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/lit/ - Literature

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13603915 No.13603915[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to intimidate women with my knowledge of literature? I don't mean impress - I am done being a child. I want them to fear me on an intellectual level.

So far, I thought about quoting Evola, but haven't decided on Mishima yet (I don't support homosexual authors)

>> No.13603924
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I hope you aren't being sincere right now

>> No.13603944

Criticize every thinker that is remotely popular, praise thinkers that will be unknown to her like Celine but always begrudgingly, and always act like you know more than all of them, so no quotes at all.

>> No.13603949

random hegel quotes

>> No.13603960

Women can't tell style apart from substance and they're really stupid and shallow in their general worldliness. If Woody Allen and Dane Cook both talked to a girl at a bar, the woman would assume Dane Cook is the better comedian. But if she had some basic knowledge of pop culture and knew how much of a "big deal" Woody Allen is, she would prefer Allen and she would literally, genuinely feel more attracted to him because he has more respect, social capital, power, wealth, etc.

The trick is embodying some archetype they're familiar with, and associate with prestige and status. Evola and Mishima won't work for this, because few women know them (because few women know anything at all). These authors will probably even work against you, if she googles them and thinks they're for uncool johnnies and "alt-right" sex perverts. Remember, a woman will go where her overton window is pulled. But if you act like a douche graduate student caricature, and the girl is in a demographic that respects douche graduate students, you can do better. Try identifying what subtype of douche graduate student she likes: is she from an upper class New York family, the modern negrified American version of a Great Gatsby socialite? Then LARP as a New Yorker and NPR guy. You will have to be effetely well-dressed and groomed and namedrop things like Sebald strategically. But what if she's an "I'm really sincerely pretending to be a Marxist revolutionary while I'm in college" woke art thot? Then don't go for the New Yorker Chad, unless you're really good looking. Go for the tortured sleazecore hipster caricature of a 1970s situationist, and ideally have good drug connections (by a college girl's standards, which means weed and occasional bad cocaine).

Always remember, women are not worldly, and they do not put a lot of effort into discerning archetypes. Women are complete dilettantes. But they are also completely driven by the few and shallow archetypes they have picked up from their milieu. Don't overthink things. If a woman is in a comedy club and drunkenly saying she loves comedians, she is almost certainly a dilettante who knows nothing about comedy. It's safer to be Dane Cook and literally cartoonishly say "Yeah I'm a big deal comedian, big time comedian here you know it babe" while having good hair than it is to be an interesting up-and-coming subversive Woody Allen comedian full of interiority. Men exist to detect the upcoming Woody Allens of any given generation, in any given context, and then to hoist them onto their shoulders. Women exist to look around for who has already been hoisted onto everyone's shoulders, and to go "man if I get him to love the stink of my holes, I bet I could get half his money and live in his big house."

>> No.13603964


Or better yet, non-random Hegel quotes.

>> No.13603973



>> No.13603978

>Criticize every thinker that is remotely popular
Is there a way to not come off as crude, but for the woman to still correctly comprehend? I tried backhanded jabs by subtly mocking the ideas of said author, but most women just interpret it at face value, too literally (aka they're stupid) and accuse me of mansplaining and that I don't need to lecture em. So I have no choice and go for brutish

"Marx was big bad commie bully, and possibly had the hots for Engels" sort of stuff.

>> No.13603979

Is this what you call ’cuckcore’?

>> No.13603980

>and to go "man if I get him to love the stink of my holes, I bet I could get half his money and live in his big house."
Keked and saved

>> No.13604001

Midwits seem very impressed by loquaciousness. Try that. And every time you would normally hold yourself back from using a big word, just use it. Throw it in their pleb face.

>> No.13604016
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>> No.13604025

bro u are so fucking cringe hope u realise that

>> No.13604027

100% true. The other day I was talking to some lady at work who was visiting just for the day and when she learned I had an economics background she asked me why the markets went down when they lowered rates. I started explaining it but then I realized I was explaining it 100% backwards so I just kept talking and when I stopped she was just like "wow you're so smart".

>> No.13604029

This has to be fake. The "pls respond" is achingly pathetic.

>> No.13604053
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It works though (ignore how shit I am at game)

>> No.13604063

>economists actually knowing what they're talking about ever

>> No.13604077

The timestamps are the real story here. But I have to ask, how'd it go?

>> No.13604085

Treating women like children has actually worked for me and I hate it.

>> No.13604097

This is how men turn into pedophiles. When you realize women are mentally 12 year olds, you might as well fuck one.

>> No.13604103


>> No.13604105

shut up nigger

>> No.13604118

Didn’t go anywhere, stale game after the opener

>> No.13604140
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>> No.13604149

Could you give me some specifics on how it's worked for you?

