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File: 44 KB, 450x338, fvtgd2oaxuf21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13536675 No.13536675[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

To all those people who love society, love climbing the ladder, love the socialising, the goal of a wife, kids and a high paying job.

Do you honestly believe this is how humanity is supposed to live? I don't understand, everything about that screams unnatural to me but every other person I meet seems to wholeheartedly believe in the system. They believe in always wanting more, always trying to gain more, always more more more. Why? Because it's easiest just to submit and go with the crowd? Or because you think there's no other choice? I just don't get it. That life is my personal version of hell and I refuse to take part in it.

>> No.13536700
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Oh for fucks sake, this is like the hundredth thread you made trying to convince others that you stewing in your insecurities all alone is somehow your choice, not the consequence of your inability to function in a society.
If you put all that energy into something constructive you could have already landed a job, you lazy bum.

>> No.13536701

>Do you honestly believe this is how humanity is supposed to live?
I'd like things to be different; at the same time, the current state of affairs is quite a natural developement (what isn't?); that is to say: the society in which we live is the natural outgrowth of our needs, thoughts etc.

>> No.13536706

>wife, kids
>screams unnatural
Yeah the last ten thousand years is mostly magic tbph. Be careful how loud you say it though, because, you know, supernatural witches will curse you into believing in sexual reproduction.

>> No.13536712

Why did you save this webm?

>> No.13536714

You don't live for yourself, you live for others. You come from a long line of dead people, you are a link in a chain, not some fluke of existence, but the culmination of many lives. So don't go around thinking you are separated from humanity.
Once you go around trying to make others genuinely happy, you start to enjoy your life much more.
There is no single way humanity must live. There are many different ways to live, but if you want respect and admiration you must adapt to rough conditions. You need some sort of rigor in your life.

>> No.13536724

This isn't how we're meant to live but living it with high goals in mind is what gives it meaning for us, every day is a challenge for yourself. When I don't feel legitimately challenged and engaged with my work my sense of purpose suffers and I feel like shit. What Teddy K would call a surrogate activity

>> No.13536728

>That life is my personal version of hell and I refuse to take part in it.
Well don't do it then.

>> No.13536735
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Why is EVERY Rei poster an insufferable retard?

>Do you honestly believe this is how humanity is supposed to live?
Yes, humans have an inherent desire to form social groups and reproduce.
The status seeking is mostly a Normie meme, but transcending that is basically trivial.

>Because it's easiest just to submit and go with the crowd? Or because you think there's no other choice?
No, because I genuinely believe that having a family, with a wife, kids and a decent job is what having a "good life" means, too bad I am an Incel and will be forever alone, but that is my personal hell.

>> No.13536739

He seems nice, leave him alone.

>> No.13536761

I feel you bro, but your worldview is not helpful for anyone. Life isn't good or bad, you make it good, you make it bad. What do you win if you make the world bad? Suicide, bro, suicide and depression. Fuck your ideas and conceptions if they make you miserable. Stop thinking. Give your brain the middle finger. It's not working right, so you need to short-circuit it. If you get into a depressive rut, tell your mind: blablabla. I'm serious. Make life good.


>> No.13536781

>tfw no misanthropic /lit/ reiposting bf

>> No.13536791
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>leave him alone.
If he wants to be left alone he should stop posting here.

>> No.13536806

Do you have a beef with him? Did he dump you or something?

>> No.13536810
File: 128 KB, 300x300, kuri5uuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally everyone is so fucking stupid except for me.

>> No.13536818

>Do you have a beef with him?
Yes, I am thoroughly disgusted by his poisonous morality and outlook on the world, and also his inability to engage with the people who try to engage with him in his threads.

He is also literally a anti-capitalist, sheltered rich-kid who hates work, unless, of course, there are multiple of these Rei posters.

>> No.13536822
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Forgot the image.

>> No.13536834

I think you're just tsundere towards him.

>> No.13536842
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Triggering purposes mostly.

>> No.13536843
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No, as I am not a faggot and even if I were I would rather kill myself then partake in the pathetic existence he calls life.

>> No.13536844
File: 178 KB, 1920x1200, rei_with_a_mask_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your heart for, anon? What are your hands for?

>> No.13536851
File: 114 KB, 1080x1350, kg8yloj9lx731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now the weebs come.

