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/lit/ - Literature

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13883838 No.13883838[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Christ normie culture is fucking disgusting. You can actually see the normgroid brain being reshaped in real-time because everyone has a public diary now with their gay little Twitter account.

In 2014 most of them were completely fine with tons of things they now consider ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE! and they seem to think about these things nonstop. Then there’s the advertisers that live rent free in their heads so they are constantly talking about Marvel or White Claw or sports.

Normies really are disgusting cretins.

>> No.13883883

There is no way to say this without sounding incredibly edgy and pretentious but here it is: they are not thinking about these subjects in the way you imagine. They're just noticing that these are the socially correct positions and following them, any thought they put into it is just ways of making the positions sound intelligent, and having their own take on it. They're not critically examining the ideas themselves.

This is not a defect, this is the normal social behavior of humans. Questioning these things is the defect.

>> No.13883890 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13883945
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What emotion do you feel looking at this? Is it not disgust?

>> No.13883963

I don't feel anything and don't see why I should, it has nothing to do with me.

>> No.13883973
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>> No.13883986

>they seem to think about these things nonstop
They only seem to. They don't actually think about anything, one way or the other. They just react to stimuli, they don't have an inner voice. What you or I think about isn't there. Instead, the programming you see them constantly interpret is their version of our inner voice.

>> No.13883995

No, this is /pol/. You want to go to >>>/trash/ for better content.

>> No.13884042

I’m using this from now on

>> No.13884049

You should go back to r*ddit

>> No.13884074

>everyone is a normie except for me
Literally everyone, everyone, thinks this. Go to any popular social media site and you’ll see people condescendingly talking down to others and calling them “normies”. The word used to be used by the the discarded dregs of society over at /r9k/ but even soccer moms use it now.

>> No.13884217

You know, this argument actually supports the stupidity of the masses

>> No.13884235

i wonder sometimes if my disgust at this is manufactured

>> No.13884665

Please use the words normalfag, riajuu or norman instead, which are for one reason or another less palatable to these people.

>> No.13884708

I thought the same when I saw a heap of people wearing their fannypacks across their chest the other day.

>> No.13884739

Yeah but how do you know who 'the masses' are? I always thought it off that vidya and anime and porn nerds would use it in relation to their 'hobbies' because those things are basically braindead, unfiltered consumerism indistinguishable from any other except that the so-called normalfags have other things in their life to identify with and thus aren't as mentally cucked. But pretty much everyone uses it now, in a very similar capacity.

>> No.13884741

please can we call them normans from now on

>> No.13884744

lurk /r9k/. There's like a million different variations, normgroid and norman are pretty old.

>> No.13884765

>read on train
>everyone else on their phone
>try really hard not to start thinking I’m smarter than these normies
>end up spending more time thinking about this than actually reading
>everyone on their phones probably had a more productive time than I did

>> No.13884768

lmao you don't even know what they're doing on their phone. I read on my phone all the time.

>> No.13884770

how do I know I'm not just doing this with /lit/

>> No.13884776

Good one.

>> No.13884877

Imagine actually having to deal with their group think on a daily basis and actually smile and be sociable with them. I have to do this and everytime that I do it amazes me that they don't see the anger behind my eyes. God breathed a soul into mankind and mankind took it and strangled it with it's bare hands and spat in His face. Except for a few people, there is nothing redeemable or acceptable about the culture of entropy before us.

>> No.13884934

You are making the same mistake that large corporations do. You are assuming that twitter blue marks represent most normal people. They don't. Normal people have a very different set of things that bother them.

>> No.13885006

I can't read it in public for the same reason. It's too pretentious, so I just stare blankly into the distance instead.

>> No.13885014

I used to think this but it’s no longer true. Normal people don’t have hobbies anymore, they look at “memes” on their phones from Facebook or Twitter. I remember when I was considered a loser for spending all my free time on the internet, but normalfaggots actually do spend all their free time on the internet in 2019.

