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File: 19 KB, 239x354, reneguenon1932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13948137 No.13948137[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

THIS is it?
THIS is /lit/'s favorite philosopher??????
Is this a prank? Are you KIDDING ME?
You'd be better of reading Alistair fucking Crowley than this absolute mush.
>DURR im gonna go to unga bunga land and bring back their spirituality!!! muh spooky egyptians and hindus HURRRRRR
I actually felt embarrassed on your behalf for so enthusiastically shilling this literal pinhead of a man.

>> No.13948147

OH I almost forgot:
What a profound waste of time this man's entire life was

>> No.13948155

Never read more than a few quotes. King of /lit/ is Parmenides followed by Plato

>> No.13948166

Did this French fuckface smoke too much weed? He's a fucking retard!
>All religions are the same
Did he really think this shit was profound and worth sharing. What the fuck. What the actual fuck. I'm drunk right now btw. But I really believe what I'm saying. What a fucking retard.

>> No.13948173
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>> No.13948203

Another pleb filtered and btfo by Guenon. Does it get any more based than this?

>> No.13948229

another guenon pseud trying to prank /lit/ into taking this mustachio'd incel seriously

>> No.13948405

this, babbies cant into metaphysics and then come crying to /lit/

>> No.13948414


>> No.13948416

>Alistair fucking Crowley
uh oh stinky

>> No.13948448

>being jealous of Rene's mustache
this is unbecoming of you anon

>> No.13948459

imbecumming on your face

>> No.13948466

>unga bunga land
Reddit: go back.

>> No.13948477

based, my skin is quite dry

>> No.13948496

guenon was doing the spiritual equivalent of paul simon or michael jackson traveling to africa/brazil to sample their jungle beats.

>> No.13948640

Get pranked

>> No.13948711

Whitehead is the official philosopher of /lit/.

>> No.13948712

Guenon is the rickroll of /lit/

>> No.13948892

I think Guenon is one of the saddest (and noblest) examples of a scholar trying to be a saint or a mystic. He constantly was divagating about the most wonderful subjects: non-duality, God, the illusoriness of time and space, Sufi metaphysics, Vedantic metaphysics, Buddhist metaphysics, Christian metaphysics, Hermetic metaphysics, Taoist metaphysics, Neoplatonic metaphysics, and so on ad nauseam, repeating infinitely that the truth behind all these traditions is that the Atma is one with the Brahma, yin and yang form the non-dual Tao, I and the Father are one, and so on.

But how realized was he? I myself suffer from the same failing. And I suspect many other people nowadays do, too, especially /lit/ mystics. Whether you’re following some form of occultism like Blavatskian Theosophy, Gurdjieff, Aleister Crowley — or whether you’ve decided to go hardcore traditional Christian, whether it’s Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant — Jewish, Muslim — feeling superior to the “dilettantes” who dabble in Eastern religions and occultism — or whether you’re one of these “dilettantes” trying to make Sufism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Neoplatonism, Hermeticism or whatever work —

Well, how much have you actually realized what you’re talking about? How happy are you from moment to moment? How much more compassionate and loving are you towards others, if at all? Can you really handle sitting quietly doing nothing, merged in the Brahman, one with the Tao, absorbed in Allah, contemplating Christ, or anything of that nature? Or do you have to pick up your phone (if you’re a teenager addicted to your smartphone like most of this generation), or pick up a cigarette, or smoke weed, or watch porn and masturbate, or shallowly socialize, or have sex, or watch TV, browse the Internet and 4chan aimlessly for that hit of dopamine ...

Was Dostoevsky right? Do all of our problems come from being unable to sit quietly in a room with ourselves?

Why are we so afraid of silence, boredom, doing nothing? Why do we have to flee into giving ourselves labels, calling ourselves Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, or whatever, when we weren’t BORN belonging to any of these religions, and when the moment right now is beyond all such labels and names and cults and desires to belong to a group, to be saved, to be coddled?

I’m confused. And I’m on drugs. This is just a bizarre post on an anonymous imageboard, probably being logged into some database of dark government controllers making a profile of everyone. And I don’t know if what I’m saying has any worth. But I can’t say it to anyone around me, because they’re all zombies. They don’t think and they hardly read. And I suspect that more and more of /lit/ is becoming filled with these zombies.