>> No.13536853

>I would rather kill myself
I would rather that you don't ever, please.

>> No.13536855
File: 40 KB, 455x512, 1562953405489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that question you should worry about OP, not me.

>> No.13536856

It's an anime website, we're always here.

>> No.13536857

It seems kinda likely that the weebs came with the post made by OP.

>> No.13536858

My hands were made for holding yours, bby.

>> No.13536859
File: 557 KB, 679x694, weeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You weebs are not welcome on 4channel.

>> No.13536860

Seems these threads have finally reached their intended destination with the classic, possibly inadvertent Rei vs Asuka debacle we're seeing here. Either way you and I both know that the only thing you can do in modern consumer society is give yourself over to the idealized love for a fictional anime or video game character. In reality however this is merely a mirror you use to reflect yourself and is playing right into the hands of that selfsame consumer society. If that's the case, I believe you understand what must be done.

>> No.13536862

>mfw I can't even put energy into complaining about society

>> No.13536870

What seems to be the problem?

>> No.13536873
File: 1.86 MB, 640x1136, 1562845830891.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean they can feel just how much of a loser the OP is and recognize a kindred soul?

Maybe you need to get a soul-crushing job to get the creative juices flowing?
Nothing is as good for you art as your suffering.

>> No.13536874

Well I hope he doesn't ever either. You should care for your fellow waifufag.

>> No.13536880

>You mean they can feel just how much of a loser the OP is and recognize a kindred soul?
No, I think OPs anime picture gave it away.

>> No.13536888

If you say that to yourself to just become a shut in, bad for you you will actually regret it big time when you're not longer young and some degree of bullshit is somewhat tolerated.
If that is a genuine feeling then instead of complaining about what normies do (it's not your business however), find what gives you a meaning and pursue it will all your energies, being aware that is NEVER easy to live an "alternative" lifestyle, even for socially accepted paths like becoming a violinist or an athlete or whatever. Unless you are born rich or at least in a supporting family, it's always harder than every possible normie path.

>> No.13536894

Who's the bigger loser, the weeb or the guy who posts girls he wants to fuck but can't?

>> No.13536903

>girls he wants to fuck but can't?
That applies to both of them.

>> No.13536912
File: 221 KB, 833x1250, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I didn't even notice Rei.
Asuka best girl.

So anyone posting Instagram thots is a loser (roughly all of the Internet)? Compared to your chaste existence?
By that logic I shouldn't post anything but dozen or so girls... and your mom.

>> No.13536913
File: 48 KB, 791x796, rei heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see some anon being miserable I wish I could drag him out of his cave and show how good things could be.

>> No.13536921
File: 864 KB, 3024x4032, xiglyivf5c631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am getting a feeling you would do that while dressed in a skirt and rainbow colored thigh highs... you degenerate.

>> No.13536925


>> No.13536926
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Yes, you're absolutely right. Society is artificially constructed and we build institutions to satisfy our needs, like marriage to fulfill the reproductive drive for example.

That's because nature is terrible to live in. Plague, predators, natural hazards, difficult to navigate topology, it is a complete shitshow out there. That's *why* we spent all that time, resources, blood, sweat and tears to get it the hell away from us. Nice to visit, but you absolutely would not want to live there for an extended period.

That's why we've created all these artificial ways of living, they're all to fulfill some drive we had in nature or to mitigate some kind of suck that just happens unless a human is intervening, such as parasites in food. That's why you're here, on 4chan, instead of living your authentic life in the woods.

All that said, if you have the courage, you can go be a fucking weirdo out in society like the rest of us autists. Think of all these artificial constructs as a buffet, and you can pick and choose what you want. The only caveat is that if you DO opt out, you have to drop everything in that category, even the good parts.

Don't want a job? Get a bike, move to a place with a mild climate and learn to enjoy dumpster food and a life without luxury. I know it sounds ludicrous, but there are people who've made that choice and live that way. Not many, but some. The same goes for marriage and long term partnership, status games and social rank, etc.

If you feel strongly enough about it to abandon it as a whole, you can opt out of society entirely and go live in a remote forest somewhere. I wouldn't advise it, but it's on the table.

The only question is the strength of your conviction.

Do you really feel this way? Or is it just an excuse to avoid the challenges of life.

>> No.13536928

>you degenerate.
That's your fantasy, not mine.

