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/lit/ - Literature

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13859841 No.13859841 [Reply] [Original]

I don't read women authors.

Change my view, fellow intellectuals

>> No.13859849

This isn't an edgy stance.

>> No.13859945

I love the short stories of Alice Munro. Dance of the Happy Shades and Lives of Girls and Women. The only other female authors I've read are:
>Kate Chopin's The Awakening
>Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus
I intend to read Joan Didion, Susan Sontag, and Flannery O'Connor.
Also: huge Christopher Hitchens fan.

>> No.13860067

I won’t read anything written by a woman, a faggot, a Jew, a non-White or a fat person.
The fact that you say “women authors” and your reddit spacing says otherwise.

>> No.13860084

I won’t read anything by this poster. I don’t even know what he said.

>> No.13860087

I think it is important to expose oneself to the "other" in whatever form it takes. You may not like it, and you may not agree, but it may allow you to approach things differently. That, and Woolf is pretty good.

>> No.13860117

Autor is dead, watcha think 'bout?

>> No.13860132

Guessed their gender well. Must have read their post.

>> No.13860137

>I won’t read anything written by a woman, a faggot, a Jew, a non-White or a fat person.
lmao you're missing out

>> No.13860162

That's not a view, it's a statement. A view would require you to explain why or why not you choose to do so.

>> No.13860196

>not reading Averroes
>not reading Omar Khayyam
>not reading Okakura Kakuzō
>not reading Zhuang Zhou
>not reading G. K. Chesterton
>not reading Otto Weininger

ok retard

>> No.13860231

>Change my view,
Nah. Some people just aren't worth talking to. You can usually find them with very little information. You did it in four words. Thanks!

>> No.13860302

holy fuck /pol/ retard detected

>> No.13860310

cunt detected

>> No.13860462
File: 237 KB, 755x1300, 58695541-rome-italy-march-10-2016-the-vault-baroque-fresco-the-apotheosis-of-st-ignatius-by-jesuit-frater-and.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There aren't many good female writers, but there are some worth reading. Jane Austen is a good pleb-filter. Probably one of the best novelists in history. Even if you don't like the subject matter, she was a very clean and neat writer. Jean Elliot was another good English-language writer, but she only had one poem published I think. I'll post it here (hopefully it formats well):

I’ve heard them lilting at our ewe-milking,
Lasses a-lilting before the dawn of day;
But now they are moaning on ilka green loaning-
The Flowers of the Forest are a’ wede away.

At bughts, in the morning, nae blythe lads are scorning,
The lasses are lonely, and dowie, and wae;
Nae daffin’, nae gabbin’, but sighing and sabbing,
Ilk ane lifts her leglin and hies her away.

In har’st, at the shearing, nae youths now are jeering,
Bandsters are lyart, and runkled, and gray;
At fair or at preaching, nae wooing nae fleeching-
The Flowers of the Forest are a’ wede away.

At e’en, in the gloaming, nae younkers are roaming
‘Bout stacks wi’ the lasses at bogle to play;
But ilk ane sits drearie, lamenting her dearie-
The Flowers of the Forest are weded away.

Dool and wae for the order sent our lads to the Border!
The English, for ance, by guile wan the day;
The Flowers of the Forest, that fought aye the foremost,
The prime of our land, are cauld in the clay.

We’ll hear nae mair lilting at our ewe-milking;
Women and bairns are heartless and wae;
Sighing and moaning on ilka green loaning-
The Flowers of the Forest are a’ wede away.
If you know Galician or are willing to learn, read Rosalía de Castro. She is good. If you know any Portuguese, read Sophia de Mello Breyner.

Anyways, I'd agree most female writers suck, but some woman have written some nice things.

>> No.13860607

Doing that would mean you miss out on Middlemarch, which is one of the best Anglo novels ever written.

>> No.13860648

>Anglo "literature"

Give the rest of Europe a fucking break.

I personally don't read anything by niggers and women. I make an exception for the heian court ladies like Sei Shonagon, though.

>> No.13860649

lol imagine posting christopher fucking hitchens and thinking anyone who has studied anything will take you seriously -- it would be generous to say that he will still be relevant even 20 years from now

so just in terms of fiction, it's impossible to say you know anything about classic lit if you haven't read sappho, the brontes, austen, dickinson, wolfe, eliot et al.

and many of the best 20th century writers were women (who you probably haven't heard of) like lispector, kavan, zurn, schwarzenbach, seghers, rhys, duras etc.

don't really care if this changes your view, but it would be cool if it made someone on here think about reading something a bit out of their comfort zone, cuz that's what it's all about, no?

