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/lit/ - Literature

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13419529 No.13419529 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be realistic here. You learn more reading one page of non-fiction than you'd learn reading an entire popular novel. The time we waste reading literature is time we'll never get back that we've wasted learning absolutely nothing.

>> No.13419612

Depends on the writer.

>> No.13419651
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You don't need to learn shit every goddamn moment of your life. You wasted your life learning useless shit you'll have zero use for.

>> No.13419675

I pity the cockroach that can’t read for pleasure.

>> No.13419699

what about more empathy due to seeing how various characters think?
reading fiction before bedtime makes me sleepy, while reading nonfiction gives my mind way too much to think about and then going to sleep is harder.
comparing nonfiction and fiction is pretty retarded and there is no reason it has to be done.

>> No.13419766

About that

I find that studying philosophy that deals particularly with life & death to bring me nothing but anxiety about the subject.

I much prefer the nuanced philosophy embedded in a fiction novel weaved delicately into a story about people - "real" people - than the brain droppings of an eccentric well read social outcast of the 16th century.

Would you rather spend an afternoon reading Paradise Lost, or Kierkegaard?

>> No.13420031

I agree OP. Reading should be purely utilitarian.

>> No.13420041

>experience is wasted
Seems like a dreary way to arrange your life, but you do you.

>> No.13420045

who are you again?

>> No.13420395

Reading isn't about learning, but about experiencing the mental exercise that it is. Fuck you, brainlet

>> No.13420710
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>I find that studying philosophy that deals particularly with life & death to bring me nothing but anxiety about the subject.
All fiction readers are weak femenine s-o-y-boys. A human being should find joy in his reality or fabricate it. Not retreat to pleasant illusion.

>> No.13420874

I can't imagine thinking like that. I read non-fiction to learn and fiction to have fun. Living your life just learning sounds sad. Reading fiction can make you feel powerful emotions or change your life perspective or just feel good, and if it's a really good novel you carry those feelings forever. It's awesome.

>> No.13420986


>> No.13420992

quit falling for the Silicon Valley efficiency lifestyle bullshit and enjoy something for once.