>> No.13536933

Chaos is a ladder

>> No.13536934

>Maybe you need to get a soul-crushing job to get the creative juices flowing? Nothing is as good for you art as your suffering.
You're probably right. Finding a job also seems like an insurmountable obstacle to me.

>> No.13536938

Those are the most natural things in the world, the window dressing and form of it has changed slightly over the millennia but that's it
Feed yourself, shelter yourself, secure and impregnate a female, rise through the hierarchy

>> No.13536955

Excellent. So you'll suffer horribly even before you get a job.

>> No.13536958

Anon, please try.

>> No.13536961

I already am, but not in a stimulating way.

>> No.13536965


I strongly recommend a brief period in a suck job, it's an excellent way to grow. Fast food service, retail, doesn't really matter what as long as it's low status and poorly paid.

If you're looking for motivation, that will give it to you. You'll realize that your choices are:
A) do what you need to do to live a good life (whatever you imagine that to be, normie or otherwise),
B) take this low effort path through this low status job forever and just suffer without ever really trying,
C) die.

And before you give the "4 years of experience and a college degree to flip burgers" talk, that's not how you get those jobs. They're asking for those things because they can afford to be picky, but I promise you that they don't really give a shit. You don't get that kind of job by selling yourself really hard to one person, you get it by half-assedly applying to every place you could commute to. Repeatedly. Quantity and persistence over quality.

If your parents are keeping you sheltered and you're not under any sort of deadline to make your way into the world, that will strangle your reason to make progress entirely and you'll be stuck in this rut forever. Get out of that situation however you can, just fukkin pack up and go. That situation is living in a comfortable hell, complete with an ironically fitting punishment for the sin it represents.

>> No.13536966

>or so
You know the precise number bro, everyone does
and in your case it might be zero

>> No.13536980

>If your parents are keeping you sheltered and you're not under any sort of deadline to make your way into the world, that will strangle your reason to make progress entirely and you'll be stuck in this rut forever.
Jesus fuck I'm almost crying

>> No.13536986

Let it all out anon. Cry the pain out and use the new week to change your life.

>> No.13536995

Fuck off

>> No.13536997


You can leave, Anon. I did.

It's not easy, it's terrifying, and you're going to make so many mistakes along the way. That's the adventure of life, that's how it's supposed to be. You'll be surprised at how satisfying and intense it all is, even though it's tragic and uncomfortable at times.

As for how? That depends on your circumstances. I moved over a thousand miles away to crash on the couch of a buddy I made on the internet. Ruined that friendship, but got me moving. If that's how drastic you have to be, I DO recommend it, but a less drastic method would be better.

Either way, make a choice and stick to it. Don't think about it too deeply either. I'm sure you've spent years navel gazing, and you're not going to suddenly have that flash of insight you're looking for now.

Stop thinking about it, stop planning. Just DO.

Start today, right now, prove to yourself that you're serious.

>> No.13537000

>Do you honestly believe this is how humanity is supposed to live?
Supposed by whom?

>> No.13537050

This modern world is a horror, a torture chamber of blinding light and deafening sound. I find it impossible to think when I leave my house, so much input to process, so many people. Bombarded at every turn with insatiable desire, the promise of happiness, never honoured. Is it any surprise the majority of humanity just wants to get through the day? They don't fear anything but losing their comfort, like a slave who when offered freedom chooses to remain a slave. It's the only life they know and change is scary to them.

I'm at the edge now, I've been through the motions, I've come up empty handed to justify subjecting myself to this meat grinder any longer. Very soon now, I can tell. I'll walk into the woods and never return.

>> No.13537055

I love rei

>> No.13537058

>I am the Lord of the Game.

>> No.13537072

Anon, please don't harm yourself.

>> No.13537077

Spoken like a true npc.

>> No.13537084


That's a good call, Anon. I can see why you would be disgusted with what we've created, it's definitely... Imperfect.

Get some basic supplies, go into the woods and experience nature. See what we started with, what we're trying to improve on. Start fulfilling your basic needs yourself, rather than relying on store bought food and factory made toilet paper.

You'll not only gain an understanding of why we made things the way we did, but which of those things you actually want in your life and which ones you could do without.

Then, if you wish, come back. It's very likely that you'll have a new outlook.

