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13399526 No.13399526 [Reply] [Original]

How is he so smart?

>> No.13399617

>Anybody can be a socialist - it's meaningless

Based desu

>> No.13399619

Because for every hour he spends on /lit/, he spends 10 hours reading.

>> No.13399635

because psychoanalysis allows you to spew any pseudointellectual bullshit possible

>> No.13399641

unironic autism

>> No.13399663

false premise

>> No.13400074

He's novel in his syntheses but not as smart as his predecessors

>> No.13400114

Not even trolling here, I genuinely don’t get why people think he’s smart
In interviews he’ll take one question and deflect with a story, his understanding of all preceding political philosophies is that they are wrong but does not explain why

Correct me; what am I missing?

>> No.13400116

He gets it all from movies

>> No.13400154

Missing the intelligence to unerstand it

>> No.13400185

>Correct me; what am I missing?
retarded spoonfed crowder cuck. put in some effort yourself you lazy bitch

>> No.13400187


Read him, he's much more lucid that way.

Also if you can't tell the man is intelligent just from the way he talks about the topics, you're like those fags who watch arthouse to complain about the plot

>> No.13400195

reading, severe anxiety that drives him to do very little besides read and watch movies and take care of his son

>> No.13400204

He takes after the french and just makes shit up as he goes along. It's easy to criticize something but actually giving a reasonable alternative is something these retards can't do

>> No.13400215


>I'm thhlllrhlrhljfnhsdfhSBHFABSqwbfi...mart
Yeah, right.

>> No.13400222

lmao sure he does retard

>> No.13400384

>can’t pull a thesis out of a supposed great thinkers work
>but you’re the faggot for asking an honest question
Lol not surprised at all. Guess my journey for an honest answer continues

>> No.13401904

correct answer

>> No.13401924

>that shirt
one of those things is not like the other. Why do academics think they are part of the working class? Why do they think they "struggle?"

>> No.13401940

I don't know why you say that about him. Many of his ideas make a huge lot of sense and if anything it looks to me more that he appropriates the shit out of Lacan to elaborate on his ideas than to actually follow what Lacan said, though it may be me breing a brainlet and not understanding that this is what Lacan is about all along, and people just didn't get him.

His understanding of contemporary politics is pretty ahead of some of his predecessors in relation to the politics of their time.

>> No.13401942


He is the trule KVLT SLOVENIAN bull. He is not the one who knocks. He is the one who cu.cks. He will have your wife and mother and everyone you love on all fours servicing his throbbing SLOVENIAN Post MODERN member.

>> No.13401947

Academics have being jailed and killed around the world for stating opinions. It doesn't matter though because if he doesn't employ anyone he counts as the working class.

>> No.13401958

>Academics have being jailed and killed around the world for stating opinions.
1.) not the same thing at all
2.) many more enforce the status quo- why are we conflating them with the small number who have?

> It doesn't matter though because if he doesn't employ anyone he counts as the working class.
holy fuck if you're ideology is this shit- that someone who gets tenure and spends most of their time reading and wearing an old t-shirt can be lumped in with people who literally might die at their job- then you should seriously contemplate suicide

tl;dr using your 'smarts' to cover your ass from hardship is totally lame friend

>> No.13402002

You mom here is the noble with my dick

>> No.13402013

How is it not the same thing? We are talking about Zizek not the status quo.

>holy fuck if you're ideology is this shit- that someone who gets tenure and spends most of their time reading and wearing an old t-shirt can be lumped in with people who literally might die at their job- then you should seriously contemplate suicide
It's basic Marxist 101 terminology.

>> No.13402033

Based. Cinema is superior to literature.

>> No.13402044

because intellectuals (the ones you mention getting killed) presumably are getting killed by the status quo (or some representative) as a consequence of speaking out against it?
Zizek is a fat lazy fuck- I couldnt give less of a crap how many books he reads- I fucking work two jobs and still read, fuck this 'I'm working class cause I could get killed for being TOO EDGY" shit

yeah well "vanguard of the proletariat" was a great piece of leninist termingology until it started sending people to die working on useless canals, if you catch my drift my drift is that this is a bunch of crap; the people who keep reassuring you they're 'one of the good guys' are always covering for the fact that they get paid to fuck their students

>> No.13402055

>he's novel in his syntheses
>that thing when a midwit tries to say smart person stuff

You're not missing anything. He's a vapid fraud. I remember the first time I ever heard of this buffoon and it was some fucking imbecile remark on the order of
>no vut i mean iss ze terrorists should be invited to live here among us
I'd honestly thought we'd reached peak academic retard fraud with Ward Churchill but the Slavic world insisted on living up to its potential. Anything we can do they can do worse.

