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13497063 No.13497063 [Reply] [Original]

What makes you a good person, /lit/?

>> No.13497066

being nice to people

>> No.13497077

Being male yet knowing that beneath male is the female; believe it or not, you secretly want to have a womb to have a child. Luckily for males, though, we get to help her by introducing her to new DNA.


>> No.13497079

wrong thread, bud

>> No.13497081
File: 164 KB, 768x956, 12294862_920190078030756_4174541511443254946_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why callest thou me good? None is good but one, that is God.
Bad people think they are good. Good people know that they are bad and any good they do is God's and not theirs. The worst people I have ever known thought they were "good people" and got offended when rebuked for their wickedness and hypocrisy.

>> No.13497085

This. Anyone claiming to be a "decent human being" or "a good person" would slit your baby's throat if they thought it would make them look good.

>> No.13497086

You are a god though, please don't forget this.

>> No.13497093

I love to eat ass

>> No.13497099

I'm not religious and I certainly don't believe in god so I wonder would you still want to be a "good" person without god in your life?

>> No.13497119

Yes but I still wouldn't consider doing good having made me a "good person". I have more to say on this. Perhaps 2000 or 3000 character post. Tomorrow.

>> No.13497123

Nothing. Simply by being born you are already evil. Sorry.

>> No.13497127

Best post. Such people who believe they are good also think they are less prone and more immune to sin, but such thinking is pride, the most pernicious, insidious, and deadly of sins.

>> No.13497139

>Yes but I still wouldn't consider doing good having made me a "good person".

I don't think so either but "god" you speak of me sounds to me like an ideal we created to have a reason to behave good.
Keep in mind this earth is a bigass place and we got some of dem tribes who don't have the same beliefs but act good in the name of their tribe.

>> No.13497198

I pity people before I judge them. I consciously avoid vanity and arrogance. I am not on social media. I donate to charity.

>> No.13497209

Being nice to people makes you a bad person because you compromise to placate others.

>> No.13497214

Donating to charity is one of the biggest signs of pride there is. A true act of charity is done to people in your immediate life. Giving to some faceless organization that does work 5000 miles away isn't charity at all. Like most things in this world of ours today, it is an inversion of the truth and "charities" offer what would have been a deep and pious act and cheapen it to satiate your own dogoodery ego.

>> No.13497217

Absolutely true, some of the worst people out there believe themselves righteous people unable to ever make mistakes or do wrong, they are some of the most dangerous people out there, the tree will be known by the fruit.

>> No.13497221

good relative to the tribe is not absolute good
also 'we' didn't create anything, Christianity is a remarkable innovation formed on the outskirts of the largest country in the world, different in kind than any other faith. this is something you learn after taking the plunge. it's a common talking point that world religions may be just taken and swapped around, but it isn't true. Christianity is in a league of its own, though Catholicism has certainly been something of a stain on its image

>> No.13497223

The charities I donate to are non-profits that provide medical equipment to dying people and thrift clothing stores. I don't take tax receipts.

>> No.13497225

empire* not country

>> No.13497232


>> No.13497234

Raping every cunt and sniffing every panty that comes my way

>> No.13497235

Please elaborate

>> No.13497239
File: 26 KB, 413x550, 7E958ECB-1B46-4778-9840-E810EB7F249C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Anon wouldn’t it make little sense to deprive a man of his own goodness? When a man is just we call him just and when a man is pious we call him pious becuase it is a conscious descision on his part and he wills it, and these concepts (piety and justice) are good in themselves so when we call a man thus we are calling him good, not accidentally but purposefully of his own merit. So I agree with you that goodness has to descend from god, however goodness can be man’s and it makes little sense to refuse to call a man good when he clearly acts like it.

>> No.13497245


Honestly for the most part I care about other people more than I care about myself. And I don't mean that in a "look at me look at how humble and compassionate I am!" sense. I hate attention. I don't like recognition. I'm depressed and hate myself and drink too much.

>> No.13497265

A man can be good, but that on itself doesn't mean he is strange to evil, humanity is duality, a constant fight between their own inner light and darkness, to call a man good is to ignore this fact.

>> No.13497270

You're not being good toward yourself Anon, give yourself some love, compassion, be the person you would like others to have.

>> No.13497272

No being nice is always good, try it, it makes the entire world glow. actually good, not good so that you gain things, or so that you're good, but because it helps people or things

>> No.13497276

That is not being a good person. If that outcome was effectuated, the result would be superficiality, not righteousness.

>> No.13497278

>to call a man good is to ignore this fact
Then why is calling a man bad not ignoring this fact? Seeing as it is just the opposite label and should serve the same purpose as calling a man not-good.

Calling a man good does not ignore the fact of the battle, as you put it, if anything it reminds us becuase it brings the concept to mind as a reminder

>> No.13497282

>Honestly for the most part I care about other people more than I care about myself.

This will be your downfall anon, take care of yourself first, love yourself even though you hate yourself but don't let people be higher than u in this aspect, I'm not saying for u to be a moron but for u to don't let your feelings go in this direction, if you put people over yourself you're in a position of being hurt very easily, that's what I experienced over my life, if you care more about other than yourself, just get some lube because you gonna get fucked in the ass so much...

>> No.13497304

Because being good demands reaching an ideal moral perfection, the moment you declare a person good it implies said person has reached a level that has no room for further improvement. To be bad is its antithesis, it is to be imperfect, to know you can better yourself, to know you must stay humble, to know you can and do make mistakes and do on.

>> No.13497315

*I should have said, "to not be good"instead of "to be bad", my mistake

>> No.13497317

Why do you think that, for me being nice has always made everything better.

>> No.13497320
File: 169 KB, 408x402, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have puppy dog love, no commitment. just lust and infatuation

>> No.13497327

I am not a good person

>> No.13497337

Calling a man good no more implies perfection than calling a man bad. If your reasoning stands then calling a man bad would mean that he is perfectly bad and we don’t use the term that way so your conception of the word does not correspond to reality.

>> No.13497345

Within the context of Jesus words and the divine my friend, for everyday usage good of course is used in a more subjective terrenal way. Also, I acknowledged my mistake right after.

>> No.13497358

I try to take care of those around me, to be patient and forgive them for their faults. I try to do the right thing even when it's hard or I'm afraid.

>> No.13497375

You sound nice Anon, I wish you well.

>> No.13497425


Thanks guys I'll try

>> No.13497572

Being nice does not necessarily make things better. Punishment? Defense? All necessary and not nice. Beside, being too nice may cause you to let yourself be stepped all over, not good either. Worse, it is foolish.
In Spanish, we say "there is a very blurry line between niceness and idiocy"
Cringe, 9 year old's fairy tale level

>> No.13497724

Kind of late to the party but you deserve to be taken care of too! I know it's hard when you're depressed and maybe you're drinking to much because of that but just try to start making some changes okay? You only get one live you should find some happiness in it.

>> No.13497726

Thank you anon. I wish you well too!

>> No.13497958


Thanks anon I'll try. Are you happy with your life?