Personally, my greatest insight was that we absolutely, positively must do everything we can to prevent nuclear war and societal collapse. There's no indoor plumbing in a post-apocalypse, and I'm a huge fan of toilets. I know how they work, but I'm convinced they're magical.

What you walk away with will be different. You're a different person, by which I mean that there are legitimate differences between us. You'll find your own insights, I'm sure.

And then you can kill yourself, if you so wish. You should probably knock this out first, though.

>> No.13537095

I'm not going there to die, I'm going there to find out what real living is.

>> No.13537103

Well, please stay safe regardless. And I hope you enjoy your time.

>> No.13537115

Maybe I should have counted blowjobs.

>> No.13537118
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>Spoken like a true npc.
Maybe, but I am happy.
Are you happy anon?

>> No.13537140

>Yes, humans have an inherent desire to form social groups and reproduce.

What makes you think so?

>> No.13537142

t. burgers
your greatest export is stupidity, do us all a favor and wall your country off from the rest of the world

>> No.13537150

And where are you from anon?

>> No.13537158

>What makes you think so?
Everyone did it (hence your horrible existence), everyone is doing it right now, everyone will be doing it in the future... except you. Cuz you're so special anon.

>> No.13537162


>> No.13537164

t. evolutionary brainlet
you retards realize the version of evolution you got, like all scientific theories, was reflective of the time it was written, right? survival of the fittest and all that was just industrialization and emerging capitalism taking its toll on the anglo brain
furthermore you're choking on burger atomized suburban family ideology and are ok with that even though you're suffering because of it and have convinced yourself that's the way of the world
you're lesser than a worm
anglo's can't think historically, that's why they'll forever remain easily controlled amnesiacs that can't look past the carrot dangling before their face

>> No.13537172


It's pretty heavily backed by science that's been settled. It's also happening right now, here, in this conversation. 4chan is a social group, it even has it's own cultural rules.

Also most of the people here masturbate, which is that reproductive drive. Some even have sex, which is literally the act behind reproduction. Some are even successful, accidentally or otherwise.

>> No.13537177

>dude there's no such thing as "nature", everything is artificial and socially constructed. Even that what has been made by living organisms since the dawn of time

>> No.13537188


>convinced yourself that's the way of the world
It's absolutely not the way of the world. Monogamy and the nuclear family are both not natural human behavior, they're constructs we've adopted because they work. Cultures who adopt them and use them as the example of the ideal (which is often confused with what's "natural") get that extra boost to prosper and last.

What alternative would you propose? What evidence do you have that it would be more effective, aside from it working in your imagined ideal utopia?

>> No.13537194

No, it's probably because girls absolutely despise nice intelligent men like me and instead spread their legs for good-looking jerks who will hurt them.

>> No.13537197
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Everyone is stupid but me, myself and I.

>> No.13537206

It works for me but I have some siblings who have found happiness in other pursuits. My sister is really into art and my best friend is a stoner who probably isn't ever going to get a job. We are all happy doing our own thing. It's more important to have strong close relationships with others than what you do as a job or lack there of.

>> No.13537212

Also don't go to 4chan for life advice. A lot of people here struggle with empathy and will tell you that you can fix anything with hard work.

>> No.13537218
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Truly the chivalry and traditions of our grandfathers are a thing of the past.
Used to be your mom would pick out a suitable girl for a gentleman such as yourself but now you have to mingle with that lowbrow filth in order to meet someone.

>> No.13537219


So there's a problem. A man can't find a mate, even though others are mating successfully.

Tell me which of the two options is more likely:

A) That there is a problem with how the man is attempting to find a mate
B) That there is a problem with everyone else, which is billions of people

Have you considered that no one really wants a "Nice" partner? They want a partner that will reinforce their weaknesses, support their strengths, help them with problems as life throws them at the pair, and generally keep their life at an optimal amount of challenge (which is more than none).

Looks are a part of that. Looking at someone can give you a little hit of pleasure due to base instincts, and while that particular tool is not required to develop that relationship it sure as shit helps. That's why people maximize that, if they can.

>> No.13537220
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why do you get that feeling anon?

>> No.13537223
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Not him, but I genuinely feel that way.

"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you".

>> No.13537226

Its not so much a link as it is a river delta. The further we go the more diluted and useless every individual becomes.

>> No.13537227

It's kind of hard to feel empathy for someone as pathetic as OP.
It's one thing struggling with your failures as a human being, it's completely another to actually glorify those same failures as some achievement.