>> No.13402061

You sound really confident and opinionated for someone who sounds like a retard.

>> No.13402076

>fags face consequences
>hurr durr we're being jailed and killed
He's part of the ruling class and establishment consensus anyway, my guy

>some layabout trust funder is a member of the working class because he doesn't directly employ anyone
>Brad Pitt is a member of the working class because he doesn't directly employ anyone
>Barron Trump is a member of the working class because he doesn't directly employ anyone
based moron poster

>> No.13402078

you just sound retarded

>> No.13402084
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You're right. No one without skin in the game should ever talk about being friends with the working class.

>> No.13402090
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>In 2016, during a conversation with Gary Younge at a Guardian Live event, Žižek endorsed Donald Trump for the US presidency in the 2016 election. He described Trump as a paradox, basically a centrist liberal in most of his positions, desperately trying to mask this by dirty jokes and stupidities.[36]

>> No.13402121
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>American weekly newsmagazine Newsweek reported that in an article published in 2006 Žižek plagiarized substantial passages from an earlier review that first appeared in the journal American Renaissance, a publication condemned by the Southern Poverty Law Center as the organ of a "white nationalist hate group."[80]

>> No.13402123
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>Noam Chomsky is critical of Žižek, saying that he is guilty of "using fancy terms like polysyllables and pretending you have a theory when you have no theory whatsoever", and also that Žižek’s theories never go "beyond the level of something you can explain in five minutes to a twelve-year-old".[82]

>> No.13402131

i'd like to see you or anyone try and explain ontological completeness to a twelve-year-old that actually gets it across

>> No.13402132

He isn't wrong and Trump is better for the revolution than Hillary.

>American weekly newsmagazine Newsweek reported that in an article published in 2006 Žižek plagiarized substantial passages from an earlier review that first appeared in the journal American Renaissance, a publication condemned by the Southern Poverty Law Center as the organ of a "white nationalist hate group.
When I was writing the text on Derrida which contains the problematic passages, a friend told me about Kevin Macdonald's theories, and I asked him to send me a brief resume. The friend send [sic] it to me, assuring me that I can use it freely since it merely resumes another's line of thought. Consequently, I did just that – and I sincerely apologize for not knowing that my friend's resume was largely borrowed from Stanley Hornbeck's review of Macdonald's book. [...] As any reader can quickly establish, the problematic passages are purely informative, a report on another's theory for which I have no affinity whatsoever; all I do after this brief resume is quickly dismissing Macdonald's theory as a new chapter in the long process of the destruction of Reason. In no way can I thus be accused of plagiarizing another's line of thought, of "stealing ideas". I nonetheless deeply regret the incident.

>> No.13402136

Has Chomsky even touched any of his Zizek's books? The way he frames ideology in no way can be explained in such way. Well that's to be expected from the cambodian genocide denial guy.

>> No.13402150

>the cambodian genocide denial guy.
Post the quote in which he does this please.

>> No.13402157

Would that really surprise you? Would it surprise you to discover Confucius explained it 2500 years ago?

An intraethnic civil war cannot possibly be a genocide and Chomsky never denied the scale of the violence or brutality of the Khmer Rouge. He simply noted that an actual genocide in East Timor was being hypocritically ignored by the US, in large part because we were tacitly complicit in it.

>> No.13402238

Are you claiming he is part of the bourgeoisie just because he sells books?

>> No.13402299

no he thinks because he works on a construction site he is a member of the working class and zizek isn't cause he reads books for a living.

>> No.13402481


He probably spends 10 hours here too. I'm convinced he's the wojak poster.

>> No.13402493

Listening to him is weird as an economist and data first thinker. Almost everything he says can be easily disproved with a few graphs (like his view on China’s rise against Peterson).

>> No.13402517


Granted, being a Pol Pot fanboy IS more mysterious than anything Zizek says.

>> No.13402534

Well he has also admitted to just skimming synopses for some movies and books.

>> No.13402565

>Pol Pot fanboy
quote him retard

>> No.13402570

Yeah but Zizek is a Stalin and Tito fanboy.

>> No.13403210

>Academics have being jailed and killed around the world for stating opinions.
Not in the west. In the west, workers and capitalists pay taxes that fund intelectuals that claim working class status and repression by capitalism.

>> No.13403212
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The Lindybeige of philosophy.

>> No.13403215
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Reminds of those scenes from pic related with the communist professor just spewing nothing but word salad.

