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File: 27 KB, 308x475, 9780670899623-us[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13948111 No.13948111 [Reply] [Original]

recommend me some 2000s middle school core

harry potter, eragon, rangers apprentice, etc you name it

hit me brahs

>> No.13948119

i remember reading a book when i was young but i cannot remember what the name of it was. it was popular enough that i remember seeing an animated movie at blockbuster but i never got it

it had a wizard and a knight and some other fag but they were on an adventure or something and i cannot remember

>> No.13948140

the one with the sapient cats, they had like a pagan moon cult. also the one with sapient bats.

>> No.13948141

Rodrick rules

>> No.13948154
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I loved this book back then. Scratched that Series of Unfortunate Events itch after I had read them all.

>> No.13948160


>> No.13948169

The Night Watch series by Lukyanenko

>> No.13948239

Deltora quest

>> No.13948242

The Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins?

>> No.13948265

Deltora Quest? The first series got an anime adaption.
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit had animated adaptions but I doubt you forgot those.

>> No.13948279

Cirque Du Freak

>> No.13948283

The Demonata, Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson, Alex Rider

God I read so much trash in middle school.

>> No.13948318

That was it. The bats one was Silverwing.

also what was the book set in London where there was like an underground magic side of London, there was a 'marquis' character I remember quite well, and the main characters were being hunted by assassins or something

>> No.13948320

>no guardians of ga'hoole
>no seventh tower
>no abhorsen
>no chronicles of narnia
>not even fucking hatchet

>> No.13948330

I remember this one

>> No.13948336

>not even fucking hatchet
That fucking book. Made getting lost in the Canadian Wilderness look easy ASF.

>> No.13948350

Is the bats one Silverwing? I read that when I was younger. I think it was a series but I only ever read the first one.

>> No.13948364

Supernaturalists by the same guy who did Fowl. Just as kid-kino, great for the kid in your life going through their edgy phase.

>> No.13948370
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This is actually an adult book, but it's sci fi fantasy written in simple prose that occasionally deals with deep themes. It's good.

>> No.13948374

Neil Gaiman's neverwhere. Really surprising that it's his most popular "for adults" book given its easily the least mature in every respect. Some of his children's books are better.

>> No.13948378
File: 16 KB, 257x387, Thieflordbookcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you're talking about Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere for that second one.

Also s/o to The Thief Lord as essential middleschool/scholasticfaircore

>> No.13948379
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>an adult book
>sci fi fantasy

>> No.13948392

>Really surprising that it's his most popular "for adults" book

I'd argue that, especially since the Good Omens TV show has blown the book back up. American Gods always seemed more popular as well.

>> No.13948424

no it wasnt any of those, i will most likely never find the book until i find some list of fantasy books with adaptations

>> No.13948696

Gregor the Overlander

>> No.13948703

The edge chronicles

>> No.13948705
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this was fire

>> No.13948709
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Think James Bond for teenager, but in a realistic way

>> No.13948715
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the dank stuff

>> No.13948729
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Harry Potter on acid, the cover of the first editions were beautiful, but then they changed it to a more girly anime style and it was sheit

>> No.13948743
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This book opens with the main character dancing around naked as he's about to be sold as an slave, enough said

>> No.13948760
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>> No.13948767
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>> No.13948768
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There's a trilogy of YA novels called 'His Dark Materials' by Philip Pullman. The first is Northern Lights or The Golden Compass as it's called in the U.S. They're charming novels and a very fun read even as an adult.

>> No.13948770

hell yeah brother cheers from veelox

>> No.13948784
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Anyone ever read this book?

>> No.13948789
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>> No.13948799
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The Bartimaeus series. First books I ever enjoyed reading.

>> No.13948801

Seconding this. Based taste

>> No.13948802

Cheers with a sniggers

>> No.13948805

I also remember reading some shitty little book about a teenager running away to live with a bunch of carnies on a train. He brought a mummy back to life or some shit as his waifu and there was a really bad chapter where they fucked. It gave me a stiffy, obviously, but I didn't like it. Then he learns to throw knives or something, kills a guy with no limbs (who's married to a bearded lady), then kills his carnie foster-father or something, who cares.

>> No.13948806

the TV series was so based, are the book worth reading?

>> No.13948807
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>> No.13948809

decent, the long autistic descriptions of feasts and chants were very gay however.

>> No.13948810

They aren't YA.

>> No.13948811
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>> No.13948814

Fablehaven series (its sequel, Dragonwatch is being written now). very comfy

>> No.13948817
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>> No.13948824


>> No.13948853

Nigger, this is probably the most definite book I’ve read to this day just because of how hard it hit me as an 11 year old.

>> No.13949069

David Eddings' Belgariad and Malloreon
Susanne Cooper's Dark Is Rising

Also, for games, it's Adventure Quest and Dragonfable.