>> No.13537229


I wouldn't say fix. Some problems can't be fixed, only managed.

But there are things you can do to make it better, and things you can do to make it worse. Often making it better is hard work, and often hard work alone makes things better.

I would simply advise changing your behavior to stop doing the things that make it worse, and start doing the things that make it better.

But yes, 4chan is a terrible place for life advice.

>> No.13537233
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>If your parents are keeping you sheltered and you're not under any sort of deadline to make your way into the world, that will strangle your reason to make progress entirely and you'll be stuck in this rut forever.

>> No.13537234

>It's kind of hard to feel empathy for someone as pathetic as OP.
He's not irredeemable.

>> No.13537235


Quantity is not Epistemology.

>> No.13537241


Anon, make no mistake, the abyss has been in you the entire time. That's true of you, me, and everyone who's ever lived. You've just finally noticed it's there.

Darkness is inside all of us, trying to get out. And it will get out. Massacres and genocides have been committed by good men, and one day the world may be ended by good men.

Don't try to avoid or suppress it, that's impossible, that's how those good men did all those terrible things. Take a very, very close look at it, see it for what it is, and learn to use it.

You're not a pure soul and never could be, but you could be a good soul that uses that darkness towards good ends. That's part of what wisdom is.

>> No.13537243


>Get out of that situation however you can, just fukkin pack up and go.


No, but it's about as close as we can get. Russel's teapot and all.

>> No.13537245
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Those mentally ill trannies are everywhere.
It does not help that they start out as OP.

>> No.13537247

>Humans have an inherent desire to ride horses and stoke fires.

This is you. As listless as you are barren. Functionally dead.

>> No.13537249

>It's settled science!
No such thing you fucking moron.

>> No.13537250

I see your point, but it's very hard to find a mate when you don't get invited anywhere. Going out alone on a Friday, in hopes of finding a girl, doesn't seem like a good idea in a 100k city.

>> No.13537273


Vehicles and campfires. Your mistake is focusing on the specific act, not which drive it's fulfilling. Hunger is satisfied by modern French cuisine as well as it is by ancient Chinese recipes.


When everyone working in the field has come to a consensus and it's incorporated into all the new models being tested, settled is a fair word for it. Granted, a revolution is when settled science is upended, but you can't operate on the assumption that everything we've discovered so far is wrong. Most of it is right, or at least very close.


Talk to people, just random ass people. Drunks are talkative, go to a bar and try there. Even if you don't want to make close friends with them, they might have friends who are part of a social group you'd like.

Once you have local friends, invite them out places. Be the guy who makes the plans. If you have ten friends, invite all of them out. Three might show up, and you can start a social group of your own.

Mutually enjoyed hobbies help, personally I prefer D&D. You might like art, shooting ranges, camping, knitting, a book club or whatever. That bit isn't so important so long as you enjoy it.

>> No.13537274
File: 79 KB, 640x1136, highlights_47690924_280157096017084_7112164462620948890_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really appreciate your post.
Guess we've been through the same philosophical torments.

>> No.13537275
File: 64 KB, 750x748, 51966155_312334166306801_8071706665821550716_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And epistemology (lowercase e) has absolutely no bearing on your failure to get your dick wet.
Taking the traditional approach, it's obvious that the necessary and sufficient conditions (namely truth, belief and justification) for me to consider your proposition about you being a super special snowflake who has transcended earthly desire have not been met, therefore your proposition can not be justified true belief.
But I am fairly certain that you will never admit defeat.
It this or anything else.

>> No.13537279
File: 98 KB, 720x405, romanelli.720x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Thus the man who is responsive to artistic stimuli reacts to the reality of dreams as does the philosopher to the reality of existence; he observes closely, and he enjoys his observation: for it is out of these images that he interprets life, out of these processes that he trains himself for life. It is not only pleasant and agreeable images that he experiences with such universal understanding: the serious, the gloomy, the sad and the profound, the sudden restraints, the mockeries of chance, fearful expectations, in short the whole 'divine comedy' of life, the Inferno included, passes before him, not only as a shadow-play — for he too lives and suffers through these scenes — and yet also not without that fleeting sense of illusion; and perhaps many, like myself, can remember calling out to themselves in encouragement, amid the perils and terrors of the dream, and with success: 'It is a dream! I want to dream on!' Just as I have often been told of people who have been able to continue one and the same dream over three and more successive nights: facts which clearly show that our innermost being, our common foundation, experiences dreams with profound pleasure and joyful necessity."

