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/lit/ - Literature

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13780591 No.13780591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Procreation good
>ever heard of antinatalism?
>Ha ha ha incel, have sex, loser

Why man, even here in the most intellectual board out there?

>> No.13780593

start a family

>> No.13780610

How many times have we danced this dance before? When will we all tire of it? When it's already too late, I imagine. In the meantime, I'll have to post this classic again.
No offense to the OP or his philosophical positions, but really, what else is there to do? Engage in genuine discussion? You must have made a mistake when inputting the address bar.

>> No.13780657

nice BOOK

>> No.13780668

t. loser

>> No.13780676

I don't give a shit who you are

>> No.13780710

Ha ha ha incel, have sex, loser

>> No.13780714
File: 613 KB, 2532x1366, 1550568519457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>antinatalism is an intellectual position

>> No.13780719

antinatalism is a philosophy for those with small penises

>> No.13780734

Everybtime We try to discuss it civilly You cry fallacy for everything and then that "Christian antinatalist" retard comes out of the woodwork and butchers the bible a bit to intimidate everyone else.
You understand that You people have very little goodwill left on This board and that we'd rather not have another flamewar thread trying to walk You through syllogisms again and again and AGAIN.
tldr: ur dick is smol

>> No.13780749

What do antinatalists mean by muh suffering?

>> No.13780757

>my mom doubt my antinatalist writings! Woe is me! If only I had never been born!
>a single passage from the bible when read out of context implies that few people will be saved! Woe is me! If only I had never been born!
>McDonalds didn't bring back the mcRib! Wow is me!
Basically they weren't bullied enought as kids so they come here trying to fill that void.

>> No.13780761

The face of antinatalism: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hcetEiNg0pg

>> No.13780762

off topic but

>>a single passage from the bible when read out of context implies that few people will be saved! Woe is me! If only I had never been born!

is true, and it's multiple passages

>> No.13780776
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>birth video leaked to porn website
>humiliating lifetime for baby

>> No.13780781

Oh Jesus here We go again.
The passage litteraly says "is it True that only a few will be saved" and Jesus says (in so many words) that people that you expect will be saved will not, and other people you don't expect to be saved (from the north, the south...) WILL; so think about Saving yourself.
It's like when Jesus said "Only the Father knows the time and place of my return" and half of Christianity answered "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED".

>> No.13780784

Man This guy is just something special.

>> No.13780785
File: 151 KB, 360x659, 1538634608010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anybody explain why there's a recent up-tick of people advocating anti-natalism on /lit/? did /r9k/ kill another ethot?

>> No.13780790

Because We are being raided But We can't do anything about it Because free speech.

>> No.13780797

why does everybody argue from the utilitarian bullshit argument? the real argument for antinatalism is an ecological one: the planet is just better off without us, let's give a chance to the next human-like species to evolve in the future.

>> No.13780802

(1) redditors
(2) the proponents are autistic spammers

>> No.13780803

Because a vast majority of people aren't pagans? the planet doesn't care, it isn't alive.

Also how do you know the planet is better off without us?

>> No.13780807

I don't think there can be a moral imperative to procreate or not procreate, but personally, I could not bring a child into this world in good conscience.

>> No.13780814

Assuming the planet would be worse off with more people is a fallacy. You're making the mistake of taking harmful actions today and multiplying them with a growing population. Human behaviour matters more than the amount of humans. In the 70's in LA, for example, they were using unsustainable habits, but as the population grew the behaviors changed to become more sustainable

>> No.13780817


without us this term has literally no meaning. We define what "better" means.

>> No.13780826

>It's like when Jesus said "Only the Father knows the time and place of my return" and half of Christianity answered "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED".


>> No.13780839

>current affairs vlog puppeteer

>> No.13780843 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13780856

based, no one with a big sausage thinks anti natalism is cool

>> No.13780866

That would certainly be closer to literature.

So the NPC thing is like a way to normalise bot posting, I don't get what bots and antinatalism have to do with each other.

>> No.13780908

Imagine having this damaged brain

>> No.13780917
File: 120 KB, 900x551, 1552320883377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anti-natalism is a philosophical dead, never mind a literal dead end

>> No.13780923

Nice strawman

>> No.13780931
File: 6 KB, 210x240, 1539658254757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice strawman

>> No.13780937

my brain is exceptional, hence why i am not an anti-gaytalist

>> No.13780939

The comic is nonsensical, as antinatalism, correct or not, is a minority position one must come to through personal reflection or reason, while having children thoughtlessly is the norm for all humanity.

>> No.13780988

you can spawn kids with personal reflection and reason too, hell most people (especially in the west) hinge their decision on a cost benefit analysis. That's why they delay it until their 30s or 40s.

it isn't all biological imperative or accidents

>> No.13781007

They don't really question whether they should do it, just when they should do it. I'll grant there is also the "childless hedonist" crowd, but I don't think those people consider giving birth to be morally wrong, but just a personal inconvenience.

>> No.13781018


>I don't wanna bring children into THIS world

is a pretty normie opinion nowadays. Climate change and overpopulation are common reasons. There is nothing inherently intelligent about concluding you don't want children.