>> No.13949079
File: 25 KB, 318x448, 46EEEBA8-2212-41AC-95A4-261167E20269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute kino when I was a teen

>> No.13950119

Fucking this

>> No.13950124

this series was fascinating holy shit

>> No.13950139

Gregor the Oberländer

>> No.13950151

Honestly might reread one just to see how it holds up

>> No.13950272

warriors was fucking based
wish they didn't run it into the ground the way they did.

>> No.13950317
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Brainlets need not apply.

>> No.13950477

It says in the prompt 2000s so Narnia is off the table

>> No.13950700
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>> No.13950858

This series was fucking weird. I probably would've finished it if they were all out when I was in middle School.

>> No.13950901

mah nigga

>> No.13951100
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Maybe i'm a zoomer but i remember darren shan being a staple in the middle school library

>> No.13951105

The author of these books is such a hack. The guy realized he could only write a couple of books about the circus, then made the rest of it about vampires, and then completely changed the name of the series to focus on vampires and vampire shit.

>> No.13951146
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These books are so formulaic and are so heavily dependent upon blatant references to other famous works of literature that it's actually pretty amazing he managed to put together something enjoyable at all.

But really, the dude's dark sense of humor is top fucking notch and is practically inspiring in it's simplicity. I am convinced that these books make children smarter.

>> No.13951431
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Reminder that Brett Kavanaugh never raped anyone and is a Guardians of Ga'Hoole megafan

>> No.13951452

Oh man, these were fire. I think Bartimaeus, along with Phillip Pullman's trilogy of books (Golden Compass and...Subtle Knife? I remember the last is called Amber Spyglass) being a cut above the usual Harry Potter + YA drek

>> No.13951461

I honestly loved warriors when I was a kid.
Read all the books

>> No.13951480 [DELETED] 
File: 572 KB, 1064x1596, Deltora Quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what airbender was for some, Deltora quest was for me. I watched it every day, after school or not, on ABC 3. The book covers looked cool, animation was great, and the story was genuinely very good. I still remember the plot twist and the fantastic finale it had; only critique I could have for it was the horrible 3d monsters but it adds to the charm.

>> No.13951490


>> No.13951495

Oh fug, still remember being haunted by the various covers of this series I would see at primary school library. Just staring at them-

--------just staring--------

so confusing and spookful.

>> No.13951523
File: 572 KB, 1064x1596, Deltora Quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what airbender was for some, Deltora quest was for me. I watched it every day, after school or not, on ABC 3. The book covers looked cool, animation was great, and the story was genuinely very good. I still remember the plot twist and the fantastic finale it had; only critique I could have for it was the horrible 3d monsters but it adds to the charm.

Even if you haven't see it, fucking hell you can tell how nostalgic this into sounds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hidb748kV28

>> No.13951575

>decent, the long autistic descriptions of feasts and chants were very gay however.
Always the fucking scones

>> No.13951591
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The Sariel-Lirael-Abhorsen trilogy is great.

I'd also recommend this series.

>> No.13951605

I read this one on my own time but I was just talking about this series. My teacher read the first book in elementary school. It was popular in elementary school but I think "reading apathy" kicked in for a lot of students in middle school so I never heard the series mentioned during that time. I want to read these again and to my kid.

>> No.13952246

the end is the best part

>> No.13952296
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Everyone I knew who read this series went on to become poets of varying degrees, myself included. It probably had to do with the references to Baudelaire and a host of other poets. That's how I got into him myself. There were also a bunch of references to Eliot, Dante, and Shakespeare. It's crazy how many of them I recognize now that I'm studied.

The best installment is the Ersatz Elevator.

>> No.13952343


Oh wooow dude I just had mad flashbacks to that bat one. Mad. Good story though.

>> No.13952367

Anyone remember the one with talking weasels and stoats etc. in industrial revolution setting? Redwall vibes but set in enlightenment era Britain.

>> No.13952440

I like Moers Zamonien novels
Start with Captain Bluebear (it is the first one), Rumo or The City of Dreaming Books and then read the rest if you like them.

>> No.13952523

>ersatz elevator
close, but reptile room edges it out

>> No.13952607
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I read all of these when they came out. Started in the wrong order but it satiated the gore I wanted to see, but was to scared too search for.

>> No.13952618


>> No.13952624

that the 5th Wave guy?

>> No.13952896


>> No.13952917
File: 32 KB, 220x312, Cherub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CHERUB series and the prequel series, Henderson's Boys.

CHERUB is the definition is 2000s core UK lifestyle with a MI6/spy theme.

Henderson's Boys is the origin story of the CHERUB organization, taking place in WW2.

Although both these books are targeted for the age range 12-17, I still re-read them annually at 20 and I find they hold up really well. They're not like spy kids in regards to fantastical elements like spy gadgets - CHERUB is for the most part grounded in reality and the characters "go to the washroom" if you get what I'm trying to say.

