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/lit/ - Literature

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13733394 No.13733394[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Checkmate misogynists.

>> No.13733402

>twitter screencap
kill yourself

>> No.13733410
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That's something a woman-hater would say.

>> No.13733415
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>mfw all these stories will be considered as footnotes in biographies while the actual literature will always be read and fondly remembered

>> No.13733419

>his mother brought him sandwiches
These people are lucky breathing happens automatically

>> No.13733431
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Checkmate /lit/ incels

>> No.13733438

I don't get it, how are the writers' works any less valuable because they had female family members caring for them like almost everyone else did?

>> No.13733444

Who knows
Something something women slavery

>> No.13733459

I wouldn't trust any of these people to care for children. I wouldn't even allow my child to be alone in a room with any of them. They're incapable of caring for anyone else or even seeing care-giving as a positive thing to both give and receive because they hate themselves and are fundamentally alienated from humanity. I feel sorry for the people in their lives.

>> No.13733460

Liberal feminists are basically retarded. You have to understand that these people think entirely in delusions. Women naturally want social harmony and they believe that the way to go about it is to equalize everything relative to the standard they know best, their own female experience, so they seek to make reality conform to this ideal at any given opportunity. They're not actually concerned with truth, or concretely the works by Thoreau, in fact those works could be the greatest work of feminism ever written, they would still attack him for being a counterfactual to what they envision.

If you were to tell them that Thoreau was a male genius, that he requires people to care for him because he likely is actually INCAPABLE of doing so himself, that this is the true meaning of diversity, they will shut down like children, stomp and scream, and do the only thing they are familiar with: mindlessly assert their ideals and shame you by whatever means possible for not conforming to them.

>> No.13733467

It's not like these cunts are day labourers working for 8 hours straight I don't understand why they couldn't get up and make food for themselves, even just to stretch their legs.

What's the point of this post anyway? Isn't this place supposed to be far right? It seems contrary to far right values to leave your kids fatherless and dishonour your spouse in such a way. I guess values go right out of the window for you people when it comes to oppressing powerless groups. Actually it makes sense, since oppressing powerless groups is the whole point behind far right values in the first place.

Anyway these screen caps you've been posting have been 100% correct in what they're saying; posting them with an incredulous sarcasm isn't an argument.

>> No.13733473

>Isn't this place supposed to be far right?
4chan.net is an anime website for socially challenged weebs
it has no political affiliation

>> No.13733478

Because you and they are entirely different persons living in entirely different worlds. Male geniuses are an anomaly, they more often than not CANNOT care for themselves, their mind fundamentally operates differently from yours. You might be aware of the Big 5/OCEAN personality test. Whereas most people, esp. family fathers like you envision to be, are high in conscientousness — orderly, rule following behavior — and high in agreeableness — interested in upholding social harmony — male geniuses are low in both of these traits, very much so, they are grasped, absolutely controlled and determined only by what their interest holds, and this interest breaks right through all social norms and conventions. It's only this which makes social advancement possible.

>> No.13733481

You're literally delusional. This is the literature board, constantly said to be one of the more lefty boards on this website, and even it is filled with incessant incel-posting and racebaiting. Look around you! Look at the thread you are on right now!

>> No.13733489

Women do this to themselves though, if they weren’t hypergamous no guy could do this. Only date a handful of men and you all compete for those men, deal with it privileged whores.

>> No.13733491

>when you respond to a thread made by a total idiot one image too soon

>> No.13733496

It’s a place for free speech, so naturally the left doesn’t have a foot hold here.

>> No.13733498

what's the use in being a genius if you can't cook food. Literal autism. Also IQ has little to do with being a literary genius.

>> No.13733501

This kind of "critique" is just a way of gaining the cultural capital that comes with reading a famous book without actually having to read it. Whenever I hear someone repeating a story about how a famous writer was actually a terrible person, it always sounds like they're relieved at being left off the hook. It's just undergraduate laziness disguised as social justice.

>> No.13733506

What's the use of cooking food if you aren't a genius? It's not like that body of yours will be remembered anyway.

