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13844825 No.13844825 [Reply] [Original]

How does philosophy account for the fact that it has no real life applications?

>> No.13844839

It provides banners for people to murder each other.

>> No.13844844

Says the man living in a world shaped by philosophy.

>> No.13844848

How do ethical systems not have real life applications? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.13844854


>> No.13844857

Read practical philosophy

>> No.13844858

Philosophy doesn't have to account for anything. It's not sentient.

>> No.13844866

Philosophy and logic is the intellectual white man's religion. There's a reason it hit epic heights in pre-Christian times, died during the dark ages of backwards Christian times, then re-emerged in full force once we finally threw off the shackles of that alien religion. But philosophy is rooted in the racial ethos of the high IQ aristocratic white man. Women and non-whites don't give af.

>> No.13844871
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I'd say an ethical system is the summary of real life ethics, an afterthought. I guess there are some exceptions to this. Although: if thinking about an ethical system changes your behaviour, I suppose that you were already on the brink of changing and the ethical system is merely the trigger for change. I could imagine that it isnt even the specific ethical system that triggers the change, but reading about ethics in general, thinking about it, not in a philosophical, but in an emotional sense - the philosophy of ethics fascilitates ethical norms already in place and independent of the specific philosophy of ethics one concerns himself with.

>> No.13844906

Oh, so you're claiming you know what world i live in and how it is shapped?. What if i told you i've never read a single piece of philosophy in my entire life

>> No.13845026

Ethics, Aesthetics, Political Theory is all philosophy that shape our actions and world around us. Also 'Pragmatism' is a school of philosophy that has a similar concern

>> No.13845120

aka Politics

>> No.13845174

You do not need to have read a piece of philosophy to be influenced by it, anymore than you have studied medicine to have benefited from vaccination or cold and flu medicine. The society you live in, the disparate paradigms that operate in different areas of society, are all shaped in someway by philosophy. Your political structure, your political beliefs, your ethical beliefs, your educational system, your idea of truth and how to find it, your conception of what there is in the world and what there is not, all are shaped by philosophy. You can look back in the past and see that people lived very differently, what accounts for the change between then and now? and between then and a past still further? fundamentally it is beliefs about the world and how society ought to operate; it is valuation of certain things over others, a shift in what is legitimate or illegitimate. Why value private property? why value liberty? why shape society around economic considerations? these are all things which have not been features of the world since the dawn of time. The world is what we make of it, insofar as human action is concerned. The real world application of philosophy is the real world, so to speak.

>> No.13846328

have ever heard of the scholastic tradition? Do you know that theology and philosophy in the Middle ages was based solely on greek philosophy?

>> No.13846365


It ONLY has real life applications, i.e. all philistines get destroyed after death.

>> No.13846432
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That is wrong. Also philosophy is needed more than ever today.

"Also we must recollect the basis of our procedure. I hold that philosophy is the critic of abstractions. Its function is the double one, first of harmonising them by assigning to
them their right relative status as abstractions, and secondly of completing them by direct comparison with more concrete intuitions of the universe, and thereby promoting the formation of more complete schemes of thought. It is in respect to this comparison that the testimony of great poets is of such importance. Their survival is evidence that
they express deep intuitions of mankind penetrating into what is universal in concrete fact. Philosophy is not one among the sciences with its own little scheme of abstractions which it works away at perfecting and improving. It is the survey of sciences, with the special objects of their harmony,
and of their completion. It brings to this task, not only the evidence of the separate sciences, but also its own appeal to concrete experience. It confronts the sciences with concrete fact."

"Philosophy, in one of its functions, is the critic of cosmologies. It is its function to harmonise, refashion, and justify divergent intuitions as to the nature of things.It has to insist on the scrutiny of the ultimate ideas, and on the retention of the whole of the evidence in shaping our cosmological scheme. Its business is to render explicit, and — so far as may be — efficient, a process which otherwise is unconsciously performed without rational tests."

>> No.13847696

read better philosophy