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13600737 No.13600737[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Jordan Peterson is the epitome of mediocrity. How is it that millions of people find such a dull and turgid loser so impressive, and even pay him to spout inane nonsense?

His area of expertise is clinical psychologist but his "insights" amount to IQ scores and Big Five personality traits. That's it.

His political ideas are the kind you learn when you google "arguments for and against capitalism" - like literally high school tier understanding of politics. I support capitalism and Peterson "representing" capitalism makes me cringe.

His philosophy is egregious. How does somebody with zero understanding of Nietzsche get to lecture in a university about him? I'm convinced that nobody that watched his philosophy stuff has actually read any of it themselves.

Even if you take him as self-help guru (which he pretty much is these days), his advice can be summed up as: "clean your room, take you pills". How revolutionary!

What else is there? His critique of postmodernism? It's pathetic, and this is coming from someone who dislikes the movement.

Please explain how this charlatan is taken seriously? If there's one redeeming thing about him, it must be the way he has managed to market himself and convince millions of losers to join his cult.

>> No.13600756

Oh and what I find the most hilarious is how his minions think that the reason he is rejected by academia and intelligentsia is that he's too radical and ahead of his time for them. The reason the establishment hates him isn't that he's a fucking moron, no, it's because the speaks the truth and they can't stand it!

>> No.13600765

>Please explain how this charlatan is taken seriously?

He is not, at least not by anyone who can read. There is a reason why he is known as the idiots intellectual.

>> No.13600791

I take it this goes for the rest of the Intellectual Dark Web? I mean, when you have minds like Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro, and Jordan Peterson forming some sort of collective...

It's sounds like the right-wing version of Chapo Trap house. Lowest denominator politics.

>> No.13600839

Peterson's ideas are so vapid he makes Sam Harris look like Wittgenstein. The podcast they did together was physically painful to listen to.

>> No.13600871

He's being pushed for social engineering purposes and had links to certain think tanks and big corporations. It could be the whole thing is theatrics.

>> No.13600896

Peterson on his own indeed isn’t to be taken seriously, however the Peterson moment in our culture is important - clearly JP represents something more, both to his fanboys and to his media antagonists, than just his actual views or ideas.

>> No.13600922 [DELETED] 

>Why's JP so popular among plebs?
1. He expresses himself in a medium plebs know and use (YouTube) and only after that did he published a book for his audience (12rules, since Maps of Meaning is not for this audience)
2. He speaks concisely and clearly and "destroys the sjws"
3. He's conservative.

>> No.13600934

>3. He's conservative.
There are pleb figures on both sides. His conservatism has nothing to do with his success.

>> No.13600952

I don’t like him but when he’s good at talking on Dostoevsky & his ideas. I sort of wish that’s all he did, my YouTube recommendations turns into an alt-right pleb pot after watching just a few of his Dosto videos

>> No.13600977

No real criticism has been expressed in this thread. It's the same with Zizek, people just call him an idiot and never have to explain themselves then they wonder why they can't convince anyone they are right.
Good job, OP.

>> No.13600981

He’s not going to be your dad

>> No.13600990

He's not being called an idiot, just severely mediocre.

>> No.13600996

Then what is the meaning of this thread?
Is it meant to just be a place for OP to vent and hear other people praising him for saying nothing?

>> No.13601059 [DELETED] 
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Artistic representation of this thread.

>> No.13601064

Not sure I agree entirely. The left has always had "intellectuals". Now, there's a current wave of "intellectual" conservatism, young conservative men who are getting more into this kind of thing.

The problem is that they want to hold up people like Peterson as some kind of William F Buckley incarnate, when in fact his ideas (on philosophy and politics) are very, very surface level and at times straight up wrong.

Im not saying his conservatism is why he's popular, but it's definitely playing a role.

>> No.13601073

Thankfully his popularity is drying because that was an obnoxious few years. They're finally realizing what a goofy bastard he is.

>> No.13601084

Lowest common denominator.
Trump is the president, and Peterson the "leading philosopher".
This is by no means unique to right-wing, the left would elect Oprah as president, and DeGrasse Tyson as their chief scientist.

>> No.13601088

>3. He's conservative.
He really isn't. He's pro-choice, gun control, immigration, public healthcare, drug legalization, and believes the church and state should be separate and thinks wealth inequality is a problem.

>> No.13601098 [DELETED] 
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>gun control is considered "being conservative" in Burgerland

>> No.13601099

Peterson has also taken up Joseph Campbells mantle of iterating mythology in a way modern man can understand by explaining the symbolism. Now that Campbell is dead I'm glad that someone is teaching mythological archetypes and symbolism.

>> No.13601105

Are you retarded?

>> No.13601115

He's a good man. He's helped many people turn their lives around. He's genuine and his communication abilities are elite.

>> No.13601117 [DELETED] 

Are you American?

>> No.13601118
File: 52 KB, 649x648, 1564193886338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, aren't you the retarded one. Learn to read before shitposting in a board about literature you fucking mongrel.

>> No.13601123 [DELETED] 

conservatism is a meme.

