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/lit/ - Literature

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13922809 No.13922809[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this true /lit/?

>> No.13922812

Physics, chemistry, and biology are non-fiction, so you’re really comparing apples to oranges.

>> No.13922813


>> No.13922815


>> No.13922817

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.13922818


>> No.13922825


>> No.13922853

I think that the generalization is that of those in the different fields of study, the ones in the "non-fiction" fields are intellectually superior to the ones studying the different "fiction" fields.

>> No.13922855


>> No.13922859

Who is smarter? Someone who is literally superfluous but paid highly or a codemonkey?

>> No.13922861

Yes, don't go into higher education for philosophy or humanities.

>> No.13922866

Well, I mean, are documentaries better than action films? If you want to learn something, then yeah, but if you want some entertainment, then nah.

>> No.13922878

remind me why should I listen to a 19 year old

>> No.13922880

ye. the middle ones are supposed to be the drop out artists making good art but they throw themselves into the meat grinder voluntarily. the galaxy brains understand the machine and play the levers at the cost of the humane.

>> No.13922886

/his/ is the philosophy board. Don't you read stickies?

>> No.13922887

I can tell you that this was drawn by someone who doesn't know any physicists, chemists, or biologists.

>> No.13922892

No I don't usually wear around a double helix shirt.

>> No.13922895

Irrelevant conclusion. The OP pic is not intended to infer a conclusion on how entertained the members of the different fields are.

>> No.13922897

STEMfags are usually midwits, if it wasn't for women and postmarxists social sciences would be patrician.

>> No.13922908

Not really. Biology is where STEMfags go when they can't do actual STEM

>> No.13922925

At least it's real, unlike physics which is just surrealistic math for autistics.

>> No.13922928

that sounds cool t b h
i wish i wasn't a brainlet who had to study english because he wasn't any good for physics

>> No.13922930

Yes, physics, chemistry and biology. YES, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY.

>> No.13922932

t. STEMlet undergrad

I have both a B.Sc. in applied math and a B.A. in philosophy. The latter was infinitely more enjoyable and fulfilling. But I'm from Germany, and here studying philosophy is actually respected.

>> No.13922945

>philosophy respected

>> No.13922964

>pure math don't hang with losers
True dat

>> No.13923013

Direct quote from /lit/'s sticky
>Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/

>> No.13923023

And you stopped reading there?
>but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer
Truly, STEMtists have dazzling intellects

>> No.13923045

Based retard.

>> No.13923049

/lit/ is one of the 2 philosophy boards. :^)
This thread is shit but the claim
>/his/ is the philosophy board
Is inaccurate.

>> No.13923060

Based Retard

>> No.13923067

Philosophy discussion on here has to be based around a specific piece of literature. Are you intentionally playing dumb or are you actually unable to comprehend this?

>> No.13923076
File: 6 KB, 200x252, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is something that basically has no coherent meaning true

I don't know. Is it?

>> No.13923079

Oh no, it's this retard again.

>> No.13923085

>*disregards your entire body of work with the problem of induction*

>> No.13923089

Retard, based

>> No.13923093
File: 413 KB, 1950x1152, Science is Quickest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, just look at the state of this society.

The free technocracy has elevated quality of life not only for its own people, but those nations who would be enslaved by any other state in history.

These truly are the best of times.

>> No.13923099
File: 209 KB, 786x1113, ellul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.13923102

This is the type of person who complains about 'Yes Men' in Plato's Republic.

>> No.13923104

When you say "its this retard again" its probably actually an entirely different retard

>> No.13923105

Retard cringe.

>> No.13923109

You know, not even Zeno was arguing for anything other than a necessarily indiscreet universe, right?

>> No.13923111
File: 779 KB, 986x725, keeping memory alive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technology makes us better in every way.

>> No.13923114

Every STEMfag can read, understand and even write books in their free time but have you ever seen a literature student doing science as his hobby?

>> No.13923122

Frank Gehry is a Schizophrenic Architect

>> No.13923127

Based Ellul. Knowing that STEM fags are completely unaware of their participation in this hell world and are just shitty cogs is B&R

>> No.13923138


>> No.13923162

I have no idea what that means.

>> No.13923177

"STEM" is to the sciences as "___ studies" is to the humanities. Stop regurgitating jargon designed to neuter the academy.

>> No.13923185
File: 49 KB, 534x401, cabin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Looks like comfy architecture is the only answer.

>> No.13923193

Frank Gehry is an extremely talented, borderline genius schizophrenic architect.

>> No.13923202

Based boys

>> No.13923249

Stem and tradie uprising when

>> No.13923279

Aboslutely based, I did my undergrad dissertation on this guy and he anticipates so well the obsession with technocratic efficiency engulfing us today.

>> No.13923349
File: 74 KB, 680x513, IMG_20191002_215808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13923489

Physics, chemistry and biology are just cope for people not good enough in mathematics. Even an art degree is better than those cope degrees. It at least prove you have a good sensitivity. I can't believe /sci/ actually thinks this. The real thing would be
Mathematics > Only very few people in philosophy > Art > Physics > Chemistry Biology > Most people in philosophy > Social Sciences

>> No.13923513
File: 76 KB, 850x400, Truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why people do this comparison of different academic disciplines, where they have to say that "THIS IS SMART DISCIPLINE" and "THESE IS NOT SMART DISCIPLINES!." I could understand it if they were college administrators, who had to invest funding for the various departments, but why do the students all want their own discipline to be smartest?

In any case, I think that looking at the world in such a way, where you decide which field is stupid and which field is smart before you actually do any research into any of the fields, is just a really terrible strategy for life, because it will lead you into thinking that you know much more than you actually know. Better to really try to go into each field with a spirit of intellectual humility, and say "they probably know SOME STUFF that I don't know—let's see if this is the case."

The sad thing is, the person who is caught up in the ideology espoused by OP's picture actually harms himself the most, because he closes himself off from learning. Saying that field X is dumb when you know nothing of field X, is a way of trying to get around doing actual reading and thinking and making up your own mind. It is an example of intellectual arrogance and complacency, and I wish people would stop doing this.

>> No.13923532

are there any STEM options for high verbal IQ but shit at everything else?

>> No.13923536

/sci/ go away and stay away

>> No.13923540

I'll fucking kill whoever fucked up that chemical structure. How do you fuck it up that bad?

>> No.13923547

Fuck yeah look to philosophy guy, all stuck in euclidean forms

>> No.13923635

Good post anon

>> No.13923674

Oof I complain about the yes men

>> No.13923696
