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13528978 No.13528978 [Reply] [Original]

Can books cure depression?

>> No.13528995

this is a bait image, and therefore the entire premise of this thread is suspect
do not bite friends, and if you must reply remember that it goes in all fields

>> No.13529004

Only you can cure your depression. No meds, no books, not even friends if you don’t decide to help yourself in the first place. You don’t need anything, you can overcome it with your sheer forces

>> No.13529008

No, but it can suppress the symptoms for a while

>> No.13529013


>> No.13529089

What does the creator of this image say to someone who has literally none of those things?

>> No.13529100

Fuck seratonin acquire dopamine

>> No.13529124

How is that even possible?

>> No.13529137

Fuck dopamine acquire testosteron

>> No.13529154

Any distraction can banish depression. When you're busy doing something, you're not being depressed.

There is no actual "cure" for depression, because emotions aren't a disease.

>> No.13529171

fuck testosteron aquire estrogen

>> No.13529190
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>> No.13529197

Only SSRIs & ETOH can cure your depression

>> No.13529216

depression is more than just a emotional state. It might feel that way erarly on, but later on one experiences a lack of emotions, making one feel completely empty/hollow. One will feel less like a human, but more like a walking rotting corpse. One will lose all motivations to do anyting, any cares, anything that would most people say makes someone human will be lost. This state won't get any better, for once depression has gotten a hold of you, you will cease to be human or kill yourself before that happens. One can busy one's mind with other things to (at least momentarily) escape this living hell, but eventually you will be unable to use just about anything as a means to escape this hell. One might even embrace it, finding something resembling joy doing it, but at some point one will stop feeling that to.

>> No.13529242


>> No.13529257

Read a book and STFU.

>> No.13529281

Based retard

>> No.13529301

He's right, you know. There is no medicinal cure for depression, only palliatives which are harmful in the long run. The way to "cure" depression is to stop indulging it like a retard.

>> No.13529330

Technically yes.
Your depression is based on your perspective to your own life, so if you even entertain the thought of a new perspective then you’ll feel better

>> No.13529338

Fuck my meme name was left in post

>> No.13529346

Try reevaluating your priorities if you're depressed. If the path you're taking is leading you to a darker place, why not change paths?

Nothing can "cure" your depression other than you.

>> No.13529393

if you actually believe this, you didn't deal with actual depression, you were just sad. depression is like cancer, you can't just think positive and pray it away.

>> No.13529406

depends what you think depression is

in my experience the full blown "can't convince myself to get out of bed before noon for weeks even tho i used to be an athlete and be motivated and I'm aware the tasks and exercise will help but it seems insurmountable" which sounds so fucking stupid once you're out of it but when you're in the thick of those brambles i'm not sure what solves it but time and luck

>> No.13529418
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The thing about depression is that it’s a mental illness, thus it has to be dealt with using the mind rather than drugs or any other outside influence. Note that it is a constant struggle to reason it away, but it infinitely beats wallowing in self pity or suicide.

>> No.13529435

So many armchair psychologists in this thread. When the entire psychiatric community thinks that depression is a serious mental illness that needs treatment and you just come in with your apriori ruminations about something you've never experienced or studied LMAO. DEPRESSION IS A MENTAL ILLNESS YOU NIGGERS, people can't just "improve your life bro" because the depression takes away the drive to do anything.

Seriously though what is the reason people act this way about depression? I guessed it was just right wingers trying to superimpose "personal responsibility" onto everything because they can't accept that the world isn't a meritocracy, but I don't know anymore.

>> No.13529436

>no true Scotsman fallacy
Based retard.

>> No.13529441

LOL the "entire psychiatric community" is making a living from your fake illness, loser. And the pharmaceutical industry too.

>sulking takes away the drive to do anything

>> No.13529443

The thing about cancer is that it's a physical illness, thus you must use the body instead of any drugs or external influences to cure it

>> No.13529445

So rather than even attempting to improve your circumstances you would rather accept the fate of just “being broken” and live your life thinking you will never be happy?

>> No.13529448

You improve them by taking pills you nigger

>> No.13529450

Aren’t you a cheeky son of a bitch? You just think that some people are “born sadder” than others due to genetics or something?

>> No.13529452

Not have friends, gf, pets, shitty food and a failed education? That's easy just look at me.

>> No.13529457

it's literally linked to chemicals in the brain.

>> No.13529462
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>check out this car
>thats a skateboard not an actual car
>hurrrr no true Scotsman fallacy

>> No.13529487

What if you don't lack anything in life, but have no desire for anything, cna't find any passion nor motivation to do anything and are not able to feel anything, except slight anger (but that only after being severely irritated, and even then it's clinging off almost instantly) and lose all care for anything or anyone. And all of this didn't happen because you lacked anything, if you did you could as others have already stated fix it, but by thre not being anything that you can fix you have nothing that you can do.

>> No.13529501

definitely agree, and it took me maybe 20 years to understand depression, come to terms with it and deal with it. but it's still there. it's better, but there's no cure. maybe HIV is a better analogy.

>> No.13529527
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Wow, even more retarded than I thought.

>> No.13529540

You could start by getting over yourself.

>> No.13529545

Pills aren’t a cure, they’re a suppressant. You become reliant on them, and that makes you a slave to your “happy” pill

>> No.13529556

So you mean, like, emotions?

>> No.13529564

over what? I don't have any regrets, anxieties, etc. What am I to overcome if there is nothing overcome?

