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13519255 No.13519255[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is a NEET board.

Don't worry wagie's, you can still post here. We know this is the only thing you have stopping you from blowing your head off with a shotgun, kek. Just watch your step, you have so much to lose heh.

>> No.13519257

>has depression by 25
what did neets mean by this?

>> No.13519263

>hop on lit after a ~5 year break
>NEETS.. NEETS everywhere

what happened

>> No.13519265

True NEETs love their NEETdom.

Failed normalfag "neets" get depressed after 6 months. They're not real NEETs, don't listen to anything a "depressed" neet says, they're just a failed normalfag larping.

>> No.13519268
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Are the chrustcucks turning finally into NEETs? They are old enough to understand that the Bible and j-peezy didn't actually teach them anything usuful

>> No.13519287

>by 25
Beat that by more than a decade.

>> No.13519323

Your pledge makes some interesting points, friend. Im an over 40's wagie with 2 kids and (((financial commitments))) and would like to know if its still possible for me to attain NEETdom, or am i doomed to perish financing my own replacement in one of Mr Shekelstein's labour camps? Im currently enslaved in Zionist Economic Region Oceania or ZERO. Thanks in advance.

>> No.13519326

Put money into a retirement fund. In 20 years you'll be able to live free.

>> No.13519340

At least have the self respect to pretend you're "in education" because you're ostensibly reading books or you would be here.

>> No.13519342

would NOT be here. ahem

>> No.13519350

Being in education is no better than being a wagie. Unless you're earning a useless degree in English or Philosophy or something like that. Capitalism is pushing people towards STEM though because it needs functional units instead of autonomous artists.

>> No.13519353

>he does not know

>> No.13519354

No, you were right the first time

>> No.13519373

Do YouTube experiment action lab random videos count as being "in education"?

>> No.13519375
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>tfw in STEM (will finish masters too)

>> No.13519385

Don't listen to the NEETs friendo. They are bitter and primitive. They want to either drag you back into the crab-pot or exploit your resources for chicken tenders.

>> No.13519428

>They are bitter and primitive
No, we pity you.

Chasing and racing through life after illusory happiness and achievement. Riddle me this, when was the last time you met a 45 year old man who didn't look like his soul had died?

>> No.13519434
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wagie cope

>> No.13519450

yeah bro i love my job, if i was independently wealthy i would totally still wagecuck!

>> No.13519453
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No, my brothers. I too am a NEET and I am here to tell you to leave the brotherhood. You will know joy when the Colonel crosses your palm with silver. And think! The tender chicken to eat! You and your rebellious spirits. How can you resist stealing the odd thigh or drumstick here or there while your supervisor takes half-hour toilet trips. And oh! What games you can play with the customers! Spit in the gravy! Sounds wonderful. Now, no video games or computer screens until you've filled out seven job applications.

>> No.13519462

I want to be a NEET but I wouldn't be able to stand leeching off my mother past the age of 25. It'd feel shameful to treat her that way after all she's done for me. I have aspirations to start businesses and hopefully make enough passive income to live on but I doubt that they will germinate. I guess we all are destined to a life of wageslavery and depression.

>> No.13519476

What if I'm trying to get an extremely part time job doing something I enjoy because it gives me better benefits with that exact thing? Literally like a week of work every 90 days in total for a decent amount of money. Rest of the time I'm basically a NEET.

>> No.13519489

Anon, the NEETs will only tell you to maintain the NEET title at all costs.

>> No.13519492

>just put your money in boomer stocks
Just put it in internet meme money instead and see much better gains

>> No.13519497

I mean that is pretty fair. I've wanted to do this job since I was a child though (it's literally part of a hobby I enjoy) and I'm finally getting my chance, I think. A bit cucked but still. If this goes through I'm back to NEEThood.

>> No.13519506

What job desu?

>> No.13519507

The only thing a NEET loathes more than a wagie, is a NEET who betrays the pack and takes charge of their life.

>> No.13519511

Working at an overpriced toy store.

>> No.13519515

Hopefully not a kids toy store

>> No.13519519

It's a manchild's toy store. Warhammer stuff. Part of my formative years so I'm kind of attached to it.

>> No.13519520

It might break the NEET code, my brother, but what better way to maintain the NEET spirit of arrested development and prolonged adolescence than working in a toy store?

>> No.13519536
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So I went over yonder to /biz and buttcoin/altcoins are crashing (again).
It seems the spammer of these "wagie" threads just can't wrap his mind around the fact that he's going to have to work.

>> No.13519540

A NEET who gets a job and proceeds to sing the praises of wagecuckery was never a true NEET to begin with. There's NEETs and then there's failed normalfags.

>> No.13519546

/biz/'s token went up like 20x just a month ago though

>> No.13519580
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Yeah well, now they are going down.
I can't imagine how some poor schumck, unable or unwilling to function in society, feels as his imaginary wealth disappears (again).
John McAfee got arrested, there's more tether than actual butts, everyone is either getting sued or under investigation, the list goes on.