>> No.13952924
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The librarian recommended this to me in 8th grade because I played football

>> No.13953001

get out of here chad

>> No.13953064
File: 9 KB, 201x306, 2008-5-6-travel-team-book-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Chad Core classic

>> No.13953126

Read some sci fi book where a group of people travelled through a desert and when they reached their destination the leader merged with a omnicient computer. I will internet felate anybody who knows what book or series this is. I think I accidentally jumped in midway when I was a kid. I think it was also written pre 2000s.

>> No.13953151

Star Wars?

>> No.13953160

There's a sequel series of this that's more adult-oriented. Second book just dropped two days ago.

From a marketing perspective they are.

>> No.13953173
File: 19 KB, 319x326, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck no. I can conclude this simply because there was no action or force fuckery or aliens or anything. I think it might have had something to do with Dune, but I am not sure. At the very least it is of that genre.

>> No.13953182

Maybe the prequels?

>> No.13953188

This reminds me of how I gave up on the Pendragon books because the main character was a popular middle school sports star. It was like, the fuck? How does the author expect teenage fantasy nerds to relate to this jock.

>> No.13953195
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Anyone else remember how all the depressed and outcast girls in middle school would carry copies of this under their arm?

>> No.13953220

I quit halfway through the 13th book
not really sure why

>> No.13953242

Could've been. I will research a little bit more on my own and see.

>> No.13953276

The Magicians trilogy (Lev Grossman)
Belgariad and Mallorean (as well as Elenium and Tamuli) series by David Eddings
His Dark Material trilogy, Philip Pullman
Darkangel Trilogy, by Meredith Ann Pierce
Dragon Prince series, by Melanie Rawn
Piers Anthony's "Xanth" series was pretty fun read as a teenager.
Magician (Apprentice and Master) by Raymond E. Feist
Daughter of the Empire trilogy by Feist and Janny Wurts

>> No.13953317

That series with the wienies. You know which one.

>> No.13953320

Came here to post this and maybe Alex Rider. Loved this shit in MS & HS

>> No.13953341

The Magicians series is more like something that you read as a "new adult" as a way of reflecting on all the stuff you read in middle school and what it meant to you.

Xanth was sexually puerile bullshit and the author is widely regarded in fantasy and science fiction circles as a creeper.

>> No.13953462

Killing me with the nostalgia.
Artemis Fowl, Darren Shan's stuff, The Spooks Apprentice, The Nicholas Flamel series, Skulduggery Pleasant.

>> No.13953467

Based as fuck

>> No.13953479

What did you think of the Vampire's Assistant movie?

>> No.13953495

I remember a barely-related sequel to this where one of the blaq kids is older and simps for a cerebral palsy girl
[spoilerit was pretty good iirc[/spoiler]

>> No.13953514

What happened to the abominable-looking Artemis Fowl movie they were going to make?
Unpopular opinion: Opal Deception was the best

>> No.13953540

There was a cardboard promo for it when I went to the cinema last week, but it was tucked away in a closet where it was being used as a doorstop.

>> No.13953547
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These books were all kino as fuck.

>> No.13953666

I liked the outsiders when I was a kid.

>> No.13953668


FEED by M. T. Anderson

>> No.13953686
File: 28 KB, 284x475, coonterror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was some of the deepest and most eye opening shit I read as a kid.

>> No.13953880

As someone who read every book in the middle school library that wasn't vampire romance, I can confidently say that there are some gems that aren't listed here.

>Department 19 series, by Will Hill
>Septimus Heap series, by Angie Sage
>Grey Griffons series, by Derek Benz and J. S. Lewis
>Airman by Eoin Colfer
>Beyonders by Brandon Mull

Also, there was a book I read in second or third grade that I have never been able to find again, so maybe one of you will recognize it? It's set in a land where it's always raining, and a male elf? maybe? goes on some kind of adventure. I think a dragon is involved somehow.

>> No.13953916

My unbelievably based nigger, why is no one replying to this?! Fucking the best series of middleschoolcore

>> No.13953920


>> No.13953923
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You know I had to pull it out

>> No.13953950

>CHERUB is the definition is 2000s core UK lifestyle
This was the most enjoyable part of it to me as a kid. So much so that I greatly enjoyed Muchamore's later series Rock War, which basically just that but with some reality TV shoved in. As a sheltered grammar school boy with asian parents it was super fun to read about kids in the same country as me awkwardly getting off with each other in mostly scummy working class situations.

>> No.13953980

Nightmare Academy
There was also a book about a homeless kid (who was a thief) learned magic from an old wizard. Can't remember the name but I recall that there was a page about how he and a girl made biscuits.

>> No.13953992
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I read a lot of Andy Griffith as a kid.