>> No.13948940

>Well, how much have you actually realized what you’re talking about? How happy are you from moment to moment? How much more compassionate and loving are you towards others, if at all? Can you really handle sitting quietly doing nothing, merged in the Brahman, one with the Tao, absorbed in Allah, contemplating Christ, or anything of that nature?
After an experience that confirmed (to me, can't show or explain it to anyone else) the Catholic teachings I grew up hearing, I genuinely lost the part of myself that kept me from "being able to sit quietly in a room with myself," so to speak. I have been much calmer, more forgiving, more composed in personal conflict, more content, more gentle with myself and others, and more humble. I felt like I finally understood what everyone had been trying to tell me about. I saw goodness and love as a real force in the world - not as a construct, or an accident, but a goal quite literally infused into being. Not in a spooky, supernatural, storybook way with a man in the clouds and an army of angels and what have you, but as a real, physical thing. It radically changed the way I think and behave and I would happily die to defend this ideal and to demonstrate my faith in it to others.

>> No.13948946

all of what you said is extremely based cept for second last paragraph vaguely implying that it’s bad to identify with a religion you weren’t born into

>> No.13948951


>> No.13948969

Identification with anything whatsoever is itself the issue, is it not? Religious teachings should be like stairs: you climb them to get to a higher place, then ignore the stairs you used. A person in a natural state of being does not need to call themselves a Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, or whatever.

This very moment is not Christian, Buddhist, or Hindu.

One of the greatest barriers to living your life happily is the goal-seeking mind, the image-making mind that puts on a mask of being this or that. Your direct and immediate experience is intrinsically beyond all labels and concepts. This is not even a Zen teaching or anything like that whatsoever. Zen is merely a word.

>> No.13948974

I've always thought something like this about Guenonfag. The man is clearly deranged and miserable, he's vindictive and venomous even toward people who are being nice and trying to have a conversation with him. I used to lurk those oriental thought threads and he would be so deeply hateful toward anyone who disagreed with him, keeping the hate going for days on end, that it was outright unsettling.

I remember once he was describing how he has had actual mystical insight and seen things at a higher level of intuition, and while he was doing it, he was being smug and hyperdefensive about it. Something that's supposed to be beautiful, and that in the platonist tradition is supposed to make you wise and aloof because you see how silly temporal conflict is, apparently just made him more of an asshole.

>> No.13948993

Well, sometimes a person may be cruel only to be kind, as Hamlet puts it.

I am the poster you’re responding to, and I’m not Guenonfag, but I’ve suffered from the same issue. Having some mystical experiences from meditating then instantly feeling like I know something more than other people, have to teach these people, am superior to your average Christian going to church, etc.

Everyone has an ego. It’s just a question of how you harness it, what you direct it towards. Maybe Guenonfag legitimately feels he is doing a service by aggressively giving his views on spirituality.

I’m assuming we’re all just average, technology-addicted Westerners. We ALL have to face this struggle of reconciling spiritual ideals with a quite secular, technology-dominated, unnatural life. So maybe we should be more merciful to the self-styled philosopher or mystic trying to make something meaningful out of life. We all are facing the same existential dilemma of, “What should I do with my life? Why am I alive? Why does anything exist?” whether we face this issue or not.

>> No.13949007

I wish /lit/ was more like this. I completely agree. What is the point of all this if you're not happy? If you can't sit alone with yourself? If love and compassion are absent? (they really never went anywhere though)

This is the kind of stuff that's at the core of nearly everything we talk about and yet people tend to go on and on in thought tangents getting nowhere in the process. The truth is an experiential process, not something that can be solely intellectually understood

>> No.13949010

i'm highly skeptical to the fact that the ''guenonfag'' is one and same person. a lot of people have been getting contact with traditionalism and nondualism.
also people on /lit/ meme all the time (like the guenonfag archetype) and of course a lot of people who don't like guenon, traditionalism etc have disguised themselves as guenonfag or as common average traditionalist just to make preposterous posts.
even though sometimes we can have good threads about eastern metaphysics, traditionalism, i just wanted people to stop posting these on this place. this palce is terrible

>> No.13949040

One of the issues of /lit/ — and, in fact, most of humanity, I feel — is that of narcissism. It’s not a question of being honest and fostering intelligent discussion. Most people (myself included) feel like it’s a question of spewing your own views forth and being appreciated as the Head Poncho, getting all the (you)s, being told how smart and insightful you are and how we all agree with you, etc.