>> No.13885053
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Have you been a part of any mass? Just look at it as a dynamic scale between individualism/divergence and collectivism/convergence.
Any form of sociality is inherently convergent. The love we all really want/need is transcendent though, a divine parallelism.
You sound like a shit Noahite. Remember in genesis how he flooded earth and culled most of us? Hes ashamed of us. Why else would he come down here to tell us how wrong its all gone, then kill himself? Beside, it seems pretty clear grace is only for a chosen few. The rest don't want to be saved. No big loss.
Ecclesiastes 1:9

>> No.13885054
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Jesus Christ litizen culture is fucking disgusting. You can actually see the brainlet brain being reshaped in real-time because everyone has a bookshelf now with their gay little Goodreads account.

In 2014 most of them were completely fine with tons of things they now consider ABSOLUTELY CRINGE! and they seem to think about these things nonstop. Then there’s the frogposters that live rent free in their neet house so they are constantly talking about James joyce or dfw or frens.

/Litizens/ really are disgusting cretins.

>> No.13885079

Where do you live where reading on public transit isn't common? I've traveled around and I've never felt out of place doing it

>> No.13885082

Frens? As is F.R.I.E.N.D.S

>> No.13885093

Great thread OP, this book is one of my favourites.

>> No.13885098

These types of people who make these threads should literally get a life time ban from 4chan

>> No.13885102


>> No.13885122

It’s OP’s way of showing how he’s a closet autist who allows other people and their interest to impede on his own life, it’s a bitter trait to have, why walk around like an angry faggot all day when you could easily put that focus into the things you’re interested in


Oil that autistic cog that keeps your brain spinning OP, oil it well, go on a rampage, reveal your closet autism to the world, keep make threads that aren’t literature related

>> No.13885129

It is. Everything is. Ones man normalfag is another mans edgelord. There is no normal. There is no absolute metric. There is only context, an endless whirling about

>> No.13885151 [DELETED] 
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The most important factor which boomers will NEVER be able to wrap their heads around is that at the turn of the 20th century, 80-85% of business were SELF OWNED, and currently, that number is around 5%.

because they are all clinical retards of spirit and soul and possess only enough brain power to be a cog for whatever capitalistic apparatus they find themselves subservient to, boomers can't into semiotics or any sort of logic at all, and think that because the mode of signification is the same (the term "work") what it signifies is also the same.

"working" today is the same as "working" one hundred years ago.
>just work, you entitled little shit lmao
>our fathers did and our father's fathers did LMAOAO

but what these pozzed-cum guzzlers don't understand is that what their granddaddy Jethro was doing when he "worked" is nowhere close to being what people today do when they work. Work used to be a meaningful expression of an individual's agency. It used to be something in harmony with the intentionality of the nature of the individual. now it is nothing but blind, vacuous, insect-tier contribution to an impersonal process of globo-homo capitalism whose only telos is converting all resources into more capital to perpetuate this process of production.

but try to explain this to any retard born between the years 1930 and 1980 and you'll get nothijg but a glazed, floruide-ridden stare followed by "uh, please go have sex" or "yeah, sorry bud, but I just care about muh [insert football team here]"

boomers deserve the deepest, darkest depths of hell.

>> No.13885198

>In 2014 most of them were completely fine with tons of things they now consider ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE! and they seem to think about these things nonstop
Bullshit. Nothing has changed. You are just to young to see that. It comes in different forms and shapes but it is all old.

>> No.13885200
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Based retard

>> No.13885257
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normies for the most part are lost sheep. watch this video instead if you have 7 minutes.


>> No.13885270

>I can't read it in public for the same reason. It's too pretentious
Have you ever wondered if this feeling was socially manufactured into your brain? Don't let the normie mind virus dictate your behavior in public spaces, especially when they are constructive.

>> No.13885282
File: 633 KB, 1125x1219, DA1CF9E5-0981-4AEC-8741-0E003BCEAC57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish