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/lit/ - Literature

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13756857 No.13756857 [Reply] [Original]

How do /lit/ anons earn money?

>> No.13756863

im jewish so i get free money from dumb goyims tax

>> No.13756866

Answer honestly, please?

>> No.13756879

He's culturally noncalvinist protestant and gets autismbux.

>> No.13756884

Im an EMT, slow nights offer plenty of reading time on shift

>> No.13756906

Nice. But must be a really stressful job.

>> No.13756914

Depends where you work. In urban areas you have many obese Americans getting stuck in their bathtubs and can’t get up or geriatric patients who can’t remember if they took their medication.

>> No.13756923

Aerospace. Systems engineering with a software slant. Not much /lit/ discussion going on here. Most engineers aren't very well read, even when it comes to their own fields. I don't judge them over it though, as most of them have worse character flaws.

>> No.13756935

Most engineers aren’t well read?, so? Why would they need to be?

>> No.13756938

>I don’t judge them over it though
Implying your opinion holds value. You faghots make me laugh

>> No.13756942

Web developer in London desu
Pretty much the perfect job for me

>> No.13756950

I can't seem to hold a job for more than a month at a time. I'm pathetic. I dropped out of high school and college as well. I should probably just put an end to this misery.

>> No.13756956
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I haven't been able to hold any job for as long as a year. I don't mind work itself but I have very poor social skills and am bad at handling confrontation. The longer I stay on a staff the more a bad tension builds with my coworkers to where it's far more mental stress dealing with them than it is doing what I'm paid to do. I should probably just pursue a solitary line of work, but I would rather grow from experience than give up on my social life altogether.

>> No.13756982

As they have to write documents I have to inspect and approve, perhaps having read a bit would improve their ability to make themselves understood in text.

>> No.13756983

phd scholarship

>> No.13756985

Hmm I get your point, so do you think they have to immerse themselves in great literature?

>> No.13757001

I've got MS in applied mathematics, so I spend my days writing shitty AI software for American firms from an apartment in Bulgaria. Very comfy living at $6-8k/mo, desu.

>> No.13757005

You’ll get sucked into the Matrix soon, Neo.

>> No.13757007

I'm a Chartered Accountant, but quit about 9 months ago, and get by repairing shit.

tots for realz

>> No.13757012

I work in SEO

Posting from work right now

>> No.13757024

I think it could improve the language they're using. As we're writing in English (not our native language), things tend to get repetitive if you're not good at it. Sure, a technical document needs to be accurate first and foremost, but inspecting a repetitive mess of poorly written text is pretty tedious, which might make you miss to detect errors.

As for reading in ones one field, you can get by surprisingly well without it (from a career PoV). But it's kind of tiresome watching people re-invent stuff just because they're clueless about what's going on outside of their own cubicle.

>> No.13757034


>> No.13757038

none of your business faggot

>> No.13757040

>Posting from work right now
Is this why search engines are getting worse year on year?

>> No.13757057

Not him, but I have been learning to speak incel since I have to deal with them often these days.

>I don’t judge them over it though
>I treat them as my incel brethren despite their being woman

Have sex.

>> No.13757062

I eat ass

It's a living

>> No.13757081

IT at a big tech company. Kinda cozy, gets a little stale having this much leisure time at work and benefits. At least I can read abd write a lot each day

>> No.13757116

I work as a fitness instructor

>> No.13757143

Wait, there's isn't a single person here, who works in a /lit/ related field?

>> No.13757146

I work in IT and sell weed online.

>> No.13757156


Bar owner

>> No.13757158

Why did you reply to the eating ass one?

>> No.13757160

the government gives me money

>> No.13757167

Could be a prostitute.

>> No.13757168

computational physicist

>> No.13757185
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Call center IT tech support.

>11 hours a day using the same 400 words of vocabulary
>get home and read
>Sometimes use proper words and phrases at work with the clients
>Call coaching evaluator tells me I shouldn't use "difficult words"
>I argue we should lower the level of conversation and try to get points across in a civilized manner
>He tells me it makes the consumer feel bad and we should just put ourselves at the lowest possible so they understand

Life is a struggle.

>> No.13757188


>> No.13757484

no we're not retarded enough to think you can make money from literature

>> No.13757500

i'm a writer

>> No.13757561

Nothing lol

>> No.13757573

Architect here.

>> No.13757584

Funeral home assistant

>> No.13757586

Did you really have to reply to everyone?

>> No.13757590

NEET since last november.

Feels comfy, but my saved money will thin out til the end of the year. Honestly i don´t know what to do.

>> No.13757596

Philosophy and math student.

>> No.13757607

Freelance content writer. Write for shitty websites and cry.

>> No.13757711


>> No.13757730

im neet

>> No.13757734

why are there so many jews in lit?

>> No.13757736

I would reckon its not very comfy having a finite amount of time until you're without an occupation or resources. Get a job

>> No.13757740

Wanna play CoD?

>> No.13757763

I'm a Agronomist

>> No.13757777

Been on unemployement bucks for 10 months. I worked in insect mass rearing before.
I am supposed to get a call for two positions, one as front end web developer and another one as technical writer.
I have considered starting to write something just to ease my mind but I'm clueless.