>> No.13733513

There’s no use when you’re alone and struggling for survival. When you have a stable social network, from a sizable tribe to a complex civilization, then the costs of supporting a “dead weight” can be outweighed by the benefits of autistic innovation that makes everyone massively better off.

>> No.13733516

>Also IQ has little to do with being a literary genius.
Gigantic cope. if you're low IQ you will NEVER EVER amount to anything. Best to accept that right now and stop wasting your life on a pipe dream.

>what's the use in being a genius if you can't cook food. Literal autism
The use is advancing society, this is why we are social beings who live in communities, so people can complement each other. Without that first scientist who contemplated things all day we would have none of the advancements we have today, be they scientific, philosophical, religious. If we were all equal, nothing would happen at all, eternal standstill.

>> No.13733538

>and I want a tshirt that reads "thoreau should have starved to death"
peak anglo

>> No.13733542

the reason we are social beings who live in communities is because the use of being a genius is advancement of society?

>> No.13733543
File: 28 KB, 758x769, 1542434263661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these posts strangely come off as misogynistic themselves, like they're attacking the women for daring to make a man some food or help him clean. personally i think the idea of having your mom or sister helping to take care of you while you write to be pretty wholesome and comfy. its like they're just mad that healthy relationships can exist between men and women. this is what filling your heart with hatred does to you.

>> No.13733544

>Whenever I hear someone repeating a story about how a famous writer was actually a terrible person, it always sounds like they're relieved at being left off the hook. It's just undergraduate laziness disguised as social justice.

It's funny because they only do this for "le dead white guys." I wonder if they would have the same reaction to Anne Sexton sexually abusing her daughter, or Simone de Beauvoir signing against age of consent laws, or Samuel R. Delaney supporting NAMBLA, or James Baldwin being a transphobe. Doesn't stop them from being worshiped by the academic left.

>> No.13733547

Your post was retarded. The idea that, firstly, "geniuses" as defined by the IQ metric have anything to do with writer-geniuses, who are generally sociable and higher in trait openness, is wrong; secondly, geniuses aren't incapable of cooking food and looking after themselves; you don't get issued a handler if you score above 140 on an IQ test; thirdly, the women were talking about spousal abuse, social pressure for women to serve men, and, in the case of Theroux, NEETdom, which they took as a sign that his philosophy did not come from a place of experience and hardship but from mommy's tendies, and not the domestic ineptitude of male IQ geniuses.

>> No.13733554

Do you think that it has always been this way? Times change, and the new vogue is larping as a natsoc ethnostate supporter. Most people here will swing to another branch once it's not contrarian to be a racist.

>> No.13733564

>The idea that, firstly, "geniuses" as defined by the IQ metric have anything to do with writer-geniuses
JK Rowling is not a literary genius

>geniuses aren't incapable of cooking food and looking after themselves; you don't get issued a handler if you score above 140 on an IQ test
You don't and it's a major reason for why your overall chances at academic and career success start to go down if your IQ is higher than 130

>the women were talking about spousal abuse, social pressure for women to serve men
Being a housewife is not spousal abuse

>> No.13733572

Lmao. Yeah sure, dismiss their views as not real. Anything than actually have to argue for your beliefs! The lefty is like a pathetic undead of the political spectrum only coming out at night when it can hide.

>> No.13733576

>lefty thread
>starts trying to argue there are multiple kinds of intelligence
Like pottery

>> No.13733577

This thread will reach 200 replies and there's nothing any of you can do to stop it.

>> No.13733581

I didn't say it was, hence why I separated the two. The first post, retard, is the spousal abuse.

Culturally enforced housewivery is an issue of social oppression, not spousal abuse.

>> No.13733583

Did you ever stop and think that you might see harmless discussion as “incel-posting” and “racebaiting” because you are paranoid? That you read into the author’s intention and see things that aren’t there because you are addicted to feeling “righteous” anger?

>> No.13733584

Thoreau did handyman work for his mother, he wasn't a NEET.

