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File: 34 KB, 450x450, Johan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13569111 No.13569111 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that morality is nothing more than a guide to self-benefit. Don't waste your time reading large books that go on and on about some sort of vague, foundationless system of morality when it can be fully explained in a few pages. You act morally for your own benefit. Otherwise, why be moral?

>> No.13569122

Don't waste your time watching Monster.

>> No.13569123

Why should I believe you?

>> No.13569157

Because you don't want to live like those fools who allow themselves to think of morality as something you should follow "just because." Clarify your reasoning process. Train yourself to search for causes.

>> No.13569610

What if it benefits me to be that way?

>> No.13569613

poo poo pee pee caca

>> No.13569615

If you think so, go ahead, but it might not benefit you in the end.

>> No.13569755

fuck you

>> No.13569766

this but unironically

>> No.13569787

Nothing benefits anyone in the end.

>> No.13569790

So you're an egoist. You know, if you knew more (maybe read some of those books) you could be a perspectivist, or even just a pragmatist, but instead you're an egoist. Oh well, not everyone gets their brass ring.

>> No.13569805

You are just describing eudiamonia in a much poorer way than large books.

>> No.13569806

every society judges behavior as beneficial for its own continuation or not, thus creating a hierarchical system of values.
In every system there are those who excel at engaging in this system and those who are marginalized, this attitude find root in the will or unwillingness to participate in the set of values by those exceeding or failing and in the collective unconscious of the mass.
In this behaviors the mass "chooses" it's bests champions and examples for those values; it's not a conscious choice.
So morality it's an intrinsic aspect of social life, not a political one; it's a biological necessity of human life.
By denying morality you are in fact challenging the current morality, but no eliminating morality itself, as to do so you'd had to stop being human; a monster of sorts.

>> No.13569813

The peak of European power and dominance over the planet was in the middle of the 19th century. The recession from this peak was due to internal -rather than external- forces, although I'd submit that these were not inevitable. This period saw the rise of social organizations which -satisfied with conquering the planet- saw the next project to perfect the morality of their nations, eventually leading to civil rights and independence movements.

The mistaken ideal of moral perfection has led to multiculturalism and massive economic opportunity loses: the slippery slope has proven all too real as voting rights have led to a creep towards all manner of dubious rights (E.G. being called by a preferred pronoun.) From a cultural perspective, not every country is equal, and technological advances allowed Europe to dominate the world, before morality encouraged to give up their holdings.

A central dogma of Conservatism is that society and the individual should be moral, but the most dominant empires at their peak, throughout history were far from moral... and it is this contradiction which I consider to be the blindspot which will doom efforts towards the preservation of White European culture. Society doesn't fall apart because it lacks a defined morality, but because it dogmatically clings to ideals which no longer apply to its current situation.

The argument against a White identity is political correctness, although this is not politically motivated, at all, but moral. The solution to this isn't liberalism, conservatism or libertarianism, but in a pragmatic version of libertinism (De Sade failed to resolve the contradiction where the goals of numerous libertines would clash- there have to be winners and losers.)

>> No.13569964

>The mistaken ideal of moral perfection has led to multiculturalism
you really believe this?

>> No.13569967

Of course, how can you deny it?

>> No.13569974

Morality is a central precept of conservatism, and it creeps towards a universality. If history teaches anything it is that the content of morality is mutable. When you start claiming it "springs from the individual" it inevitably becomes applied universally. Morality is the rope which is being used to hang the White European races. True freedom always ultimately infringes on someone elses "freedom", therefore there need to be a different set of restrictions (very little) for your population and the other populations (more significant.)

>> No.13569978

Demonstrate it with historical and political proofs.

>> No.13570024

>Morality is the rope which is being used to hang the White European races.
How? What morality, who uses it, where did it spring from, how are white state structures affected? Which states?
In what way are they being ''hanged''.