>> No.13757786

I work as a night shift nurse

>> No.13757799

I help rich people evade taxes and I hate myself

>> No.13757806

Strongly consider suicide

>> No.13757824

you can do it : )

>> No.13757832

Crypto analyst, malware analyst, pen tester. Do a little of each in my job

>> No.13757836

Leak all your stuff and die under suspicious circumstances

>> No.13758100

Should I keep hodling Btc?

>> No.13758129

Not crypto as in currency. Cryptography. Like code breaking, encryption cracking and the like. AFAIK, BTC is still viable, and hopefully will stabilise at some point in the near future. But I'm no expert

>> No.13758137

Finished an MSc in stem cell bio last year and and applying to Genetics/Mol. Bio Phd programs in a month or so. Originally was going into Clinical Psych. I ironically came down with clinical depression during my 2nd year in the doctoral program before heading back to Minnesota with my tail between my legs.

>> No.13758139

Is Architect/Civil Engineering /lit/?

>> No.13758150
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Meth cook.

>> No.13758230

I'm a translator, so I guess it is the most lit job ITT, but it's technical translation obviously.

I don't even like literature, I just visit this board occasionally to enjoy yall rantings

>> No.13758246

I work weekends for the local council doing community alarms - when old or disabled people need help they speak to me over a system in their home and I arrange whatever help they need. Usually it’s a false alarm, needing personal care or fallen and not injured, but you need to be on the ball for occasional heart attacks, strokes, fires, burglaries etc. Pays around £14 an hour inc. unsocial pay.

Also a fourth year quantity surveying student.

>> No.13758253

>who is Stephen King
>who is JK Rowling
>who is Dan Brown

>> No.13758355

I work part-time at my dad's lighting company since I'm socially unable to get a job on my own and it's comfy, but I also do some independent sound work for the national broadcast service, which pays very well for very little work.
In sum, I get the full minimum wage for working a total of about 15 hours a week, which works out very well for me since I despise working but don't have the balls or the heart to be a full NEET.
It also leaves me with time for my artistic pursuits and for being there for my gf

>> No.13758382

Corporate midwig. I also translate on the side.

>> No.13758392

Call center is a kind of job that kills the soul in the slowest possible manner.

>> No.13758403

Lucky people

>> No.13758408

That's nice. I always wanted to pursue my hobby and make money through it. But the only thing that stops me is savings for the retirement.

>> No.13758409

Software engineer.

I also do some freelance editing work.

>> No.13758445

tbf jk rowling is like a ya jane austen

>> No.13758454

Thank you! What's your hobby?

>> No.13758458

Based to the core, thoughts on the state of Architecture now?

>> No.13758464

You mean you’re a NEET Pal

>> No.13758477


>> No.13758482


me too son

>> No.13758493

I am a psychiatrist

>> No.13758494

I teach EFL to teenagers.

>> No.13758497

What language and how much do you earn? I was thinking of translating akkadian cunieform tablets for a living, since I'm learning it atm.

>> No.13758508
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Holy fuck. Up until two weeks ago, I was an assistant manager at a call center (was hired under the presumption that I was to be a "digital ops manager" but when I arrived they said that position was no longer needed and if I wanted this job, moved cities for it and couldn't say no)

Manager really hated me from the outset because he was aloof and always had to talk, even about nothing, while I kept to myself and spoke when needed. He would complain about my "$20 words" that he didn't understand; one such was "melodic". He and another assitant manager began to exclude me from tasks and other things I was hired to do, such as interviews and follow-ups, even started a separate WhatsApp group that I was barred from. Eventually let me go two days before my benefits were supposed to kick in and claimed "it was a business decision"

>> No.13758511

Wellness consultant. Went into the job thinking I'd be able to make a genuine difference to the lives of wage-slaves, but it turns out I'm little more than a shill for big corporates who want to boost their PR. The more inauthentic and brown-nosing I am, the more successful I am in my career. Now I'm even more disenfranchised than the average wage-slave, truly the most miserable wellness consultant in the industry. Suffice to say I'll be resigning soon.

>> No.13758514

I’m in the coast guard

>> No.13758536

Have books that you read help you understand and help patients?

>> No.13758556

I feel that you can make much more money from this than from most hobbies. Can you not get sell things to florists or something? You can definitely make more money than I do from my gay hobby, music, and I make an okay bit from it.
Maybe you won't make "saving up for retirement" money, but I'm sure that you're still a young man, that sort of thing comes with time.

>> No.13758567

I would say that yes.
Its hard to tell tho since I am only few years into practice and I have been interested in indie and art films, literary fiction and later in philosophy since around age 15 so it definitely shaped me in a certain way

>> No.13758572

Meaning that I cant really say how different would it be if I had never read books that I have read

>> No.13758584

Just finished a masters. Probably going to do a PhD but I think I'm just going to work for a year or two inbetween. That said, I've not really started looking for anything yet, I'm still in recovery/summer mode. I've got some savings so I'm in no rush at the moment.

>> No.13758633

I actually thought about getting into IT for this very reason. Sick of working dead end jobs as my youth fades, and I'm looking for something I could do to support myself, but give me plenty of reading and writing time. Basically, I'm trying to dedicate myself to my artistic pursuits, but be realistic about it.

>> No.13758688

how do I get into that though? I've got the crying part covered

>> No.13758698

City Planner
I read during my lunch break

>> No.13758712

You do it from home? Or is it a 9 to 5 thing?