>> No.13733585

And the left will be brought down yet another embarrassing peg

>> No.13733592

Why aren't all high IQ people capable of writing like Shakespeare? Are all high IQ people able to become literary geniuses?

>> No.13733598

Good one

>> No.13733603

>Are all high IQ people able to become literary geniuses?

>Why aren't all high IQ people capable of writing like Shakespeare?
Different specializations

>> No.13733609

>Actually it makes sense, since oppressing powerless groups
So when your mom made you a sandwich when you were 5yo you were oppressing her, and that wasn't the result of her caring about you since you are her biological offspring.
I really don't get your perspective, not even right wing by the way.

>> No.13733612

Shakespeare was fairly amateur, rewrote many old plays

>> No.13733615

So this is what they mean when they say the far right is incapable of understanding nuance and ideas with more than one dimension. You got it all worked out. If your IQ is above 130 you can write as good as Shakespeare if you tried! Such a simple world.

>> No.13733617

Who is this Zoe idiot? Walden Pond was on Emerson's property, not Thoreau's Mom's.

>> No.13733618

Lmao, you don’t believe in evolution anymore how are you still trying to make the right out as idiots

>> No.13733619

Hey anon,
When will you be adopting a dozen children and devoting every waking moment on them? Surely you wouldn't let your silly fondness of literature distract from something so valuable?

>> No.13733622

I thought the land where Walden was was owned by Emerson who allowed him to stay there and write, one male writer to another. I swear to god I literally read that in the book itself as part of a preface written by a historian.

>> No.13733631

Wait wtf
Aren't you a lefty
Why would you be against neets, they are literally living the commie lifestyle

>> No.13733633

You are correct. Ignore tweets and anyone who uses twitter. They are fools. Stick to literature.

>> No.13733637

You're incapable of understanding the difference between potential and actualization, making you in fact the simpleton *tips hat*

I'm not even far right btw, dear leftoid.

>> No.13733638

Behind every great man
is a woman
making sandwiches

>> No.13733655

No individual person can be faulted; it's a cultural problem. When the social structure you live under mandates that women be seen as dainty little subhumans whose only purpose is to look pretty, suck your dick, and be a subservient housewife, then certain attitudes will develop among men and women and thus the circle of oppression will perpetuate itself.

>> No.13733656

Literally the last time xkcd was funny too with its sudo make me a sandwich joke.

>> No.13733663

1/4 of the way there.

>> No.13733669

I mean they take care of their own biological offspring, i suppose they could leave them to die in the streets

>> No.13733671

It’s not our fault, if you make a thread discussing beliefs no lefties show up out of fear. You have to come to them to btfo them when they’re ready.

>> No.13733675

The data shows women progressively become unhappier since the 1970's. Why is this?

>> No.13733676

If most women are happy with that, what's the problem? Also taking care of your family doesn't mean you are "subservient", that's a ridiculously one-dimensional way of looking at it. Anyone working a service job is ten times more subservient than your average housewife.

>> No.13733686

Name the data. Also control for any other possible concurrent variables such as whether people are overall unhappier since the 1970s.

>> No.13733687

What else SHOULD women do according to your wishes?

>> No.13733689

What an utterly based post

>> No.13733690

And yet we have observed empirically, for 25 years now, without a doubt, that more egalitarian societies correlate GREATER differences between the genders—most likely because both correlate with a decrease in environmental burdens—really makes you think.

>> No.13733699

Women are less happy than men now

>> No.13733701

Except those ideals are literal evil. Man at his worst is 4chan, women at their worst is lolcow.

>> No.13733705

And since I can you already scream "SOURCE?!" like the inept cretin you are, here you go:


>> No.13733712

How nice of his sister to help him. I really don't see what these dykes are trying to say. Do they hate women or why is it wrong to help out a family member? It was not exactly ideal to write and do all household chores yourself. Should Thoreau have had slaves do everything for him instead or what?

