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13924762 No.13924762 [Reply] [Original]

This is the scariest book I've ever read. It is legitimately scarier than anything else. It is my biggest fear. Just the thought of eternal suffering of the highest degree makes me shake at night. I feel utterly forced to accept God - and I feel existential horror because of it. Why do I exist if the possibility of hell is there for me? Greasy demons walking about taking delight in torturing me for eternity. Jesus Christ,

>> No.13924770

Umm just like be a good person lmfao like nigga just turn around from evil

>> No.13924775

yes but the idea that ANYONE is in hell literally makes me shake.

>> No.13924781

Free Will. Why should you punish yourself for other's actions? You wouldn't punish someone's son for a crime their father did . It's okay to feel sad for sinners but don't let it overcome you. You have greater plans ahead

>> No.13924783
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>that part in Exodus where Ramses realizes God is manipulating him to do evil.

>> No.13924789

God has told you the path that is best for you. Look at Christians, how happy they are. By following the commandments you will not only find peace in the afterlife, but you will be hopeful and content in this life as well. You will embrace suffering, because you know you will be comforted in the end. You need to purify yourself, avoid sin, do good works, and God will draw near to you. Seek Him and keep the commandments, and He will seek you.

>> No.13924794

Hell can be thought of as the condition of being away from God, or of being aware of your sins, or of not being able to satisfy your “burning” passions from your materialistic life on Earth. It is through accepting Jesus’ sacrifice that all sins will be washed away, and in loving God, you can approach Him, and find peace in the afterlife.

>> No.13924797

Anon what kind of translation are you reading that you came away with the idea of an ETERNAL hell? That's not in the Bible.

>> No.13924800


>> No.13924804

Catholicism and Augustine

>> No.13924808
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blessed are those who fear the Lord.

>> No.13924809

>Look at Christians, how happy they are.

>> No.13924810

they deserve it though.

>> No.13924813

Faithful, Bible-reading, church-going, Christians are happy. Obviously most Christians are nominal Christians only. They ignore almost all of Jesus’ teachings every day.

>> No.13924815

fuck off heretic.

>> No.13924830

but it's eternal torture of unimaginable pain for finite actions

>> No.13924839

and yet, people continue in sin regardless

>> No.13924850

but why do they deserve it

>> No.13924854

>finite actions
sins against God, Who is infinite, are infinitely offensive. you should fear God, but you should also rejoice because the mere fact that you are still even alive despite being so corrupted and sinful is a testament to God's mercy.

>> No.13924858

but it's so easy to sin and he made me alive condemning me by my own existence

>> No.13924865

This is why you become Orthodox aka based. According to the redpilled interpretation of the OG Koine Greek NT hell is not a place you go to, to suffer for your sins, but describes the relation of you to God. A person who denies God can only be in hell, as they willingly separate themselves from him. This person does in fact not only hate God, but also themselves, and their suffering is self-inflicted. Do you hate God or yourself as God's creation? No? Then you don't have to worry. Salvation is possible.

>> No.13924873
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>condemning me by my own existence
He sent His only Son to die for your salvation, how the fuck are you "condemned?"

>> No.13924878

>you should also rejoice because the mere fact that you are still even alive despite being so corrupted and sinful
i agree with this and catholics can also believe this. do orthodox people believe that people can get out of hell by accepting god?

>> No.13924895

be cherry-picking and finding loopholes in the Bible, nice

>> No.13924917

still not "condemned." the sooner you just accept that you aren't the one to be judging right from wrong and put your faith in God, the sooner you'll actually be able to stop being a piece of shit. you can't look at this with the reservation of "but wait, what if God is actually just an asshole and its really okay to sin because its not my fault n sheeiit?" it's just nigger reasoning.

>> No.13924930

There is no dogma in the Orthodox church on what ultimately happens after death wrt to hellfor many reasons, because with the second cooming of Jesus Christ the rules are rewritten, because of God's infinite grace and mercy, because of the preference of negative theology etc.

Personally I cannot bring myself to believe in eternal condemnation as God's love is of such immensity that I cannot possibly conceive of anyone being absolutely alienated from Him.

>> No.13925013

sounds like hippie bullshit.

>> No.13925021

I don't remember this. As far as I recall I remember God hardening the pharaoh's heart, but I don't remember him ever realizing it.

>> No.13925022

Boy, if you've got a problem with hippies, wait till you hear about this Jesus fellow.

>> No.13925040
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Jesus is the opposite of hippie you mongrel.

>> No.13925044

It came out in something the pharoah said to Moses during their nightly meetings. He sort of half realized it

>> No.13925052

Hippies aren't known for loving greedy capitalists stinking up the show either, Anon.

>> No.13925073

>for finite actions

>> No.13925074
File: 320 KB, 969x1257, durer knight, death, and the devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not Orthodox but the Bible depicts a rich man in a Hell of fire; Saint Paul talks about fire; the Book of Revelation describes a lake of fire and contains the following:

"And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name."

(Revelation 14:11)

I don't know what I actually believe about Hell or my own destiny. But, if you apply the precept of infallible scripture, you can't deny that Hell last forever

>> No.13925088

hippies also like to do a lot of drugs and have a lot of sex. JUST LIKE JESUS

>> No.13925091

Hell lasts forever, not the soul in the fire.

>> No.13925155
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The good news is that it's a rather silly fairy tale, borrowed from older ideas of the underworld, and there's not the slightest reason to ever think about it. Do you also worry about zombies and werewolves attacking you, or Thor sticking Mjolnir up your ass, or Wonder Woman tying you up and forcing you to confess your dirtiest secrets while licking her boots?

>> No.13925158

>Do you also worry about zombies and werewolves attacking you, or Thor sticking Mjolnir up your ass, or Wonder Woman tying you up and forcing you to confess your dirtiest secrets while licking her boots?

>> No.13925187

Christcuckold posters sound like battered wives. Amazing the way people defend such barbaric beliefs.

>> No.13925222


>> No.13925248

What is the name for the opposite of theosis? I believe I have just achieved this state.

>> No.13925277

Lose weight

>> No.13925293

i'm a twink

>> No.13925312


>> No.13925335
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>> No.13925370

>Just the thought of eternal suffering of the highest degree makes me shake at night.
So you didn't actually read the bible, then. Not only is there not a single mention of what you have decided hell is, there isn't even a single implication of a place of eternal torment for your immortal soul. Such an idea completely defies the spirit and teachings of Christ and of God.

You should bother to actually read it some time if you're going to try to talk about it.

>> No.13925399
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shut the fuck up you goddamned heretic.