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/lit/ - Literature

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13900944 No.13900944 [Reply] [Original]

>read translation of The Iliad
>it's just prose presented in verse

is a nigga gonna have to learn Ancient Greek to get the real experience?

>> No.13900949

read Pope bruh

>> No.13900951

if you want a poetic render read pope or fitzgerald, nigger.

>> No.13900956

you're going to find that the iliad is really prosaic, even on the original lmaaao. where do you think prose literature comes from? it evolved from epics, which were prose in verse. proper poetry in ancient greek was the 'lyric' poetry that evolved to the poetry we know today

>> No.13900970

Choose one

>> No.13900974

I mean, if you don't already know ancient greek I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.13900983

It's most likely blank verse. Which translation are you reading nigger?

>> No.13901049

blank verse is poetry retard

>> No.13901058
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>His language is incapable of replicating Homeric verse accurately
Better luck next time, faget

>> No.13901138

Poetry is just words in lines. Fite me, cunts

>> No.13902841

Not even that, Japanese poetry is often in one line

>> No.13902845

are you German?

>> No.13902854

>learning Ancient Greek
Fat chance.

>> No.13902859

You have no idea what you’re talking about you total retard, verse isn’t just rhyme. The Illiad was written in meter. It’s in no way “prose in verse”. It’s called blank verse. It’s not prose.
It’s always the people who know the least that act like this.

>> No.13902915

Holy fuck are you trolling

>> No.13902940
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>prose in verse

>> No.13902947

you should def stufy greek regardless, knowing even a little of that language will increase greatly ur general understanding on language

>> No.13902954

I prefer painting in marble personally