>> No.13537282

>When everyone working in the field has come to a consensus and it's incorporated into all the new models being tested, settled is a fair word for it.
No, it's not.

Science is sure of nothing and if you claim to be sure of something then you're lying. Science is a process and it never ends.

>> No.13537294


That's a very popsci outlook. Science is sure of one thing, and it's a very important thing.

"Given the evidence at our disposal, and out of all the explanations we've tested, this one is the most likely."

Now you can yowl about how there's always a way for science to be wrong, and how it's not true apriori knowledge, and that's true. It's just the closest we can ever actually get to that, since that is an impossible goal.

Skepticism in face of the evidence is as foolish as faith without evidence, and usually an indicator of said faith being present and conflicting with whatever you're being skeptical towards.

>> No.13537295

>Talk to people, just random ass people
Have you ever done this?

Then why are you telling others to do it? That shit doesn't work, it makes you look like a freak. Stop giving advice on things you're only guessing about.

>> No.13537297


>> No.13537300
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"What then is truth? A movable host of metaphors, metonymies, and anthropomorphisms: in short, a sum of human relations which have been poetically and rhetorically intensified, transferred, and embellished, and which, after long usage, seem to a people to be fixed, canonical, and binding. Truths are illusions which we have forgotten are illusions — they are metaphors that have become worn out and have been drained of sensuous force, coins which have lost their embossing and are now considered as metal and no longer as coins."

>> No.13537301

>Have you ever done this?
Yeah, it's fun.

>> No.13537303


Yes, that's how I met my social group when I moved. In a bar, particularly.

I've since moved again, and met my current social group through work.

Just going to a place with people, being stuck in a room with them for a bit and striking up conversation is how you make new friends.

>> No.13537307
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>Science is sure of nothing and if you claim to be sure of something then you're lying. Science is a process and it never ends.
That's why everyone has been fucking since the dawn of time.
And with every thrust the model is more and more solid.
From your (kinda insane) point of view, you could say that procreation and fucking has been one of the longest running and most fun scientific processes involving everyone... except you. You - a courageous soul daring to question the traditional orthodoxy by testing a new hypothesis - one that involves avoiding all contact and sneering at other researchers, busily thrusting and testing.

>> No.13537308

>Skepticism in face of the evidence is as foolish as faith without evidence
No it's not moron, what the fuck kind of retard logic is that?

You know physics is basically all bullshit right? The supposed "laws of physics" are just the best approximations they could make and they're not sure how it works at all. They have no idea what gravity is, how it's generated and why. But you just believe them because "it's settled science". The earth being flat was "settled science" once upon a time, and yes thinking the THEORY of evolution is "settled science" IS just as dumb as thinking the earth is flat.

>> No.13537310
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>unironically claining that humans are not social animals

>> No.13537314


And yet we can build computers, predict if someone is going to end up in jail, travel the farthest and perceive the tiniest distances.

All thanks to this illusion.

It seems like it has something real to it, and I'll stick with that. You're free to abandon it if you like, but I don't see how you could use technology without being a massive hypocrite.

>> No.13537315
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Yeah trannies do that too.

>> No.13537318


>> No.13537321

>That's why everyone has been fucking since the dawn of time
Tell me what science has determined is the reason for procreation

>> No.13537328

Science suggest a model that is an approximation of the truth, over time that model becomes a better and better approximation.
If scientists say "X is settled science" they mean that there is an enormous amount of evidence for it and very little that contradicts the model, which doesn't mean the model is "truth".

Newton was wrong about physics, you have to be insane to deny this, but you also have to be insane to deny that his model was a REALLY GOOD approximation to reality.

>> No.13537331

I'm not the one who saved a photo of a tranny to his computer harddrive.

>> No.13537333


What are you even saying? You would be swearing by the aroma of horse farts 100 years ago. If, per chance, sexual prescriptivism changes during your life, you would just as thoughtlessly affirm anything from castration, to celibacy, to artificial wombs, to robot women, to pedophilia, to zoophilia, to necrophilia, whatever. A walking cadaver.

>> No.13537340

>What makes you think so?
There is a lot of evidence for it and very little against it.

