfly a decent example of such a thing. Sometimes it just feels like I'm on a regular forum, which I wish wasn't the case.

>> No.13964458

im not smart man not smart at all. im just trying to sleep off this pain you know? been in pain lately and idk why, you feel? just grabbin a beer to fall asleep. not smart

>> No.13964478

This agitation, I have no idea where it comes from.
I feel a pressure on my chest, a wet sponge on my brain. The sponge is full of crude oil, though. It seeps through all the crevices of my brain, I feel the pressure inside of my skull.
Thinking is hard, the agitation grows and I have no idea where it comes from and it drives me crazy. I have no sedatives, no alcohol, nothing. Just me and my thoughts. I hate it. I can't sleep, I don't want to read, listen to music, walk, breathe or anything. Maybe float? Can I float? I try to not get more agitated, keep the negative thoughts away, they lead to nothing. I have no personal problems, except what will be in the future. I hate everyone, but I want to love everyone. Not everyone loves me, but I am ok with that.
My chin itches. My dick feels slightly sensitive, but I don't want to masturbate. Everything is so burdensome.

>> No.13964490

the only person mentioning butterfly around here is butterfly when zie is posting as anon

>> No.13964506

Well, it's the humanities. So instead of regular semi-retarded/techno-mathematical autists, you get sensitive humanities autists.

>> No.13964513

I like it.

I wrote something similar to:

There's freedom hidden somewhere on her face, when she smiles freedom shows it's grace.

Rhymes a little better in the original language, but you get the idea.

>> No.13964526

If only. I would imagine that trip user would eventually get bored and stop posting if that were the case. Posts like mine and others who acknowledge its usage only perpetuate it. If literally everybody just filtered that trip, there wouldn't really be an issue.

>> No.13964589

There's a character at the beginning of Goethe's Faust who looks at a warship going to Turkey and rejoice's that the war is not where he is right now.

Looking at the situation right now, I feel the same way and I think a lot of people feel like that.

>> No.13964644

I'll give your the rest, but Honda Motor Company wasn't founded until after the war and it's a matter of debate whether Showa-era Japan really counted as fascist or not. I almost got into a fistfight over that issue once.

>> No.13964679

bunch of octoberfest beer, it was good.

>> No.13964730

I think that there a lot of people on /lit/ with a lot of problems. I don't mean to sound mean about it, it's just an observation. Some of them are very sweet.

>> No.13964800

How to find a comrade-in-arms, for lack of a better term. A metaphorical one, I'm not looking to form a mercenary duo.

>> No.13964839

I like Jews and don't have a problem with black people. And I think no differently of women.

>> No.13964846

I am your dad, son

>> No.13965053

What's your take on Showa era Japan then?

>> No.13965096


>> No.13965117
File: 174 KB, 806x694, 1570474690392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I fucking love women. They're just so ... perfect. Everything about them is what you would hope it would be. Their smooth faces and sonerous voices, their hips and curves, the way their breasts just out and the crook of their necks. Words cannot describe how beautiful their bodies are. I'm getting excited just thinking about it. And not just their bodies either, their kindness and quietness, their soft moments and noticing things you wouldn't, the say they care about people and the small things. The way they can calm babies and children. Life would be a mistake without them around

>> No.13965121

They're okay I guess.

>> No.13965130

i think this post is bait but it's also me unironically

>> No.13965133
File: 124 KB, 893x1200, DhO2dS9UEAAynW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and the way they like to be pretty and all the gay little things they do like wear makeup and jewelery, it's so silly and it's endearing how much they care about it. All the dances and songs they perform and how little they know about the horrible things in the world. I just love every moment of them

>> No.13965159

mother FUCKer
mother FUCKher
mother FUCK HER

>> No.13965166

I had a conversation at work (Fortune 500 office wage slavery) about working. The consensus seemed to be "Minimize suffering." Maintain a work life balance (Do you live to work or work to live MY MAN?), don't get suckered into stressful positions, don't take your work personally.

Is that the best you can hope for? Or just the best you can hope for while getting a middle class salary?

>> No.13965168

That's a boy.

>> No.13965181
File: 667 KB, 1424x1480, ra4frrtztnlz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a platonist

>> No.13965189

Good for you. Could I be your /lit/ trap bf?

>> No.13965199
File: 484 KB, 500x1205, t821jhhxmhf11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. A/S/L?

>> No.13965208
File: 1.90 MB, 500x249, bait taken.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, half of the anons in this thread are here for the bait. I know I am!

>> No.13965209

22, male (duh), Canada.

>> No.13965210



>> No.13965212

How can you watch Star Trek and go, "you know what? I love capitalism!"?