>> No.13570042

A decent list of the top empires might include Ancient Egypt, Rome, Babylon, Macedonia/Persia, Mongol, Francian, Spain, France, British. None of these had any consistent morality. They all had one thing in common: predation. The key to a good empire is exploiting others for your benefit.
Morals always change, because they aren't based on something static. If you want to see the continuation of a distinct White culture, you need to base social standards on that goal explicitly, and not something mutable. Morality is an arbitrary construct which will eventually extend to people who aren't that population. Morality which applies universally (and it is inevitably pushed in that direction- its like entropy,) spreads because morals are entirely arbitrary constructs which are based on emotion (I.E. the "right thing to do" - who says?)

If you make a distinction between your people and everyone else then things can work, but it can't be based on morals. If its everyone else... not your problem. Nothing stops you from having laws, based on a goal, not a morality. As soon as you open the door to something arbitrary being "correct," it becomes discussion/negotiation.

>> No.13570061

Reading scrub detected

>> No.13570080
File: 377 KB, 1667x1111, brains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are just Mentally ill. Neuroscience confirms it.

>> No.13570099

None of this addresses the actual question.

>The mistaken ideal of moral perfection has led to multiculturalism

>> No.13570314

Promoting self sacrifice. Slave, ((())), christianity, democracy. European. Your last question seems redundant.

>> No.13570359

Umm being immoral leads to self benefit too. I'd argue that being immoral can actually be more self beneficial to you because why be a good person and make sacrifices if you can just rape, steal, cheat, sell drugs, be salacious, etc? Being moral is not about self benefit because it takes more will power and dedication to be a good person. Also to have morality, you need divinity otherwise you have no reason at all to be a good person and you could lead a feel good, hedonistic lifestyle with no consequence.

>> No.13570373

You don't need to be moral, just render people the idea that you are

>> No.13570613

You mean not neurotypical. That does not mean much.

>> No.13570624

I watched like 6 episodes and it went downhill so fast IDK how people can stomach that shit

>> No.13570839

If being immoral leads to more self-benefit, then why aren't you more immoral? This is the absurd reasoning I'm talking about and it needs to stop

>> No.13570875

You are raised to believe that we should do certain actions for the sake of morality, manners, etc but this isn't really a reason. You blindly accept this superficial explanation and live with it inside your mind. Why SHOULD we be moral, if not for self-benefit?

>> No.13570964
File: 177 KB, 1280x1024, 1563646854085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone suffers from childhood trauma and parenting issues.

>> No.13570974

Are you going to answer my question? Put forth some sort of argument? All you've done is insult

>> No.13570981

Morality does stem from our natures (it's the abstract social stratagems of sophisticated social beings), and this is exactly why it isn't and never can be truly universal. Sure, there's a lot of overlap in human nature and we can often cooperate... However, populations are divergent and those divergent natures are unavoidably in competition -- as you've noted.

A flawed and perverted notion of morality is the rope... A notion in which double standards are tenable and long-term consequences are ignored. It's actually laughably incoherent and incosistently applied, despite all the pretension to universality.

>> No.13570987

>and this is exactly why it isn't and never can be truly universal
Maybe for secular systems of morality

>> No.13571063
File: 67 KB, 640x960, c3fef0aeb7ef8b967df7c09bebd75e6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argument? Is clear your parents probably failed at parenting you and as a result you suffer of childhood trauma and daddy/mommy issues thus this is the best reason you developed your psychopathic nature.
You seek refugee in your own twisted false logic you developed as a result of your lack of payed attention by your parents/parent. You are mentally ill, you literally need to seek help.
I've also seen you have made this thread multiple times in multiple boards, is very clear you want to show off your own sociopath thoughts to everybody who isn't as mentally ill as yourself. I feel only but both pity and disgust towards you.
Also if you were to go today to an hospital and get a brain resonance scan, they would literally tell you the result how it is, you are mentally sick.