Some of the evidence for it is pretty much everything we know about how pre-historical people lived, which suggests that humans formed groups in which people cooperated and shared.
We see that exact behavior in every group of humans that we have found on this earth, no matter how advanced, if you have counter examples and can show that your counter examples are the norm, please go ahead.

>> No.13537341


The universal constants are not settled science, that's a very lively field right now. It's actually fairly exciting.

Now, how they act under certain circumstances? That's the settled part. The laws of physics, as in the actual equations, are very settled because as far as we can tell, there are no exceptions. There's a lot of money in it if you can find one, so if you know of any I would recommend publishing.

The earth being flat was never science, it was a reasonable, false assumption that was disproven with the prototypes of the scientific method, before that was even an institution.

How evolution functions is settled science. All the details, each evolutionary branch, every mechanism produced by it is what we're still studying, however we understand the process that created them, and have gotten many of the processes understood as well.

You can't throw out the basic human drives without throwing out basic statistics, because that's how we've proven it. And yes, statistics is also a very settled branch of math.

>> No.13537342

>The supposed "laws of physics" are just the best approximations they could make and they're not sure how it works at all
>The earth being flat was "settled science" once upon a time, and yes thinking the THEORY of evolution is "settled science" IS just as dumb as thinking the earth is flat.

What the fuck are you on? The scientific community has been refining their models for hundred of years. We didn't throw out Newton once Einstein showed up.
By your logic until we get a complete picture of one of the fundamental forces of nature you won't move from under a falling brick.
Fuck you might levitate said brick through the sheer power of your disbelief.

>the reason for procreation
It's fun.

Never loose anon. NEVER.

>> No.13537346

>If scientists say "X is settled science"
No scientist ever uses the words "settled science".

"Settled science" comes from far left political blogs who use it in sentences like "It's settled science that global warming is real DRUMPF".

>> No.13537350

>It's fun.
So you have no actual knowledge on the subject and just run your mouth like you're the expert? Thanks for clearing that up retard.

>> No.13537352

>Tell me what science has determined is the reason for procreation
It is called "Evolution" the mechanism by which traits of a species are selected through genetic mechanisms.
Traits which are helpful for reproduction are given more frequently to the offspring of a species and since every animal on earth is the result of reproduction it suggests that wanting to reproduce is a trait that is evolutionary very beneficial.

Another piece of evidence is that the sexual organs of males change into a form more suitable for reproduction if he is shown a sufficiently attractive naked female.

>> No.13537355

>No scientist ever uses the words "settled science".
Okay, they say "the available evidence suggests", which basically means the same thing, that is entirely besides the point though.

>> No.13537357


There being countless evidence of mass murder does not mean that any one person has an inherent desire to murder and/or be murdered.

>> No.13537362


Which aspect of it? Procreation is the mechanism by which evolution functions, or at least half of it. That's a wide topic, and you're going to need to be more specific if you want a simple answer.

>> No.13537364

That's not the reason for procreation.

Try again.

>> No.13537366

>The supposed "laws of physics" are just the best approximations they could make and they're not sure how it works at all.
Of course.
But EVERYONE in physics knows this.
If they thought these laws were absolute truths physics would be done.

>They have no idea what gravity is, how it's generated and why.
Yes, but they have derived laws which model it very closely in an effort to better understand it, of course they haven't discovered the origin of everything.
Physics isn't "solved".

>> No.13537369

It must be hard being this much of a retarded NPC.

>> No.13537373

>Okay, they say "the available evidence suggests", which basically means the same thing
No, it's not the same thing at all. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.13537375

Pretty much every human we know of made the decision to be part of a social group, your analogy doesn't work.

>> No.13537383

>That's not the reason for procreation.
It is, only beings which reproduce exist for more than one generation, therefore any being which exists has to have had a desire for reproduction.

Try again.

>> No.13537386

>There being countless evidence of mass murder
But there is so much more evidence for no mass murders happening than mass murders happening, so what exactly is your point.

>> No.13537388

>It is, only beings which reproduce exist for more than one generation
Certain species of jellyfish and lobsters are for all intents and purposes immortal, they only die when a predator gets them or they grow too big to find enough food to survive.

