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13525441 No.13525441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*teleports behind gender norms*
*destroys western civilization*

heh, nothing person kid

>> No.13525591
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>destroys western civilization
>the only civilization that would even entertain her nonsense
>gets killed by barbaric successors

>> No.13527181 [SPOILER] 
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I don't think so dyke

>> No.13527212

Butler is a good Kantian-Platonist.

>> No.13527224

No such thing

>> No.13527244

It is true, but in the most broad sense. It is also correct that my professor is a good Kantian-Platonist.
I'm pretty sur her major concerns on philosophers are Lacan and Lévi-Strauss.

>> No.13527248

Imagine giving a shit about "western civilization"

>> No.13527249

Incredibly based

Imagine advocating for the status quo ever

>> No.13527251

Plato would say gender is a timeless idea, and everything performed must have been known i.e. recollected beforehand.

>> No.13527262

Im not advocating for the status quo, i'd love to live in a civilization where people like Butler are thrown from rooftops.

>> No.13527274


Your desires are unwarranted and will not ease whatever discomfort you are facing.
Re-evaluate your values

>> No.13527285

>killing my enemies wont end my discomfort
It might not be sufficient, but it is required

>> No.13527308

Who is this person? Is she jewish?

>> No.13527323

Plato was literally a progressive. He said that gender shouldn't effect whether someone was suitable for a role or not.

>> No.13527330
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>> No.13527346

That’s you being ass blasted by a book, bud

>> No.13527351

Shouldn't =/= Doesn't

>> No.13527352

>Get these bitches out, I'm trying to die here and their wailing is distracting me t. Socrates

>> No.13527359
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>The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power.
>Judith Butler, “Further Reflections on the Conversations of Our Time,” an article in the scholarly journal Diacritics (1997)
BASED postmodern, poststructuralist mumbo jumbo.
yes, but define "Jewish."

>> No.13527377

oh, and this bitch makes over 230k a year from teaching alone. Add speaking fees, book sales, and article writing and I don't blame her for destroying the traditional marxist left. They would have totally fucked with her money. Get that bag, sis.

>> No.13527396

>define "Jewish."
Being a filthy kike

>> No.13527411

when did philosophy become a meaningless circlejerk about power and nothing more?

>> No.13527416

Just cus you can't understand it doesn't mean it don't mean nuffin

>> No.13527419

Souls dont have genders. Malebranche said this about Descartes' Cogito, no reason why it shouldn't apply to Plato's ideal man (considering he thought the closest being to the ideal man are philosophers, and socrates had a female teacher (symposium), and he explicitly says (republic) it is not capacity to reason but to bear a child that differentiates man and woman, there is no different idea of woman, &c.

Anyway I only said that because she said she's a Platonist, and because every Foucauldian is always at the same time a Kantian.

>> No.13527424

Just cus you can string a lot of unrelated words together doesnt mean ya should

>> No.13527443
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i always figured this guy had something to do with it

>> No.13527461

Not him but it actually makes complete sense. What dont you understand?

>> No.13527462

>The move from a structuralist account, in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways, to a view of hegemony, in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation, brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory, that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects, to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power.
>starting to think of power as changing and not fixed brought the notion of change into the fold, and changed theory to acknowledge hegemony and structure as contingent on changes of power
Really dumb sentence, no informational content whatsoever.

>> No.13527476

it has a ton of needless jargon and words that serve no purpose other than to make it look deeper and more profound than it really is. You can see that the French have left their taint on her.

>> No.13527545

>the French have left their taint on her
That is true. Though the jargon does the job a jargon is supposed to do, and puts the whole thing in the context of an intellectual tradition or debate. This 'tld:dr' >>13527462 doesn't take into account she is actually saying:
>(1) starting to think of claims to power as (not changing but) repetition of previous claims to power, or convergences with other discourses of power, or their rearticulation, (2) instead of viewing capital as determining power structures (the same base-superstructue relationship in every context)...
And what she says after that isn't just 'it made theory do X and Y' but really, ' if we look at the world from this POV, then we see more room for (political) action, have more hope, and so on'. This is what her later work had mostly been about. Pushing queer theory to its Arendt-inspired limits.

>> No.13527898

Miss me with that gay shit, this is how you write a sentence
>Whosoever finds this plan itself, which I send ahead as prolegomena for any future metaphysics, still obscure, may consider that it simply is not necessary for everyone to study metaphysics, that there are some talents that proceed perfectly well in fundamental and even deep sciences that are closer to intuition, but that will not succeed in the investigation of purely abstract concepts, and that in such a case one should apply one’s mental gifts to another object; that whosoever undertakes to judge or indeed to construct a metaphysics must, however, thoroughly satisfy the challenge made here, whether it happens that they accept my solution, or fundamentally reject it and replace it with another – for they cannot dismiss it; and finally, that the much decried obscurity (a familiar cloaking for one’s own indolence or dimwittedness) has its use as well, since everybody, who with respect to all other sciences observes a wary silence, speaks masterfully, and boldly passes judgment in questions of metaphysics, because here to be sure their ignorance does not stand out clearly in relation to the science of others, but in relation to genuine critical principles, which therefore can be praised: Ignavum, fucos, pecus a praesepibus arcent.

>> No.13527908

>Whosoever finds this plan itself, which I send ahead as Prolegomena for Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Come Forward as a Science
really kant?

>> No.13527925

I don't advocate Islam, but it's spreading too fast and we're too cucked to do anything about it.

>> No.13527938
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Judith butler is fucking BASED

>> No.13527956

Take your meds.

>> No.13527980

Everyone reads her but no one takes her seriously, otherwise they wouldn't take gay identity in such a essentialist way as they do nowadays.

>> No.13527981


>> No.13527987

When you think about it, it is hilarious that some Frenchman's very obvious BDSM fantasies ruined philosophy for decades to come.

>> No.13527988

If the house of civilization rested on such a faulty foundation as "gender norms" it deserves to fall.

>> No.13528141
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she warned us

>> No.13528325


>> No.13528377
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>Mixing up effect and affect
>On /lit/ of all places
Please tell me you're ESL, only then is that remotely understandable

>> No.13528796
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>Judith Butler was born on February 24, 1956, inCleveland, Ohio,to a family of Hungarian-Jewish and Russian-Jewish descent.

>> No.13528809
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>> No.13528815

English is my main language. Sorry i don't look at dictionaries all day like you to find word meaning :)

>> No.13528834

If this "Western Civilization" was so weak that it could be destroyed by the nonsensical sophistry of one jewish lady, then it deserved to be destroyed.

>> No.13528858

If you have a cock and balls, wouldn't that make you think you might be a guy

>> No.13528930

She just spat out some shit that happened to be good for turning people into better consumers, it was nothing inherent in her ideas.

>> No.13529709

literal claptrap

>> No.13529712


>> No.13529871
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>> No.13529884
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>> No.13529891

cringe y yikes

>> No.13530044

Why are there no female philosophers who don't focus on applied power relations or feminism? Like a female Hegel or Bergson, you don't see it

>> No.13530106

>Why are there no female philosophers who don't focus on applied power relations or feminism?

The feminine psyche revolves around itself and power relations ( between peers and one's mate ). They can't work outside of the box they were given by Nature herself.

The male psyche deals a lot more with the abstract and the ideal, so of course the philosophers who pursue that sort of knowledge will be men 99% of the time.

>> No.13530499

Simone Weil

>> No.13530518

That's not even a word you should need to look up... You're either American or retarded (or both), either of which just further adds to undermine your flawed understanding of the discussion

>> No.13530531


>> No.13530568

Elizabeth Anscombe