>> No.13403248

Breast fed til the age of 55

>> No.13403250

>I'm too much of a brainlet to understand psychoanalysis
good riddance

>> No.13403256

>get paid to fuck their students
How can I be Zizek's student?

>> No.13403286


>> No.13403297


>> No.13403298

>basically a centrist liberal in most of his positions, desperately trying to mask this by dirty jokes and stupidities
Enough of Zizek talking about himself. What did he say about Trump?

>> No.13403325

Zizek is not a centrist liberal. He's a crypto-fascist

>> No.13403327

He’s a Stalinist

>> No.13403333


>> No.13403424

Stalin was a fascist, trying to mask this with dirty jokes and stupidities.

>> No.13403432
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No, zizek is a pepe poster.

>> No.13403437

He's an outright nazi, not a "crypto" anything.

>> No.13403446

Have you ever seen a nazi so disheveled? No, you must be mistaken.

>> No.13403451

I think Zizek is a Zizek poster.

>> No.13403468

I believe he might be the :3 poster

>> No.13403495

pfretty batterfly
*schniff* :3
for a whait guy

>> No.13403505



He is a comedian with a big lithhhp. Lots of charisma, but absolutely 0 philosophical merit.

>> No.13403542

Have you read any of his theoretical works?

>> No.13403571

You cant be smart and fat in the same time.

>> No.13403577

lmao at first I liked Taleb but the more I learn about him the more I realize he's just a depressed rich old man who is constantly bored and self-obsessed. His attempts at writing aphorisms with pathos are laughable. His aphorisms feel so forced and rusty. He's obsessed with his own identity and keeps reiterating that he is Phoenician instead of Arab and a few days ago he even claimed 'Yallah' (come here in Arabic languages) actually comes from the Greek 'Ela' lmfao

Taleb is like the kind of guy who would have been a great intellectual if not for his huge frail ego and constant obsession with himself. He's constantly intellectually justifying his lifestyle which consists of eating squid ink, flying to the Mediterrenean once in a while and writing angry Tweets. He keeps yapping on about having 'skin in the game' but the guy is literally the stereotype of an old bored rich guy who made some lucky financial calls with his rich family money. His ideas are just rehashes of some trends in Western philosophy. Overrated.

>> No.13403581
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>> No.13403589

Of course not, like all Zizek haters. Anyone interested in philosophy knows you don't need to agree with a thinker at all in order to appreciate his ideas. Only a very very small minority of all people are able to have the right intellectual attitude towards philosophy.

>> No.13403596

He's not smart.

>> No.13403603

I don't disparage him up to that point but I share a similar sentiment in losing the respect I had for him over time. At one point it becomes kind of hard to justify all the weird and aggressive behavior he spreads. It could be fragile ego too for sure but I get the impression he has a very specific idea of his individual ethics in his head. The thing is that it never seems to have some sort of consistent, single form, but instead operates on this intuitive idea of giving your enemies shit and acting as arrogantly as possible amidst "unacceptable" behavior - which includes shit like looking down or insulting innocent people who asked him a question that he thought was dumb. He's so in love with this bundle of ideas that seem to be pulled arbitrarily from a bunch of sides that you can only suppose that it may be all about an inflated ego at the end of the day. Which becomes kind of hard to respect even though once in a while he says something interesting, but that ultimately helps people just as much as "Tao Te Ching For Business".

>> No.13403610

honestly, good point

>> No.13403730
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>> No.13403925

Care to show some examples? I'm unironically curious

>> No.13404760

I don’t trust philosophers who wear t shirts with their own catchphrases on them/take studio photos showing how edgy they are/affects some retarded tick and impediment to sound smart/etc

Zizek is the biggest larper I have ever seen and dumb fucks actually fall for it- good grief

>> No.13404771


>> No.13404797

*sniffs in your path*

>> No.13404854

Him building a public persona does not invalidate books like Less Than Nothing and Parallax View.

>> No.13405061

He´s not fat (mutt standars)

>> No.13405100

It presents the possibility that they are written with only an intent to sell, which would compromise the validity and relevance of the ideas contained within, imo

Of course, it is just my opinion, but I do feel strongly about it in this world of narrative marketing and it’s consequences

>> No.13405166

and so on

>> No.13405632

he's a stuttering retard. BUT he put Juden Peterstein in his place so I kinda respect him.

>> No.13405813

Zizek was reading Lacan when he was still in high school and he translated several texts by Derrida into Slovenian when he was just 18 years old. Pretty impressive if you ask me, but I’m afraid that his fame and his excessive involvement in popular culture has made him more stupid.