>> No.13537389

>If you do not follow the latest progressive trends of being a consumerist virgin without a desire to reproduce you are an NPC

>> No.13537397

Even IF there was a species which so far only has existed for one generation that is entirely besides the point and TOTALLY IRRELEVANT, since it does obviously not apply to humans.

>> No.13537400

>No, it's not the same thing at all.
Yikes, accept reality dude.

>> No.13537402
File: 82 KB, 742x960, 1564220977319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have compressed all of the psychological and physiological responses to the sexual stimuli into one catchy phrase and this is how you answer me?
I guess now we know why you ain't getting any killjoy.

>> No.13537407

Why are ASS cunts taking over the board?

>> No.13537413


What, then, is NOT inherent despite there being reasonable evidence therefor?

>> No.13537422

>despite there being reasonable evidence therefor?
Mass murders are EXTREMELY rare and there is no evidence that they were common, much less the norm.
There are billions of counter examples where humans interacted without mass murder.

You are making a totally absurd false analogy, which doesn't hold up what so ever.
There is very sparse evidence of humans not forming communities and there is an ENORMOUS amount of evidence of humans not committing mass murder.
What percentage of humans have lived in communities? Maybe 95% minimum? What percentage of humans has committed mass murder? Maybe 0.01% maximum?
Do you see the difference? Why one might be "inherent" and the other might not be.

>> No.13537427

Humans are organisms too.

You're also forgetting asexually reproducing organisms. Where's the evolution there?

>> No.13537434
File: 57 KB, 366x500, SigurdFafnir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why? Because it's easiest just to submit and go with the crowd?

Actually it's easier to give up on it and stay in your mom's basement as a NEET. It's the basic meaning of life for all living species to grow, evolve, become stronger to reach the top of the ladder through natural selection.

You look at a group of wolves: every male wants to become the alpha, yet only the best can do so. The rest either continue the struggle or become dead weight and get cast out.

As for humans, our values of living are different from wolves as each species evolved differently, but the core principles of nature stay the same. The reason modern way of living seems unnatural to you and many others who think about it is that in a relatively short time of human history (several millennia) human society changed along with the mode of production of material life. Therefore the way of living we were evolved into for most of our history is not the way we are living today.

There are strong points in Marx' methodology as well as his statement that humans lost their natural way of living. Yet his conclusions on why are ridiculous from today's perspective as we can certainly say (among other things) that it's natural for men to have hierarchy and always fight to get to the top.

tl;dr - Marx was the first ecofash chad /s

>> No.13537436

>Humans are organisms too.
We are talking specifically about humans.

Even IF some lobster has no desire to reproduce, that is totally irrelevant, how do you not see that one thing can apply to one group of organisms and another to another group or organisms.
This is LITERALLY how you are arguing: "Humans do not have two legs, because a beetle has 6 legs".

>> No.13537440

not literature

>> No.13537443
File: 46 KB, 640x960, 1433756832069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are trying to nail a jelly to a wall.
He's arguing in bad faith and will keep moving the goalposts.
It's horrible what forced celibacy does to people.

>> No.13537456

Either evolution is what you say it is and affect all organisms on earth or it's not "settled science" like you think.

>> No.13537463

Irrelevant to the argument, even if evolution didn't affect any species but humans this would make no difference to the argument.

>> No.13537470
File: 290 KB, 1638x2048, 1562008480232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still better than arguing about Marx.
The "wagie" threads were funnier but the jannies kept deleting them.

>> No.13537472

Yeah, but it's still one of the better threads up. The argument is productive.

>> No.13537473

Is this what happens when you watch Anno too much?

>> No.13537477

Belonging is the grapes. You are the fox.

>> No.13537481

You just don't understand their genius.

>> No.13537488

So you try to get your validation and sense of belonging from anons on 4chan instead.

>> No.13537493

Such a distinguished group of gentlemen.

>> No.13537496

im actually very smart

>> No.13537499

I'd pick the grapes for him.

>> No.13537502

> muh jobs
Figure this, I am 27, get money from the government for studying something I like and will likely NEVER work.
Going to continue studying and live a fulfilling life with kids. Suck my dick dumb American.

>> No.13537504

>even if evolution didn't affect any species but humans this would make no difference to the argument
It makes all the difference in the world.

>> No.13537512

>It makes all the difference in the world.
Like you might one day reproduce by self-replication?

>> No.13537525


Where do you think you are? Reddit? Go back and stay there.