>> No.13758716

Well, yes. But that depends on how much you really care about your hobby. Our horticulture club/organisation whatever you call it, which I was a part of, before I quit, used to have an annual "Plant a tree" event for the kids. This event is attended by well known politicians, for PR, of course. Kids barely care for animals, so they care even less for plants. In the end we had around 400 dead saplings. Neither the Teacher nor our organisation cared to stop the children. All they wanted was a newspaper article written about them. You have a lot of customers who come back the very next month saying their plant had dead, just because they don't how to care for it and take it for granted. I would want to choose my customer carefully. So, I rather not make a complete business out of it.

>> No.13758725

Currently working as a bouncer on the weekends, but I'm in school studying to become an English teacher. Not gonna lie, life is pretty comfy at the moment. Currently reading "As You Like It" for one of my classes.

>> No.13758739

You must've a Chad-like body then?

>> No.13758750

>Do a technical study.
>Bath in money.
> Don't be a sperg (like all the people in a technical study)
> Be a cultured chad

>> No.13758781

Anon, wake up.

>> No.13758821

fucking landscaping, I god damn hate it but I have no other choice. No college education, this is all I know and the pay is enough to live on.

>> No.13758831

Get onto freelancing sites and make a profile. Upwork, Fiverr or peopleperhour for example.

>> No.13758841
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I work heavy machinery 6 days a week.

I actually enjoy it and imagine I am probably one of the only people here with that job.

>> No.13758843

Sounds like a cool job. Kinda esoteric.

>> No.13758864

Do you get paid well?

>> No.13758878

>Chad-like body

Bouncers are either fat fucks or roid-rage gorillas

>> No.13758912

gonna study history hopefully, feel like shit 24/7

>> No.13758920

>this is all I know and the pay is enough to live on.
This is quintessentially /lit/

>> No.13758959

Where do you work? I'm graduating as a city planner next year.

>> No.13758971

Im a copywriter. But I'm planning on transitioning into writing sci fi novels. Still not 100% sure it is the right move. But I think I can do it.

>> No.13758975

Not really well but good for what I actually do. Basically £400 for 50 hours a week.

>> No.13759099

nope, i mean i'm a writer. i'm currenly on a contract at a financial company in the city of london.

>> No.13759117

Data entry. I absolutely hate it

>> No.13759123

The wicked shall burn anon don't worry about it. Just keep being you

>> No.13759124

Can I visit you?

>> No.13759131

Please describe it.

>> No.13759140

What do you hate about it?

>> No.13759142

Lol. I work in seo too which is boring as hell

>> No.13759152

i can imagine typing random shit into excel all day long isn't the most fulfilling activity

>> No.13759167

i work from home 90% of the time. so no
and even if i didn't, i don't want you hanging around

>> No.13759191
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>Is this why search engines are getting worse year on year?

I switched to Bing a few weeks ago and suddenly the internet works again. When I search for things I get relevant results, not just whoever's paid to have their page ranked.

It's wonderful.

>> No.13759197

Office property development

>> No.13759206
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I am a big restaurant's manager and I absolutely despise it. I do have 4 or so hours at the computer every working day to browse /out/ and /lit/ or watch basketball tho. Can't read at work. The rest of work is an absolute nightmare, but it's the only thing I know how to do and the pay is above average.
Have saved up around 20.000 euro, thinking about saying fuck it and go ride a bicycle across europe and/or asia.

>> No.13759218

Middle manager in an internet streaming company

>> No.13759234

I work in the public sector at a large inner suburb of a big Midwest city. I like it but the bureaucracy, low IQ city employees and absolutely braindead public make it frustrating. I lucked into this job though, and I’ll stay for another year or two and reassess. Maybe I’ll go into the private sector or just to a better city

>> No.13759257

I don't think these guys who are actually managers, architects etc. genuinely realize what it's like to have nothing to live for.
At least you can rest assured with the knowledge that you're not actually retarded and that you can manage your life if you wanted to. Imagine not even having that certainty, being left at the mercy of your ADD slowbrain and seeing what shithole it drags you down next.

>> No.13759270

What department?

>> No.13759286

gahck cough *escapism* cough

>> No.13759299

I never said I don't have anything to live for, just that I hate my job.
But I feel you, my friend. More and more social interaction becomes painful and unnatural to me, that's why I wanna go away, recharge, in a way.
Also my alcoholism is becoming quite severe.

>> No.13759316
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I did editing for three years, a short stint in journalism, and now do IT for a college. Let's not romanticize the /lit/ life too quickly.

>> No.13759318

Stocking at a grocery store.

>> No.13759321

Grocery store, looking at an air duct cleaning job that I can (if I get hired) parlay into an HVAC career.

>> No.13759337

it sounds so innocent, working at a grocery store, but somehow in reality it always turns out to be a living nightmare, at least in my experience. Every job I've ever had turned out that way tho (only had like 3 so far but w/e)

>> No.13759339

Data manager in cancer research , boring!

>> No.13759349

most people who are on /lit/ don't know what they're talking about or else they wouldn't be on /lit/. Sad but true, this is the board where failures who couldn't make it in anything /lit/ come to whine and complain and demonstrate inferiority complexes.

>> No.13759355

Chemical engineer in manufacturing.

