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13604800 No.13604800[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Why are you chopping wood all day Grug?"
>Greg say he give he give me shells, use shells get food, make hut nice
>"Why don't you just take the food off the tree yourself Grug?"
>Greg say not allowed, Greg say it's his not mine
>"So you're his slave Grug?"
>No Grug good, Grug productive, Grug contribute to society, Grug have value, Grug work hard and when Grug too old to chop wood Grug get to expire
>"Why don't you tell Greg to just go fuck himself Grug?"
>Greg have big stick, make Grug cry, Grug happy to chop wood, Grug get shells and make nice hut for Grugam, make little Grugs, Grug good, Grug make chop chop, Grug good

>> No.13604808

Don't make fun of wage slaves, it's a natural condition and they can't help it.

>> No.13604871

it's a violation of numerous laws and international treaties to torture a metaphor like this OP

>> No.13604889

Did you know that barter economies were never really a thing in primitive tribes, instead relying on a so called "lending economy", I.e. I lend you something and you owe me something, possibly different. Out of this debt system money came to be, as to keep track of debts when societies became too large for it just to be remembered or built on trust.

This shows us that the idea of private property has existed since the dawn of man. Property rights are interesting. The "right" to a land was often protected by a tribe as they moved about. Later on in settled cities as society grew the tribe was not as cohesive, I.e. many disparate families lived in close proximity. This necessitated land laws, as to avoid conflict that otherwise arises. From this modern society evolved. The system you described probably took place, except Grug would have gotten the shells or food up front, and then would have owed Greg, either goods or labour. In fact Grug might be incentivized by this to specialize in wood gathering, thus increasing the value created in his entire society, for the betterment of all.

>> No.13604910


Don’t you have to be at work wagie?

>> No.13604921

>the grugs organize against the gregs and instigate a revolutionary
>the gregs kill all the grugs because they have sticks
>the grugs acquire sticks and stage another rebellion
>they successfully overthrow the gregs
>the grugs try to organise society so it's fair and everyone has enough food
>it doesn't work because they're grugs and their grug civilisation causes the death of millions leaving everyone worse off than when the gregs were in control

Just be a grug. It's your destiny.

>> No.13604932

the modern liberal capitalist experience is entirely different from this simplified grug and greg struggle.

>> No.13604944
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>the modern liberal capitalist experience is entirely different from this simplified grug and greg struggle.

>> No.13604949

talk about literature you stupid fuckers

>> No.13604952

We are, smoothbrain

>> No.13604953


>This is what Gregs made Grugs actually believe

>> No.13604956

what? are you saying it's an accurate analogy, or that I'm stupid for pointing out the obvious?

>> No.13604963

If you honestly believe it's any different now than it was then you're a Grug

>> No.13604965
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I'm not a grug. I have transcended the grug greg dichotomy and ascended to the status of NEET. Grugs and gregs are literally paying for me to shitpost on /lit/ and eat tendies through taxation.

>> No.13604970

no you're not. you're using a childish analogy to justify your pathetic lives

>> No.13604976

I’m no idiot but Greg, Grug? I couldn’t follow.

>> No.13604983

Please taxate all the motherfucking cronies

>> No.13604986

>I’m not an idiot
>but I couldn’t follow this simple analogy
Grug detected

>> No.13604988

>a childish analogy
Too real for you? Want me to butter you up with some romanticisation first? Don't worry Grug, you're just doing your best with what you've got, right? You're to be admired, you're the reluctant hero of your own life, right?

>> No.13605005

I’m sorry, why not Grug and Tom? Grug was too close to Greg for me. I had to read it eight times, and I’m not stupid.

>> No.13605020

>I had to read it eight times
>I’m not stupid
He doesn't know

>> No.13605032

I had to read it eight times the names were so similar. Greg and Grug, over and over, I thought I was going crazy, and I’m no dummy. I’ve read this thing nineteen times now and I can’t make heads or tails of it. Greg? Grug? It’s sheer lunacy. Anybody who says they understood it, well, congratulations. It’s Greek to me, and let me tell you I’m no dummy.