>> No.13529574
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I bet you believe in alternative medicine

On a serious note, from a person that has been in the chronic and caused depression:

1- If you have chronic depression, or a chronic illness that causes you depression, it's pretty much over.
Not in the sence that you should give up but in the sence that there is no way of removing it. Maybe if you are one of the lucky ones with bipolar disorder or chemical brain inbalance that can be cured trough medicine, but most often than not, is basically not going back once you are in the pit of depression.
The "bright" side is that despite being there forever, it becomes mundane like 85% of your time awake.

the 15% is a living hell, don't get me wrong, but it does kinda get better in the sence that your brain just doesn't fucking care anymore

2- On the depression with non chronic causes, it can be just as fucking shitty, but the bright side is that it may go away. The shit side is that you can't tell when. It can last decades or days and it's out of your control when it happens

3- Depression can hit you despite of your well being

4- Meds are fucking shit. There is no good cure for depression that isn't for like certain biological pinned down conditions

5- on the question if that books can cure depression.
Yes and no.
You can enjoy and get distracted. Is like a drug, but it will eventually come back once you are done with it and digested the experience.

I cure my oneitis with shitty romance novels but it eventually comes back.

It can cure you short therm

Either way, you shouldn't kill yourself if there is still the posibility that there is a good percent that can enjoy life inside you

>> No.13529590
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>>13529346 I was diagnosed with chronic depression at 12. What better advice about depression that from someone who's been handling it since he was a child? I genuinely mean it when I say it's a matter of priority.

Also, perhaps it's like this: Maybe, you think that, somewhere deep down in your heart, if you can't have the best possible life, you don't want to live one at all? You may want to consider this thought if you were a selfish kid who didn't want to participate unless he got the coolest toy or role.

>> No.13529618
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I am calling bullshit on you famalama
Things can soften the blow like having a good diet and figure and so on but it can only work so much

at the core, it's still a lingering issue that will never go away until you do

>> No.13529619
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thank fren

>> No.13529651

I recovered from really bad depression, mostly by just surrounding myself with better people. Finding good people is fucking hard, I just got lucky. Antidepressants didn’t ‘cure’ my depression but they helped me keep my head above water. I still take them now

>> No.13529672
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I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to prove something like that over 4chan anyway, but you're entirely right. Proper eating habits, adjusting your physical fitness, getting outside to be with other people (strangers or otherwise), etc. can help, but they won't ever get rid of it. Why? Because depression isn't a physical issue. Physical solutions are not going to solve a mental illness. You don't beat the autism out of someone, do you?

What I mean by matter of priority is this: Is your priority to live the best possible life in spite of your depression? Is your priority to end your life so you don't have to live with depression? Is your priority to wallow in your own vitriol until death comes to collect? Is your priority to live out life for the sake of living, regardless of how "great" it is? If your priority is to wallow around, but you hate living like that, then why not make the effort to change your priority to something that better suits your interests? Is it easy to do that? Absolutely not, but it's certainly possible. I know I'm not going to convince some stranger on the Internet like this, but repeating to yourself that "it will never go away" isn't going to even remotely ease the pain. I'd recommend doing some self reflection if you really want to work your way out of depression, rather than repeatedly tripping yourself with prophetical words of disaster. Also, read Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Maybe it'll be of some help to you.

I know this reads like I'm projecting, but I'm just trying to speak from experience to someone who may be going through the same thing. Good luck, anon. Sorry that this isn't something that other people can fix for you.

>> No.13529686

Everything is and always will be shite and boring.

>> No.13529692

That's not a solution, that's just a way to do deal with a problem that can't be solved. What you*re saying isn't wrong though.

>> No.13530155

>I don't have any regrets
I'm of the opinion that one hasn't really lived if they haven't made a few regrettable mistakes in their lifetime

>> No.13530333
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The only things I enjoy anymore is drinking, smoking, reading, writting, taking shits. When that stops being enjoyable, bon voyage

>> No.13531398

Congratulations on falling for the "everybody except for you is happy all the time" joke, retard. Once you realize that everybody has their own shit to deal with and happiness is, more often than not, a front -- a facade -- your woe-is-me depression bullshit is outed as exactly what it is: bullshit. That you "can't find enjoyment in anything" is an excuse to perpetuate your "diseased mindset" delusion and milk it for what it's worth, at least as far as your psyche is concerned. So keep popping your happy pills and moping about, I'll be over here handling my shit, like every other person on earth, with a smile on my face.

>> No.13531530

depression is a biochemistry problem most of the time. Industrialisation brought more stability, yet a huge loss in nutritional value. Most people are deficient in certain nutrients (b vitamins, vitamin d, zinc copper ratio)
Modern psychiatry misunderstands biochemistry and biology to a absurd degree, for example thinking serotinin is the happiness hormone.
Just look at how bad their predictions on antidepressiva are. But it is a logical conclusion, that once you outsource health and well-being into the hands of capitalists, everything will be aimed towards increasing profits, not increasing health and well-being.
Depression is a stress induced biochemical imbalance in 90% of the time. Therefore reading books will not help you in the long term, only destressing and fixing your imbalances will fix your "depression".

>> No.13531537

"exercising, going outside, taking in stimuli" isn't a cure, it's a suppressant. You become reliant on it, and that makes you a slave to your "happy" activities.

>> No.13531569


>> No.13531614

get exercise and drink water. No books or words will help a physical issue.