But what is conversation? It’s supposed to be a communion, a real interface of two or more souls. You’re supposed to come out of yourself, be willing to be changed. It’s like the difference between Martin Buber’s I-It and I-Thou relationship. In the modern world of Baudrillardian simulacra, Jungian personas, Gurdjieff’s “personality” as opposed to “essence” — it’s an I-It relationship that’s being inspired by the Internet and social media. I tell all my wonderful views and everyone else eats it up and praises me. If they insult me, I get angry and defensive. If they ignore me, I feel sad, like I’m invisible, don’t exist ...

What was the point of the internet supposed to be? To connect people, supposedly. But really it just separates them more. All you said is words, pictures, masks. Not the real person. Friends, I know 4chan is a drain on my life, but I can’t quit it. Some narcissistic part of me wants attention, wants to whine about nothing. Maybe this very desire for attention has some deeply rooted secret in it. Maybe being able to go for long periods of time without attention from others is the enlightenment sages have spoken of. And it’s hypocritical and paradoxical, because this whole post is a cry for attention, a commission of the very sins it speaks of. I love you all.

>> No.13949062

I agree and I stopped antagonizing Guenonfag after a while for this reason. Sometimes I would step in and start talking nicely to people he was shitting on though.

Sometimes people get confused for him in relatively shallow ways, like some random dude being a dick about Buddhism. But Guenonfag himself has a very distinct posting and writing style, slightly boomerish even. Especially back when he posted regularly he was extremely noticeable, and obviously when he was posting most of the eastern thought threads himself as vehicles for discussing Guenon, and actively harassing anyone who didn't go along with this, it was fairly easy to spot him. Some anons even tracked his file names once I believe.

I was one of the people he was briefly obsessed with and thought was persecuting him, but ironically, any time I talked to him he would call me out as another guy, that wasn't me. And sometimes he would call other guys me. That's around when I stopped replying unless he was actively harassing someone.

>> No.13949089

While it is true that religions should be used like you said, as a sort of means to an end (iirc when a highly reputed Buddhist was asked to sum up Buddhism in one phrase, he replied “for the sake of”), the identification with it is certainly helpful in the meantime to those still on their respective paths, far from completion. It helps for them to have community and guidance from others on the same path, and so on.

>> No.13949099

I think a lot of it has to do with 4chan being an anonymous board. Without identities (for most of us) people get attention or recognition by posting incendiary stuff for the most part. It feeds into the negativity because that is what people will respond to.

The internet is a weird place, but I do think that there are definitely pockets of good that can be found. The best thing I do online are participate in some spirituality groups on FB that help me immensely. Even /lit/ is good some of the time. I started posted here in the past here and I've found a lot of cool books since then

I wouldn't be too hard on yourself about the narcissism thing. The rejection of that part of yourself is not going to lead you down a path to answers. You are right that it there is a deep rooted secret, but that secret can only be found in acceptance and asking yourself why. Why do I like to feel this way? What attracts me to it? The trail of whys is a great spiritual exercise.

I don't know how much you are into spirituality but you and whoever else wrote those posts I quoted are some of the only people on here that I relate to so thank you for your contribution

>> No.13949108

Yes, I suppose that makes sense in a way. But sometimes traditional identification can ironically be a great barrier to realization.

It’s ironic, because true religion seems like a kind of conspiracy where they initiate you into a system only, in the end, to inform you that the system was all a lie. The famous “If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill the Buddha”, and “the finger pointing to the moon is not the moon.” I think this is the Zen mindfuck secret of Robert Anton Wilson, the “final secret of the Illuminati” he jokes about while simultaneously being dead-serious: the final secret is that YOU are the head of the illuminati, the source from which everything flows. So there’s this benevolently paranoid schizophrenic notion of the entire universe as a compassionate conspiracy to awaken you. Something like Philip K. Dick’s VALIS and mystical solipsism. Agggh!! All I can do is reiterate other’s names and ideas, haha!

>> No.13949121


>> No.13949124

>Is this a prank?
Yes you fucking retard. People here talk about perennial philosophy like /tv/ talks about stupid Netflix series. They don't know anything. Stop posting their stupid meme bullshit and talk about literature please. Or get with a real hero like Plato and talk about the Socratic dialogues.