>> No.13733749

It's exploitation and he could have done it on his own cause he isn't handicapped

>> No.13733765

Pure projection. You diseased leftoids never manage to form any societal organization for any respectable amount of time, as you all eventually sabotage yourself like the parasites you are, and then look at traditional families, that function as a single coherent unit, as a result produce greatness, and seek to destroy those too, for they managed to accomplish what you can only dream off. Go shoot up heroin in the toilet stalls of some Jazz bar and contract HIV like your future has in store for you.

>> No.13733773

They're dykes. Because men have little respect for them, they think men have no respect for women in general, despite them not even being within the category of women.

>> No.13733776

Pretty sure through out history men have been doing most work if you want to complain

>> No.13733789

So you think his sister was an easily exploited retard and also so selfish that she wouldn't gladly help her brother if he asked? What have women done to you for you to have such low opinions of female individuals you don't even know anything about?

>> No.13733793

She wasn't actually waiting on him hand and foot and it was reciprocal. You're just taking some random screeching harpee's word as gospel. You can't help doing so.

>> No.13733795

Without a doubt men put more work into keeping those women alive than women did. Why don’t we ever discuss the oppression of man supporting woman? Should women support men for a while?

>> No.13733802

it's correct, but their statements are correct as well.

>> No.13733804

they should support muh dick

>> No.13733808

You sound a little jelly, brah

>> No.13733815

I’ve never heard of Anita dolman

>> No.13733818

I guess enslaving people and coercing or manipulating them to do what you want is a very efficient societal organization

>> No.13733819

evolution is scientific fact. what we don't believe in is that "women are dumb and low drive because of evolution" is a legit argument.

>> No.13733824

It's the equivalent to saying that slave owners were oppressed by slaves because they provided food and shelter for them.

>> No.13733830


>> No.13733834

The slave owner is oppressed by slaves though, that’s why automation means mass death, the master is seeking to free himself from the bondage of the slave. It’s time to let go of your ego and start thinking about the really scary shit.

>> No.13733835

Back then men would often contact someone of wealth to take care of them while they wrote pieces of literature.

>> No.13733837

You know how I can tell that you grew up without a father who was a role model to you? Because you have no idea what a nuclear family looks like or operates as. A relation of mutual dependency is not enslavement.

>> No.13733840

Women are both biologically weaker and intellectually inferior to men.
Their brain is smaller.
inb4 big brain means nothing cause whales and shiet
A big brain in proportion to you body, the encephalization quotient is what matters for intelligence.

>> No.13733847

If you believe in “oppression” as a concept, you’re already lost. It’s nothing more than illusion designed by the left to destroy healthy, functioning structures.
Oh no, my body is so important that taking anything from to social entities is literally the worst thing possible.

>> No.13733853


This has to be the normiest post on this website.

>You are writing amazing symphonies/great novels/making breathtaking pieces of art? Fuck off autist go get a job you retard.

>> No.13733858

I was just trying to show the lefties how fake they are. Show them how their beliefs are contradictory, at the very least we drive them more crazy and make them argue that much worse.

>> No.13733865

That's still the case for endeavors taken by men. Publishers, angel investors, patreons and crowdfunders, you name it. People with ideas and the means to execute them need people with wealth to fund them, because the former lacks the interest in gaining wealth, and the wealthy only know how to accumulate wealth.

>> No.13733867

>In reality, Walden Pond in 1845 was scarcely more off the grid, relative to contemporaneous society, than Prospect Park is today. The commuter train to Boston ran along its southwest side; in summer the place swarmed with picnickers and swimmers, while in winter it was frequented by ice cutters and skaters. Thoreau could stroll from his cabin to his family home, in Concord, in twenty minutes, about as long as it takes to walk the fifteen blocks from Carnegie Hall to Grand Central Terminal. He made that walk several times a week, lured by his mother’s cookies or the chance to dine with friends. These facts he glosses over in “Walden,” despite detailing with otherwise skinflint precision his eating habits and expenditures. He also fails to mention weekly visits from his mother and sisters (who brought along more undocumented food) and downplays the fact that he routinely hosted other guests as well—sometimes as many as thirty at a time. This is the situation Thoreau summed up by saying, “For the most part it is as solitary where I live as on the prairies. It is as much Asia or Africa as New England. . . . At night there was never a traveller passed my house, or knocked at my door, more than if I were the first or last man.”
Thoreau BTFO

>> No.13733869

>oppression isn't even real at all
nuclear take

>> No.13733871

but women also have smaller bodies...