>> No.13860654

Flannery O'Connor and Shirley Jackson have some of the best short stories I've ever read

>> No.13860669

you should read them because we have to deal with them
But look at how Plato writes, how he structured The Republic
Good Lord
Women can’t do that

>> No.13860697

Change the "non-White" part to "non-Nigger" and you're gucci.

>> No.13860775

don't, women are shit.

>> No.13860811

> I won’t read anything written by a woman, a faggot, a Jew, a non-White or a fat person
Based. Best post in this thread

>> No.13860832

Plato was a fag
Allan Bloom
Only 2 fags I read
And Jews?
Why not engage with their ideas, keeping your guard up?

>> No.13860837


>> No.13860845

Mrs. Gaskell, George Eliot, and Marie de France are authors who should be widely read.

>> No.13860905

Islam is right about women.

>> No.13860915
File: 143 KB, 800x981, 800px-Samuel_Johnson_by_Joshua_Reynolds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat person
Guess you'll be missing out on the works of based over here

>> No.13860970

How come all of the women I can think of who wrote actual good literature (Woolf, O'Connor, Eliot, Bronte, Shelley, Dickinson, Austen, Lispector etc) wrote before the bra burners?

>> No.13860979

Woolf is wonderful to me because she occupies both the feminine and masculine mindsets with astonishing success. Her prose is so lucid and I would almost say almost objective if it weren't for the human touch pervading everything. She's one of the best writers I've discovered in the past year and one of my all-time favorites, which is surprising considering how few female authors I've read and how little hope I had in relating to them more generally.

>> No.13860984

Woolf is boring trash.

>> No.13861056

Reddit detected.

>> No.13861216

This anon gets it. Anyone who demands you change their mind rather than goes out seeking knowledge to change their own is a fuck.

>> No.13861473

Ancient Greeks didn't have the concept of gay or straight.

>> No.13861527

And what faggotry there was is heavily exaggerated.

>> No.13861543

There are good female writers, but usually their male characters are terribly written; they just feel like women with a fake moustache. Most male writers write female characters badly too. That doesn't bug me as much, but I expect it could bug female readers.

>> No.13861565
File: 580 KB, 2000x1200, NortonCriticals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? You've made a silly arbitrary decision that makes your life less interesting and doesn't affect mine at all. I don't care what you read, OP. Go be edgy somewhere else.

>> No.13861567

I read women authors but only if they're huwite. I don't give a fuck if a male author is white or not but women authors always find a way to throw muh race into their books and how oppressed they are. I don't want to read about how the white patriarchy is enslaving you fuck off.

>> No.13861604

Mary Barton is so good dude. Remember aunt Esther. Ha! What a slut! Totally deserved her fate.

>> No.13862055

Best post. High IQ.

>> No.13862147

The Goldfinch had a good male voice. The plotting was a mess, but Theo was well written.

>> No.13862458
File: 348 KB, 991x1287, go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for proving my point, now go back.

>> No.13862483

You've never read a Toni Morrison novel? an hero, anytime

>> No.13862486

Woman here
Vjsicivngjsisn hfudb rhd su suidb uwudb wusogua eufikwkqja djdj ueuf djdiabd. Fidaj! Gieiabf iodnwo djd jdia djgl ria fofbeia djfjc figsj jdjd udusne 8fi. Fjsks? Disia! Fksj fidisbahf udhsuaid hd ueh ushautn jfksorjg d. Dkaje!
Hope you were convinced.

>> No.13862576
File: 413 KB, 1278x717, 1511193306097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being so dumb you refuse to read Jane Austen.

Based retard

>> No.13862622

I thought I was the only one to do so

>> No.13863014

Oh fuck... read a book redditor, stop wasting everybody's time.

>> No.13863048

there are many euro women whose works werent translated to english which I deeply apreciate.

>> No.13863067

People who say Plato was gay have never actually bothered to read him. That or they have an IQ somewhere around 95-115 and don't actually understand Plato's philosophy or the system and method in which the dialogues are written.

>> No.13863643

Based and true

>> No.13863688

I don't consume anything created by or featuring women.

I did back in the day before it was forced on us.

>> No.13863717

You should read the Art of War, then read Jew works to keep them on your radar. Otherwise, based.