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13848288 No.13848288 [Reply] [Original]

>The educated man of today is, moreover, completely out of touch with those European modes of thought and those intellectual aspects of the Christian doctrine which are nearest those of the Vedic traditions. A knowledge of modern Christianity will be of little use because the fundamental sentimentality of our times has diminished what was once an intellectual doctrine to a mere morality that can hardly be distinguished from a pragmatic humanism. A European can hardly be said to be adequately prepared for the study of the Vedanta unless he has acquired some knowledge and understanding of at least Plato, Philo, Hermes, Plotinus, the Gospels (especially John), Dionysius, and finally Eckhart who, with the possible exception of Dante, can be regarded from an Indian point of view as the greatest of all Europeans.

>The Vedanta is not a “philosophy” in the current sense of the word, but only as the word is used in the phrase Philosophia Perennis, and only if we have in mind the Hermetic “philosophy” or that “Wisdom” by whom Boethius was consoled. Modern philosophies are closed systems, employing the method of dialectics, and taking for granted that opposites are mutually exclusive. In modern philosophy things are either so or not so; in eternal philosophy this depends upon our point of view. Metaphysics is not a system, but a consistent doctrine; it is not merely concerned with conditioned and quantitative experience, but with universal possibility. It therefore considers possibilities that may be neither possibilities of manifestation nor in any sense formal, as well as ensembles of possibility that can be realized in a given world. The ultimate reality of metaphysics is a Supreme Identity in which the opposition of all contraries, even of being and not-being, is resolved

is he right?

>> No.13848434


>> No.13848687

he's not wrong

>> No.13848716

stopped reading right there. there are 3 types of people whom i automatically filter:
>people who talk about street shitter "philosophy"

>> No.13848723

hahaha based, i actually laughed out loud. nothing more embarrassing than retards trying to convince me that poopoo philosophy is somehow european lmao

>> No.13848785

the contemporary poopoos are not the vedics of the bce

>> No.13848800

yes they are, they're mixed

>> No.13848841

it's not 'somehow European', Indian philosophy is better than European philosophy

>> No.13848866


>> No.13848872
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i agree

>> No.13848890

christianity has nothing of value. it was slave morality from the start.

the vedanta has used up its purpose and is of no further use to humanity.

I fucking hate the perennialists and traditionalists for trying to legitimize religion right when it was finally being cleansed from the world. I mean I guess it's nice that no legitimate academic takes guys like Guenon or Coomaraswamy seriously, but it's still annoying that there's a whole crowd of contrarian e-boys who are going to be regurgitating this crap for the foreseeable future.

at least when gene-editing becomes mainstream the interest in religion will probably diminish to being of interest only to the absolute bottom-of-the-barrel cat-lady tarot reading types who couldn't afford to edit their babies.

>> No.13848899


>> No.13848922

>christianity is slave morality
>doesn't know that vedism has pushed slavery on millions

>> No.13848958
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>christianity has nothing of value. it was slave morality from the start.

>> No.13848981

>I mean I guess it's nice that no legitimate academic takes guys like Guenon or Coomaraswamy seriously,
Not many but more than a few do

>> No.13849003


>> No.13850680


>> No.13850713


Cope and cringepilled

>> No.13850716

Working my way through "The Arctic Home in the Vedas" on recommendation from an anon. I have no idea what you all are so assblasted about, but nerd rage is the barometer of truth, so here we go I guess

>> No.13850796

>implying that lower caste people didnt have a meaningful spiritual life and all sorts of freedoms and that they didnt have much better lives than modern day debtslave wagies
top pleb

>> No.13850940

>christianity has nothing of value. it was slave morality from the start.
Freeing oneself from vice is freedom. We happen to live in addiction generation centers - designer work - to waste our time being slaves to porn, our bonobo-like ancestry or alcohol. Heck, some are even addicted to work.
This is hell.

>> No.13850993

>it's a TRILBY not a fedora mooooom

>> No.13851000

What happens when you're too intellectualy limited to envision the doctrinal elements of christianity freed of their sentimentalism and other vulgar gimmicks formulated for the masses. All in all, just a case of being a midwit. Incurable.

>> No.13851009

>stopped reading right there. there are 3 types of people whom i automatically filter:
was literally about to type this out

Right when I see "vedic", I know I'm dealing with a gay bitch

>> No.13851011

>Christianity is slave morality
>Hinduism literally enslaves people

>> No.13851023

based Aryan dubs of truth

>> No.13851052

lower castes = \ = slaves

Thinking the caste system is at all equivalent to slavery is the mark of a brainlet. Even the lowest caste people were always free to leave their homes and travel or migrate to distant lands, to join armies as soldiers or to become ascetics. There are no laws saying "X caste has to stay in this location and do this", the rules are mostly about prohibiting certain castes from taking certain professions or closely associating with Brahmins etc. The caste system is a cultural phenomenon and not a legal regime, people follow it of their own volition. If it was so bad people would marry outside their caste but even in India today with all the globohomo anti-caste rhetoric the vast majority of people still marry within their caste.

>> No.13851464

What happens when you are intellectually capable if envisioning the doctrinal elements of christianity freed of their sentimentalism and other vulgar gimmicks formulated for the masses? All in all, just a case of being a heretic. Incurable.

>> No.13851495


>> No.13852201

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13853575

Europeans have not been educated ever since the first school of business was founded.
Despite the fact that a Liberal Arts degree was the pinnacle of education for the majority of the history of higher education, now they have been degraded to "people who smoke weed" and "stupid liberals" thanks to the stupid business majors who have a 1 digit IQ and have not realized that their degrees are also Liberal Arts majors but with additional grammar and jurisprudence, which doesn't bring anything original nor intellectually stimularing, therefore hating their lives while hating those who enjoy theirs.

I really fucking hate how the pinnacle of human intellect became a fucking trade school.
Yet the funniest part is that those 4-year trade degrees teach you nothing but jargon and the company is the one that has the private knowledge for doing your job.

>> No.13853600
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Ah fucking bitch tits, fuck my grammar.
Nevertheless, business schools were a huge mistake and now there is no such thing as an intellectual outside of the Philosophy departments around the world who are the only ones that value the Liberal Arts as a whole (from my personal experience).

>> No.13853890

>stopped reading right there
It shows.
You are also incidentally proving him right.