>> No.13953998

These were actually pretyy good
Fuck I never watched the show but loved the books ...I think there was a game too? I don't think they'd hold up

What was that series where the people lived on the edge of some place?

>> No.13954088
File: 217 KB, 1060x1060, edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was so weird yet so good

>> No.13954100

you mean this >>13954088

>> No.13954124

thank you homies

>> No.13954172

i remember this

>> No.13954181
File: 10 KB, 220x323, 220px-The_City_of_Ember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't be the only one who read this one..

>> No.13954211
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>tfw no notebook to transport you to 16th century Venice

>> No.13954222
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It had so much potential.

>> No.13954244

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

>> No.13954297

I did, I remember the sequels as being not as good however.

>> No.13954313

>mfw candied almonds

>> No.13954317

>airman by eion colfer
i thought i was the only one

>> No.13954446

The Thief of Always.

>> No.13954466

Damn dude I remember as a kid reading so many of these and getting attached to the initial main character, and then there was a timeskip to a new series set after the timeskip and I was not super interested but read them anyway only to learn that the fate of the main character from the first series was to end up completely alone for almost the entirety of his life, living in solitude in the wilderness with these bear like creatures and completely apart from his friends
It was so sad and I was so devastated that I stopped reading the books for good

>> No.13954495

Anon I've thought about one scene from this book for years but I could only ever remember the cover. Thanks

>> No.13954505

I can't believe you're the only one here to mention Skulduggery Pleasant. Damn good book series, although I stopped at the end of the first plot series.
It makes me sad how much was squandered. Such a good world and story, a rare combination these days.

>> No.13954521

Esmee and Jerome ass >:(

>> No.13954554
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>> No.13954567

Percy Jackson is okay but the sequel Heroes of Olympus is a disappointment.

>> No.13954900
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>> No.13954935

>The Chronicles of Prydain.
>That one with the dragons fighting space worms.
>That one where the kid is a clone of some drug lord in a post-collapse USA.
>The Giver.

>> No.13955053

damn good

>> No.13955074

the house of the scorpion? that definitely leans towards latemiddleschoolcore, not quite scholasticfaircore but acceptable

middleschool edgecore. brb got to masturbate to the 'lottery' and the sex scene in the sleeping bag. garth nix hooked it up with those for sure

>> No.13955115


>> No.13955177
File: 29 KB, 334x474, 51CZDDAW0GL._SX332_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the one about the Japanese guy. It was pretty fucking good.

>> No.13955268
File: 16 KB, 215x300, Dear_America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody ever read the Dear Americas?

YESSS. I didnt know it was a show as well. I used to steal these books from my classroom shelves
Hell yes Cirque Du Freak is what got me into reading, still brings back memories.

>> No.13955511

Reps plus Philip Pullman, A+

>> No.13955554

Holy fuck I have fringe memories of this book and I remember dropping it because it changed main characters too. Never read others but I remember one scene where this guy collects toes or fingers. Fuck that hit me hard even though I remember almost nothing

>> No.13955605
File: 44 KB, 252x375, HisDarkMaterials1stEdition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also /pol/ HATES it which is a bonus

>> No.13955682

>kid is a clone of some drug lord
House of Scorpion?
Amazing fucking premise

>> No.13955973

That shit was fucking hype. Still have a copy from my middle school library

>> No.13955983

Rangers Apprentice was peak comfy ngl lads

>> No.13955984

nothing worse than coming back to your favorite adolescence books and being sorely disappointed with them

>> No.13955994
File: 27 KB, 201x300, Ender's_game_cover_ISBN_0312932081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the cozy thread OP
Pic related was fucking based. Still in my top 10 sci-fi novels

>> No.13955999

Did anyone read the bat series prequel? It was about prehistoric bats in the paleocene. As a lifelong paleontology fan it was the coolest thing for me

>> No.13956011

Probably would have been better adapted as a TV series than it did as a film. Such a fucking disapointment.

>> No.13956057

That book was actually.... not very good. The two trolls becoming cult personalities on an anonymous form was the most bullshit subplot

>> No.13956061

Second book of the sequel series dropped this week

>> No.13956119
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>> No.13956215

It was fucking weird how this book was a stealth introduction to British history and politics.

>> No.13956237

Yeah it was pretty sick, author came and visited our school when I was in primary school, got one the books signed.

>> No.13956258


>> No.13956683
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>> No.13956848

Based Zoomers.

>> No.13956905
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This was my shit.