Moved for a diagonal promotion a year ago and my current position uses no time outside regular work hours, pays well and has promoted me already. I write and read often on the job, or use work time and resources to edit and prepare submissions to journals. I feel pretty good for the economy the current generation is in and for being outside the MFA system.

>> No.13759356

I'm DECENT, but the issue is that I'm a manlet
I am neither lmao

>> No.13759364

literal nerd.

>> No.13759381

It's fucking terrible. They pay a little more than other dead end jobs to keep you stuck there, but you'll never live a good life, never be anything more than a department manager (which means you'll always be a wage slave and eventually will hit a wage ceiling and be stuck making 16 an hour forever), do the same repetitive task over and over and have all your work culminate in some guy licking his finger after inspecting a piece of bread, then picking up another piece of bread with the same nasty, spitty hand. Which you either ignore, or take the loaf out and have that add to your shrink numbers.
It's the epitome of being an NPC, you're worthless.

>> No.13759418

Substitute teaching

>> No.13759420

Worst part is, I feel like i'm not even fit for that job. My fluid IQ is just horrendously low, I can't even manage a doctor's visit without getting overwhelmed a lot of the time.

>> No.13759449

I’m a locomotive engineer, which I suppose is heavy machinery

>> No.13759549

Is no one here even attempting to write a novel? I am not convinced by the idea that it is impossible to make a living writing novels. Especially if you do good marketing and mimic best sellers. Also, as people have more free time, readership is bound to increase.

>> No.13759577

electrician's apprentice. union. it's pretty legit, not gonna lie. most of my coworkers don't read though

>> No.13759581

I tried writing my first novel awhile ago, and it just kind of fell apart. Realized, I need to hone my craft a little better; might edit the pieces I have and use them for something else. I was originally a musician, but as I got more obsessed with lyricism, I become more apt to writing in itself and gravitated towards literature.
However, I'm at a dead end shit job and my life fell apart along with my novel, and now I'm on the verge of just starting everything over. I asked earlier in the thread if IT was a good career choice so I can make some money while trying to live dat art life.

>> No.13759590

Writing a novel isn't my primary literary goal, as I love poetry. Keeping a good day job still gives me plenty of time to study and write poetry, and I have a feeling (maybe incorrect) that writing a novel would take more time per day.

>> No.13759605

jokes on you, i come here to break the rules by discussing philosophy and theology.

>> No.13759619

Thank you, though doesn't stop my anxiety about being useless and being a disappointment

>> No.13759623


I get paper printouts of the names and prices of type of stone (granite, quartz, solid surface) and type them into clients internal websites. I don't really mind the work because I can listen to podcasts or whatever, but it's straight up drudgery and feels like it takes forever.

(plus, it's one of those jobs that will be automated in the next ten years, so I don't really have a future with it either)

>> No.13759634

Management Consulting. Sad no ibankers/pe shills out here

>> No.13759649
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Literally _____yes_____.

>> No.13759660

that's fucked up. i get paid $1000/wk for working 5 10s and I am at my lowest part of the pay scale. you deserve better

>> No.13759712

Paid PhD as of next month, my only issue is that I'll have to teach as well. I just wanted money to read books. Also worked in a call center during my entire time as a student (5 years). >>13758392 is absolutely right. You have 100+ conversations every day, you have to say the exact same things every time, really kills something in the inside. Not to mention the corporate bullshit and the various "challenges" to make people "like" this job

That's sad, anon

>> No.13759722

I work in two libraries, if that counts.

>> No.13759753

It is what it is. If I were willing to play the system, I could probably make some small but meaningful changes and genuinely improve things. However, to do so, I'd need to be a shill for corporate interests and support things which I know are wrong. I guess it's similar to how it feels to be a politician.

>> No.13759771

Please tell me more. I am considering becoming one.

>> No.13759785

I take out loans. I'm just going to keep doing that until I die.

>> No.13759832

Technical Architect, I have a team of 9 software engineers.

>> No.13759863

My friend is EMT who does night shifts and I've been telling him to read for the multiple consecutive hours where nothing happens.
I work in a busy Emergency Department and read for the few minutes I have free. It's always busy.

>> No.13759880
File: 1.38 MB, 500x281, 5d23af3f3aca61466030282bc269e418c74da13d_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I joined the army and got fucked up. Now the gobbermen send me big money every month. Well, 3k usd. Not really "big money," but enough to afford a pretty comfy hiki life. I legally can't work though, which I guess kinda sucks. The VA was basically "We have decided you are unemployable, so if you gain employment... you're gonna go to jail for lying to us... even though we decided this." Not too sure what to do now though. Might try auditing some classes at the local uni in the spring or some shit, but I'm getting pretty stir crazy. Feels kinda weird being 26 and retired though.

>> No.13759896

based arby man. i got out but now my knees are creaking like crazy. i want free money too. I'm using the gi bill, but its a private school and I still owe a chunk of change. $3k/mo is a fortune and would more than cover it and living expenses.

I recommend college, man. Go find a cute girl.

>> No.13759924

That image is more culture shock than anything else. Conservative people can be offended by an entire encyclopedia of topics but that doesn't mean everything they dislike is wrong. I don't necessarily disagree with the idea that modern USA is dystopian though.

>> No.13759949

What’s that like? Did you open it up by yourself?