>> No.13531624

Holy fuck all of the faggots in these thread wallowing in their cesspool of self-pity should neck themselves. It is painfully obvious just how underage you are, and I say this as someone who has also been struggling for a very long time. You're not fucking special. Almost half of the US has been diagnosed with a mental illness and I expect it to be rise.

>> No.13531645

What part of that guy's reply is "this"? He is literally filled with resentment

>> No.13531675

>someone is making money off x, which means doesn't exist
Lmao bro you still eating food? Fucking big eating shills I swear

>> No.13531681

nothing makes it go away permanently. there are highs and lows. 8 years now

>> No.13531685

You've never had real mental illness

>> No.13531687

growing up in shitty poverty causing you to make shittier choices

>> No.13531711

When you say you are depressed, this is the person telling you to "get over it." It's someone who cannot even conceive of what you are experiencing, but can only view your life through their own normalfag filter.

>> No.13531715

>You're likely suffering from a mental illness but so are other people so that means your mental illness isn't real.
Amazing logic.

>> No.13531760

Just take your pills. Doctors aren't boogeymen out trying to turn you into zombies. In a lot of cases there just isn't any better options. You have to get over your "Im just gunna suffer because at least it's better than taking meds lol" mentality. Ive had friends kill themselves when they could have just gone to a doctor and found something that works

>> No.13531783

Must be nice to be able to afford a psychiatrist!

>> No.13531793

There are countries where they aren't state funded? I guess that part slipped my mind

>> No.13531795


>> No.13531925

He's right though.

>> No.13531934

So you’re resorting to conspiracy theories now?

>> No.13531955

Typical response showing how hollow your "advice" actually is.

>> No.13531975

are you kidding? do you live in America? half the fucking country is addicted to a script they got for saying their back hurts or they get anxious sometimes. doctors will prescribe you the most addictive shit imaginable just because you walk into their office. call it a conspiracy theory but that doesn't make it untrue. some of the biggest companies in the world are pharma companies, and of you are so naive that you think they aren't lobbying Congress, then you must have been born yesterday.

>> No.13532126

if you are depressed try the following things:
get to bed before midnight and get at least 7 hours every night but no more than 10.
get at least 30 minutes of intense exercise every day. morning run at a nature park is ideal.
cut all caffeine and alcohol.
leave your comfort zone any opportunity you get, especially in a social setting.
get off all social media and 4chan. if you must use 4chan then set aside a predetermined amount of time and avoid the shit.
instead spend your free time on something that leaves you with a sense of improvement every time you do it. it might sound boring but you're probably bored all the time anyways. reading is obviously a decent hobby, but having more than one is advantageous. there are plenty of fun hobbies like skateboarding, guitar, rock climbing, etc. most hobbies provide opportunities to socialize as well.
clean your room (lol).

none of these will fix anything overnight, and they're all difficult for a depressed person. they are, however, not impossible, and they vastly contribute to a better state of mind. study after study will confirm the amazing effects of exercise and sleep on real clinical depression. starting a sport or other social, physical activity is one of the first things a psychiatrist will urge you to do. time away from screens also helps you live in first person, and enjoy the things that are in front of you. depression is ultimately a problem that needs to be tackled with cognitive restructuring, whether it's assisted by a professional or found within. that is the hard part. you owe it to yourself to first eliminate all the external contributors to depression, so that you are better equipped to tackle your malicious thought processes. it's not a coincidence that depressed people are often on substances, have terrible sleep patterns, and get no exercise. part of depression is refusing to acknowledge these things or blowing them off as unimportant however. they are very important, and are the most obvious and they're the first things you need to tackle. obviously ops image is retarded btw but there's a place between "just be positive" and refusing all advice. there's hope for everyone.

>> No.13532134

What are they saying they’re distracted by? Does he need to get rid of all those things?

>> No.13532142


>> No.13532163

not only is it physical activity, but it provides a structure for daily improvement. my psychiatrist would always harp on the fact that my relationship with rewards was severely fucked up and led to me acting in self destructive ways on a daily basis, and she was right. when you put yourself in a situation where you're doing hard work, and then immediately seeing the results (your lifts going up and eventually your body looking better), you're taking a step in the right direction.

>> No.13532246

Depression is a spiritual illness and cannot be cured physically.

>> No.13532294

I'm currently wasting away below the poverty line and it's completely soul crushing. I'm losing the will to go on.

>> No.13532330

based g/acc poster

>> No.13532339
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Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, however this chemical imbalance is often due to something wrong with your behavior / your low standing in social hierarchies. It’s natural and a signal that you are doing something wrong

>> No.13532347


>> No.13532350

If it's a biological signal that I should fix something, then why does it make me not want to fix anything?

>> No.13532366

You're only subjecting yourself to unnessecary torture trying to "debate" with people who think they have the answer to depression. They're coming from a position of obvious naivety. They are either smart young lads in the stage of life where they think they have everything worked out, or are exceptionally stupid adults.

>> No.13532377
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>it’s a conspiracy theory that firms employ exploitative Marketing tactics to profit off of the consumers emotional states, intentionally amplifying beliefs and attitudes that will result in purchase behaviors
Are you deliberately trying to be stupid?