>> No.13605073

Gregarious Greg gave Grug gifts. Grob Grug got grub, got glad, got gracious; gave Greg's grift grease, in return got wages.

>> No.13605083

Avoid Russian novels bro. Anything from the Heian period on in Jap and Chinese novels too.

>> No.13605247

I think it's accurate. but now they'll offer a few extra goodies to make grug have happy face

>> No.13605275

>let me tell you I’m no dummy
You sure about that?

>> No.13605304


you're a Snug

(my captcha word, no joke, was comfy)

>> No.13605307
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>Greg says step one: be grugful

>> No.13605417

Incel leech. Kill yourself

>> No.13605427

Crazy that I just read something about this in Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind.

I'm at a chapter that talks about how the agricultural revolution was the largest Greg-Grug fraud, where harvesting wheat actually led to a poorer diet and more demand in time and energy, leading people to build walls and worry about thieves and enemies.

Why couldn't we just remain hunter gatherers senpais?

>> No.13605428

top kek

>> No.13605434

Now now, Grug, settle down or the Grug Guards will come round and throw you in Grug Jail for Ungrugly conduct

>> No.13605437

>how the agricultural revolution was the largest Greg-Grug fraud, where harvesting wheat actually led to a poorer diet and more demand in time and energy,
So why did they do it?

Manipulative Gregs wanting to be kings?

>> No.13605447

>instead relying on a so called "lending economy",
pure lie

>> No.13605450

>>Why couldn't we just remain hunter gatherers senpais?
because men feel good when they provide for ''their community'', ie the women they orbit and whatever brats popping out from women, after they discover that they love to spread their legs

>> No.13605455

I recently got sick, luckily I live in a Northern European country where getting sick is a big paid vacation.

After 11 months of not working i can confirm this: NEETs are absolutely pathetic. I wish I was able to contribute just a little bit to society, all this free time becomes worthless, the days become a big blur. These attacks on people who have a job are a giang fucking cope from NEETs.

>> No.13605457

In the book it says it was a gradual process, basically in the middle east region the process from start to finish was from about 12,500 BC to 8,500 BC, some where around there.

Wheat was only a marginal part of the diet but as it spread it became more abundant and became a larger part of the process of getting food. It's what the author calls a "luxury trap". If I work hard my life will get easier! But then we started talking these luxuries for granted and soon they became the new normal.

Just the same with mail. Before we used to write thoughtful letters that took weeks. Now with email we can write emails and send them across the globe in minutes. That must mean our lives got better right? Except now we spend all day writing emails.

The luxury trap, fellas.

>> No.13605732

>all people have the same experience as me

Working sucks fucking ass, I worked what would be considered a pretty cushy job and compared to my last 4 years as a NEET it was fucking shit. I love being a free nigga, stay seething

>> No.13605756


>> No.13605758

>I wish I was able to contribute just a little bit to society
What a sad, sad life you lead

>> No.13605768

Very interesting. Please share more insights if you have any good ones.

>> No.13605813

What are you contributing to? The ugliest society in history, mechanised banality, the death of sense and art, an eschatological inversion of beauty, the Cult of ASS, mutt clown spook unions, boomer parasitism on the last natural landscapes and laws, a metastasizing wound of lunacy, gay frogs addicted to SSRIs, the mass sea of tampons rising into NeoAtlantis, generalised low-grade radiation sickness and genetic drift from the experimental farm zombie corn we are fed.