>> No.13956957

Right? Sometimes CHERUB felt like the book version of the show Skins

>> No.13956967
File: 30 KB, 344x499, 7F051CC9-B63F-4840-8866-0BD3BCD7B60C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Major budding-autist-core right here

>> No.13956971

god damn i slept so hard through the teacher reading this book to my class in grade school. 30 minutes of every day for months spent being so bored i wanted to blow my brains out

>> No.13957099

>Magyk series
>some shit about griffons with an orange cover

>> No.13957143

Also the inkheart series of course, and some shit about dopplegangers in a swamp
Fuck me I wish I was in 5th grade again

>> No.13957764

I thought it was pretty unsatisfying, even as a kid. They tried to cram too much of the books into the one movie, while also leaving so much set up for a sequel that never came.
Opal Deception was most certainly the best.
I forgot about Airman, I loved that shit. I used to go on holidays to the islands where it was based.

>> No.13957796

On the subject of standalone books, Darren Shan's The Thin Executioner was a great story

>> No.13957814

Percy Jackson
The Hunger Games
Ender's Game
These were the shit for me in Middle school

>> No.13958209

airman is a great book in its own right

>> No.13958356
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>Also /pol/ HATES it which is a bonus
You have a very weak mind if you are being serious. Pic is you

>> No.13958448

Amulet of Samarkand was pretty dope, as i remember. So it could suck.

>> No.13958452

Series falls apart but the first is excellent.

>> No.13958941

I remember being extremely pissed at the series conclusion

>> No.13958982

>Wanting to piss off mentally constipated peckerheads who unironically believe in morally depraved far right totalitarian ideologies
>Weak mind

Pick one and only one

>> No.13958996
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>> No.13959341

so fucking based, i read the whole series and even got a couple of them signed by the author.

>> No.13959361

the first 3 are great, the next 3 are good, idk how the rest are

>> No.13959668

It still holds up

>> No.13959697

Seems the right thread to ask. Looking for the name of a series, possibly set in Australia, with runes on the cover. Group of teens at a school have super powers, something about a parallel world which a god thing lives in (end fight is in some weird maze thingy in said world). One character is an immortal (with a weird ass name that begins with A) who ends up banging one of the teens (sister of a different character) who ends up being the son of the god. At some point a meteor lands. They all get weapons to help them in the final fight related to their powers. Theres also a teacher on their team with hearing super powers (iirc his weapon is some sort of supersonic blast) who ends up being a bad guy.

>> No.13959824

Holy shit what a flashback for me. I forgot about these

>> No.13959830

it really is top tier. I remember reading it about 10 times in 7th grade.

>> No.13960057

The power of five? Anthony Horowitz?

>> No.13960079

Does anyone know a story where the protagonist is crippled on one side of his body, but there is an alternate reality where he's not? There's a sea theme prevalent through the book and four characters, one of them a fat, white-bearded guy on the cover? I read it once when I was like seven but never could find it again

>> No.13960154

Does anyone know one about this kid that gets invited to participate in this guys video game world? I think the guy was called "Z".
The kid grew up in an orphanage with some asshole wardens.

>> No.13960338

You're clearly too young to post on 4chan, even if it's a blue board, fucking zoomercore baka

>> No.13960629

>There are actually people who will defend Ender's Game

>> No.13960752

what's wrong with it?

>> No.13960903


It was highly autistic but very enjoyable. I never understood why he wanted to remain human so badly.

Prolonged exposure to the Keys made him stronger, taller, goldener and magically powerful. Fuck humanity. Why would a wimpy asthmatic kid want to preserve his weakness?

>> No.13960939

This book made me autistic

>> No.13961031

I’ve been going back and reading books I liked in middle school to see how I feel about them now and I cannot for the life of me find the name of one and I can’t remember the major plot either because of some memory problems I have.

I do very specifically remember though that the color blue was super rare because the world had become so polluted that the sky couldn’t be seen and blue pigments had also become rare. The main character had a plate that their family cherished because the color blue was painted on it. The main character was a boy and he had a little sister. I think the boy left home and traveled through this wasteland possibly with an old man or something?? I think at one point they traveled through a large abandoned tunnel. I feel like I also remember the main character making a big deal out of getting a candy bar at one point

Sorry my memory fucking sucks and I can’t give more to go off of, but if any part of that sounds familiar please help me

>> No.13961117

The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness
They were set in the late stone age and it had all this shamanic ritual in it. Proper cool

>> No.13961218

You understand how fucking enormous and sparsely populated Northern Canada is, right?


>> No.13961243

No one on /pol/ has heard of your gay YA book or cares

>> No.13961355

absolute unit of a series, made me love books even more

>> No.13961422

based and secretpilled

>> No.13961945

For some reason my teacher decided to use this for reading time in a class full of 8 year olds. It took something stupid like half a year to get through the first book, and we continued reading the series into the year after despite the fact that half the class wasn't around for when we started. I think we only got half way through the city of rats by the time that school year ended.

>> No.13961951


>> No.13961986

I just saw Holes by Louis Sachar somewhere and it bought back a lot of memories, I should read that again

>> No.13962037
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I see there are still some exceptionally learned and unfathomably intelligent scholars on this board.