>> No.13532392

Depression costs the state money in terms of lost worker productivity. Depression accounts for the second most days lived with disability, after lower back pain. It is in the interest of the overarching society to effectively treat and combat depression. The notion that medicine as a field wishes to keep people sick to profit is absurd. Humans are prone to deffects. There is always something wrong, something abherrant, in need of treatment. The medical community is in no need of intentionally crippling their patients. Your argument only becomes weaker when you consider that in many developed nations, it is the government who foots the bill for the cost of medications, not the consumer.

>> No.13532408

You're right. It's clear that none of these people have ever experienced depression or even attempted to understand what depressed people actually experience.

>> No.13532592

>I can't get over depression, so nobody else can either

>> No.13532605

If such people had indeed gotten over depression, they would have some idea of what it feels like to be depressed.

>> No.13532631

Dissapointed to see no one has posted the corrected version.

>> No.13532714

Based advice from a based man. Prepare for the “there’s no point in doing all those things retard. The guy who sells me the antidepressants which don’t cure my depression said that antidepressants are the only cure”

>> No.13532723

easy, you never go out and fail college

>> No.13532783

I have done all of these things. They help a little but they're not a cure, idiot.

>> No.13532818

What if depression is keeping you from sleeping at all? How do you find the mental and physical energy to do any of those when your body isn't getting any rest?

>> No.13532839

That’s a question for evolution, all animals get depressed under these conditions. Tbh it’s probably your body letting itself die so that you don’t waste resources of the more successful genes

>> No.13532845

>implying bug pharma cares about the government paying them in money stolen from tax payers
Lmao can you even read? I never said it was the government running the marketing programs, it’s the pharmaceutical firms, the firms that lobby the government to create more people dependent on their products

>> No.13532853

I’ve had depression for many years, I can definitely tell by your mental gymnastics to shift blame to anything but yourself. You’ll be depressed forever that way

>> No.13532892

Depression varies in expression and severity. I used to never be able to get out of bed, but now I have a job and exercise and read regularly. I am getting better, but I don't buy your line at all, the bootstrapper rhetoric you and others are espousing in this thread betray a serious ignorance of what it means to be chronically depressed.

>> No.13532910

That guy would be me. Resentment towards what exactly? I went through my own depressive episode and only began digging myself out of the rut when I came to the realization of everything in my last post: that nobody is always happy & that a state of constant happiness is just as dangerous as a state of constant depression, and that emotional equilibrium is achievable with the proper attitude, mindset and habits. I'm not saying that depression as we know it doesn't exist, but (again, as somebody who has also experienced it firsthand) it is the result of an extremely naïve and juvenile worldview, which is only remedied by taking off your rose-colored glasses and coming to an adult understanding with reality.

>> No.13532962


>> No.13533055

I ask this in genuine good faith, were you actually diagnosed with depression and how long did you have it? None of what you describe is ringing home to me, it feels like our experiences are totally disparate. I've never been depressed because I was upset that I thought everyone else had it better than me, or that I thought I should have life handed to me on a silver platter. Realising that life's a bitch and it sucks for everyone is hardly a cure for depression.

>> No.13533085

Only a woman could have drawn such a bleak and vapid shit like OP's

>> No.13533106

Any medical/psychological professional would have diagnosed me as a depressive. Somebody tacking a shiny label onto you/whatever you have doesn't make your case any more or less special than anyone else's, which, as has already been pointed out, is at the root of the problem with many of those who "suffer from depression." It being in my younger days (specifically mid-/late teens), I withheld it from my parents as most kids tend to do. Now in my mid-20s, I've retrospectively pieced together my own personal set of circumstances which likely led to where I was mentally at and still work daily to maintain a sense of what I guess I consider "normalcy", or whatever is closest to it, by means I've already explained.
>Realizing that life's a bitch and it sucks for everyone is hardly a cure for depression.
It's not the cure, it's the catalyst.

>> No.13533122

>It being in my younger days (specifically mid-/late teens)
protip you were just angsty

>> No.13533146

All depressives are angsty, that you needed a doctor to tell you that you're angsty just means that you're angsty AND stupid.

>> No.13533189

This is a cope from depressed people to justify their lack of will or ability to change themselves. You see it everywhere, and it comforts people into their misery.

>> No.13533202

Wait, the pharmaceutical industry makes money? Holy fucking shit. Does the president know about this?

>> No.13533206

That's what I thought you'd say, thank you for confirming my suspicions.

>> No.13533212

>I'm more special than you because somebody told me something I already knew and gave me a special certificate and drugs
Whatever helps you sleep tonight, my guy

>> No.13533222

>successful people don't kill themselves

>> No.13533253

The fact that you keep coming back to this notion makes me think your views on depression stem from being beholden to ideology. You seem obsessed with the notion that anyone who might have suffered more than you is just being whiny, and wants to be "special". It's either ideology or narcicissm. Perhaps both.

>> No.13533259

The body and spirit are connected. The body and spirit are on feedback loops both influencing the state of the other

>> No.13533263

>successful people have nothing wrong with their behavior

>> No.13533293

Depression stems from a solipsistic perspective of life as that of children. Depressives aren't sick, they're mentally underdeveloped, and are encouraged to stay that way by a system that doesn't care about anything more than lining its own pockets by dishing out placebos when the real solution is right in front of your face, but, being mentally underdevloped as you are, you refuse to acknowledge it because to acknowledge it would mean doing away with your self-centered nature, so you don't like the true solipsist you are.
>You seem obsessed with the notion that anyone who might have suffered more than you is just being whiny
I'm just calling a spade a spade here.