>> No.13949161

>tfw plato was a prank the whole time too

>> No.13949174

I love even the most hateful members of this board, even when I am spewing hate right back at them. All of this, you know - everything we do - is UNBELIEVABLY silly. There is a dream flashing before our eyes that we do not understand. It is miserable and wonderful and hilarious and embarrassing and tender and brutal, and it is dancing on some hidden screen by no mechanism we can comprehend. Never forget to love even the worst of ourselves, for we are all brothers. Everything is going to be okay. Try not to worry too much.

>> No.13949233

Sometimes he was deadly serious though, like in Phaedo.

>> No.13949294

This was such a nice conversation it’s inspired me to have yet another one of my big stupid fun drug trips in a few nights. /lit/ better get its anus ready for me on LSD-25.

>> No.13949322

>I’m confused. And I’m on drugs.

>But what is conversation?
Based and redpilled shitposting. OK, you can do your gushy earnest effort-posts, whatever, but the soul of 4chan is being able to say shit you CAN'T SAY ANYWHERE ELSE. Got that you filthy NIGGER? There is vital energy here... I learn much, I get new ideas, I say filthy things, I COOM. So what the fuck? Enough of this pussy nigga shit about "love", I love my cat, that's enough. I don't love you niggers, I hate you.

>> No.13949335

Shut the fuck up and worship my brilliant and loving post, you stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.13949392

I like this post a lot.

>> No.13950085

yea ummmm??? ok sweaty never heard of tradition(?????) ok haha thats right try again sweaty return to tradition

>> No.13950138

is there a free epub of crisis of the modern world anywhere, i've already tried library genesis, b-ok and the irc channels

>> No.13950153

>How happy are you?

>> No.13950291

>I think Guenon is one of the saddest (and noblest) examples of a scholar trying to be a saint or a mystic
But guénon is neither a scholar, a saint or a mystic. You, on the other hand, are incapable of addressing anything without the use of crude and vulgar sentimentalism. It must be distorted through the lenses of moralism else you can't comprehend it. Sorry man, but you are not intelligent.

Your post is 100% projection because literally none of it applies to guénon lol. Saddest and noblest. Hahahaha, how pretentious.

>> No.13950295

The state of the masses. Incapable of reading an author without prejudice. Everything must be tainted by moralism. Intellectuality IS dead, and civilization will be next. Guénon was absolutely right: Never in history have the masses been so pretentious. We are truly living in the most vulgar times possible.

>> No.13950299

>Was Dostoevsky right? Do all of our problems come from being unable to sit quietly in a room with ourselves?
That's Pascal. Are you sure you've studied as much as you seem to suggest you did?

>> No.13950311

>The atma being one with the brahma is a sublime idea
>I wish I was more compassionate and loving towards other
>everyone around me is a fucking zombie
Something doesn't add up anon.

>> No.13950367

i'm not afraid of silence and doing nothing
in fact i'm so used to it that i've ended up in complete isolation and poverty

>> No.13950376
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>Guénon was absolutely right, We are truly living in the most vulgar times possible

>> No.13950392
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The resemblance is uncanny

>> No.13950401

christians are always christians

>> No.13950483

you're skin is quite brown

>> No.13950633

I'm one of those /lit/ mystics who calls people faggots while talking about the Plotinian en or whatever. You're absolutely right. It really, absolutely, is about silence, and I'm convinced dopamine is a demonic force.

>> No.13950644

a drunk poster is managing better posts than you stale contentless posts.

>> No.13950650

Have you read him?

>> No.13950703

>bruh if you're so enlightened then why are you doing things you enjoy?? HUH??


>> No.13950725

yea it seems like a lot of the /lit/ mystics expect to get enlightened just by reading about metaphysics, dropping acid and thinking about it really hard

>> No.13950809

Your approach is how I view reality (not even "religion", which is a clumsy and outdated form of presenting spiritual understandings to the masses), but sadly most religious people do not see things that way. Particularly followers of Abrahamic religion, who identify very strongly with their culture, and believe the intensity of their identification to be proportional to their spiritual tier. Spirituality is the very antithesis of tribalism, being centered around the underlying equality of all things - but many of the religions which operate in our world today function completely counter to this understanding, rewarding tribalistic mindsets and the political division it fosters.