>> No.13962044


That book and its sequels and prequels are genuinely incredible. The world is so believable

>> No.13962050
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Any other Legendeer chads in here? First book was 1999 I think rather than 2000s but it still counts.

>> No.13962068

I enjoyed the little doodles they had on every page much more than the stories themselves. The butt/arse books were also great

>> No.13962080

so good

>> No.13962699

I remember like a series called the Edgeworld chronicles, which was one of these neat little gimmick-world premise series. The whole world is essentially on a giant cliff that has no bottom. Closest to the edge are a bunch of floating rocks, including a city built on a giant one, typically held from floating away by a chain. The further from the edge you get, the less civilized it is, turning into dense forest full of weird hostile fauna. It was basically a good adventure novel, starting off as more high fantasy and getting more steampunk later on. I also think that there was some 100 year time skips involved too.

The art work was unusual and very memorable. Can't post it from my IP apparently, so you'll just have to look it up.

>> No.13962780


The Edge Chrnoicles, they've been discussed in this thread a fair bit

>> No.13963365

Did anyone read The Last Dragon? Story was weird as fuck and it involved the main charscter becoming a tenant for a woman who made dragons out of porcelain and they came to life. Like the neighbor becomes a polar bear at one point and gets trapped in the artic, and then there's this one arc where the entire universe flips on itself with the tenant becoming some monk student until he flips it back

>> No.13963414

Really? I might re read it and finish the trilogy.

>> No.13963438
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I liked this trilogy alot

>> No.13963446

>the one with the sapient cats, they had like a pagan moon cult
This is literally the Cats of Ulthar and a part of The Search for Kadath.

>> No.13964064

Sea of Trolls is the such an atmospheric and interesting story. Easily the best

>> No.13964341
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Thought I was the only one who read these
Has anyone posted Percy Jackson yet

>> No.13964454
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anyone else read the chronicles of ancient darkness? remember reading one of the books when I was ill off school and was one of the comfiest reading experiences I’ve ever had

read the shit out of the inheritance cycle (eragon), knife of never letting go (chaos waking series), jack west series by matthew reilly

Henderson’s Boys was real good

>> No.13964604

>The power of five?
Nope. Did read those too though, good reads.

>> No.13964675

Damn, the wolf brother series was insanely good. There's something about nature survivalist books that are really captivating when you're a kid, I read so many of those types

>> No.13964705

Loved that book, I think it was called Dusk or something? Great story, great books and I always loved that author. Also the pseudo-evolved dinosaurs in that book were awesome, loved the villainous felines too.

>> No.13964712

Anyone remember a book about twins in an odd society, they left underground with their retard friend and travelled across the desert to beat a witch/wizard(?), and met people that lived in traveling cities in the desert? Can’t for the life of me remember the name but it was a fantastic book, think it was a trilogy too but could never find the second two books.

>> No.13964729

Never mind I found it, the Wind Singer, honestly I haven’t read it in a while but iirc it blew me away with the world, something so fantastical about it.

>> No.13964741
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I was super into the Lost Years of Merlin series in middle school around 2003-2006

>> No.13964750

I'd never even heard of this til I came across the movie they made with Saiorce McScottsgirl on cable

>> No.13964754
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It’s a trilogy? I remember resign the first one, damn I might just have to finish up the series...

>> No.13964835

Forgotten Realms novels, Drizzt series by R.A. Salvatore

>> No.13965394

What do you recommend a "Brandon Sanderson" fan, I'm going to buy some books for someone who likes his books but I don't know what he's like or what they're about and this is the closest thing to a rec thread

>> No.13965552

Im sorry Anon I know exactly what ur talking about but not the title. I vividly remember reading it tho because they go to test some compound that burns them right and then they bang on pipes to communicate about it.

>> No.13965849

>reading apathy

That was just the point in most curriculums where verbal in-class reading stops and you had to actively choose to keep reading.

Kids don't know how easy it is in 2019 to keep reading because of the wide availability of audiobooks, when I was a kid, if you didn't want to read the book, you either had to guess all the quiz questions or use sparknotes/cliffnotes, which good teachers would write questions they couldn't answer

>> No.13965870

Good taste, but I gotta give it to The Slippery Slope
>Canonical romance fade-to-black
>Best character drama
>Good action
>Every major character gets quality screentime and we get a fuckton of VFD lore
>Second best tension in the series

>> No.13965892

>Written in 1985

When there were ~1,000 people on the internet, total, and all of them were government employees, politicians, or academic scientists, it made sense.

Time and eternal September wasn't friendly to that subplot

>> No.13966052


>> No.13966201

What the fuck were VFD anyway?

>> No.13966216

Secret society of intellectuals sort of like Free Masons, half of which dedicated their lives to 'putting out fires' and the other half of which dedicated themselves to 'starting them.'