>> No.13571075

Because even egoism is contingent, see All Of Psychology. Your idea of yourself, much less the actuality of your Self, are very mysterious when correlated with the raw record of behavior. I don't mean that in some mystic sense, by the way; materially: people are near-insane, near-retarded, or both.
You would be a pragmatist if you weren't so egotistical.

>> No.13571894

Without doubt every thread ever written about this is written by a teenager who isn't a sociopath, but really really wishes they were.

>> No.13571971

I, like most other people, am subject to various moral compunctions, the violation of which would induce psychological suffering. But that does not mean that there are any moral laws which bind me, or that said compunctions are anything more than an amoral evolutionary mechanism.

>> No.13571994

>isn't a sociopath, but really really wishes they were
I was fucking spot on.

>> No.13572024

Not really. I don't have any particular desire to do such things. I'm not sure what it would even be like since I've labored under human morality for my entire life.

>> No.13572035

Reminder that a person posting with an anime picture is probably wrong in whatever he's saying.

>> No.13572300

You sound like me when I was 12 and had just discovered Lovecraft.

>> No.13572342

We know you are Pussy anon don't worry, you would never dare saying your crap on public.

>> No.13572371

And? I'm sorry you realized something factual when you were young and then "matured" into some delusion. That's unfortunate.
Of course I wouldn't. Why would I?

>> No.13572499

Morality is largely based on the assumption that a person inherently feels guilt and empathy. If your brain doesn't have the physical form to understand these concepts, then you can never understand morality.

>> No.13572517


>> No.13572534

read kant pseud

>> No.13572544

>Of course I come to the internet to pretend im smart in an anime board while on public im a nobody who does nothing of what i say online

Literally the lowest you can get.

>> No.13572733

Not OP btw

>> No.13572863

Still not an argument lmao

>> No.13572897
File: 108 KB, 750x750, 1558454235091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I wrong? Your parents did not pay any attention to you and you suffer because of it. Period.

>> No.13572906

You don't even know what you yourself believe in. You attack my concept of morality but can't define and defend your own position

>> No.13572933
File: 112 KB, 1024x768, mindcontrol3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See? I'm Right when I said your parents Failed you, there's nothing else to say here. For I have reached the bottom root of your "reasoning" which is inherently Wrong.

>> No.13572953

If my reasoning is wrong then you should be able to demonstrate it quite easily, but you've wasted that opportunity several times

>> No.13572979
File: 98 KB, 634x793, brains2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I did already scientifically, but your cognitive dissonance made you ignore it. Because it challenges your poor reasoning and demostrates how you are stuck in a mentally ill brain. But again you Ignored it.

>> No.13572984

You could use the same argument against any position. Very lazy.

>> No.13572989
File: 1.29 MB, 400x300, doggyandchick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, mentally ill anon.

>> No.13573001

>if evolved then good

>> No.13573002

If I were mentally ill, your telling me that would not make me healthy, and it would not make me see the errors in all my reasoning that is based on the illness. You have some more work to do

>> No.13573009


I told you directly you need to seek help, but you ignored it. What are the odds.

>> No.13573025 [DELETED] 

>all these seething christcucks itt

>> No.13573030

t. knows nothing about neuroscience

>> No.13573043

>neuroscience tells me this area highly used good this area less used bad

>> No.13573046

Seek help

>> No.13573064
File: 18 KB, 284x339, penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parts of your brain stops working and it leads to chronic disease

You don't even to be an expert

>> No.13573077
File: 41 KB, 850x400, leonardo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, your mommy and daddy failed you and you are a failure now as a result.

>> No.13573086

>if in brain then must use much

>chronic disease
which disease? if you say sociopathy you're just being circular

>> No.13573097

Cope. You can't defend your stance with reason so you accuse others of mental disorder

>> No.13573109
File: 24 KB, 480x360, psychopathy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which disease? if you say sociopathy you're just being circular

It leads to Psychopathy, a Mental illness.

>> No.13573132
File: 154 KB, 1024x768, cyclelifeabusesolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep avoiding the Fact your parents Abandoned you. Is true whether you accept it or not.