>> No.13601128

May be, but not as much as your brain.

>> No.13601135
File: 222 KB, 445x306, 20190719_201859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conburgatives LIKE gun control

>> No.13601141

I don't know what you expect from a self-help guru pretending to be an intellectual. He's the tony robbins for millenials who think they're too smart for tony robbins.

>> No.13601142

You might think so and it might often be true, but unchecked progressivism is a sure way to collapse societies because the new ideas they bring also bring unintended consequences and when too many add together the old rules no longer apply.

>> No.13601184
File: 31 KB, 346x350, Rene-guenon-1925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a satanist hack, read The Crisis of the Modern World.

>> No.13601212

It’s strange how much of his shit goes undetected by his followers.

>> No.13601214
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He had an idea and knew how to market it to idiots.
That's how capitalism works.

>> No.13601284

>No real criticism has been expressed in this thread
He's a dullard with nothing insightful to say. You got played son.

>> No.13601294

Tyson is pretty right-wing.

>> No.13601299

At least fucks leftist

>> No.13601303

>He's the tony robbins for millenials who think they're too smart for tony robbins.

>> No.13601332


>> No.13601350

>How is it that millions of people find such a dull and turgid loser so impressive, and even pay him to spout inane nonsense?
The US education is so bad that we idolize anyone who can offer something slightly more competent. Peterson's arguments aren't good, but he discusses the Bible more serious than most US clergy and he talks about literature past dystopia novels and slave narratives, which is what the average American experiences exclusively in high school. He's a one-eyed man preaching to the blind.

>> No.13601363

Because he's not wrong, he's just dull and says things most people of somewhat intelligence already know. There's nothing profound to it

>> No.13601368 [DELETED] 

depends on the ideas, though. the US will benefit from gun control.

>> No.13601369

Oprah as President and Ta-Nehishi Coates as their leading philosopher***

>> No.13601375


>> No.13601400 [DELETED] 

yeah, think of all the massacres that could've been prevented if Ameritards had strict gun control. add to that the fact that only 3% of all "good guy with a gun" scenarios end up in success.

>> No.13601511

He is not preaching to philosophy majors with his speeches and 12 rules for life, he is preaching to people who are on their way to drop out of society.

If you want to criticize him criticize him for that criticize Maps of Meaning and his university lectures being dull.

>> No.13601576
File: 107 KB, 890x623, 1547317636510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is not preaching to philosophy majors
You know he's a professor right?

>he is preaching to people who are on their way to drop out of society.
Of course his audience on YouTube are 20 something year old White omega males, but that's not the intended target market. The target market is so because nobody with an education would bother with his garbage.

>> No.13601591

Good job ignoring half my post.

>> No.13601633

But it is marketed as intellectual work, not self help. Peterson cult members don't consider him their guru, they consider him a psychologist/philosopher and right-wing figure.

Based Taleb.

>> No.13601646 [DELETED] 

a quack? what's a quack?

>> No.13601679 [DELETED] 

who are the Big 5?

>> No.13601737

i bet you're the kind of guy who spends hours thinking of how mucg smarter you are than tgr guy fucking your crush

>> No.13602206

>Please explain how this charlatan is taken seriously?
Young people lacking a father figure.

>> No.13602241

As a former member of the Peterson cult, he looks great when you're nearly at death's door for whatever personal reasons you have. I see through most of his shit now, but I still want to think he means well enough.

>> No.13602299

He not even right wing. He is slightly misogynist, but he doesn't even have the balls to be against jews and blacks.
Western Europa Jordan Peterson equivalent, Alain Soral, had at least the courage to be openly antisemitic, homophobic, misogynist, and anti-freemasonry.

>> No.13602308

I appreciate what he's doing even though I don't appreciate him.
I find him annoying to listen to but as sort of a front figure for anti SJWism hes doing God's work and the people he ends up debating with are usually total retards. It really says more about the times than him that he's considered "controversial".

>> No.13602314
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>the epitome of mediocrity

I think you mean the "nadir", stupid.

>> No.13602322

Can you actually prove any of those allegations?

>> No.13602327

I know being on this website skews your worldview quite considerably, but fuck me how bad is it that you think Beterson isn't politically on the right. Have sex.

>> No.13602352
File: 209 KB, 1000x600, Gt+taylor+swift+is+actually+a+poster+on+r9k+_45b1b76858fa3be34e8091c5bf40d20c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people who blame peterson always shit on his success or the fact that he's making moneys? Doesn't this say more about them than JP

>> No.13602411

Your idol is light. Even Alex Jones have way bigger balls than Peterson.
I don't really know why he attracts you people.
Maybe because he looks like a weakling who finally succeeded in life despite being slightly misogynist?

>> No.13602488

This desu. I'm yet to see a single real critique on here of anything of his relating to Maps of Meaning or his university lectures. His mainstream 'self-help' content isn't aimed at you

>> No.13602515

because brown amerimutts can not pretend to have a white fatherly authority to run their lives for them instead of feeling guilty for being brown

>> No.13602523

now pretend*

>> No.13602541

>both sides
They're on the same side. The conservative-liberal dialectic is just two branches of the same tribe working together to monopolize public political thought.