>> No.13533300

very underdeveloped take

>> No.13533304

>Doesn't refute it
Like pottery. Don't you have some feeling bad about yourself to go do?

>> No.13533311

Your brain on evo-psych.

>your body letting itself die for stronger genes.

Yes anon because my body can detect the metaphysical hacceity called “stronger gene” in others and therefore wants to kill itself.

Evo psych is more retarted than god of the gaps sometimes

>> No.13533317

You fail to see the ultimate irony in your viewpoint. You attribute depression to a solipsistic viewpoint. You do so because you yourself claim to have experienced depression and on reflection you attribute it to your own past immaturity and solipsism. Having concluded such, you proceed to project your personal pathology onto all who suffer depression - everyone who is depressed is a fool, for when you were depressed you were a fool - and everyone must think just as you do. You are the true solipsist here. Consider that other human beings, hold different internal worlds to your own. You are not as mature as you think you are.

>> No.13533354

Depression feeds and thrives on a hyper-inflated sense of self. Escape self, escape depression; it's that easy.
>Consider that other human beings, hold different internal worlds to your own.
That's great, now as I've already said, form a meaningful, adult relationship with external reality and you'll start to see some actual progress. Also, thanks for making my point for me:
>other human beings, hold different internal worlds to your own.
>7 billion instances of "I, me, my"-based reality conflicting with one another

>> No.13533355

try inserting dildos

>> No.13533370

false. I've worked very hard to improve myself and my situation, and my depression no longer controls me, but it's not "cured" either. after 20 years I finally realized that it has a pattern. I sink down for a few months, then slowly come out of it and feel better for a few months. knowing this pattern helps me prepare for it and helps me know approximately how long I'm going to be feeling down and when i can expect to come out of it. I have a great life. I have everything I need, and far more than I deserve. but there is no cure for this bullshit.

>> No.13533384

So much confusion in this thread seems to stem from using "depression" as a kind of one-size-fits-all label when in fact depression is going to work differently in different people. Psychological reflection and readjustment, psychiatric medication, physical exertion, and (for lack of a better term) "life fixing" are not mutually exclusive, and the way you'll go about trying to fix someone's depression is going to depend on their individual circumstances.

>> No.13533386

Depression is the natural state of mankind, every philosopher saw death as a liberation, no one would return to life if they had the option
Stated that, I think suicide will just make things worse for your soul, so just avoid pain and suffering until natural death comes
happiness is BS and a spook

>> No.13533389

>depression is a spectrum
fuck off you either have it or you don't.

>> No.13533395

>Someone who loves you

>> No.13533405 [DELETED] 
File: 261 KB, 750x788, 3C2C7C15-C3A3-4C7D-810E-4C92D0133DB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depressives truly are the niggers of mental health

>> No.13533419

Of course your body can detect it’s inferior behavior. That is the whole hierarchy serotonin feedback loop the mammalian (and many other social animals) brain operates on.

Lol it’s funny how sadbois always talk about the chemical imbalance in their brain but never have any real understanding of how linked their brain chemicals are to their physical behavior and environment. Probably because you might have to take some responsibility for your condition if you acknowledged that, and then you’d have no excuse for not taking action. It’s so much more comfortable to pretend it’s out of your control and you are doing everything you can isn’t it? Honestly you could be an Olympic finalist in the 100 meter cope

>> No.13533421

Can one learn to cope this hard?

>> No.13533422

Nope. Brain chemistry is not binary retard.

>> No.13533448

go hug a rainbow, tranny

>> No.13533518

So this, is the power, of /pol/..... woah

>> No.13533521

so this is the power of discord... woah

>> No.13533553


Oof, you're using a lot of two dollar words to explain how much of a dipshit you are.

No wonder you post on an anonymous board. I wouldn't want those words associated with me either.

>> No.13533624
File: 85 KB, 1024x898, D6D13A1C-BBE9-4788-8FDD-F5C9D6E1A1F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that the understanding of physical gradients in brain chemistry that dictates emotion means the belief in non binary gender

>> No.13533630
File: 159 KB, 600x724, A404271D-04FC-4945-AED5-1F06E2AFFAB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13533633

The Bible can and theological works that uplift one's condition.
Also, don't play devil's advocate with your depressed mind. You'll always lose against the depressed psyche's arguments as you're in no condition to muster up adequate defenses. Better to address those issues on equal footing at another time when you're at a better state of mind, else you'll fall into a positive feedback loop of despair when you engage your depressive ego.
Anthropomorphize the depression and treat it as Sun Tzu would treat an enemy. Be strategic and tactical on how to defeat it. Know when to fight. Pick the battlefields. Chose the weapons of war. Don't fight on its terms.

>> No.13533672

>I don’t know what those words mean, so they’re meaningless
Nice job outing yourself as a retard. Double points for, like that other idiot, not saying anything to refute the post in question.

>> No.13533674

Back to where? I can almost guarantee you're some 2016 presidential election/fappening influx shitter. You go back.

>> No.13533926

Back to your masturbation cave

>> No.13534025

fuck off and die boomer

>> No.13534107
File: 122 KB, 660x658, emo-kids7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13534120

Nice circular reasoning, retard.

>> No.13534176

he looks glorious

>> No.13534183


There is no curing depression and pretty much anything can get rid of it temporarily but also sometimes nothing can

>> No.13534187

This is a bait thread with no intention of discussing literature.

>> No.13534205

>depression is like cancer, you can't just think positive and pray it away.
Aren't there cases of placebo and miracle healing of cancer?

