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13675858 No.13675858 [Reply] [Original]

Any recs for french books to read? I recently read Nausea and didn't have too difficult of a time. I want to try Céline although I heard he emulates the spoken language a lot more so I'm not sure I'd pick up on everything.

And I guess a general discussion on French literature.

>> No.13675929

>spent a year and a half in paris
>didn't take any classes
>expert at conversation and saying whatever comes to mind but can hardly read the newspaper
feels bad man

>> No.13675948

Well i only ever read Céline in French so i'm not too sure how it translates. Do read it though. And not just journey to the end of the night, read the pamphlets too.

>> No.13675962
File: 472 KB, 1753x2481, 81hBrPlx+rL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germinal is the best french book I've ever read. A season in hell is the best work read out loud. de Maupassant is fun. Swann's Way sits untouched but one day I will touch it. Pic related is a filthy pleasure.

>> No.13676033

>Swann's Way sits untouched but one day I will touch it.
books one and three i thought were gay and boring as fuck, un amour de swann is good though

>> No.13676094
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Merci beaucoup mes amis. Proust is another author I was considering reading and is de Sade not even worth my time or is there anything of note to be taken from reading his work?

>> No.13676123 [DELETED] 

What the fuck did Céline by "oeufs à la coque" in the first page of Journey to the End of the Night??

>> No.13676153
File: 28 KB, 700x467, recette-e14289-oeuf-a-la-coque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you put an egg exactly 3 minutes in boiling water, so the white/transparent egg is cooked but the yellow is just warm, you then use the back of a spoon to breal the top off and eat the yellow
put some salt if you want then eat with a spoon

if you want the full thing, then you make mouillettes, which is (pref salted) butter on little pieces of baguette
then you dip the mouillettes inside the egg

>> No.13676154

What the fuck did Céline mean by "oeufs à la coque" in the first page of Journey to the End of the Night??

>> No.13676155

my favorite french novels are La Chartreuse de Parme, Salaambo, Les Faux-monnayeurs, La Porte Etroite, L'immoraliste(i really like Gide for some reason), Le Chant du monde, Le Chaos et la nuit, L'amant, Kamouraska, Du cote de chez Swann(never read the rest)

Ive read fewer plays but I love Andromaque, Phedre, Andromede, and La Reine morte

french poetry I really don't know about but Baudelaire and Rimbaud are obviously great. I like some of Hugo's stuff but it's hit or miss for me.

>> No.13676162


>> No.13676164

I know what the term means, but I don't know what HE meant by it:
>Ça a débuté comme ça. Moi, j’avais jamais rien dit. Rien. C’est Arthur Ganate qui m’a fait parler. Arthur, un étudiant, un carabin lui aussi, un camarade. On se rencontre donc place Clichy. C’était après le déjeuner. Il veut me parler. Je l’écoute. « Restons pas dehors ! qu’il me dit. Rentrons ! » Je rentre avec lui. Voilà. « Cette terrasse, qu’il commence, c’est pour les oeufs à la coque ! Viens par ici ! » Alors, on remarque encore qu’il n’y avait personne dans les rues, à cause de la chaleur ; pas de voitures, rien.

>> No.13676213

And frankly I checked the English translation and it says "This terrace," he says, "is for jerks." Then I checked the Spanish translation and it says "¡Esta terraza está como para freír huevos!" (This terrace is kind of fit to fry eggs!). Vastly different meanings. So I don't know if he's talking about the heat or if he's calling those people idiots, or both but it only works in French. Any thoughts??

>> No.13676234

probably just slang from that period

>> No.13676242

Well, because it's warm ? Did you read it in French and is it your 2nd language ?
It's pretty obvious
>man sits on a terrace in very hot weather
>"hey don't stay there, come inside, you're gonna get cooked up like a cooked egg !"
If you want to read into it, i guess you can say the warm climate and empty streets are symbolism for the tense climate of the beginning of the war, and the cooked egg is a metaphor for the inactive man in those times, slowly boiling inside instead of going in the bar with his friends and cooling down ? Best i can do there

English translation i just don't think it makes too much sense
I mean i understand why you'd think that, "oeufs à la coque" could be slang for morons but in context it's just not logical at all to me, why would he tell him that ? Especially when like two lines later the same friend starts talking about the climate again and then says parisians are useless faggots that spend all their time sitting inside the bar

>> No.13676293

de sade is worthy if you remember that he was kicking over society when he wrote what he did, and it isnt just a literotica or niche reddit erotic fap fest

>> No.13676339

thanks for the info, Frenchlad, I'm trying to learn French by myself and it's actually my third language.

>> No.13676457


>> No.13676484

Journey is one of my favorite books, Death on Credit was good too. I read them in English tho