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13494534 No.13494534 [Reply] [Original]

Just saw Midsommar. What are some great novels depicting Grimm Folklore and old European tales

>> No.13494548

>Just saw Midsommar.
Terrible movie.
>What are some great novels depicting Grimm Folklore and old European tales
So you're looking for what exactly? A remix of Grimm's fairy tales but in novel form?

>> No.13494633

Haven't seen Midsommar. Is that some Netflix-type garbage with darkies fucking whyte wymen in traditional clothing?
Or is actually worth watching?

>> No.13494639

Just go watch the fucking wicker man and then dogville

>> No.13494647

it's a cringy "horror" flick a la Wes Anderson made by the Jew who brought you heREDDITary

>> No.13494717

Did you... watch it online perchance?

>> No.13494758
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Disappointingly terrible movie. The cult was lame as fuck, the characters were annoying as fuck, the plot was disjointed and boring, and any attempt at some underlying meaning or message was non-existant. The main girl's anxiety/PTSD was never addressed except in the form of her having a panic attack/screaming fit every scene she was in. Her boyfriend was a fucking dickhead for no reason. The two friends were simply annoying and served no bearing on the development of the characters. Within the first 20 minutes i was excited for all of them to die, at no point was I rooting for their well-being. The cult had no kind of overarching set of rules or beliefs, it was a matter of throwing together vague occult iconography like a child trying to appear edgy and mysterious. Cults are fucked up, filled with monsters, child-molesters, drug-addicts, and murderers, and while the cult in the movie had these, non of these components were addressed, and at some points they were glorified or romanticized. 0/10 fucking awful waste of 2.5 hours.

>> No.13494912

> Is that some Netflix-type garbage with darkies fucking whyte wymen in traditional clothing?
Oh, you’d like that wouldn’t you

Who expects this tired ass bullshit genre to ever be good?
The last one you people brought up was Witch, and even done well, the genre is tired and dull

>> No.13495269

By the director of heredity
Yeah hard pass, vomitvomitvomit.

>> No.13495305 [DELETED] 

kosinski the painted bird

>> No.13495317

Paganism is aesthetic as fuck

>> No.13496207

Is there any sex scenes in Midsommar? Want to know whether I should ever watch it with my family or not.

>> No.13496235

Nice hot take anon, while you're stopping in do you want to share some other original insights? How about "X director is a hack?"

>> No.13496245

Imagine being this stupid. Midsommar is a bad movie but for literally none of the infantile reasons you gave. You belong on /tv/

>> No.13496255

No you're fine dude, just a little gore no nudity

>> No.13496336

thanks senpai

>> No.13496360

Can any fingoloid tell me why you wear that kippah with the blue cross?

>> No.13496379
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IYDK this movie is about a JEW being brought into the tribe.

>> No.13496385
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he's pulling your johnson, Anon. it is not family friendly in the slightest

>> No.13496399

when you can't trust people on 4chan then you know the end is near

>> No.13496428

top tier analysis by /ourbois/ Brahmin and Dick


>> No.13496491
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>movie is literally about how moral relativism encouraged by liberal values perpetuates fascism that liberals cry about and pretty much equates liberalism with mental illness
>dude it's just a shitty Jew version of Dogville and did I mention it's shitty? I just want you to know I think it's fucking shitty because a lot of normies like it and now I'm automatically smarter than all of them despite my total misunderstanding of the film's themes and complete inability to appreciate it's stylistic choices because I think something popular is bad

Never change psuedos

>> No.13496493

Yeah ok faggot, please enlighten me with your thoughtful analysis, or are you just gonna be a bitch who can't think for himself?

>> No.13496530

It's a movie about why mythology exists in the first place. People create elaborate systems of tradition, custom, and philosophy to make sense of the chaotic traumas of life and death. A subconscious blanket that human beings have used as a coping mechanism since humanity has existed. There were glimpses of this in the movie which were extremely effective. However, it is overwrought, over long, tonally inconsistent, and tries to be both a genre film and an examination of theme but ends up being a lukewarm rendition of both.

>> No.13496552

Hey I'm >>13496491
And while I enjoyed the film I just want to say good job actually having an interesting criticism rather than just saying "bro it sucks cuz a jew made it and sjws like it"

>> No.13496586

Could you PLEASE leave this board forever?

>> No.13496597

Because I like you I'm gonna be honest. There is a sex scene and there is a ton of uncensored penis and vagina.

>> No.13496632

One of the strangest, longest and funniest sex scenes in film history to be precise

>> No.13496637
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hey bro I'm >>13496379
I never said it sucked because a Jew made it. I also never mentioned SJW shit. You're reading shit into my comments just as you reading shit into this movie.

>> No.13496643

Threadly reminder Ari Aster is a Jew depicting rural whites as inbred and their culture as dangerous. Oh, the irony.

>> No.13496657
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Hereditary was fucking scary though.

>> No.13496674

The movie aside, I too would like to know of novels that have a backdrop in pagan ritual

>> No.13496691

Why pypo be creepy: da mobie

>> No.13496724


>> No.13496746

Ulysses uses a lot of traditional Celtic and sexual imagery.

>> No.13496856

I left /tv/ ages ago, anon. (You) go away

>> No.13496878


>> No.13496897

Go back to /tv/ I am BEGGING YOU

>> No.13496964

I liked the symbolism of sunshine and the subversion of horror tropes associated with it. Horror is typically associated with what goes bump in the night, and by extension, what is hidden, obscured, unexplained.

In contrast, everything that transpires in this movie is telegraphed, from its original opening mural. The cultists even explain their rituals to them, and are completely honest about things so far as their guests ask. The whole ritual is depicted on the walls of the guesthouse. Whereas night is obscuring, daylight is blinding; the guests, in their carefree Americanism, take voyeuristic pleasure in their hosts and their customs. But this hedonistic bent is what sets them down the path of doom.

>> No.13496967
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>> No.13497037

Write a great horror movie script to show us how it's done.

You didn't like the Babadook?