>> No.13965213
File: 112 KB, 445x503, 1542519117926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are like anything else living, like puppies (cute but piss everywhere/shit everywhere/generally destroy everything you own), cats (cute but are often destructive, cat litter issues, often mean), and babies (cute but high-maintenance, will never let you sleep, ever).

>> No.13965220

when's the last time you talked to a woman anon?

>> No.13965232


>> No.13965238

Because capitalism is what allowed Star Trek (a product) to exist.

>> No.13965245
File: 127 KB, 960x960, everyone loves jello pudding pops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except Star Trek came about from free-market television. Did Soviet-era television come out with anything truly memorable and original during the 1960s?

>> No.13965247

What are boys like?

>> No.13965249
File: 231 KB, 497x758, 1564984567324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, nevermind, she was a Canadian transwoman that age I knew, she still posts on this site

>> No.13965287

>he thinks that photo was anything but staged
let me hear re-re-retard

>> No.13965307

>On 16 September 1989, Yeltsin toured a medium-sized grocery store (Randall's) in Texas.[55] Leon Aron, quoting a Yeltsin associate, wrote in his 2000 biography, Yeltsin, A Revolutionary Life (St. Martin's Press): "For a long time, on the plane to Miami, he sat motionless, his head in his hands. 'What have they done to our poor people?' he said after a long silence." He added, "On his return to Moscow, Yeltsin would confess the pain he had felt after the Houston excursion: the 'pain for all of us, for our country so rich, so talented and so exhausted by incessant experiments'." He wrote that Mr. Yeltsin added, "I think we have committed a crime against our people by making their standard of living so incomparably lower than that of the Americans." An aide, Lev Sukhanov was reported to have said that it was at that moment that "the last vestige of Bolshevism collapsed" inside his boss.[56]

>> No.13965339

Yeltsin should have been shot.

>> No.13965377

seinfeld is the greatest sitcom of all time, shut up.

>> No.13965388

I dunno who that is. Besides, I'm not trans. This is just a hobby.

>> No.13965407
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Today I remembered this one time in Spanish class where I laughed so hard that I couldn't stop - it was an almost pathological laugh - but it was very pleasant and I was very happy, so happy in fact, that my eyebrows started trembling and I cried a little. This was 3 years ago. I hadn't laughed like that since. I hadn't laughed like that in 3 years. The trigger for the hilarity was some dumb shit one of my group mates said. We were writing dialoges using food vocabulary in groups and in ours appeared the word "el yogur". I lost all composure. I remember it vaguely, but it was something about one roomate stealing the other's yoghurt and the confrontation that followed. God do I miss that time. I miss who we were.

>> No.13965628

Right-wing militaristic authoritarians that took inspiration from their fascist allies but were too politically and culturally distinct to be considered fascist in their own right. They weren't the result of an "outsider" political party assuming control of the state, for one.
I don't know much about them though, so I'm willing to admit I might be wrong. The only reason I even got close to fighting over something so inconsequential was because I had been reading a lot about the Italian fascists and had had a particularly bad day. The whole thing is kind of embarrassing in retrospect.

>> No.13965695

Everything is shit, am tired of trying, tired of fighting, tired of the pettiness and egotism that permeates all. Still, I remain unable to incite myself towards suicide.

>> No.13965702

I wrote a bunch of long thought out replies to topics on here last night, and most of them didnt get much in the way of replies, and I was kind of disappointed. people here always complain about a lack of content, and I just tried to put in effort for once. It was a waste of time. This is why the /lit/ board sucks.

>> No.13965729

this is why i sincerepost on the threads doomed to be destroyed by the mods. people sense that they're likely to vanish, and have a tendency to sincerepost back. plus, this is a thread exclusively for people to journalpost anyway. it's bait to keep those narcissists occupied. if you want dialogue, i suggest you find the threads where people are paying attention to each other instead of the one absolutely GLUTTED with people complaining about lost loves, and how depressed they are, and how crazy they feel, etc etc.

>> No.13965848


>> No.13965907
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I once dated a beautiful girl, the most beautiful girl I've ever met. She kept wanting us to have sex, but I resisted, because I am a pretty devout Catholic; and, even more than that, I just kind of wanted to take things a lot slower than she did. I got the sense that she was a bit of a thot, but we had fun while we were together.

Unfortunately, she eventually left me precisely because she felt our relationship was moving too slow. She promptly got herself knocked up by some other guy. She kept the baby, and now she's a single mom. We still message back and forth from time to time, and she even passed through my home town once, and we met up.