>> No.13602561

My cock, my left ball, my right ball, my foreskin and my prostate.

>> No.13602583

It's the timing. In the wake of New Atheism, he's bringing 19th century, post-Enlightenment, psychologist religiosity to a generation bereft of religion. It's religion without religion, the way Zizek likes to joke about coffee without caffeine. For many people he's perhaps the first intellectual authority figure who has given them a view of the world that is not grossly materialist. Although his ideas are all basically a century old or older, they are a complete novelty to many who have grown up under Neo-Darwinian orthodoxy.

>> No.13602603

Is English your second language?

>> No.13602619

Maps of meaning is a joke.

>> No.13602651

Right, so you basically have nothing to say about JP

>> No.13602752

He's a joke and he doesn't know how to read philosophical texts.

>> No.13602770

You are not saying anything.
I'll give you an F.
Apply yourself.

>> No.13602773

Enough of this cuck. ENOUGH.

>> No.13602818

I'm saying he's a joke and he doesn't know how to read philosophical texts.

>> No.13602838

The words you use do indeed have meaning, yet you are not saying anything

>> No.13602859

>they are a complete novelty to many who have grown up under Neo-Darwinian orthodoxy.
i.e. COPE

>> No.13602864

I'm saying that he is a joke and doesn't know how to read philosophical texts. These words have meaning and I am saying them.

>> No.13602879

You truly are a brainlet

>> No.13602930

They're not right wing

>> No.13602933

His popularity has more to do with Carl Jung than Nietzsche. He is also a great speaker and can stand up against bullshit political correctness. Add to that some conservative values and you have a whirlwind of popularity in this climate.

His popularity doesnt make him correct, and it doesnt make him a philosopher, but it does seem to make you mad, so I like the guy.

>> No.13602948

Come with an argument next time.

>> No.13602954

Soooo, any OBJECTIVE criticism?

>> No.13602958

I'm saying you fuck dog and that you're mother is also your sister. My words have meaning. And I am saying them.

>> No.13602977

>I support capitalism
Hello, fellow capitalists!

>> No.13603017
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He's a symptom, op.
We live in an uncertain age, where there are no real values and relativity reign supreme in every aspect of life.
In this age, when every new generation is raised by single parents, cereals' tv spots and japanese sexy cartoons, does it really surprise you so much that a public figure with a little bit of charisma and a sprinkle of traditional values (but not really, just enough to give the impression of stability and order, boyo) attracts so many people?
Yeah, Peterson is a hack but it's a phenomenon that says muchmore about us as a civilization more than himself

>> No.13603021
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>Whiteknighting Jordan B Pseudoson

>> No.13603043
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>Jordan Peterson is the epitome of mediocrity
>His philosophy is egregious
>His political ideas are the kind you learn when you google "arguments for and against capitalism"
>His critique of postmodernism? It's pathetic
>The reason the establishment hates him isn't that he's a fucking moron
>Peterson's ideas are so vapid he makes Sam Harris look like Wittgenstein
>when in fact his ideas (on philosophy and politics) are very, very surface level and at times straight up wrong.
>He's the tony robbins for millenials who think they're too smart for tony robbins.
>He's a satanist hack
>He's a dullard with nothing insightful to say. >>13601350
>Peterson's arguments aren't good,
>nobody with an education would bother with his garbage.
>But it is marketed as intellectual work, not self help.
>Maps of meaning is a joke.
>He's a joke and he doesn't know how to read philosophical texts.
>I'm saying he's a joke and he doesn't know how to read philosophical texts.
>I'm saying that he is a joke and doesn't know how to read philosophical texts. These words have meaning and I am saying them.
>Yeah, Peterson is a hack
Prove it faggots

>> No.13603057

Based Shaneposter

>> No.13603067


>> No.13603109

Dominant and monstruous

>> No.13603544

>Thankfully his popularity is drying
Is it?

>> No.13603612
File: 22 KB, 500x508, 1564341990863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transgender bad
>socialism bad
>immigration bad
>wash your dick
>hitler was a socialist
"g-guys they are NOT right-wing!!!!"

>> No.13603615

Absent or incompetent fathers.

>> No.13603619

Someone post the thing about the cape.

>> No.13603740

One big factor for his success is his rhetoric ability. He is a good speaker, and as the himself has pointed out, that's a really, really powerful ability in the world. Part of the hate he gets here is simply due to the fact he manages to at least argument and express his ideas with some sort of 'bravery', something which is something idiots like OP never are able to do, seething and jealous with his armchair philosophy. Yes, I'm sure you are SO smart, if only everyone else would understand that, right?

Feel free to give critic on Peteson's ideas. I don't care, I support some of them and some not. And I admit I don't have expertise to comment many of them in deep enough level to bluntly summarize him being 'charlatan. Really, OP? Nice strawman again. But I guess I'm falling for bait here.

>> No.13603776

>Danish Butter cookies
Holy f*cking BASED