>> No.13759986

Politicians have no souls though

>> No.13760093

why would the government prevent you from working? sounds kinda retarded

>> No.13760109

Work is a meme, or at least the grass is always greener on the other side.

>> No.13760146

no, please dont anon

>> No.13760171

Had a similar experience with workplace exclusion. its funny how petty a human adult can act even when they havent received any direct provocation. "literal" bugmen.

>> No.13760200


>> No.13760223

Work as an on-call for a toy store. Going to work on Saturday, actually.

>> No.13760328
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I work as a assets and facility manager for an organization that diagnoses and treats kids with autism and a slew of other afflictions.

>> No.13760383
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>> No.13760422

Just wait until you actually start teaching.

>> No.13760465

I love teaching/instructing, just not all the other shit that goes along with being a teacher/instructor

>> No.13760478

I'll be fine breh.
This is how I see being a teacher will be desu. No job is ideal, there will always be some shit you have to deal with, but I really think the positives will outweigh the negatives.

>> No.13760600
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Dude was a legitimate idiot. I brought a book into work to read on lunch, he picked it up, looked at the title and says "can a book have the same name as a movie?" The title was Shark.

Those in the corporate world are absolute tools

>> No.13760764

Master of Fine Arts, MFA writing and English programs are notoriously insular systems that homogenize their members' output to "workshop" style, and generally promote and publish only members of the MFA club, regardless of ability.

>> No.13760795

How's architecture as a job?
Considered getting M.Arch after LA.

>> No.13760828

>City Planner
Did you earn a master's for the position? How is it?

>> No.13760846

I work with color matching automobile paints.

>> No.13760854

>sounds kinda retarded
that's the army for you

>> No.13760868
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another engineer. I do work at factories.

>> No.13760893

I write for the Houston Chronicle.

>> No.13760899

>it sounds so innocent, working at a grocery store, but somehow in reality it always turns out to be a living nightmare, at least in my experience. Every job I've ever had turned out that way tho (only had like 3 so far but w/e)

I've had a dozen different jobs, and I can't say I would ever want to do any one of them again. Skilled office work turned into a nightmare quickly. I work receiving at a big store and I can agree that it quickly turns into a nightmare. The forced, patronizing, disingenuous social situations alone make me not want to live. But it never changes - I don't see much opportunity for "solitary" or minimal-interaction work.

>> No.13760911

>It's the epitome of being an NPC, you're worthless.
It's honest work, but I know exactly what you're saying.
The problem I see is the number of years a person with a career will still have to endure this same feeling which is merely disguised in lifestyle improvements.

>> No.13760915

>Is no one here even attempting to write a novel? I am not convinced by the idea that it is impossible to make a living writing novels. Especially if you do good marketing and mimic best sellers. Also, as people have more free time, readership is bound to increase.

Best sellers are trash though, oftentimes.

>> No.13760921

I'm going to college on GI bill bux, living with the parents and collecting housing allowance. Might get hired to be a cop though, so I may drop out of school

>> No.13760934

Work on the railway. Lots of time sitting in sidings awaiting meets to read and think.

>> No.13760941

>Had a similar experience with workplace exclusion. its funny how petty a human adult can act even when they havent received any direct provocation. "literal" bugmen.

This right here. I read something once that described how "children are the ones who dominate the workforce."
The hive-mind/hive-being is absolutely real. Sad world out here.

>> No.13761004

>g to college on GI bill bux, living
Its a best seller. Its all about the money.

>> No.13761525

medical billing supervisor for an ambulance service

Hourly @ $23.11 USD

>> No.13761536


>> No.13761541

What was your MOS?

>> No.13761573

I'm a lawyer. I like it more often than I hate it.

>> No.13761594
File: 257 KB, 720x404, 1466262145855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stocker at a regional grocery chain. The work is unfulfilling and the pay is terrible but I like my co-workers; they are interesting and good people for the most part. The main thing that anchors me there is the tenuous hope of connecting with a certain girl that I'm too shy to even speak to most of the time.

>> No.13761598

Its mostly not, id say 80% of the timwnits a drastically easier job than pretty much anything else, when i hear what my buddies who work in offices do it sounds much worse, that said the other 20% is a mix of being abused by patients and having to make actually very stressful decisions. All in all not bad, you get used to the shit bits and its a great conversation piece at bars

>> No.13761608

i know im some random anon on lit and you probably wont read this but don't become a cop please.

>> No.13761631

LMAO wellness is truly the lowest of the low. sorry anon.

t. retirement consultant

>> No.13761649

Do you know how I know you are middle class?

>> No.13761651

In short a public sector planner is a middleman between developers/architects and the city and something of a community advocate. In reality I argue with property owners about what they can and can’t do, answer questions about zoning and shit, work with engineers and basically check their work against the requirements of the zoning ordinance, count parking spaces, do research and presentations on planning issues (like recreational marijuana) and zoning ordinance amendments, prep planning commission/city council meetings. I also work with other tangentially related city boards and commissions. I would try to job shadow or something somewhere if you are interested. Also the private sector is likely very different but I have no experience there. Good communication and public speaking skills are important.