I feel like if I told her how much I still think about her, we could get back together. But I really, really don't want to raise another man's child. All the cuck memes on this site have gotten to me, I have developed a pathological aversion to dating women with children. Fuck that. And yet, she still comes to my mind from time to time, sometimes vividly. Sometimes I think I might be on the verge of falling in love with her.

I really don't know what to do. If she didn't have a kid I'd be far less conflicted.

>> No.13965921

If you're this confident of what a women is actually is then you will be discouraged quick when you actually meet one.

>> No.13966018

frankly, advice is evil.

>> No.13966029

My life was never full of variety.

>> No.13966046

i make 80k a year

>> No.13966058

I haven't figured out women. I know you are supposed to be masculine in public. But are you supposed to reveal your feminine side to them in private? Or is your masculine side supposed to still dominate but merely cede its ground? I'm pretty soft inside but I'm usually afraid to show it. This might be wrong.

>> No.13966084

i've always been effeminate. it kind of works. i seem to attract a lot of tomboys and more 'masculine' girls.

>> No.13966110

Sometimes when someone comes to me and shares what's *really* on their heart and mind I can do nothing but recoil and lose respect for them. They build up and up about the truth they are about to reveal to me, and then they tell me and I'm underwhelmed. It's usually so banal, but it means so much to them and I'm left embarrassed. They haven't done any great evil or have borne any harsh burden to justify the guilt they carry around. They sum up their whole life in one conversation and it's just... Boring

>> No.13966112
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Too relatable. At least there is some clarity and more understanding when your not in the fog. It makes things a bit more tolerable

>> No.13966131
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Recently for the first time in many years I've felt genuinely bored. I can normally entertain myself with a myriad of things, productive or otherwise, but today nothing itched that scratch.
I feel like I should be concerned, but maybe it'll pass tomorrow. Could be lack of rest or general apathy with my duties at school or my job at the moment.
People say that things like this is a sign of depression or other mental deficiencies, but in a conversation that I didn't bring up with a colleague he mentioned he was bored all the time. Others agreed that they felt similar. Is mental illness that common, or are the warning signs of it flawed? Can it be a mental illness if everyone is afflicted? If everyone is bored and disinterested, and I'm not, I am the one not seeing reality as it is true compared to others. My perception is supposedly fundamentally incorrect, but I'm the healthy one.

>> No.13966132

How many books is that?

>> No.13966141

Maybe you are just lonely and she's a easy target for you.

>> No.13966145

>But I really, really don't want to raise another man's child. All the cuck memes on this site have gotten to me, I have developed a pathological aversion to dating women with children.
and they say 4chan doesn't help anyone

>> No.13966155

I really like Angus & Julia Stone.

>> No.13966178
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Continuing on this same topic. Once I was talking with my grandfather, who was a Lutheran minister. Everyone that knes him commented on how wise and learned he was. He had commented on some Somalians that had moved into our neighborhood and I mentioned to him "...isn't it funny that all of the children raised in Muslim families turn out Muslims, all the Jews turn out Jews, and all the Christian's turn out Christian? But you claim that we are both lucky to have been born into the "True Religion", how could you respond to a Muslim claiming the same thing?" (I'm not sure my retelling is getting the point across accurately). He responded that he never thought about it like that and would have to get back to me. He was 75 and never considered that people outside of his religion might believe in theirs in the same way as he did. I've spoken to several other elderly people and they've said the same thing, they were octogenarians that legitimately never questioned the narrative that they had been raised with, they just took it for granted. Just the thought of people walking around intellectually undeveloped since kindergarten, living their lives and raising children shocked me. I've met enough extremely smart people to know that I ought to be humble about the extent of my own capabilities and to realize that I'm average at best, but even then, some people I meet make being humble very hard. Like, if I'm just average, I am horrified to imagine that half of people are dumber than me and I'm a fucking retard. I'm not sure where I'm going with this. I guess that it is that you should have low expectations for people that aren't curious in matters they really care about

>> No.13966193

sorry i told you about all the shit i did. it wasn't reasonable to dump all that on you. i added to my sins by whispering them in your ear.
i just wanted to drive you away so you wouldn't tempt me from what's really important to me anyway.
you're probably not the same person. it makes me feel better to at least apologize to someone for it.

>> No.13966224

Whenever I make a post I obsessively check it for replies, even when I should be doing something else, like sleeping. What am I hoping to read in a reply? Permission for something? Or an explanation?

>> No.13966229


>> No.13966245

I'll give you a (You) if you be a good boy and go to sleep right now.

>> No.13966249

attention, love, someone to give a flying fuck about you, to appreciate what you said. to think you're rad. to respond in kind, to give you what you gave them, a moment of communication, a passing of fulfilling information. someone, anyone. right there, breathing, on the other side. thinking about you, and you, you want to come back and read what they said, and think about them. if you're even able.
if you're even able to think about them.