>> No.13605861

Against Leviathan is a much better argument. Basically he says that a crisis, like a flood, results in a second-order authority which doesn't know the laws of ruling and so turns against its own society essentially. The false necessity of maintaining this new order results in a struggle towards enslaving opposing families,, building walls to defend against all these new enemies (revolt against civ is natural as it appears horrifically opposed to all nature), and eventually enslavement of all surrounding territories.
Civilisation is the opiate of the masses essentially. Marxist labor-value combined with the urmensch.. And it is far superior to any scientific theory because of its mythical qualities, even if it is not precisely correct in each case it gives us a general law of how each society could arise as well as producing a catastrophic element which is completely lacking in scientific interpretations (thus its inhuman qualities).

>> No.13605879

Fuck off, capitalist nigger.

>> No.13605901

>Why couldn't we just remain hunter gatherers senpais?

In the same way that an invasive species will kill off the endogenous organisms. Advances in agriculture, and slavery, gave the state advantages over nomadic cultures, which were continuously pushed to the margins of the earth as the vast majority of the land came to be colonised by the state. They now barely exist at all.

The state is superior as a system; of course this doesn't at all mean that the individual person is better-off under the state. It almost certainly means the individual will be worse off since they must work to prop up the state.

>> No.13605906

How does a flood lead to people farming?

>> No.13605913
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>I wish I was able to contribute just a little bit to society

>> No.13605921

And obviously when you consider the appearance of agriculture as a growing field of bonsai, or miniaturized/second-order nature, one must wonder why. Agriculture itself is simply a consequence, and its increasing dependency rises because of the wild fields and forests turning against the slaves. War and the revolt of the undomesticated is what forces miniaturized nature behind military walls and an entire subclass to feed what is essentially a parasitic and idle class for most of its existence.
Hence the strange conflation of a reverence for nature within the very process which destroys it, most notable in the Anglo vision of the pure farmer. At once the essence of nature and the very original sin which divided us from it.

>> No.13605942

Did you read the post? Clarified a bit more in my other response, but essentially the enslaved class as well as a descent into permanent conflict creates the necessity for walls and agriculture.
As well, this shifting of the ruling class towards its workers (who maintain order amidst the flood) and the increased reliance upon staple foods to survive the crisis can result in revering them.

>> No.13605953

So was it entirely unavoidable to fall into this way of things or does it even matter because assuming one tribe does it, they'll conquer the rest anyway?

>> No.13605968
File: 14 KB, 324x499, 31+zMvflJ1L._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some other good wagie books?

>> No.13606020

>Civilisation is the opiate of the masses
Or more accurately, civilisation is one big gulag. We are ruled over by a military/zek morality.

>> No.13606024

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

>> No.13606038

Communism is still wagieism.

Fuck capatalism and fuck communism.

>> No.13606060

>I don't want to get a job and my weak spineless parents subsidize my miserable NEET millennial existence, the thread

>> No.13606067

>I'm incapable of imaging a life that isn't spent in devotion to the state
Go away retard

>> No.13606095

My sides

>> No.13606101

Basically, yeah, although a slave revolt at some of these early points could have ended it, or a triumph of the primitives in a war (although this very conflict is something of a paradox of civilisation, i.e. the tendency towards militarisation). With each advance the tendency towards militarisation in any revolt increases which means that civilisation just changes its rulership. A new class comes to rule, often combined with barbarous tendencies. Or one might say that the barbarians represent this tendency of civilisation that is impossible to escape: the racket of civilisation prevents them from destroying it completely and returning to nature.

>> No.13606103

>gets rich larping as a grug and telling others to be grugs
Clearly a greg

>> No.13606134
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>> No.13606142
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>> No.13606144

No anon, see that poster ISNT a Communist. :3

>> No.13606159

If you have a job, you're living in devotion to the state

>> No.13606166
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>> No.13606176

>I have nothing inside me
>God I just wish I was able to work god


great post

>> No.13606182
File: 40 KB, 220x337, Fredy Perlman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he took the leviathianpill

Fucking based

>> No.13606185

I forgot your idiocy applies to real world institutions. I thought we might have some semblance of sanity.