>> No.13573137

Does that mean all my beliefs are wrong?

>> No.13573141

now you need to explain why psychopathy is bad.

>it bad because word labeling it calls it bad
can give an explanation discussing the phenomenon itself instead of playing connotative games with language, please?

>> No.13573177
File: 96 KB, 550x358, afghankids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The word itself means mental sickness.

>now you need to explain why psychopathy is bad.
Do I really need to? I'll just leave a picture instead, if you don't get it then there's nothing I can say to snap out your mind.

>> No.13573192


Without doubt.

>> No.13573214

>The word itself means mental sickness.
That's no longer how it's used and embedding value judgements in language doesn't actually prove anything besides the person doing the embedding having an opinion.

>Do I really need to?
Yes. You're making a claim.

>there's nothing I can say to snap out your mind.
So this entire time you've been asserting something you can't support with a logical argument? Presenting your opinions as if they were facts that you can support your belief in is very dishonest, please stop doing that.

>> No.13573244

What are you even saying? All my beliefs are wrong because my social skills are flawed?

>> No.13573251
File: 58 KB, 850x400, la rochefoucauld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I thought you ignored the picture and went on to spitting you dialectics.
You are ok with Dead children. Got it, there's nothing I can ever say to get you out of your mind sickness unless you stop and recognize you are appeling to a mental Sickness and ultimately Wrong.

>> No.13573256

your picture wasn't a logical argument based on science. you claimed you had a logical argument based on science. i just want you to stop lying

>> No.13573257

Extremely based dog.

>> No.13573262

No, they are Wrong because they are backed up and rely on a mental disease.

>> No.13573270
File: 744 KB, 1024x685, Arachne_or_Dialectics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see pictures.

>> No.13573293

How? And why is it that reasoning caused by mental abnormalities is automatically wrong? Were all the people throughout history with strange behaviors wrong? Surely you realize how shallow and lazy your reasoning is. Why didn't you just demonstrate the flaws in my argument from the beginning? That would have saved us both a lot of time. Sorry, but just accusing me of mental illness doesn't persuade me in the slightest. If that's all you can do, then this conversation is pointless

>> No.13573300

"see pictures" is not a logical argument based in science. i guess maybe you mean you had an illogical argument that just referenced pictures of science? that's true but it's still dishonest of you to mention science if you're not going to use it in a logical manner. that's an implicit assumption about science and the reason people care about it. you should let people know you're not going to reference science in a way they care about so they aren't tricked into thinking you have something scientific to say.

>> No.13573313

>If that's all you can do, then this conversation is pointless

Yes it is pointless when even with neurological evidence you deny your own wrongness

>> No.13573335

Let's correct this cause OP sounds like a twat
>go ahead but be sure that in the end you won't have lived your life at its fullest

>> No.13573348
File: 45 KB, 1300x728, Knowledge dunning-kruger_effect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blah blah, the moment you said "why is psychopathy bad?" you lost validity of any of your posts.
When you don't even know Psychopathy is inherently a brain chronic imbalance, then it is better for you not to open your mouth at all.

>> No.13573363

Eliminating would be too much trouble. But please call me a monster, at least now i can finally have my identity. Finally i am one of you guys, feels so good.

>> No.13573370

Based brutish dismissal

>> No.13574402

How exactly am I wrong

>> No.13575996

Begging the question.

>> No.13576005

Spoken like someone who never read after virtue. Man is a functional concept and morality derives from factual premises regarding this man as being properly functioning or not in accordance with his telos. Faggot

>> No.13576144

Vague sophistry

>> No.13576168

That graph should be extended. It's periodic after the first peak. I've gone through éI'm never going to understand this" and 'trust m it's complicated" a solid dozen times in the past three years.

>> No.13576723

why is it set in Germany and Czechoslovakia?

>> No.13577656

>Reminder that morality is nothing more than a guide to self-benefit.
Imagine beliving in the concept of the self