>> No.13966296

Sometimes I think about the anons here who I've talk to. And it sometimes makes me sad that we can't hang out IRL.

>> No.13966393

Thanks anon, that's pretty much why we all do it

>> No.13966408

I read an old fantasy book early this year, and its been consuming my thoughts of writing. Nothing about the book is revoutionarily good, its well written, but its a simple enough plot with good characters and an arc of self mastery. And all thoughout it desrcibes these really little things, like sitting at the shore and watching the beach, relaxing and watching the waves come in and out. I just want to make something pretty that doesn't fade.

>> No.13966439 [DELETED] 


>> No.13966443


>> No.13966446

God I wish I were upper class enough for a humanities major

>> No.13966455

Bugmen really are taking over the world.

Shit sucks.

>> No.13966458

read Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.13966470

My ex is a fucking whore for leaving me because I'm a NEET

>> No.13966526
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>> No.13966541
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>> No.13966827


>> No.13967117


>> No.13967139

Using Tinder destroyed any concept I had of putting women on a pedestal.

>> No.13967142

You probably have about 5 more decades of this (and worse) left too, have fun

>> No.13967146 [DELETED] 

stormfags deserve to get isolated from their families like the weak, broken men they are. either your parents failed you or you failed them, probably some of both. oh and go have sex.

>> No.13967162

i know that feel

>> No.13967171

happening in my country too. just stay away from the countryside, pajeets

>> No.13967265

the last time i laughed that hard was when i watched this video
keep in mind that i was a bit drunk

>> No.13967426

What's the original language?
I really like the line you posted.

>> No.13967457

>They’re very anti-fascist for one, and groups like ISIS being very fascist - well, our goals are pretty similar. At least they used to be, but now that we have a fashy prez who likes other fascist, he’s kicking the antifa to the curb.

Where the fuck do these people come from? This isn't even English anymore. Shits straight out of 1984

>> No.13967566

>be in church
>Pastor makes mention of Paul Tillich: Ground of all Being, God beyond God
>Cool, we are actually getting somewhere interesting
>The devil tempted my son's away because I'm such a big target
Goddamn, had me going for a minute there

>> No.13967576

>The devil tempted my son's away
What'd he do, turn them gay or something

>> No.13967594

why do happy clappers make the devil out like he's the pied piper? If i remember correctly that bloke was jilted, and rightfully sought recompense. he seems pretty reasonable to me.

>> No.13967644

Just left the church

>> No.13967664

>Write what's on your mind
I am worried about a race war. I looked at the comment section of numerous YouTube videos relating to blacks. I never realized how much African Americans hate whites. I knew it was bad, but I didn't know it was THAT bad.
Afro-Americans saying shit like "just wait until you're the minority", calling us "devils" and saying we came from caves. Most AA's, it seems, are in favor of reparations. Every time I think about it I'm filled with rage and hate.
Is /pol/ right? I refuse to pay reparations or to apologize. I never owned slaves, my ancestors never owned slaves, my state outlawed slavery long before slavery had been abolished, my grandparents were opposed to segregation. I wasn't even alive during shit like the Rodney King riots, I'm a Zoomer born in 99. I don't hate AA's.
Why should I pay or feel guilty? I refuse to. If some thug kills me so be it, they will have my dead body. Not my obedience.

>> No.13967673

Have you considered not being white?

>> No.13967680

Quality bait, bravo

>> No.13967688

what does it mean to fight for nothing

>> No.13967699


>> No.13967717

When American whites a minority they'll still be a relative majority to blacks by a factor of almost 4 (instead of the current 5ish) in the next 30 years. The black population will stay relatively the same. Hispanics will likely be a slight majority, if census projects turn out true, which they might not. And they don't have the same kind of anti-white grudges that some AAs do.

>> No.13967735

Apathy is born out of having no goals. You can only entertain yourself so much before you start wondering whats point of it all. Set some goals, any goals, to busy yourself with and the apathy will disappear with discipline.

>> No.13967814

Anon, I know most of these Hispanics coming through are Mestizo. Do you think if we started to further restrict immigration that the Hispanic community would eventually be dominated by mostly white Castizos?

>> No.13967856

Well, Castizo just means hispanic white right? And there is sure to be more interbreeding between European white Americans and Hispanic Americans than between Hispanic and African Americans, simply because of the numbers game. This would generally imply more Castizos if we were to keep the same terminology.

