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13953891 No.13953891 [Reply] [Original]

OK, I finished the trilogy, and was disappointed. Less so then I thought I would be. But still, nothing was concluded. There were no satisfying arcs. And now I'm sure that the author was just trying to subvert expectations and be gritty for grit's sake.

Still, if you enjoy edgy anime-tier characters and fight scenes, then you'll probably like this a lot. Just don't expect anything deep. Someone posted before that these books are akin to popcorn flicks, and I totally agree. But to it's credit, the fact that I wanted more out of the story, means that what was there was captivating.

Anyway, what would you recommend for someone trying to feel out the fantasy genre? I like exploring fictional settings. But good characters are always the best part of a story.

>> No.13953925

3/4 into LAoK myself, seems like its going for a more natural story rather than 'heroes save the universe' the world feels lived in and will continue long after the characters.

recommendations i'd give are Black Company, prince of nothing, Malazan, Wheel of Time, book of the new sun

>> No.13954057

I already read Wheel of Time. Out of the remaining 3 titles, which would you say has the most interesting plot?

>> No.13954074

book of the new sun>prince of nothing>Black Company>Malazan

>> No.13954106

Alright. I'll give book of the new sun a try. I'm always unsure about starting a new series. Best to just jump in without overthinking.

>> No.13954183

if you want a quick overview of each series
>book of the new sun: trainee in a torturers guild sets out to be a wondering executioner
>prince of nothing: monk manipulates everyone around him and joins a crusade
>Black Company: mercenary company works for a powerful wizard who is a slave to a tyrannical witch
>Malazan: (1st book) empire invades a continent, told from various groups during the campaign but mostly from a company of demolition experts

>> No.13954911

whew lad. I might skip Book of the New Sun. The reader they got for the audiobook is TERRIBLE. He whispers everything, and speaking in monotone. I can't take it. Sorry for being an audiobook pleb. But that's just what I am.

>> No.13954981
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Latro in the Mist

>> No.13955229

You listened to all of Wheel of Time?
That's a lot of hours.

>> No.13955275

Yep! The readers were both really good. Very dramatic and dynamic. They acted out every character like a stage play. Maybe that spoiled me, because this monotone guy is just intolerable.

When I get into something, I really get into it. Consumed the wheel of time back to back to back. I started listening to it again, but by book 7, the pace slows to a drag, and it was grating on me. Decided I needed something else to listen to.

>> No.13956295

You never finished WoT? Just trust me and get through the low spots. When Sanderson picks up he does a nice job tying everything up.

>> No.13956315

>Just don't expect anything deep
Buddy, you're reading sword and sorcery...

>> No.13957423
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>Someone posted before that these books are akin to popcorn flicks, and I totally agree

Wrong. Things actually happen in popcorn flicks, there's action and plots advance, they go somewhere. The only thing that happens in the First Law is way too much gum sucking.

>> No.13957921

I meant that I listened to it all the way through, and then started listening to it a second time. On my second listen, I only made it as far as book 7.
The scene that broke me, is when Elayne, Avienda, and Brigette are all bickering over if and how Elayne will enter the world of dreams. It's was such a simple thing. Elayne was going to go to the world of dreams no matter what. The plot demanded it after all. All she had to do was wear the ring and sleep. But it took an excruciatingly long time of bickering and snorting and woolheadedness and nagging. I don't know how long the sequence was on paper. But I looked down at the timer, and minutes had passed. Minutes of nothing fucking happening but empty retorts, and feelings getting passed back and forth through bonds. It was a nightmare.

I was able to tolerate this on the first listen. Because I'm the forgiving type, and I always think "this is going somewhere", or "this will be significant somehow later". But knowing how pointless it all was on the second listen, I was offended that my time was being wasted.

I don't ask for much really. Just that character arcs conclude in a satisfactory manner. But the book couldn't even do that much. It felt like jumping into a lake, anticipating a satisfying plunge into the water, only to realize at the last moment, that the water is shallow, and you land on your ass.