>> No.13534221

not bait

>> No.13534228

This is retarded just because evolution doesn't select for the most fit genes for life, just the most fit genes for reproduction

case in point: low iq retards who having 10 times more kids than "educated intellectuals" because they don't plan shit and just act like impulsive monkeys. clear example of inferior behavior getting passed on, and they sure as shit aren't depressed

>> No.13534229

Not circular retard

>> No.13534241

Take LSD, you idiots.

>> No.13534249

>There is no curing depression
Because it's not a real illness.

>> No.13534253

>Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain
So what's the correct ratio? More DMT?

>> No.13534262

Depressed people are undergoing similar symptoms as those under infection diseases, making most pain killers a common self-help method.

>> No.13534265
File: 12 KB, 308x248, jack_astonished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depression is like cancer
Holy fucking pseudery. Will you deluded faggots please fucking get over yourselves.

>> No.13534274
File: 1.92 MB, 230x306, 5089FE6C-19C2-40CE-B844-8AC61536F2AF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not understanding population evolution and social evolution in groups. Not understanding in group out group evolution by genocidal tribal conflict.
>Not understanding evolutionary propensity for emotionally charged denial of reality to induce higher fitness
Not even mad bro, it’s complicated stuff. I encourage you to keep learning

>> No.13534287

>clear example of inferior behavior
Learn to evolution. Every little dipshit spawned by those "retards" represents another chance for their genes to survive. Their evolutionary strategy is superior to yours.

>> No.13534303

Why not just go on a few dates to get your mind off your depression??

>> No.13534311

Based. I've tried SSRIs, talk therapy, self-help, I've read every genre of psychology there is.. in the end all that helps is a conscious overcoming of one's cowardice in the face of life. This is done mostly through action, not so much thtough contemplation. Won't hurt to read The Myth of Mental Illness though

>> No.13534317

>what is psychosomatism
Still doesn't make depression an illness.

>> No.13534321

That sounds interesting, I'll check it out. Thx

>> No.13534343


I mean it definitely is real but at this point I think it classifies as something worse than just an illness
I think you have to consider it nothing less than a divine curse

>> No.13534349

It's not a feber. Hell, even a fever has levels of variety. Expressions of depression vary in severity. There's a huge spectrum, I have sunk to some extreme depths only to recover later

>> No.13534398

>pseudery intensifies beyond belief
Somewhere there's a little kid with cancer who's dying to swap places with you, you hyperbolic faggot.

>> No.13534430

what about mushrooms?

>> No.13534441


cancer is a blessing in disguise
I mean what sounds worse getting cancer and dying within a year or suffering for an entire lifetime

>> No.13534593 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 1644x1370, 53DB2568-155F-42B3-8956-756EBFCC072A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to die

>> No.13534623
File: 17 KB, 333x499, 41h4a-9AbtL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and also pic related if you want to prevent anxiety and panic attacks.

>> No.13534697


Both are similar in my experience but I am skeptical that they are an automatic solution to depression/anxiety. I along with many others didn’t see any lasting changes from trying these substances a handful of times. The experience felt more recreational than anything else, though I do understand some go through profound transformations.

I fail to see how the moments of ecstasy created by psychedelics translate to a change in your personality.

>> No.13534707


Will this help with social anxiety too or is it mainly for people who get panic attacks (i never do)?

>> No.13534710

I've dealt with depression from elementary school and the only outlet I ever had at a young age was reading. I could escape my reality, and I would for literally hours at a time. I use to finish a book a day on average. And to this day when I'm feeling at my worst I crave a good book. So I'm not going to say that it can CURE a mental illness, however I think it can be a tool and an escape for those who are unhappy with their situation or surroundings. Then through this escape they can, at least for a time, not feel.

>> No.13534749

>suffering an entire lifetime
If you are trying to get me to pity you, you have succeeded. You truly are pitiful and I pity you.

>> No.13534783

Honestly most depressed people are probably overstimulating their dopamine receptors with masturbation, tv, YouTube, video games, fast food, junk food ect. This basically causes your dopamine receptors to gain a tolerance to dopamine and you no longer feel happiness or rewards for accomplishing things, only a numb slightly positive feeling.

The best thing to do would be to cut a lot of that shit out and replace it with healthier habits so your dopamine receptors can recover

>> No.13535002
File: 71 KB, 750x684, 1557791581278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13535925

fuck this picture

>> No.13535996

Some people think they’re depressed because they have tea and cookies that need consuming don’t hate because you can’t relate.

>> No.13535997

Yea, that is true.

>> No.13536000
File: 415 KB, 480x238, 1564103614805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13536948

What's an illness according to you? Being eaten by bacteria, being used as a womb by viruses? How is cancer a disease?

>> No.13536981

The environment and mental state you have when taking psychedelics will profoundly change the experience you end up having

If you take a strong does of shrooms in a dark room alone with no music or distractions it'll feel like a completely different drug to taking a tab of LSD at a rave with your buddies

>> No.13536992
File: 16 KB, 633x758, 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the <120 iq who drew this thinks that everyone on earth automatically has a gf and good friends and could achieve their goals, normies truly live life on autopilot

>> No.13536999

I have everything in the pic except goals, achieved or otherwise.
>someone who loves you
According to Tarot, it'd be my angels.