I did but I have a meme undergrad degree. I can’t exactly say it’s necessary to get a masters but in my case it did help as I had no experience. I learned more a month or two on the job than I did at school, mostly because I mistakenly went to a school more focused on planning academics/research rather than actually on the job planning. If you look at schools you should look into that distinction. I had never even reviewed a site plan until I was on the job—it’s certainly not rocket science but in hindsight it’s puzzling I didn’t do that in grad school. My program focused a lot on theories of building and molding effective cities and advancing community equity when in reality I just translate the city bureaucracy to the normies and argue about fence height

>> No.13761791

I wouldn't read as much as I do if I already worked 8+ hours a day in a literature related job, just like I don't spend hours a day on autocad on top of my job, even though I like working with it.

>> No.13761805

our little shithole, eh

>> No.13761936

>decent money, lots of growth options
>comfy audiobooks all day long
>even while working while listening to audiobooks i'm still more accurate and productive than my braindead coworkers and somehow more sociable
i really really really ktf bro. i wonder if normies understand this is how they get workplace shooters. maybe they shouldn't go out of their way to ruin other people's lives. *shrug*

i don't own a gun. just btw.

>> No.13761948

I'm a student majoring in PoliSci. I hope to go into Academia and if not then go into some sleepy government department somewhere.

>> No.13761949

written several. can't get published. continuing the struggle.

had some ideas at work today for a new project and got really excited about it. unfortunately always wiped exhausted after work. browsing /lit/ while eating a shitty poverty dinner is all i can manage to do.

>> No.13761956

>$3k/mo is a fortune
i make more than that and feel like i'm a pauper. good for you i guess.
>fucked for life
>for piss money

>> No.13761966

You got ousted by the other Hive princes for being too much of a threat.

>> No.13762690

Fifth generation holocaust survivor with generational trauma.

>> No.13762696
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Was an English teacher. Now I’m a financial adviser.

>> No.13762705

You know what oscar wild said about two types of tragedies

>> No.13762719

I go to school for one class twice a week and then do nothing. I'd get a job, but I like being able to read and chill whenever I like more.

>> No.13762724


>> No.13762727

Poor kid...

>> No.13762731

I work 9 hours a day in a bookshop, been here for 3 months, prob will last another 3 months before I quit

>> No.13763199

I've been looking into online item flipping lately. You buy stuff from chinese webshops or thrift stores, then sell it with a profit on western sites. Never done it though, so I don't know how well it'd work and how much you'd have to sell to earn a living

>> No.13763368

i study german literature and language

>> No.13763381

Hahahaha, melodic being described as a $20 word. Jesus christ!

>> No.13763478

Are you barred from living outside the US on that money? You could always earn cash in SEA and just let that money accumulate in your bank account.

>> No.13763497

I collect neetbux every month

>> No.13763648

Math undergrad in a load of debt
Hopefully it pays off
Might do a masters in applied mathematics afterwards

>> No.13764752

I guarantee you, every single ''sperg'' thinks the same

>> No.13764901

Professional Race Car Driver.

>> No.13765204
File: 293 KB, 580x548, 1548719618417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The main thing that anchors me there is the tenuous hope of connecting with a certain girl that I'm too shy to even speak to most of the time.

>> No.13765216

What do you like about it?

>> No.13765220

You bought into the pyramid scheme bro

>> No.13765641


>> No.13765763

Eating ass is not a /lit/ related job?

>> No.13765992

wine industry

most of the people I work with are ex-english students

>> No.13766033

Пoнe гoвopиш ли eзикa, мaнгaл тaкъв?

>> No.13766048


Town Planner bros

>> No.13766377

nah, this types of problem can always be fixed

>> No.13766396


>> No.13766399

Stock market. Hip joint?

>> No.13766405

Explain your post

>> No.13766410

please stop

>> No.13766411

“Data Analyst” is my job title. I probably should have a different one though

>> No.13766427

That’s the language I use to speak to women I no longer want to mainain a relationship with

>> No.13766817
File: 488 KB, 750x746, 1537718231005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biomedical/Electrical engineering grad student/research assistant
I work on medical imaging related research
it's pretty alright

>> No.13766844

i wouldn't call it a living

>> No.13766856

I run a company I dont want to run.

>> No.13766864

I'm currently in my last year of law school and interning for a tax judge.

>> No.13766871

ill take it off ur hands for a nominal fee

>> No.13766885

You're now aware that academia is a pyramid scheme that shovels unqualified children into for-profit pits to sell them a credential that only validates them to continue the pyramid scheme in order to support, in this order, 1) the salaries of the administrative staff and the returns for investors 2) the research performed by universities, which is only this important because it brings more money to the school to achieve the first point and 3) far in last - across a gulf on the other side of a void - improving human knowledge.
The majority of your undergrad professors at the majority of schools are people who could not make use of their education outside of academia (read: untalented, incompetent hacks who probably went to academia in the first place because "you need a degree!"). There is little, if any, desire to strive for excellence, improve your academic character (and don't even think about improving your moral or ethical character), or search for new information or truth. This problem is present in STEM, but pervasive in the humanities, since children who were never taught the importance of education, who think school is that thing you have to do to make money, are scared of math and therefore the STEM fields. Every year, an ever larger number of people who don't fucking care are funneled into the humanities, where the least interested among them will filter themselves into the lowest-effort fields.