While I appreciate your post, and personally hold to the notion of Consciousness as being God/Reality/Absolute/One/etc, and that any divisions into tribalism or reliance on cultural scriptures (especially if they're based in mythology rather than metaphysics, dear Lord) is both incorrect and even dangerous, given the behaviors it drives people - I also find it a bit naive, mistaking the mindsets of religious people for something incongruent to it. I'd say that a sensible religious person would view their religion as you've described - a path, to reach a destination, and the path not valuable except for it's deliverance to a destination, and that destination being universal and not culturally-contingent - but most religious people I've encountered genuinely believe that whether your eyes have graced their scriptures or not, and your mind subsequently believed or rejected the contents thereof, dictates your fate in the afterlife. They genuinely believe that placing a wafer in your mouth and drinking wine simultaneously brings a metaphysical effect to oneself that doing so in any other context would not - or the same for dunking oneself in water.

Clearly, religious spirituality in the context of religion is a bit inferior to the universal variant which exists outside of it - whereby the nature of consciousness and the mind are examined no different than how a physicist studies matter, or a physician the human body.

I wish things could be more like you described, but they will never be so long as certain religious institutions exist (and to some extent all religious institutions, since even the best of religious people like Buddhists are still human and subject to human failings), and I hope you can understand that and be a bit more realistic moving forward, instead of pandering to the religious groups who are actively preventing the ideals you described from manifesting.

In the future, spirituality will have the universality which any other subject does, but until then, we're forced to live under the absurdity of a population of undifferentiated individuals, dividing themselves into historically-created labels, and then subsequently opining on the nature of the One through the filter of Indian, Jewish, Greek and Arabian cultures (and mythology, dear God).

>> No.13950833

It’s why I went to practicing Santana Dharma.
I don’t care if a person on /lit/ makes fun of me. I care about changing myself and getting results.
I find a teacher and I follow a tradition that has actually led to god-realization for countless people.
I stopped any drugs. Any masturbation. Wake up early. Practice meditation goes a day. This is what’s demanded. There’s no easy route you’re going to stumble yourself onto and that is the hardest thing to realize.

>> No.13950913

Sorry anon, but you're interpreting religion far differently to how actual, practising members of these faiths do. Your interpretation is in line with rationality, but not with the actuality of their own tenets.

You mention the notion of religions being paths, which can be discarded once the fruit of following them is obtained - this understanding is most famously-embodied in the Buddha's raft parable, describing the Dhamma as a raft which must be left behind once it's destination is reached (and by later commentators with the oft-quoted "If you see the Buddha on the road, kill him"). Yet nowhere do you find such an understanding within the Abrahamic traditions, which not only exclude non-Abrahamic cultures from the very status of having Truth, but which very clearly outline themselves as being the end-all-be-all itself, rather than mere paths to walk upon. Christ says: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.", nor is there such a thing as "Christianity without Christ", whereby you can just forget about the Old and New Testaments and their contents once you've reached a state of non-dual unity with...something which was not relegated to Christ or Yahweh in the first place, and could have been found "anywhere else".

The point is, if you want spirituality to be a more sensible, universal domain, please don't conflate all traditions as fundamentally being the same thing and re-interpreting the doctrines to suit your own mind. Have the honesty to call out those teachings within religions which do not align with the principles you personally abide in, instead of pretending or promoting that "they're all the same".

It's really infuriating observing how religion ruins every field it touches while simultaneously being pandered to by kind-hearted individuals like yourself, who think they're doing good but are only allowing evil to further spread itself under their own watch. As you typed your comment out, dozens of missionaries are on their way to foreign lands with the intention of aggressively converting the individuals there to their own religion - no regard for the kind of understanding that you described. Where's the syncretism there? Only in your own mind, anon. Nowhere else. Christians behave exactly as Christians are instructed to - be it by Jesus, by Yahweh, or their Church authorities. And being overly polite or overly naive towards the reality of how religion operates isn't helping anyone.

In future, please have the courage to face the reality of our world's institutions, regardless of how culturally-engrained they are or how much value their adherents hold them to having, and criticize those which do not adhere to the principles you personally align with.

This is merely a criticism of your behavior, and I mean nothing against you as an individual. I hope your day is going okay.

>> No.13950983

Don’t get me wrong, most of modern Christianity (and Judaism and Islam) is stupid. That’s not to say there aren’t wise and tolerant people working in those traditions, as well as transcultural insights to be found in Gnosticism/esoteric interpretations of Christianity, Kabbalism and Hasidism, as well as Sufism.

You’re completely right, I had Pascal in the back of my mind while writing that but then settled on Dusty having said it. I think D. may have referenced Pascal’s famous quote once, which mixed it up in my head.