>> No.13604186

If a person actually reads high quality literature, and have formed their own ideas about it which they can effectively communicate, and they have made an effort to develop some oratory, it would be hard to deny their intellect. Though you can fake the whole thing by focusing on speaking well. Or if we're talking about women, by having a degree or other prestige.

>> No.13604197

>>13604186 Was supposed to be a reply to OP.

>> No.13604219

What's the best way to learn oratory?

>> No.13604232

Speak to voice recog software. It won't help you with intonation and pacing, but helps one to get the most important thing - articulate well so people clearly hear what you're saying.

>> No.13604240

Read to increase your big wordage per sentence output, and you can read fucking anything. I started using big words when I was in primary but that was just weird, and I didn't know how else to express myself because I didn't know any other simpler words ironically enough. What matters more than being verbose is knowing what the conversation is about and making it more concise than the person you're speaking to realized it could be. That's harder to practice, because nobody who loves to talk is ready to sacrifice all their big words for a short and to the point phrase that basically says all that has to be said in one line.

>> No.13604241

nice bait

>> No.13604263
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Any woman who is intimidated by knowledge of literature is probably better read than you, the rest (most women) don't give a fuck because they're women.

>> No.13604274

So I assume everything went according to plan?

>> No.13604305

Just write something that is intended to be read aloud, and then practice it by yourself. Like a speech, or your favorite quotes, or if you like poetry, practice reading your favorite poems as if you were doing it for an audience. When you work up the courage, do Toastmasters or some club where you can practice in front of others.

>> No.13604345

Christ you sound like a massive faggot

>> No.13604349

Its not that we are very intelligent its just the bar of intelligence has been so lowered and degraded that if possess an above average diction and can articulate your words properly you are considered a deity. Its so fucking sad

>> No.13604370

breh just communicate normally

>> No.13604376

Not him but check out the Book of Pook. There's a section where he talks about exactly that.

>> No.13604382

unironically based

>> No.13604395

Based Anon

>> No.13604416

t. An actual pedo

>> No.13605736

only a woman would think this works

>> No.13605747

worked for me :)

>> No.13606521


>> No.13606622

>(pls respond)
what an absolute chad

>> No.13606634

Have sex

>> No.13606640

>Capital is sentient, just like my wiener when he sees you.

>> No.13606681


Basado y rojopillado

>> No.13606715

I stopped treating the vast majority of them as “equal” in terms of hobbies and discussions and just started peddling bullshit. As if 99% of women care enough to have any personal interpretation of confessions of a sinner or the statistical realities of the Bell Curve. I’m a very logical thinker, so i hate this kind of “party talk” but I manage.

>> No.13606731
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>(pls respond)

>> No.13606744

came here to post this

>> No.13606748
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>this thread

>> No.13606756
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I started doing this and have gotten like 10-fold more attention from girls, but now most of the girls I attract are into ddlg shit and have daddy issues and it skeeves me out. A lot of them are insanely cute but I feel super fucked up when they call me daddy, use baby talk during sex, etc. I'm being completely serious. I don't know if it's even worth it.

>> No.13606759

Fucking lmao women hate nothing more than being made to feel stupid

>> No.13606912

Shortest answer : Edward P.J. Corbett : Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student

A bit longer ( aka. THE TRIVIVM ) :

- The Trivium : The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric

- Sydney & Nelson : An Introduction to English Grammar
- Thomas E. Payne : Understanding English Grammar: A Linguistic Introduction

- W. Edgar Moore : Creative & Critical Thinking
- Irving Copi : Introduction to Logic

- Edward P.J. Corbett : Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student
- Thomas S. Kane : The New Oxford Guide to Writing

Extended :

- Everything listed beforehand, and study the Attic orators, Cicero, and Quintillian ad nauseum.

>> No.13606926

Has anyone actually read any of this? I came up with this as a concept meme two years ago, as a dilettante hoping for expert critique, and I'm surprised it spread so far and in the *exact* same form.

>> No.13607178

This works?

>> No.13607198

This is very well written, stop the 1000 word shitposts and contribute to the ~CANON~.

>> No.13607232
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So based I think I'll call it a day right here.

>> No.13607262

extremely concrete, I agree with >>13607198

>> No.13607427
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>(pls respond)
>So far, I thought about quoting Evola, but haven't decided on Mishima yet (I don't support homosexual authors)

>> No.13607491
File: 159 KB, 750x1334, CC3924CE-0947-406C-978A-DF5A6CC88A66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget how that thread ended...

>> No.13607507

>if woody Allen and Dane Cook talked to a woman at a bar she’d think Dane Cook was funnier

This literally just isn’t true unless you live in a flyover shithole

>> No.13607523


>> No.13607569

wtf, was that anon a Chad?