Do you think all the horrible opinions and non-scientific """"""research"""""" of late out of places like sociology, social psychology, or the various identity politics-based fields were some kind of purposeful subterfuge concocted by a shadowy fifth column? I can assure you that our intellectual and social downfall is infinitely more banal and mundane than anything like that. The reality is that people aren't fucking interested in caring or committing effort to thinking, and that's why you have a philosophy professor who spouts memes and links to web comics.

Anon, September 2019

>> No.13766886

I get a small amount of student welfare and then I got a bunch of student loan to live off of. Studying CS/IT whatever ou non-whites call it, hopefully gonna get a well paying programming job for mr. Shekelberg's company in the near future.

>> No.13766914

i work in the actuarial field. i’m almost a credentialed actuary at 25, which basically means i’ll be guaranteed employment for life. and i can make really good money. insurance is mind-numbingly boring and i want to kill myself more than ever. my coworkers are super nice and well-adjusted people... naturally i feel hopelessly out of place

>> No.13766997

lmao all you actuaries are completely soulless

>> No.13767081

I am a laboratory technician and student. I'm paid very well for a student worker and keep getting scholarships for my research while on the job.
It's generally pretty boring but the periods of field work are interesting.

>> No.13767102

If you want to get published you've get to eat a lot of ass.

>> No.13767107
File: 6 KB, 220x229, 2A4B642C-3355-4925-A6E4-953DF6D7F9D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m in law school. I still sell shit on eBay when i can. Other random side ventures. I just wanted an income to support myself and my wife while i work on music and literature side projects.

>> No.13767127


Well, isn't that a cheeky cunt.

>> No.13767178

Army intel

>> No.13767946

let me guess, you are from South East Asia?

>> No.13767953

my girlfriend worships me

>> No.13767961

Not boring, I'm good at it, it pays a lot, and there's plenty of free alcohol. I like most of the people I work with too. That being said, it's a lot of work and can be very stressful, and it's not super emotionally satisfying unless it's when I win something.

>> No.13767965

I’m the anon you initially replied to. I’m not worried about anything you posted.

>> No.13767982

how about them maps

>> No.13768024

u like kids or teenagers? they are bad in their own ways.'
idk about uni, maybe u have other stuff to work on then

>> No.13768049

I work transient labor jobs in between studying, I'm eligible for state assistance but I'm too proud to take it. Everyone I know thinks I'm a sucker and they're probably right

>> No.13768136

how do i get my boss to be more organised at work

>> No.13768157
File: 86 KB, 640x486, 1375090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fitlit/ Cop who studies law and history.

Get paid 100k+ but might try and join the Navy Seals soon....unsure.

>> No.13768180
File: 80 KB, 408x660, 1539743472627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a manual labourer
i don't have to pay for a gym membership and i get plenty of sleep every night

>> No.13768212


>> No.13768272
File: 26 KB, 713x611, 1564357502728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving from one piece of shit to another

>> No.13768299

damn you sound badass, hopefully at your next routine traffic stop some unassuming mexican woman shoots you in the neck and you bleed to death

>> No.13768383

aren't Seals a recruiting meme now?

>> No.13768499

The way I figure it as long as im learning shit I'll enjoy it.

I'd say the odds are low, and I'm pretty attentive. Sorry to disappoint.

They actually are having difficulty recruiting because they won't drop standard. Plus its an extra 6-9 months of free training since they want to make sure you won't fail because of something dumb.

>> No.13768524

get a fucking grip, you'd last about a week without cops

>> No.13768662

I'm an English teacher and editor. My poetry makes me precious little, so I have to keep a day job.

>> No.13768713

I'm a journalist.

>> No.13768722

Me too bro. It's ok.

>> No.13768728

What kind of law are you working on, Anon?

I'm planning on doing law to do criminal prosecution-- you don't suppose you could tell me a little about how one can survive studying in and paying for law school?

>> No.13768735

you should stop doing that!

>> No.13768736


>> No.13768739

I'm a graduate student but work as a contracted writer for a law firm. I don't make tons of money, but I earn more than enough to pay my bills and spend my vacations abroad.

>> No.13768756

It's a dangerous path. Reconsider man. Studied history for 4 years and damn boi, it's rough

>> No.13768770

lmao looks like someone failed freshman year
see, the problem with people who aren't in stem is that they cannot possibly conceive of how liberating it is to have any practical skill in a discipline that can be employed for a purpose. keep doing what you do, m8

>> No.13768773

TBQH I have a lot of friends with humanities and social sciences degrees who are doing perfectly well. As long as you're modestly talented and are willing to do a PhD, it's not the worst track.

Problem is that a lot of people think they can get a job in a relevant field with just a bachelor's. If you're an aspiring anthropologist, psychologist or historian, your undergrad years lay down an important foundation--but it's just that. Undergraduate-level education, in those sorts of fields, is too broad to be applied in any worthwhile professional context.

Making money and having a fulfilling career requires both the determination to pursue and complete a graduate education, alongside the talent to get into a decent program. Given how competitive academia can be in certain quarters, there's no use getting a history PhD from Backwoods State University when prospective employers almost always hire from the next level up.

>> No.13768850

maybe u should try joining the human race, swine

>> No.13768851

with who?

>> No.13768946

I hope you get shot pig :)

>> No.13768960

I am but a lowly custodian.

