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/lit/ - Literature

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13498676 No.13498676 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for an atheist, sacreligious, anti religious book, where lots of badass shit happens.

>> No.13498699

Lol are you retarded?

>> No.13498706

The Bible

>> No.13498726
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>> No.13498854

It’s the state of /lit/ now, just hide these threads and send these faggots back to their pit, imagine what he’s like in person to person contact

>> No.13498856

Jesus Christ

>> No.13498944

Ludwig Feuerbach, Das Wesen des Christentums

Charles Lyell, Principles of geology

>> No.13498976

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.13498979

haha you should get like a tattoo about how you hate the church or something

>> No.13499066


> atheists
> badass

pick one

>> No.13499097
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> I rolled into the office at 8:30 AM after a 1.5 hour commute. Good time.
> As I walked to my desk I passed by Bill.
> Bill called out: "How was the weekend?"
> "You know Bill, its nice that you want to be friends, but I am just not interested in your religion. I don't think God is real."
> Bill looked a little caught off guard, but he should be used to it by now.
> I sat down at my desk and start planning out my day.
> I work in IT, but not the kind that requires knowing a lot of stuff, just Googling, and knowing more than boomers.
> Luckily my boss is gone today so it might be a reddit morning.
> I also remember to renew my porn subscription and order a new game for my Nintendo switch.
> A text from my Mom appears on my phone, wishing me a good day. Why won't that bitch leave me alone?
> Visit /r/science. Can't believe anti-vaxxers are real. Think about how beautiful and true science is. The world is meaningless, and yet there are unchangeless eternal principles which govern the cosmos.
> My GF texts me about a news story about some guy not respecting women. Don't these people have any ethics? How can you be that evil.
> Maybe my GF will let me have sexy time tonight with the new dildo :)
> repeat this for the next 50 years. Cycle out jobs, girlfriends, and video game consoles. Then get old and die.

>> No.13499871


Augustine is your man.

>> No.13499880

its pretty logical to be outraged by protestant notion of god

>> No.13499979

>I donned my leather jacket and tattered jeans as I watched the christian march of solidarity outside the window
>Those fools, how could the unity in the unanimous faith of millions ever compare to the sadness and sorrow I felt this morning as my toothpaste fell off the brush and onto the floor
>My mother would be furious, and where would their god be then? Twiddling his thumbs as she beats me with a coat hanger 34 years too late
>Today, I would show them
>I unzipped my pants, and grabbed the head of my dick (barely protuding from the skin) between my index and my thumb
>Pushing my hips as far forward as they would go (so the piss wouldn't leak down my trousers)
>I stuck my dick a full inch out the window and began to urinate
>The power I felt then could never be matched by the feeble concept of religion
>This power was palpable, and true, unlike any god I'd ever seen
>What's this
>I'm slipping
>My body is falling out the window like the piss itself
>Falling through the air like a leaf in autumn
>I turned to the sky
>And the mere coincidence of a perfect purple and orange sky, the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, gave me a full on erection in all it's godless, completely chance based beauty
>But wait, how could nature be so beautiful
>How could something random, have direction
>Was it too late?
>Was it over already?
>I ended up in the hospital for three weeks
>With a leg and few ribs broken
>I was prepared to fight the christian menace another day
>Though I never really forgot that beautiful sky
>And that I have no idea how to define beauty without it
>Guess I'm just lucky

>> No.13500319


>> No.13500424


>> No.13500436

The Antichrist

>> No.13500520

>Looking for an atheist, sacreligious, anti religious book, where lots of badass shit happens.
My Diaria, Desu.

>> No.13501288

It's illogical to dismiss a persons faith just because it makes you feel smart.

Gravity is still a theory, remember?

>> No.13501299

It so fucking easy to trigger you spergs.

>> No.13501764


please devote your worthless lives to your God, not everyone fucking cares. imagine being religious and not being practical of the golden rule. go fuck yourselves.

>> No.13501784

Any book of Sade

>> No.13501803

Delete this man

>> No.13502034

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.13502054

Preacher. It's a comic book, but I doubt that would bother you.