>> No.13519605
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>muh swift, muh google, muh 4th industrial revolution ect

>> No.13519611

I propose a new acronym: NEERT
Not in:
or Training.

>> No.13519617

Bitcoin isn’t crashing though, it’s steadily increasing after a price correction and was still 3-4x at the lowest point of the correction

>> No.13519619

I thought that was implied but I suppose NEERT would help distinguish between real NEETs who love it and poser NEETs who are just failed normalfags.

>> No.13519621

get a job you enjoy and the structure will make you appreciate your free time even moreso

>> No.13519622

Needs to be catchier, how about NEEWT
Not in

That way it’s even more exclusive too.

>> No.13519627

Well it's a better acronym to pronounce

>> No.13519633

Needs an improvement, still.
Here, ANEET.
Not in:
or Training.

>> No.13519640

So it’s settled then, the new letter shall be W, we are now the INTPKHHVNEEWTs

>> No.13519642
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>get a job you enjoy

>> No.13519644

The obvious problem there though it looks nicer and is more flattering is that women will think they can be ANEETs. You’re going to create femANEETS.

>> No.13519649

For a second I thought I had the wrong tab open on /biz/ kek. Anyway financial freedom awaits you wagie if you join the corps

>> No.13519651

I like that pledge desu, still going to uni though because I legitimately enjoy studying. Thanks neet very cool!

>> No.13519656

Oh i'm all in on link

>> No.13519664

The fuck good is crypto investing if no one accepts it as real money and there's no way to easily convert it into cold hard cash?

>> No.13519670

>there's no way to easily convert it into cold hard cash?
??? Takes two seconds to convert it to cash in your bank account with coinbase

>> No.13519676

Same bro, hopefully August we refuel and September we launch

>> No.13519681

Well, then we can have MANEET:
Not in:
or Training.

>> No.13519688

Aren't women the original NEET's?
back in the good ol' days they would just sit around the house doing whatever they wanted while their wageslave husbands gave them free money

>> No.13519691
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You also have to take the Heterosexual Pledge

>I do solemnly swear to never give in to homosexual temptation
>Always to uphold the virtue and honor of my heterosexuality
>I swear to honor my sexuality and always bang women
>I will never get lost in a creamy colon of a man
>I pledge to maintain my heterosexuality

>> No.13519693

They’re still lame.

>> No.13519696

you're just mad you can't be a NEET and have a vagina

>> No.13519697
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>he fell for the memes

>> No.13519719
File: 2.80 MB, 1080x1349, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk about bullshitting.

I have heard that so many times it stopped being funny any more.
The only difference now is that everyone is actually gunning for buttcoiners. There are law suits everyone.

That's hilarious.

>> No.13519726

No women are lame af and if they’re not fucking you it’s better for them to think you’re toxic than to join you.

>> No.13519729

I want a job but no one will employ me. Feel like wandering out into the wilderness and shooting myself.

>> No.13519732

Fact: NEETS are inherently are more /lit/ than wagies, because they have more time to read, and haven't been creatively crippled by work.

>> No.13519733

Fud shilling outside of /biz/ takes dedication

>> No.13519743

why are women lame?

>> No.13519744

very true, i have opened the doors to neetdom for others, only to find them more miserable than before.
When normies ask me, anon what do you do with all that time, i could never imagine myself not working, what would i do... these are the people who will die 5 years into their retirement.

>> No.13519761

How anyone can respect the word of a cumbrain is beyond me

>> No.13519766
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Will probably see a pump, but it's just about waiting for adoption now. I've given up about caring about short term price fluctuations, link is either going to fail or not.

>> No.13519769

This is extremely bullish

>> No.13519774

This is not a curse but a blessing my friend; you are free from the shackles of work.
Alas, the wagie knows not the great gift which he has been given. He seeks death whereas the NEET celebrates life.

>> No.13519777
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That's the curios thing.
If they used even a fraction of the time and energy they spent shilling the next shitcoin they could have stopped being neets.

Can I get a translation?

>> No.13519779

Combination of being coddled socially (women often complain about not knowing how to talk to men because the lead has always been taken for them, it’s also proven by women being accountable for 90% of the use of the word boring because they expect people to entertain them) and notions of equality poisoning their mind and trapping them in that coddled state.

>> No.13519780

>Can I get a translation?
Someone who has sex

>> No.13519790
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The glamourisation of NEET is a coping mechanism for brainlets incapable of finding a job that pays well and is fulfilling. I mean, it's understandable: if you're stupid it's much nicer sitting at home on government assistance than slaving away at a shit job. But if you possessed the IQ and skills for anything other than manual labour, NEET life is just depressing.

But either way, it's one of the reason I will never vote for any party that supports a welfare system (others are starting to realise that this money is not helping the 'poor').

>> No.13519797

seems like you truly understand women, thank you oh wise one. For I do not deserve your great knowledge.

