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13943675 No.13943675 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any (good) novels set in germany or europe featuring oktoberfest?

>> No.13943694

As a German, I can tell you that the Oktoberfest is the worst normie shit in the entire country. It has absolutely nothing to do with German culture; it's just an ultra-commercialized tourist trap. Even if it was authentic, it would be centered around Bavarian culture, which is the lowest manifestation of the German spirit. There's no point in going, there's no point in reading about it.

>> No.13943709

What he said. If there is, it's most likely written by a foreign author because the overwhelming majority of Germans don't really care about the Oktoberfest. It's a bit like Heidelberg.

>> No.13943747

Any good German novels with a vibe similar to ZDF Fernsehgarten?

>> No.13943777

Looking for something like this but focused around DAS VOLKSFEST DER VOLKSMUSIK!

>> No.13943787

Heinz Konsalik.

>> No.13943912

Fyi like +80% of visitors at the oktoberfest are bavarian. It is touristy but only because no one likes all the gay carnival and kirmes events all the north germans have since they are so forgetable.
seething prussian because he knows all the world thinks of Bavarian culture when they think of Germany.
Most iconic cars: Bavarian (BMW)
Most iconic landmark: Bavarian (Neuschwanstein)
Most iconic folk tradition: Bavarian (boarische Trachtn und Musi)
Most iconic german: (alpine-)Bavarian (Hitler)
Most iconic scientist: (honorary) Bavarian (Einstein)
Most iconic Sports Team: Bavarian (FC Bayern München)
Most iconic athlete in America: Bavarian (Dirk Nowitzki)
Most iconic german Beer: Bavarian (stereotypical Weißbier)

How can you pale militaristic twats ever even compete?
If you live north of the Main your opinions do not matter. It's a fact.

>> No.13943953

>claims knowledge about all things Bavarian
>can't even tell Bavaria and Franconia apart

>> No.13943961

>Bavarian culture
Bavarian culture is one of the most disneyfied in the world.

>> No.13943964

>t. seething franconian
I counted abvarian schwaben in the list
solely because it is the culture that disney built everything on.
Might say something if it became world famous, no?

>> No.13943968

>If you live north of the Main your opinions do not matter. It's a fact.
Agreed. Good thing I'm from BW, cuckboi

>> No.13943971
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Bavaria is based desu.

>> No.13943997

badner oder schwabe?

>> No.13943998

I think German is a beautiful language but nobody seems to agree with me.

>> No.13944023
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>lowest manifestation
Saupreuß spotted
Take your fucking autism and start another war because you just can't live with the prospect of someone else not doing everything the way you want it.
It should be obvious why we are synonym with all the great things about G*rmany and the rest is just sad memories about Hitler.

>> No.13944044


>> No.13944200
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there's so much wrong with this list
>Most iconic cars: Bavarian (BMW)
No. It's Porsche for everyone with class.
>Most iconic landmark: Bavarian (Neuschwanstein)
Disgusting. Try Brandenburger Tor.
>Most iconic folk tradition: Bavarian (boarische Trachtn und Musi)
Most parodied. Yes.
>Most iconic german: (alpine-)Bavarian (Hitler)
Hitler was born in Austria, and he's not iconic for good reason. Try Goethe or (Hessen/Thuringia), Hesse (BW).
>Most iconic scientist: (honorary) Bavarian (Einstein)
Einstein hated everything about this place. Emigrated to Swiss and the US as soon as possible.
>Most iconic Sports Team: Bavarian (FC Bayern München)
They're a soulless company that ruin the league.
>Most iconic german Beer: Bavarian (stereotypical Weißbier)

>> No.13944219

Das schönste Land in Deutschlands Gau’n, and so on

>> No.13944222

Any good novels about WETTEN DASS..? presented by chad Thomas Gottschalk getting cancelled because a guy with jumping boots breaks his spine trying to jump over a moving car, causing a chain of catastrophes leading to an absolute rock bottom low where the show gets re-established with virgin Markus Lanz only to be cancelled a few sad episodes later?

>> No.13944280
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>> No.13945065

You sound very American

>> No.13945089

Can you send me an authentic stein?

>> No.13945277

Hitler was the lesser evil compared to Churchill.

>> No.13945284

t. Berlinfag who only wears black and makes bad art that nobody wants to see

>> No.13945917

I'm neither of those anons, but I need to express my appreciation about how this anon tries to hurt another anon by absolutely stabbing into the dark (and probably hits hard).

>> No.13946589

>basedboys and whores
so this is europe's traditional life

>> No.13946594

I'm from Hamburg and I'm surprised that he didn't shat on Hamburg by now.

>> No.13946620

Yes. I'm aware that Hamburg regularly shits on itself.

>> No.13946636

All nazis were mountainniggers and Neuschwanstein was paid for by Prussians