>> No.13537210

Even if you'd have all of those things, a big IF, you'd still be crushed by the existential dread of being thrown into the world, unless you're a complete fucking tool that sucks corporate cock like all good americans
I want to strangle the person who made that image, depression is not an illness, it's being lucid and realizing how fucking awful existence is

>> No.13537337

What the fuck do "right wingers" have to do with any of this and why do depressed internet people all blame "right wingers" for lack of understanding, real or imaginary?

>> No.13537348

Sounds like you're just someone who shuts themselves off from ever believing there is any good in this world and is then shocked when they find that they have no hope whatsoever. What a weird and counterproductive way to cope.

>> No.13537429

Based retard. How did you get that from his response?

>> No.13537555

It's not hard.

>> No.13537673

It must be hard for you to be this much of a retarded NPC.

>> No.13537680
File: 9 KB, 223x226, foufou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pathologizing despair and personality only serves the interest of big pharma and the appearance of authority and care pushes us all the more under the forces of capitalism
read a fucking book you snotty fuck liberal piece of shit, right-wingers are stupid as fuck but you're somehow worse with your uncritical subordination to institutions of control

>> No.13537994

>Good friends
>Someone who loves you
>Tea and cookies
1 / 5 so far

>> No.13538023

>mild acquaintences
>college drop out
>no one cares
>dog died last year
>coffee and cigarettes

>> No.13538027
File: 39 KB, 680x577, IMG_2299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.13539109

>people on the internet you don't even know the name of
>drop out
>killed the dog
>alcohol and cigarettes

>> No.13539322

>depressed "people" are literally npcs

>> No.13539497

4 unopened packs of SSRI's and SNRI's in my closet. Not planning to eat any of them.

>> No.13539771

based schizo

>> No.13540372

“The current ruling ontology denies any possibility of a social causation of mental illness. The chemico-biologization of mental illness is of course strictly commensurate with its depoliticization. Considering mental illness an individual chemico-biological problem has enormous benefits for capitalism. First, it reinforces Capital’s drive towards atomistic individualization (you are sick because of your brain chemistry). Second, it provides an enormously lucrative market in which multinational pharmaceutical companies can peddle their pharmaceuticals (we can cure you with our SSRls). It goes without saying that all mental illnesses are neurologically instantiated, but this says nothing about their causation. If it is true, for instance, that depression is constituted by low serotonin levels, what still needs to be explained is why particular individuals have low levels of serotonin. This requires a social and political explanation; and the task of repoliticizing mental illness is an urgent one if the left wants to challenge capitalist realism.” - Mark Fisher

The only possibility of depression truly being cured lies at a cultural/systemic level. Just take a look across 4chan and see a small sample of society utterly miserable in general largely due to larger causes rooted in the prevailing system of the country they live in. Whole generations are falling into depression in direct correlation to political and cultural changes, which, even only taken in a brief consideration, effect most things. These changes are at the root of depression which instantiates it by the subsequent chemical imbalance in the brain. It is ridiculous to believe, however, that the system is fine and depression has suddenly in modern times decided to just appear in peoples brains for no reason other than strictly biological reasons

>> No.13540384
File: 410 KB, 2518x1064, 1564255591224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the SSI pill.

>> No.13540559

Nah, go to CBT and take anti depressants. No alcohol.

>> No.13542057

Let me define that for you:
>Successful medical treatment; the action or process of healing a wound, a disease, or a sick person; restoration to health.
Since depression is not a wound, a disease, or a sickness, and is instead one of the natural states of mind, it is not something that can be cured. Therefore, books cannot cure depression.

>> No.13542105

Depression is a spiritual problem.

>> No.13542135

There is no such thing as depression, only feedback loops of chronic inaction. Shoulder to the plow, whatever shape the plow takes, you absolute fucking pussies.

>> No.13542155

What self-deluded idiot drew that picture OP?

>> No.13542583

Human beings are problem-solving creatures. With OP's pic, it shows someone who's very good at problem solving. So good that he's earned good friends, a loving relationship, an education, and a home. So, why does he look discontent? Discontent is the natural state of humanity, and that's good, because if people were content by nature then we wouldn't have all that we do. Things are too orderly, to perfect... he needs to find a problem that he can fix. He needs to find meaning, and indeed in 40 years when he and his women are gray and wrinkled, when their kids are caring for their grandkids, that pet is long-since-buried, when they're retired with a nice fat bank account, when their kids are working and doing well, they will STILL be looking for purpose.

Life, it seems to me, and this does come from interacting with some retirees, is a never-ending quest for purpose. For problems to solve. That's not depression, that's nature, and I suspect it's why Dr. Jordan Peterson's message to pick up responsibility is resonating with so many millions of people. Responsibility gives purpose... and purpose gives people a reason to exist. More than that, a reason to WANT to exist, and even more than that, it's a reason why many OTHER people will be GLAD that that person exists.

>> No.13543841
File: 60 KB, 590x779, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1563226857227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe your depression was not very grave. Maybe there is people who experience worst cases of depression. Anyway, thanks for your advice, I understand that you may have wanted to offer a particular outlook on the matter in order to help.

>> No.13543847
File: 3 KB, 122x125, Hilarious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of /lit/ has any of the things in Op's pic

>> No.13543854

Not even tea and cookies???

Truly a wretched existence

>> No.13543930
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, ZfCda1K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>13529281 >>13529393 >>13529435 >>13531569 >>13531685 >>13532339 >>13540559

>> No.13543941

My mother gives me tea and cookies, I also have a degree.