>> No.13966226

So Olaf was just one of the starters? Did he really want the money anyway or was his goal just to kill them?

>> No.13966290
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Right in broad strokes

>Secret society of literati, heavily implied to have originally been a literal
>Volunteer fire department

Which developed into having an anarchic side
>(we've read enough to want to burn shit down).

and an optimistic side
>(we've read enough to want to build shit up and stop the people burning shit down).

Which basically immediately started murdering one another.

Neither side is good though, they're just dogmatic in different ways. Both sides are implied to be insane and far off-kilter, and recruitment of non-member initiate kids is canonically by literal kidnapping and brainwashing from birth, or a very young age, followed by intensive paramilitary training in codes, combat, animal husbandry, theater, and the detection and use of poison prior to being moved into a safe house for the remainder of one's childhood-training.


The money is nice, and Olaf would've been very happy to have it on a day-to-day level, but his goals are strongly hinted at being revenge and societal collapse. It's heavily implied by the expanded universe that either Lemony Snicket + Beatrice or the parents of the Baudelaires killed Olaf's parents, and he's nursing a serious grudge and revenge boner (which, in the case of Violet, was also just a regular boner).

In addition, the primary goal of the anarchic side was to use the Mycelium for biological warfare as an extraordinarily fast way to burn everything down, because of it being EXTREMELY contagious, curable, but mostly only if you're in the know (And with a long time for symptoms to set in, most people wouldn't be), long-lasting (It doesn't go away after the victim's death), hardy (It can last underwater, in a sea cave, for years) and trivially mass-producible.

The sugar bowl's content, which both sides desperately wanted, contained (this part's more hazy) a dogpile of useful Macguffins: exculpatory and incriminating evidence for various members of VFD, modified sugar capable of rendering a person immune to Mycelium, a stash of Horseradish for emergency mycelium curing, and a more dangerous weapon then Mycelium.

Given the imminent plans to use the deadly mushroom, and increasing legal tension, it was a big prize, if you could have it, and letting it go uncontrolled could be absolute disaster for all further plans.

>> No.13966339

Did anyone read Maximum ride? That shit was so edgy but such a fun premise

>> No.13966460

I fucking loved this book but I couldn’t remember the name, thank you anon

>> No.13966479
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I probably read this at least 5 times in middle school

>> No.13966489

Lost interest after Quillan Games. Surprisingly remember the general plot a decade after reading them.

>> No.13966508

He pulled a George Lucas who gives a shit. The plot was great and he tied it back to the first book by the end whether he planned it or not while writing the first book.

>> No.13966555
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My "reading life" is extremely strange. I was an avid reader during middle school, i'm talking always had a book in my hand, parents yelled at me at night for reading too late, etc... then I just stopped. I stopped reading for a good 10 years until last year I began tracking what I read and I've been on a alright path ever since.

Anyways, I have 2 picks for my middle school favorites. The first is Rifles for Watie which insanely enough I still vividly remember.

>> No.13966563
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Second would be "The Day No Pigs Would Die". I still remember parts of this book and I remember crying after some parts.

>> No.13966575


>> No.13966586

Did you enjoy it though? And did you watch the anime?

>> No.13966761


God it was edgy and the plot made literally no sense. I loved it at the time.

So fucking inane though. I remember Max beating the shit out of some disabled guy made out of organs in boxes while they were in the eye of a hurricane. That was the final climactic battle of book 3 or something.

Somehow Patterson is able to write super-retarded shit and make it compelling to young people.

>> No.13967555

prime tier escapism for a nerdy school kid

>> No.13967571

Fucking loved this
The movie took the entire world I imagined as a kid reading and shat all over it
At least Alicia Vikander was qt as Alice
USed to get puberty boners thinking about Tom getting that witch puss

>> No.13967632

This board is so shit.

>> No.13968084

Came here to say this. Top tier YA fiction, still revisit occasionally. Loved the ending.

>> No.13968153

>Jack West Series by Mathew Reilly
I picked up the new book when it came out (The Three Something Somethings) and I can’t believe how I managed to bear it as a teenager. 7 Straight pages of action scenes gets tiring very quickly. I do enjoy his overarching story though, with all the wacky shit about the end of the universe and the Big Crunch.

>> No.13968189

I read this too.
Liked this one
That's cool you liked it but personally I hated it and the other didn't like the other book she wrote "Code Orange"
I have a copy of this. Excited to read it.
yeah good point. audiobooks are better than nothing though but i see what you're saying.

>> No.13968459

I really liked then growing up but now I realize Patterson is a total hack, but a fun one

>> No.13968464

Anyone remember animorphs? I only read like 5 of the books and remember they got the power to change shape by centaur people that one of them got turned into a raven forever. There were like slug people too jacking peoples brains. Wonder if it ever concluded, shame there were like 50 books so if you wanted the whole thing you'd have to track them all down

>> No.13969343

I remember when my 8th grade english teacher asked me in front of the whole class why i was reading the rise and fall of the third reich. I said i liked it and he just smirked and went back to his desk.