>> No.13733877

Women aren’t capable of valuing anything beyond a the personal pleasure it gives them. The manner in which their genitals derive pleasure pretty much turns them into robots operating on a closed utilitarian system comprised solely of them.

>> No.13733886

The problem wasn't that his mother cared for him. The problem is the contradiction between his writing and actual way of living.

>> No.13733903

It’s a created negative relation whose existence is entirely dependent on an erroneous moral individualism.

The left approaches language and thought as a cynical machine for the maximization of their power. Once you use any of the terminology they’ve invented, you are their eternal mind slave.

>> No.13733906

What did he write that contradicted the way he lived?

>> No.13733907

The genders are roughly equal on average, what differs is the degree of variation of traits: most women are between 80 and 120 in IQ, while men are between 60 and 140 in IQ. In other words there are more male retards and more male geniuses than female.

>> No.13733910

>Average adult male brain weight is 1,345 gram, while an adult female has an average brain weight of 1,222 gram
>The height difference between men and women in the U.S. is about 6 inches on average
That isn't enough to justify it. Also women who are taller don't have a brain as big as those that men have.

>> No.13733917

Sauce on that?

>> No.13733924
File: 46 KB, 640x427, Angry Desert Rain Frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Argue for your beliefs.
Well to whom am I speaking to? What beliefs do you support and what beliefs are you against? "Lefty" is very ambiguous, and not a concrete term you are using to point a finger towards. What do you consider good and what do you consider bad so we can have a conversation.

>> No.13733929

>Men aren’t capable of valuing anything beyond a the personal pleasure it gives them. The manner in which their dicks derive pleasure pretty much turns them into robots operating on a closed utilitarian system comprised solely of them and their dicks.

>> No.13733931

If men are such garbage creatures then why do women keep marrying them?

>> No.13733936

Literally type it into google, this is one of the most well researched findings on IQ to the point there are 2 Wikipedia articles on it.


Wrt to controversies: these arise from different population samples, in egalitarian societies the differences between genders (and thus variation of traits) are emphasized, for those studies scroll up I posted some above.

>> No.13733937

The real question is: why don't women just create their own society in the middle of a desert island?

>> No.13733941

>word salad
oppression is totally real, the issue is whether these coddled spoiled brats living in obscene opulence compared to the rest of all of human existence are really oppressed.

>> No.13733942

>let's read tweets from mentally ill people, get triggered and argue endlessly about them

Said no self-respecting man with a healthy level of testosterone ever.

>> No.13733964

>let me post dis on 4chin
Said no self-respecting man with a healthy level of testosterone ever.

>> No.13733972

A big brain means nothing. Encephalization quotient is used to compare a species to another species, rather than individual to individual. There was a time in history where people had their brains measured and weighed after their death. Geniuses didn't have particularly large brains and people with large brains weren't inherently smart. You're barely literate and you seem like a sub-100 IQ pseudointellectual who copes by saying "I'm smart!!!" rather than doing something with your claimed intelligence.

>> No.13733980

You fail to understand the differences Ethernet how our sex organs give us pleasure. The male organ will receive equal pleasure from pretty much all women’s while the female organ receives variable amounts of pleasure from different phalli. This requires them to treat the world p, especially men, with cruelty in order for them to maximize the sexual pleasure they feel. Men aren’t compelled to do the same.

The vaginal cavity becomes a moral and aesthetic cavity in the hearts of women.

>> No.13733984

All strife placed on the human body for the advancement of social systems is inherently legitimate
Oppression is the fever dream of narcissists.