In many Latin cultures white features are seen as desirable and are often fetishized, and they lack the same animus of historical slavery and political abuse. Mathematically speaking in a case of a mestizo and European interbreeding, the European gene traits will dominate the phenotype half the time, meaning children who are indistinguishable from their their European parent.

>> No.13967899

Theyre venting. We do it on here too with all the /pol/ shit. Racism is a pretty natural reflex. The only difference is there's is tolerated on mainline social media and ours is not. Maybe things will change, maybe they wont.

>> No.13967946
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>I am worried about a race war.
>I'm a Zoomer born in 99.

>> No.13967956

Just because my target of critique happens to involve jews doesn't mean I'm an enemy of Israel. Growing up in a religious household I do believe the Jewish Populus have a right to their state in Palestine, but this is beside the point. I think the characters of Frasier are way more lovable than those of Seinfeld, which at times gives me chills down my spine from their outright sociopathic tendencies to lie and manipulate (not claiming all jews are like this, just the ones from Seinfeld). In contrast to Jerry Seinfeld, Frasier Crane has some depth to him - he's a sweet man with issues n his own, although he's a psychologist. Jerry Seinfeld, on the other hand, picks at flaws in white women that way out of his league, which Hollywood jews think is oh so funny (not jews in general).

>> No.13968442

I want to switch to a GNU/Linux distribution but last time I did it was difficult to adjust and I don't like change. Everything I did worked fine but I'd get to something frustrating and I'd have a slight meltdown and after a few hours go back to Windows. I have just used Windows out of convenience (and aforementioned dislike of change) and ideologically I don't agree with it. I'm not really a tech person either. Programming doesn't interest me. Not sucking corporate dick and giving my information to Microsoft does, though.

Maybe I should make the switch again. Each time I do (I think I've tried four times now?) my friends would chastise me over it. That didn't help, honestly. I know it shouldn't matter and ultimately it really doesn't but it does slightly affect me and just frustrates me even more.

>> No.13968476

You sound like me, except I've never used it yet.
I'm going to switch eventually, even though I hate the idea of spending a lot of time learning and tinkering with it before I've got it the way I want it. I hate Windows even more, though, and I'm never using 10, so there's that

>> No.13968569

After a lot of reflection, I no longer consider Protestants to be christian in any way

>> No.13968575

I have goals and stuff, just nothing I can work towards on a daily basis due to school and work. It is frustrating as I'm always in the middle in tired enough to do nothing yet awake enough to do something. I merely want without able to do in any worthwhile manner.

>> No.13968723

Would it be viable to post journal-like texts online? Is there any good writing website at all? I'm frustrated at how easy it seems to be to put artworks out there, whilst us writers are struggling.

>> No.13968756

Consider using Ubuntu. It's one of the more user-friendly and nontechnical friendly distributions.

>> No.13968807

I installed a Ubuntu based distribution, Bodhi Linux because its the only thing I could download in under 24 hours with my shitty internet, and I absolutely love it.
If I had better internet though I would have gone with elementaryOS.

>> No.13968810

is it a pettiness in me that restricts me from dispelling the thoughts of my jilting fiance? when can i slough away these palling thoughts? were i not so sure of my immature mind, the paltriness of my emotional stability, i would fear that i truly loved her. All the memories of her confront me with the question of my capacity to truly love.
Must I be so petty? How am I to escape it if it were? Loathsomeness prevails in me when I consider myself, I cannot consider myself through her eyes, for I know not how to look with them. I only project my own criticisms through her.
I must not be able to love, how am I to cast off this petty grudge?

>> No.13968927

I used Ubuntu when I did my switch(es). I don't think it was the distribution I think it was just me. I'm 99% sure I have ADD and it's hard for me to focus on shit unless I drink a lake of caffeinated beverages. Like I just did so I could do something. Burger so I can't just go get treated either which is really annoying. Going to social services soon to see what can be done. The irony is that I have a job they just don't pay for insurance or anything (yet). Ah. Ranting.

>> No.13969180

It's fiancée for girls.

>> No.13969316

Masturbated today and pulled an abdominal muscle really bad when cooming. I didn't know that was possible.

>> No.13969346

ah, right, thanks.

>> No.13969418

I get legitimately depressed thinking about how I'll never get to go on an adventure like an anime protagonist or coop myself up in a wizard's tower and study magic. Why is the 3d world so boring?

>> No.13969617

Maybe the hollowness I feel in my day to day life stems from me missing my mum.

>> No.13970306

lel I need to do nofap because of a squatting injury

injury didn't even happen inside a gym, was a little accident

>> No.13970322

I like Ubuntu and I will use it once I get a laptop that can handle it properly. Windows currently utilizes my graphic card a lot better,