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13845391 No.13845391 [Reply] [Original]

What's a book that tries to explain our understanding of why are humans so attracted to mysticism and spiritualism?

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and all the tribes who worshipped Gods... Why is it that humans were attracted to this? Today many scholars don't seem to have an interest in the divine.

>> No.13845596

they do, they've just replaced god with supposedly scientific abstractions of god, like quantum particles

>> No.13846219

People are attracted to this garbage when they don’t understand scientific truth.

>> No.13846262

Scientific truths are just models of reality, not reality itself. They are limited to specific areas and time ranges. So the only purpose of science is creating models and making them useful to use, for example using the knowledge to create technology.
Thinking that science replaces spirituality and mysticism is so intellectually poor, that only one can believe it who is neither spiritual nor has any deeper knowledge of science and mathematics.

>> No.13846264


>> No.13846283

People find eternal oblivion scary so they need to cope either through religion ideology tribe their own children substances or any combination of these read the denial of death

>> No.13846298

Science can help us make sense of reality, but it can't help us to understand the creation of reality itself.

>> No.13846303



>> No.13846326

>Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and all the tribes who worshipped Gods
The origin of every religion was similar.
Man feared nature and he was convinced that nature was directed by some sort of power, be it something heavenly or nature itself.
Thus he built temples and carried out rituals and sacrifices to be spared from the evil of nature and be blessed by it instead.
If you trace religions back to its root, you'll get to this same origin.

Spirituality and mysticism develops naturally when you have a relation to something you can't grasp and pin down, which was the case for man with nature and its force during early human times.

>> No.13847288

>Buddhism has the same origin as Christinanity

>> No.13847618
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>> No.13847863

>this is what atheists believe
Yeah Im sure religions have nothing to do with man's need for meaning and understanding, it's all about muh lightning and muh droughts.

>> No.13847876

The denial of death.

>> No.13847903
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85:0.4.At one time or another mortal man has worshiped everything on the face of the earth, including himself. He has also worshiped about everything imaginable in the sky and beneath the surface of the earth. Primitive man feared all manifestations of power; he worshiped every natural phenomenon he could not comprehend.

85:7.3.When the worship urge is admonished and directed by wisdom—meditative and experiential thinking—it then begins to develop into the phenomenon of real religion. When the seventh adjutant spirit, the spirit of wisdom, achieves effective ministration, then in worship man begins to turn away from nature and natural objects to the God of nature and to the eternal Creator of all things natural.

>> No.13847954


Well, what's the point of living if you don't believe there's something unfathomable beyond it all?

It's the whole "the only real question of philosophy is the question of suicide" thing.

Real Dostoevsky hours.

>> No.13847967


>> No.13848534

Is there a chart of this? Is A History of Religious Ideas a good place to start from zero? Or would Rites and Symbols of Initiation be better?

>> No.13848554

Critique of Pure Reason (Transcendental Dialectic)

>> No.13849525


>> No.13849566

Why are people naturally seeking the divine? I can think of only two possible avenues of explanation.

The first concludes with the fundamental message of religion to be correct. All of them operate somewhere along these lines: we humans live in a fallen world in which we suffer from self-inflicted delusion. The reasons for this are rather unknown to us, all we can really say is that there seems to be a dualistic strife between good and bad. However, the bad is ultimately not absolutely real, and presents a mere diversion from that which is good, to which we naturally seek to return.

The first concludes with the complete opposite. Divinity and spirituality are no different from the advertisements on TV or the heroin addiction of the train station junkie. They present escapist avenues to distract us from out pathological and neurotic existence as deranged animals which have developed their capacity to reason out of necessity to survive, and now are in a perpetual state of suffering for it. This apparatus seeks eternal self-continuation by the very same logic which makes it what it is, and going against this logic would constitute literal death, which no biological organism seeks. To cope with death then, of course messages of a life after death make for the sweetest poison there is.

I personally believe both to be true in their own way.