>> No.13733989

Not them but I’d like to see a discussion on immigration. Never seen a single nondrive-by argument that was pro immigration, and it’s so obvious that immigration is otherwise a horrible thing. Immigration benefits the rich of the country being immigrated to at the cost of that countries working class because labor is subject to supply and demand. Also, it fucks over the country being left which would need the improved economy rather than us. See how it keeps the third world the third world so that there can be more immigration? It’s all a 1% plot to decrease wages and as we can see just by turning on the tv the left is basically capitalism’s favorite, isnt that ironic?

Furthermore, don’t you lefties believe in fucking oppression via majorities/minorities? Immigration ensures an inequality of race, is immigration then supposed to be a method of survival? Move wherever you are a minority for the benefits? If oppression is a natural phenomenon due to majorities and minorities then why wouldn’t immigration be strictly controlled? Is it not a form of oppression to be a native citizen who must submit immigrants for oppressing them?

On that line of thought, imagine that one tribe immigrates to the lands of another tribe. This tribe allows the other, but makes them work to stay. Over time it appears that the new tribe was doing all the work and the old tribe was just owning the land. The new tribe then kicks out the old tribe with the help of friends. Who was really oppressed here? I think it’s the old tribe.

>> No.13733999

you're an idiot

>> No.13734000

Reminder that behind every middle aged dyke on Twitter is a man who failed to do his job of keeping his women in check.

>> No.13734001
File: 582 KB, 1280x960, ctm_unabomber_052412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. You should instead take inspiration from someone who actually lived innawoods with no help.

>> No.13734013

>Geniuses didn't have particularly large brains and people with large brains weren't inherently smart.
Can you post evidence of this?
>Overall, larger brain size and volume is associated with better cognitive functioning and higher intelligence.[1] The specific regions that show the most robust correlation between volume and intelligence are the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes of the brain.[9][10][11] A large number of studies have been conducted with uniformly positive correlations, leading to the generally safe conclusion that larger brains predict greater intelligence.

Also no, i'm not making the claim that i'm smart.

>> No.13734014

You’re a narcissist. You and you’re body are significantly less important than you believe., and nothing done to it can possibly be oppressive or exploitative or or of any other condition that applies that it is unjust.

>> No.13734023

let's see you spout this when you're out of your basement and in chains working a plantation

>> No.13734050

>gets a job
>isn't forced to die from hunger
People should've been grateful for the opportunity to work at a plantation.

>> No.13734088

It’s true whether anyone likes it or not. There’s no reason that would be any more unjust than my present condition.

Those who suffer are always blinded by it. It is fundamentally impossible for them to perform meaningful moral thought. Amongst our societies greatest problems is that the our social deities, the political left, have used their omnipotence in order to appoint them to the position of our moral arbiters.

>> No.13734108

>in fact those works could be the greatest work of feminism ever written
this is hard for plebs to understand nowadays. being too uprooted its only projection when they say 'the world forgets the value of the feminine'. theyre the ones who dont understand it by diluting it to 'the woman in the kitchen' meme. and they dont even see the redundancy of that same low comprehension quicksand.

stop falling for bait

>> No.13734130

women have literally no worth other than pumping out children

>> No.13734131


far right is a meme on par with the dumbest lefties

>> No.13734147

Well said.

>> No.13734201

Based and Napoleon pilled

>> No.13734206

> gibberish
Are you functionally illiterate?

>> No.13734214

You have no argument

>> No.13734250
File: 136 KB, 1200x900, 3KRVGBI7KJF2JGR45FNQAJODK4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women naturally want social harmony and they believe that the way to go about it is to equalize everything relative to the standard they know best, their own female experience
This is a little disingenuous.

First of all, the women who naturally want social harmony are the ones who aren't built similarly to men, who have smaller frames than men and as a result strive for social harmony as a means of compatibility and survival. Social harmony, by the way, can only exist when there are opposing social forces, which can be harmonized. It's important to understand this part.

Second of all, the above are the only real women out there. The ones who are built similarly to men aren't women, but half-men, and they think very differently than women do.