Still, for someone on drugs, it wasn’t too bad.

Compassion doesn’t mean being blind. I’m a zombie most of the time, too, and while it would be painful in the short-term, it’d be great to have something or someone painfully wake me up out of my

No argument here, like most of the shit-flinging on /lit/, just baseless insults and denials. “Guenon is neither a scholar, a saint, nor a mystic”? Even if you’re saying “Rene Guenon is just a symbol” like he did or something like that, get off your high horse. Consider the two-truths doctrine of Buddhism (conventional and ultimate truth.

Anyway, this whole situation of defending my post or following up on it with other people is becoming increasingly infantile. I was frying my brain cells with drugs as I wrote it, thus making it supremely hypocritical. As people have pointed out, it’s also a lot more sentimental than rational (a fault of mine, especially when I’m on drugs). Take it or leave it, it’s just another stupid fucking post in the white noise of the internet.

>Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself. I am vast, I contain multitudes.
Walt Whitman

>> No.13950994

let's talk about guenon's occult prowess

>> No.13951017

(Continuing on the part about esoteric interpretations of Christianity/Gnosticism/Sufism)

Consider reading Ouspensky’s “In Search of the Miraculous” for the insights to be found about esoteric Christianity there. Consider combing through Paramahansa Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi” for the interpretations of Christianity to be found therein. Consider reading Omar Burke’s “Among the Dervishes” to see some Sufi insights on Christ.

I’m sorry, I understand disliking modern Abrahamism, but I become a bit of a provokes dragon when people refuse to see any worth at all in Judeo-Christianity. In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, suppressed by the early church, Jesus says, “I am not your master, for you have drunk, and have become drunk from the bubbling spring which I have caused to gush forth.” Puzzle on that for a sec.

>> No.13951085

I've read Yogananda's book before, and I'm in no way claiming that Judeo-Christianity is replete of value. I don't adhere to that myself - there is plenty of wisdom to be found in the Bible. But there is zero wisdom to be found in the notion that the Bible contains the whole truth, and that certain types of cultures outside of it are demonically-influenced, which the Bible does indeed imply. I am someone who follows no religion, not believing such an identity has any more reality than reading Harry Potter and calling myself a "Potterhead", but I do examine the wisdom traditions of the world and glean from them what I can. I think Jesus has plenty of profound insights to share, and he has a talent of packing a great deal of meaning into very few words. If everyone followed these cultures in a sensible manner, not mistaking the books or cultures themselves to be the fruit being pointed to, then I'd have never written my earlier comments, since it would not relate to any real-world archetype. But so long as people genuinely believe that believing in Jesus induces a metaphysical change on one's own consciousness and the destiny of it following death, then I'm afraid I'll retain my earlier criticisms. You aren't one of those people, of course, but I'd say the majority of people raised under said cultures do indeed hold to that view. I'll try to check out those other books when possible.

>> No.13951114
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>It’s why I went to practicing Santana Dharma.

>> No.13951122

more like Sanitation Dharma

>> No.13951136

Oh, absolutely. We’re not too far off, if at all, in our views of Christianity. I’m used to thinking of Christ’s teachings from a non-traditional viewpoint, which is why I sometimes casually include Christianity in the same list as other, less apparently monopolistic and personalistic (if that word makes sense) traditions like the Abrahamic ones.

>> No.13951157

dumb abrahamoid too stupid to understand rituals to cultivate respect nevermind learning from anything that is foreign to him

>> No.13951236
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says the 'western hindu' submitting to toilet celibacy

>> No.13951296

how is it celibacy when you've built one to use it

>> No.13951378
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Imagine cucking to brown Loocels because you want to 'get in touch with your chariot riding aryan ancestors'.

I bet you've kissed some stinky Guru's feet for 'holy blessings' while chanting 'hairy crotch-na hairy crotch-na'.


>> No.13951420

You can't sit in a room alone and feel happy doing nothing because you haven't merged with Brahman yet. How is that hard to understand?

>> No.13951444

Why respond?
You expect a man who’s mind is run by memes to understand anything about God?

>> No.13951459

>hairy crotch-na hairy crotch-na
that's hilarious

>> No.13951651

Who is God and how do I know him ?

>> No.13951680

>Martin Buber’s I-It and I-Thou relationship.

Could you or someone here briefly explain this to me please?

>> No.13951696

>some spirituality groups on FB

such as