>> No.13544249
File: 6 KB, 211x239, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your sheer forces

>> No.13544330

>Good friends
>Pet who is happy to see you
>>Goals achieved
>>>>>>>>Someone who loves you
It is bold of this image to assume I have any of these.
Fuck, I don't even have tea and cookies, I only drink water.

>> No.13544365

I'm going to kill who made this image

>> No.13544591
File: 48 KB, 323x400, anhero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "just exercise bro" bunch are undoubtedly in the camp that eats shotgun because they don't ever figure out they're actually sick.

>> No.13544691
File: 157 KB, 992x880, 1462400047513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mental illness
>implying mental health

>> No.13546021

Depression unironically isn't real.

>> No.13546024

Cure, no, treat, yes.

>> No.13546407


Depression does not sound like a real thing for me... might
be? I dunno, never experienced it - by psychiatric test
standards I am very negative, I had
depersonalization/derealization with symptoms by the book
for years on... I've experienced something like lack of
desire to do anything, being sad intensively - when I quit
coffee after being hooked on it for a short time, I've read
in a book that coffee withdrawal often includes physical
pain in random paces (had those) and depression (so maybe
I've experienced it)

So all this being said, real mental illness, anxiety,
paranoia (which went away), etc. I never knew depression...
I don't understand how you get it but I suspect that a tiny
amount of humans might experience it all the time for
various medical conditions... like for me an intense drug
triggered the onset of depersonalization/derealization...
some people have schizophrenia triggered.

But again, many people claim to be depressed and nor brain
scans nor all medical tests under the sun give any verdict
so this is strange.

>> No.13546587

Normies mistake depression for feeling sad sometimes, resulting in actual sufferers to go ignored.

>> No.13546592

i dont have any of this shit
whoever made this is a cunt who thinks depressed is just another word for sad

>> No.13546597

>Goals achieved
Degree in something that means nothing to me and a job I hate that pays me a fuckton of money I don't need
>Someone who loves you
Dumb whore of an annoying girlfriend that I hate
>Tea and cookies
Empty supermarket shit carbs
>Good friends
All moved away for work, remaining friends are just tools and losers that I don't talk to
>Pet who is happy to see me
Dumb mutt that costs a fortune to keep healthy, safe, and occupied during the day


>> No.13546685

First post ignored post.

>> No.13546909

you got BTFO nigga. next time don't be so careless with your fallacy accusations. fallacies are a dead meme, and it reeks of mid 2000s atheist debates

>> No.13547103
File: 1.48 MB, 1724x3701, Fuck doomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Doomers

>> No.13547112
File: 163 KB, 1260x1920, 1551911345640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exercise can help.
Solving your problems can help.
Sitting in the sunshine can help.
Watching a funny tv show, playing a video game (for a short amount of time), being with friends or loved ones, all that stuff can help...
Literature makes you think, and thinking's not really conducive to happiness.

>> No.13547483
File: 1.51 MB, 1870x1718, AXRf4um.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread again
>self-fulfilling prophecy depresstards vs just be yourselfags

>> No.13547489

They fulfill their own prophecies because chemical imbalances makes them have these thoughts in the first place, cumbrain.

>> No.13547510

Who else /doing better/ itt?

>> No.13547539

I think it's saying some people are disposed to being neurotic by nature, regardless of their personal social or economic status in life.

>> No.13547550

Exactly what feeling is not a chemical imbalance

>> No.13547551

Nah let’s be real, normies just interpret existential anxiety/the human condition as depression

>> No.13547648

Depression has an esoteric cause. If you're depressed you have a problem with your etheric body.

>> No.13547654

What if you get to the top and you still feel like something is wrong?

>> No.13547803
File: 55 KB, 335x328, c39ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13548019

>MUH chemical imbalances
>Dude I have chemical imbalance that I just self-diagnosed, it's completely impossible that me being a loser stems from my extreme laziness and egoism
>chemical imbalance that is estimated purely on the patient's account of his illness
>no scientifically rigorous method of determining whether someone is actually depressed or just a faggot, in order not to hurt their feelings
>calling others cumbrain when being a cumbrain causes most cases of your 'chemical imbalance' which I'm arguing against

>> No.13549448

>he thinks that it's natural to be lazy and a egoist, and not just an error of nature's coding
>he thinks that he has free will to not be lazy and a egoist
>he doesn't understand that all of "his" thoughts and actions are predetermined by nature
>he doesn't know there are tests to determine chemical imbalances, it's just that they're expensive and impractical as of now
>he's an anime nigger and should unironically kys himself

>> No.13549483

Literally all feeling is chemical imbalance. The balance of our chemicals is how we feel.

>> No.13549557

And? Obviously when people talk about chemical imbalances they're talking about a specific set of releases that trigger bad feelings (often) for no reason. Learn to interpret context, retard.

>> No.13549686

Thank you anon

>> No.13549699

all the things mentioned in the picture are nouns and none of them are verbs

>> No.13549703

I've been on /lit/ only 3 times in my life. Every time this thread has been there.

>> No.13549725

It was probably the same thread.

>> No.13549733

Nah last time was a couple months ago when I was drunk and depressed.

>> No.13549743

/lit/ is a slow board.

>> No.13550517

>selfish kid who didn't want to participate unless he got the coolest toy or role
Based anon nailed it

>> No.13550763

I repost it fairly regularly for some guaranteed (You)s