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13425964 No.13425964 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13425972

Pic unrelated...?

>> No.13425997


>> No.13426004

Everyone knows God exists.

Romans 1
>18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

>19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

>20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

>Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

>> No.13426087

>if you don't intuitively accept the entire niceno-constantinopolitan creed from the day you're born, you're a damnable wretch
Thanks, Christfags

>> No.13426307
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If you're into classical philosophy than Five Proofs by Edward Feser is about as good as it gets. Fr. Spitzers New Proofs is good if you're into cosmology and physics.

>> No.13426408

Ultimate Proof of Creation by Jason Lyle

>> No.13426431

You'd first have to define what "God" means.

>> No.13426437

Abrahamic one

>> No.13426439
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Pic related. Also Augustine. And Feser, as >>13426307 mentioned

>> No.13426493
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You should have said you're looking for evidence of Christianity rather than just God. Start with something like this but you should really be studying the scriptures while asking yourself in what sense they can be true and whether or not they can be taken seriously as purely historical documents. There's a lot of great secondary literature that can help you with this. Scott Hahn is one of my favorite authors.

>> No.13426521
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You cannot prove or disprove God’s existence. But you can show why it’s reasonable to have faith.

>> No.13426552

Proddies go away

>> No.13426566

Midwif Catholics really make the worst threads on 4chan

>> No.13426574

>I can reach God without faith and lean on my own understanding and reason and wisdom

>> No.13426587

apology for raymond sebond
meditations on the first philosophy
spinoza's ethics

>> No.13426596

It's not faith or reason, but faith and reason. You fideists are retarded.

>> No.13426600

Yes, you need both, or else faith in God is just as reasonable as faith in anything else. But you cannot believe with reason alone. You cannot prove God’s existence beyond a doubt.

>> No.13426605

You have to accept it. It isn't a choice. We are all subject to the laws of nature. That is what the "wrath of God" refers to, the power of cause and effect embedded in nature. Those who behave contrary to the laws of nature suffer its wrath.

>> No.13426615

You can prove that absolute truth exists very easily, and God is really eternal truth personified.

>> No.13426632

There are logical proofs for God, and a logical proof, if it is true, is something a rational person must accept. To be clear, I'm not talking about Christianity or any other revelation. The existence of God himself can be known by reason alone.

>> No.13426634

See Romans 1:20

>> No.13426639
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>> No.13427000

That's too nebulous. God is a feeling, not a tangible being that we can prove with our sensory inputs. We aren't in the age of miracles.

>> No.13427572

God's existence is as self-evident as the existence of masculinity and femininity. The core principles of masculinity and femininity are fragmented across all people, different qualities found in different people. If someone were to completely live and act out the defining principles of masculinity or femininity, you would have exactly what Jesus is in relationship to God.

God is that which is good, and before any living organism became self-conscious to the degree that it could choose whether or not to exploit the vulnerability of others, every creature that existed was only capable of behaving "fairly" and thus everything that came to exist was actualized truth as such (i.e. God created the heavens and the earth).

>> No.13427656

Where does original sin come into that

>> No.13427664

This is some clown shit

>> No.13427671

Reminder that these people literally think an all-knowing all-powerful being has a problem with wearing linen and wool at the same time.

>> No.13427700

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13428166

Only if you're an OT Jew. This is one of the easiest ways to tell someone, like you, doesn't have the slightest clue what they're talking about in regards to the Bible whenever they bring up this supposed issue Christians are supposed to wear clothing only made of more than one cloth.

>> No.13428199
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Did you atheist uncle tell you that when you were five and you still believe it? The absolute state of modern atheists.

>> No.13428221

Religion is not perfect, but it serves as a glue holding society together.

What would you call somebody who is an atheist, but would want to give their children and grandchildren religion?

>> No.13428253

Reminder that there are stupid fuck heads like you who think God isn't constantly self-identifying himself.

>> No.13428519

He never specified which group it applied to, he was emphasizing the absurdity of the belief. Your post demonstrates a mistaken reading of his, and a failed attempt at dispelling his argument. Rather, you only reinforced what he was intending to convey.

Just coming to your aid, friend. My advice when dealing with Christians is to not deal with them at all - there is not a single line you could ever pen which would be more psychologically-potent than those of the Bible. Just bid them peace, and bid them farewell. The aggression and invasiveness of Christians, be it here or elsewhere, is certainly grating to witness (for someone who is simply trying to browse a literature board and partake in literary discussion), and I wish something could be done to prevent them from crashing this board anymore than they have already - but reasoned argument will never dispel them. Leave them to their own devices.

Why do Christians always assume that anyone who rejects their nonsense must be atheist? The rejection of Christianity is the rejection of Christianity, nothing else. Is it because the majority of you are tremendous narcissists who see the whole of reality through the tiny prism of your religion, barely cognizant enough to realize that other faiths exist, and that even people without faith can still hold spiritual beliefs? Always disappointing to see this of Christians.

May all beings know happiness, and the causes of happiness.

>> No.13428640

You seem mad. Why is that?

>> No.13428661

Have sex.
>and that even people without faith can still hold spiritual beliefs?
Incel, get a job

>> No.13429157

>People can imagine the idea of God; Therefor God exist

>> No.13429165

Not arguments.

>> No.13429174

if god exists then why is henry kissinger still alive and jeffrey epstein's co-conspirators still unnamed and not prosecuted?

>> No.13429243

Nice meaningless verbosity, faggot.
You surely showed them.

>> No.13429435

Amen and God bless everyone in this thread!

>> No.13430608

Not an argument.