Third of all and most importantly, women (and again, I mean the only real women) only ever want to equalize everything relative to their own experience when they have been wrongly taught by the half-men, who are spiteful towards both men and women, and are the ones who really want to equalize everything relative to their own experience (and through equalization, destroy all social harmony, not establish it), hence why they teach women to be more like them and spite men. Women don't naturally want to equalize things, because it's through the inequality that they feel themselves as women, and if they are happy as women and haven't been wrongly taught by the half-men to dislike themselves, they will strive to maintain that inequality in order to perpetuate that feeling; in other words, men make women feel like women, and vice versa, and both men and women want each other to continue existing, and it's only half-men and half-women who strive to equalize and destroy harmony.

>> No.13734454

>The male organ will receive equal pleasure from pretty much all women’s

You want to know how i know that you never had sex?

>> No.13734484

>The male organ will receive equal pleasure from pretty much all women’s while the female organ receives variable amounts of pleasure from different phalli
Wrong, people enjoy having sex with attractive people, men have just different criteria for what they find attractive.

Because you also never had it.

>> No.13734541

>Isn't this place supposed to be far right?
newfag alert, as if I need to say it

>> No.13734581

This is very true, I used to do it myself all the time. If someone brought up Deleuze or Kant in conversation I would often just recite a random anecdote or biographical vignette about them instead of discussing their work. Then promptly shift the conversation to another biographical anecdote of another author “you know that reminds me of this other story about Schopenhauer” and it’s amazing because even when the people I’m talking to see right through me, the people standing around would equivocate my knowledge with their knowledge on the subject. In fact I suspect due to some heuristic some of the normies probably thought I knew MORE about the works than the guy who actually read them since I knew biographical facts. But really it’s just because I love biographies lmao

>> No.13734629

How much of a cuck does one have to be to read a biography?

>> No.13734643

You just skim them anon, it’s pretty relaxing stuff

>> No.13734659

>unable to discern that some parents actually enjoy caring for their children and want to help them succeed
i tell you NOTHING good came out of the 60s/70s.

>> No.13734671
File: 282 KB, 655x527, 1567177347622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I didn't know Thoreau was THIS BASED, I swear that I'll retake Civil Disobedience today and then start Walden before the weekend ends

>> No.13734672

It's the only form of societal organisation. Take the Hobbespill

>> No.13734676

perhaps if that person read more about dickens' mother she'd understand why dickens was distrustful of women
despite this he founded a home for single mothers which supported about 100 women

>> No.13735034

Don’t get married young if you want to be a successful writer. Pynchon didn’t get married until his 50s. Melville would have likely written a ton more had he not had his wife discouraging him from writing literally during his whole marriage (including during and after Moby-Dick), same with F. Scott Fitzgerald. Some are so brilliant they can succeed in spite of having a family, but they probably would’ve done even more if not for their harpy wives.

Wait until you’re in your 40s at least

>> No.13735091

Imagine being Charles Dickens and your wife wants you to take out the garbage and change diapers and shit. How retardedly short-sighted do you have to be to force a genuine once in a lifetime genius for the ages to do busy work. You don’t marry fucking Thomas Edison and tell him he’s spending too much time in his workshop.

>> No.13735100


>> No.13735117

>Don’t get married
This would be the only really good advice, considering how women are and what kinds of legal powers do they have.

>> No.13735127

You're right
>Different specializations
No, you're a mongoloid who believes in IQ.

You talked about specialization, then why other geniuses who liked music weren't able to be a Mozart when they were kids?
Science is science, IQ isn't science, you're a mongoloid

>> No.13735254
File: 891 KB, 1560x2744, patriarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Culturally enforced housewivery is an issue of social oppression, not spousal abuse.
It's neither.
Only women can make babies. Only women can breastfeed. Women are not as physically strong as men nor are there as many high IQ outliers among women as men.

You're confusing pragmatics with oppression.