>> No.13519800

I wouldn't say they're incapable of finding a job, that's letting them off too easy. They are leeches, plain and simple. They know they're leeches, they take joy in it. Like a barnacle they find a willing host and hitch a ride. They revel in their filthiness. The sniff their own underwear and crawl into bed at 7 AM and smugly pull up the covers as the world gets ready for a productive day.

>> No.13519805
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Soooo if you were to pull yourself from this involuntary celibacy thing you got going on, you would stop being a NEET (or NEERT)?

>> No.13519819

I lied, it means someone who has a porn addiction

>> No.13519844
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>They are leeches, plain and simple. They know they're leeches, they take joy in it. Like a barnacle they find a willing host and hitch a ride.
This reminds me of someone.....

>> No.13519853
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>They know they're leeches, they take joy in it. Like a barnacle they find a willing host and hitch a ride. They revel in their filthiness. The sniff their own underwear and crawl into bed at 7 AM and smugly pull up the covers as the world gets ready for a productive day.
It's a good life we NEETs live, eh friends?

>> No.13519858
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Wagies actually think that they are virtuous for being a cog in the capitalist supermachine KEK

>> No.13519865

It's funny how many "I only work 3 hours a week, I'll retire by 30, haha I love my job" faggots always reply.

>> No.13519869

That's a compelling argument

>> No.13519872
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While wagies are working to buy Mr. Shekelburg a new yacht NEETs are studying the firmament and pondering deep philosophic questions.

>> No.13519873

Wagecuck former NEET here. Ask me anything.

>> No.13519882

In actual fact, though, they're sleeping all day because of chronic depression and spending their few waking hours mindlessly browsing the internet and playing stupid games.

>> No.13519884

Where did you go wrong?

>> No.13519889
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>> No.13519893

>chronic depression
We've been over this, only fake poser NEETs have depression.

>> No.13519907

These NEET memes are unironically very funny. post moar

>> No.13519916

And how will you get food, energy, internet, provisions

>> No.13519920

Would you like a raise, slugger?

>> No.13519926

Depression doesn't discriminate by age. Even kids can get it,

>> No.13519927
File: 123 KB, 640x640, xhhiSYi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how can you *not* be depressed?
No money, no prospects, no travel, no loved ones, no real passions, no nuthin' - you might as well not exist given your impact on the world.

>> No.13519931

In all honesty when I was a neet, I went to the gym every day and lost 40 lbs and got stacked. I wrote drafts for 3 books and countless essays. My servant (Mommy) cooked and cleaned for me. I was at the hight of my physical and mental prowess.

>> No.13519935

You're only a cog if you work at McDonalds.

The people you are trying to insult are most of the time "Mr Shekelberg" themselves because only very few people are at bottom of the ladder jobs. The rest don't do mechanical repetitive work. Your view of employment is rooted in your ignorance.

If anything you're the Jew for promoting scrounging and socialism.

>> No.13519945

>only very few people are at bottom of the ladder jobs.
Not true at all though. Most people have shit jobs.

>> No.13519950

And now that I'm a wagie, my body deteriorates from forced sedentariness. My mind is preoccupied with trifling business problems far beneath my true capabilities and aspirations. All for a paycheck, half of which goes to rent, taxes and the ability to sustain myself to keep it going. Truly a crime has been inflicted,

>> No.13519951

Question for all NEETs: are you the youngest child?

>> No.13519959

>The rest don't do mechanical repetitive work.
No, they just sit in offices all day and manage Mr Shekelgerg's finances.
>Jews promote socialism
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH. Yeah the Jews who own mega corporations want to give their trillions away to the workers.

>> No.13519963

Tfw seven years without a job

There’s really no turning back now is I’ve started getting in shape on the oft chance the benefits are cut & I have to go into construction or something but it does feel like exile here no matter how free. I feel myself slipping away from normal life more and more by the day and I feel it’s going to be really hard to reconnect if ever I would want to.

>> No.13519970

>But how can you *not* be depressed?
Because being alone gives me energy, it gives me the time to pursue my interests, it allows me to live life on my terms. I don't care about money or being part of respected society.
>No money, no prospects, no travel, no loved ones, no real passions, no nuthin' -
I have the things that bring me joy and I am shielded from the things that bring me the wrong kind of suffering.
>you might as well not exist given your impact on the world.
I take pride in that and you should too, lose the ego, stop trying to carve your initials on the world tree as proof you really lived.

>> No.13519977

>Be a NEET
>Go to the hairdresser
>Cute girl hairdresser asks "what I do"

>> No.13519978

>You're only a cog if you work at McDonalds.
You poor, poor soul. "I's a house nigga, massa says I ain gots to work in no yard!".

>> No.13519984

I'm the eldest

>> No.13519990

I cut my own hair, as does any NEET with half a brain

>> No.13519997

one time at the store i heard a neet laughing and i beat him up so badly . stupid neet haha laid his ass out