If I piss in a public urinal at the social security office is that the equivalent of slitting my wrists in the name of Donald Trump? :3

>> No.13606208

Extremely based and almost too redpilled

>> No.13606245

>If I piss in a public urinal at the social security office is that the equivalent of slitting my wrists in the name of Donald Trump? :3

>> No.13606464

Neets, homeless people, and monks are the last real humans left.

>> No.13606489

If you paid taxes that went towards urinal, yes. If you are merely collecting your NEET check and haven't paid taxes in years, no.

>> No.13606491

Nothing comes to mind right now, but I'm really enjoying the reading. I found it in PDF format on the internet so it's easy to get.

>The state is superior as a system; of course this doesn't at all mean that the individual person is better-off under the state. It almost certainly means the individual will be worse off since they must work to prop up the state.

>> No.13606493

...towards *that* urinal

>> No.13606499

I don’t even know what your ideological stance is. It honestly feels like Butterfly manipulated this culture so that her sucking my cock would be a bigger deal.

I’m sorry for what she did :3

>> No.13606505

Need a smug grug head on it

>> No.13606515
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Me need rockpill. What book tell truth on Long Nose Tribe?

>> No.13606528


>> No.13606534

If anything I'm a truthist. State subservience is state subservience. Calling it what it is, however, does not attach a value judgement (I.e. "good" or "bad"). I don't work much and when I do it's under the table. I don't pay taxes but don't receive any benefits either (inb4 muh roads; my city/state is so ineffective in this regard it's a null point).

>> No.13606541

>I'm a truthist

>> No.13606542
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>If anything I'm a truthist

>> No.13606548
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>If anything I'm a truthist. State subservience is state subservience. Calling it what it is, however, does not attach a value judgement (I.e. "good" or "bad").

>> No.13606574

Pls help. Me borrow one Mammoth tusk last moon now Long Nose tribe say grug have to give them two tusk or them take Grug wheel and fire stick. And long nose keep tell Grug cave wench that Niggrug have biggest spear in valley but them say it funny like them not really talk about spear. Grug want to go back to before time when just Grug tribe live in valley.

>> No.13606588

Big bad Grug wants whole valley to himself! He has to learn to share. Grug's great great great great great great great great grand Grug once pillaged the neighboring valley and now that village is poor and the fellow humans need a place to go. It's Grug's duty to provide for refugees

>> No.13606637
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grug not allowed to speak grug
normie grug say grugtalk bad
normie tribe also think exact same as long nose tribe

>> No.13606651

>I'm a truthist
Also you're benefitting from the roads and also have the gall to say they're not good enough

>> No.13606656

I don't really leave the house much and tend to walk whenever I do. Sidewalks are in utter disarray so I end up walking in the grass most of the time

>> No.13606657

>when i tried to confront him he started to speak like a caveman

Absolute mad man. I hope this is real.

>> No.13606659

Lmao I wish I knew guys like that

>> No.13606668

good post

>> No.13606684
File: 8 KB, 211x239, grug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grug know. Grug hear all about holobunga from long nose tribe. Make Grug sad and ashame for being Grug. But then Grug check soot marks on ceiling of Auschcave and them not match long nose tribe description. Get think maybe holobunga not happen way long nose tribe say, but why them tell thing that not real? Make head hurt. Grug just want know truth about them. Any cave painting to show this?

>> No.13606705

Grug also hear of this. Long-noses say all Long-noses died but how are any left? My teacher at cave-school said Long-noses have been kicked out of every valley they stepped in. Then he said it was always the Valley-people fault for hating the Long-noses and that Long-noses never hurt anyone! Grug doesn't know what is true anymore Grug is tired of hearing about holobunga

>> No.13606722

"Lending" is a poor word for it. "Gift economy" is the usual term, because the goods being transacted are usually consummables (i.e. food). Social debt is the "poison of the gift", as Mauss would say.

>> No.13607184

I really need to read it again. Perhaps during fall camping.

>> No.13607188
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>> No.13607278