Many women actually choose to just stay home - the ones that work do so because they are shopping addicts and don't really care about anybody except for themselves, or chasing a high lifestyle to impress their friends.
pic related

>> No.13735267

See pic here>>13735254
it's the truth

>> No.13735293


Please go back to some incel thread where you belong

>> No.13735311
File: 121 KB, 423x744, 1525309867635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic biology. Males have more genetic variability than females. Proportionately fewer males breed than females of any species. Nature rolls the dice more with males.

>> No.13735312

Where you have something that transcends the text (like praxis) then the details of their lives and the world they lived in can have some interesting results. Otherwise it's shit.

>> No.13735329

This. I think the reason for this is traits that undermine physical and mental conditions are expressed in males due to a single Y chromosome. These recessive traits are often masked in females who have another Y chromosome. High IQ is often associated with some sort of cognitive deficit.

>> No.13735336

I meant X chromosome.

>> No.13735341
File: 1.17 MB, 2048x1536, PICT6119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand. This just points out that creative artists are often selfish jerks who treat folks around them like crap and use them because they have different priorities in life and are busy following their weird dreams. Do people not know that?

>> No.13735398

>Only women can make babies. Only women can breastfeed
For now. That will change with the artificial womb.

>> No.13735436


>> No.13735450

sauce on this?

>> No.13735461


>> No.13735484

>mom made sandwiches for him when he was a teen


>> No.13735486
File: 1.09 MB, 2048x1536, PICT6122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? It's just my ex and a friend exercising in our apartment ages ago. Terrible pic quality.

>> No.13735495

>still doesn't know what a clitoris is

>> No.13735514

is your ex the one in green? i want to breed her.

>> No.13735527
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>> No.13735561
File: 1.47 MB, 2048x1536, PICT6130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you can find and convince her, I suppose that would be fine. Send pics.

>> No.13735572

she looked better on the floor

>> No.13735618
File: 554 KB, 2000x1040, PICT6121edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you like. I always found her very hot, in a nerdish way.

>> No.13735633

Ho-hum. Never cared much for Thoreau besides the occasional choice passage; even then they should know that Walden is only a part of his achievement, such as it is. His nature journals generally are better.

Dickens is good, but nobody is electing him husband or father of the Empire. And really domestic life is the weakest part of his outlook--just read Orwell's essay on him.

In any case, I suppose that when women geniuses (and I do use that term unironically) do these sorts of things it's seen as very heroic. Thanks to be God that the greatest Anglophone woman in literature in recent years has been Flan. O'Connor--who, with her lupus, didn't manage to be much of a burden to anyone, and who would also, I have no doubt, BTFO these women in a heartbeat.

4/10, weak bait.

>> No.13735641

she has the "good girl gone wild" vibe. her belly makes me want to do something impulsive

>> No.13735658

I wonder, were you never around women in your life? Are you just blissfully ignorant and choose not to notice differences or a bottom tier male?

>> No.13735674
File: 68 KB, 491x491, 1515115843712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13735675

How dare a mother take care of her son

>> No.13735681

>nuclear take
This is an attempt at social shaming and was written by a r*dditor

>> No.13735698

>Robert Louis Stevenson judged Thoreau's endorsement of living alone in natural simplicity, apart from modern society, to be a mark of effeminacy, calling it "womanish solicitude; for there is something unmanly, something almost dastardly" about the lifestyle

BTFO both these tweets and Thoreau himself

>> No.13735708

I was implying that he is a shit tier man who is equal to a woman, you illiterate ape of 100% bantu descent.

>> No.13735710
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>> No.13735723

Why would i be berating women if i were a woman, you rart?

>> No.13735738
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>> No.13735745
File: 130 KB, 536x760, rn98C08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her in high school.

>> No.13735834

did you love her?

>> No.13736094

Never heard that story, can't find anything on it either.

>> No.13736248

Because he's on /lit/?

>> No.13736298

>how are the writers' works any less valuable because they had female family members caring for them?
Firstly, I am not validating any of the twitterfaggotry; That having been said, if the Thoreau example were true then it would tend to invalidate Walden because the entire work is centered around self-reliance. Also, he never mentions her visiting, though he mentions others visiting; That would lend towards some ingenuousness.