>> No.13769024

at least you have quads, anon

>> No.13769086

I'm a garbageman publishing short storiesfor no payment. 21 btw.

>> No.13769097

I work for a crazy workaholic japanese old woman, she owns several guest houses, apartments, a hotel and a hot spring.
I do whatever she tells me to do, I earn around 2200 or 2300 USD. My coworkers aren't very /lit/, my boss doesn't even read my messages.

>> No.13769132

Ha, have fun on your puddle patrol.
T. Navy fag

>> No.13769163

coлeничкo ти e мaй пeдaлчe, not the same poster

>> No.13769177

goyim is already plural lol
reported for fake israelite

>> No.13769182


What don't you like about it?

I worked client side which was a pain in the ass, but now I work at an iGaming affiliate where SEO is #1 priority

>> No.13769184

I work in editing for a corporation.

>> No.13769204

save up monies doing whatever it takes, travel, write wherever I want to stay for some time. no two years are the same. definitely suited for everyone. my friends hate me for leaving them behind all the time.

>> No.13769486

do you like bbw?

>> No.13769851

You are not writing Shakespeare, anon.
You are just telling some moron to reboot something, reset something, or some other trivial technoid detail that they can't comprehend.
In general, the American public are a bunch of idiots, with the comprehension abilities of a rutabaga.
Your coaches are right. You must explain things in the most simplest of terms, the lowest common denominator.
The average American reads at a 7th ot 8th grade level. That means 50% do less than that.
That's your market, your client base, you customer.
The "Great 'Murikan Dumbass".

>> No.13769922

Read the Bible, get to know Jesus Christ

>> No.13770708

fuck off you nigger

>> No.13770762

If I was on 3 grand a month I would wake up every morning and sing with the birds. La la la la la

>> No.13771086

i get payed a little for my internship at a translation firm, otherwise i get some money from the eu for doing it too.

>> No.13771098

Based down to earth anon

>> No.13771129
File: 313 KB, 400x600, How-to-Qualify-for-SSDI-Benefits-While-On-VA-Disability-400x600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apply for SSDI too. You can qualify for both. You'll have at least $1200 extra a month. If you were an officer, you'll probably get $2000 more a month. $5k/month isn't bad.

>> No.13772641

Living costs vary so much in the world, and they're pretty high in most of the US.

>> No.13772647

>I legally can't work though
Not a lawyer, but there's probably ways around this. Like maybe you cannot be employed, but there are ways to make money without being employed.

>> No.13772764
File: 9 KB, 299x168, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im currently a neet
>dropped out of 2 college degrees
>28 yo
>0 job experience
>gf left me

>> No.13772781

merchant marine masterrace, coming through. How come it takes twenty of you guys to catch one line?

>> No.13772787

I'm supposed to be an archivist but I'm a welder-tinsmith

>> No.13772799

Wanted to major in English to become a writer but family shamed me into focusing on a degree in CompSci because I'm good at math. Get a job working for well known tech company and fucking hate it. 12 hour workdays and no time on the weekend. Quit job to do easy logistical shit at an international importer. Make about 3/4 what did I few years ago but at least I don't have to work 12 hours a day anymore. Gives me much more time to work on my manuscript during the week.

>> No.13772959

get it together, anon. don't do it for anyone else but yourself.
fuck your family, do what you want. on the flipside though, at least you have a marketable degree. now that you do, do whatever.

>> No.13773326

I do litigation. Are you planning on doing state or federal criminal prosecution? If the former, the pay is bad, so you'd better go to a school with a good loan forgiveness program or get enough in scholarships that your debt load is low. If the former, it's generally super competitive so you better go to a top school, though I'm sure there are mid-tier schools with good connections to specific US Attorneys' Offices that may be the exception. You survive studying by treating it like at least a 9-5 job, you should be working 8 hours a day even on days when you only have 3-4 hours of class, and then when finals get close you start working 60 hour weeks. As to paying for it, well, if you've worked before starting then you can cover some of it that way, good schools have loan forgiveness, and if you do well at a good school you can go to a large law firm for a few years to pay off your debt before doing something else. But if you end the first year with below average grades at anything but a T3 or T6 school, strongly consider dropping out. Don't throw good money after bad.

>> No.13773838

I write and edit publications for a large governmental agency.

>> No.13774070

I live at home and work in a cafe while at uni

>> No.13774079
File: 6 KB, 162x250, 1526942670798s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the question always "what do you do for a living?". We surely do a lot more things that kill us in our quotidian existence, than anything evoking the vital an efflorescent. So wouldn't a more acculeate question be phrased, "Well, what do you for a dying"? No, not even just "A dying" but dying in general. And then you'd say in response, oh I sleep about 9 hours out of every day or I smoke crack or I study philosophy. Yes, that would make a great deal more sense.

>> No.13774111

Okay, now this is based

>> No.13774116

Cool, want to help with my greenhouse?

>> No.13774118


>> No.13774121

11b but Australia not US also not him.

>> No.13774132

Go over his head and get his job.

>> No.13774564

/lit/ at its finest.

>> No.13774877
File: 770 KB, 900x600, 1561832754453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy hell this was me a couple weeks ago. I've quit now though

>> No.13775125


>> No.13775132

Dataminer for shadowy organizations. I make threads on imageboard asking people what they do for a living and what schools they attend.