>> No.13969358

Maximum Ride by James Patterson -- you won't regret it

>> No.13969417

More old stuff but: The Belgariad, The Malloreon, Redwall, Crowthistle Chronicles, Gaslight Geezers, Dragonlance. Definitely the inheritance trilogy, as much as it gets shit on. Also the illustrated Deltora quest books, especially Tales of Deltora.

I mostly picked books based on the cover art.

>> No.13969438

Also the chronicles of narnia

>> No.13969686

I havent read many but the Bartimaeus books were by far the best written books i have read of its kind.

Someday i will read HDM. Some people say the ending sucks tho.

>> No.13969722

They're all free online now

>> No.13970066

I think the series is still going

>> No.13970131
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1. My side of the mountain
2. The hobbit
3. Cirque du freak
4. Mysterious Benedict society
5. Deltora quest
6. Niche choice - The Secret Science Alliance, my all time favorite graphic novel

>> No.13970225

Spooks (sequel series is shit), Cherub, Skullduggery, Percy Jackson, alex rider, Artimes fowel, Horrible Histories.

>> No.13971063

I really liked the Tales of the Otori series as a kid.

Also, am I the only one that hated the last book in HDM? Runied the whole series for me

>> No.13971140

>Referring to Patterson as one person

His books are entirely ghost written by a team of underpaid MFA grads and not actually by him.

>> No.13971453
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Holy shit, you faggots never heard of a little series called THE HARDY BOYS?

>> No.13971462

Such Boomercore

>> No.13972123

I remember my middle school had signed copies of every book in this series and I spent a ton of time weighing the morality of checking them out and never returning them. I was the only one who ever checked them out... if they were donated to the library, surely nobody actually cares about them... if my parents pay the late fee... I ended up not doing it. It may have been my first serious moral dilemma.

>> No.13972140

This thread is reminding me how much time I actually spent reading when I was young. I'd kill for that kind of free time again.

>> No.13972534

>recommend me some 2000s middle school core
>Holy shit, you faggots never heard of a little series called THE HARDY BOYS?
>The Hardy Boys, written first in 1927.
One of these things doesn't belong with the other mate.

>> No.13974129

>My "reading life" is extremely strange. I was an avid reader during middle school, i'm talking always had a book in my hand, parents yelled at me at night for reading too late, etc... then I just stopped.
Did you happen to get regular access to a computer/laptop/smartphone around this time too?

People read things differntly on the internet than they do in real life, so as you spend more time scrolling through stuff on your laptop/phone, you train yourself to read differntly, and in so doing make it difficult for yourself to sit still and read a long section of a book like you used to.

Just another reason that mass public access to the internet was a mistake.

>> No.13974305

this is good
Fablehaven series was very entertaining, read it 2-3 times
Young bond series by higson

>> No.13974733

This, these books were gateway drugs for harder non-YA literature.

>> No.13974867

Percy Jackson

>> No.13976164
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Remembered reading this in 6th grade. First book that really made me think. I related to the MC much more than I really should have at that point.

>> No.13976859

My niggers.

My ETERNAL niggers.

Eh. Even as a kid dystopian YA kind of loses its lustre when good dystopian stories are only marginally less accessible and are so much better.

Would have been much better if you couldn't see it consciously remaining extremely milquetoast.

>> No.13977277

Shit book
>Percy Jackson
Gay series

>> No.13977866
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>the scene where his sister cries at his fake funeral

>> No.13978587
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>> No.13978707

Best post ITT

>> No.13978727

I kinda loved the food autism desu.

>> No.13978742

Exactly, it made the Abbey feel so cosy and inviting

>> No.13979513

>His Dark Material
The first book was ok, but the rest of the series was pretty lame.

>> No.13979825

Yeah i liked it too, especially its non-conventional world building

>> No.13979870

Does this hold up?

>> No.13979876

Opinions on the Earthsea series?

>> No.13979902
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I offer you this.

>> No.13980020
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my nigga

>> No.13980025

First 3 or 4 books are enjoyable.

>> No.13981110

Yeah that's it. Whole series was absolute kino

>> No.13981260
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>> No.13981267
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>> No.13981270
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>> No.13981361

You know, I was waiting for somebody to post this.
Did you actually read all the series though?
I never could find the end ones, they were too unpopular and I stopped caring.
Kino while it lasted, regardless.

>> No.13981690

Yea I got all the way through. I can still visualize all the underground chasms and monsters and other story tidbits.

>> No.13982116

>Shadow of the Minotaur
ive been trying to remember this one for ages, thank you anon

>> No.13982387

Scarecrow series was better done. Ice station was a great book.