>> No.13405821

The popular one is not his own catchphrase. It's from Melville.

>> No.13406048
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>he wrote a thousand page book on Hegel in an attempt to make money

>> No.13406061

Lol that’s why nearly every writer writes books you insipid cunt, what the fuck are you even saying

Look the chapter heading is even silly and eye catching- totally not meant to sell shit to pseuds!
Jesus idiots will fall for fuckig anything wont they

>> No.13406079

there are about a million easier topics to engage with than fucking Hegel if you want to make money, and making it 1000 pages only alienates potential readers further. there are books you can argue Zizek wrote for money, his decades in the making magnum opus on Hegel was most definitely not one

>> No.13406159

One mans magnum opus is another mans pop-philosophy
I heard jk Rowling took a long time to make her “magnum opus” too

>> No.13406294
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>coming up with wizard names and studying the Phenomenology are comparable

>> No.13406389

>Chomsky never denied the scale of the violence or brutality of the Khmer Rouge
Yeah he did, he's on record as saying at the time there was no indication of any atrocities. He made an amazing film in the early 90s about how the media reports on what it wants you to see, mostly because he was haunted by how there was no reports of the mountains of corpses left by the Khmer Rouge. A lot of his life's work since has been getting over that.

>> No.13406396

Best answer

>> No.13406492

When you’re as stupid as zizek they unironically are tho

>> No.13406815

He wrote the thousand page book on Hegel purely to build his personal brand. He mentions the fucking thing often enough.

>> No.13406819
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I don't like his attitude towards the solar system.

>> No.13406905

why Hegel? why not pick something trendy? focusing on two obscure thinkers no one ever reads for several decades isn't good marketing

>> No.13406907

If anybody in here can prove to me they understand Hegel by posting a summary of his ideas that other Hegel fanbois ITT agree is accurate I’ll stop coming here and you can have one less reactionary on this board.

>> No.13406994

Seems to be working well enough for him.

>> No.13406999

Hegel was a closet Stalinist, desperate to hide this fact behind dirty reasoning and stupidities.

>> No.13407371

>obsessed with someone born over 40 years past his death
a (You), but also a sage

>> No.13407419
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Blah blah blah naive subjectivism to naive objectivism to enlightened dialecticicism... absolute knowing!

>> No.13407445

Nope. Please consult The Political Economy of Human Rights, Vol. I. He also never made a film. You're probably talking about Manufacturing Consent, a film based on his work (with Ed Hermann) of the same name, exploring the propaganda model of information politics in modern American public discourse.

Also, literally none of his work since PEHR I + II has dealt with the Cambodian Civil War at all. I know this firsthand because I read every single thing he's published.

I don't understand how there are all these people out there like you, just fucking dumb apes with no awareness of how fucking stupid and wrong you all are, you monkeys, you filthy animals, just talking shit that is demonstrably wrong, easily disproved, so stupid as to be obviously made-up on the spot for the sake of contrarianism, and you really think you're not going to be discovered. It fucking baffles me.

>> No.13407474

What is Zizek position on science? He seems to be totally uninterested or ignorant in the subject. It seems srtange to me. Anyway, i actually like him, but i see him more like a philosophy divulgator than anything else

>> No.13407637

he's a materialist who supports scientific inquiry, he has some hot takes on qm

>> No.13407734

He's completely ignorant of scientific thinking, other than being aware of its existence.
>hot takes on qm
Post them

>> No.13408105

holy based autistic chomsky fan

>> No.13408195

I can tell he's unintelligent by his obesity and stupid face.

>> No.13408270


I don't follow, nor do I understand the Chomsky apology. Isn't there at least ONE champagne Socialist that HASN'T celebrated any massacres? Why not focus on him instead? It's hilarious that there has ALWAYS been an overlap between "fascists" and true or at least aspirational Libertarians, who rebuked Government-sanctioned violence and bigotry, even down to hillbillies rebuking racism, but there doesn't seem to be ONE tankie that hasn't jerked off to a corpse.

>> No.13408277

but surely you must know this already because you commented on his scientific knowledge. how could you make a claim about that without being educated enough on Zizek to know his takes on science? I doubt your competence here anon

>> No.13408365

I've seen enough to know he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. If you claim he has, as you put it, "hot takes" on anything to do with actual science, I'd like to see them. Everything I've seen him say about science has been utterly ignorant.

>> No.13408379

>13400187 is right. Compare this: https://www.newstatesman.com/world/europe/2016/01/slavoj-zizek-cologne-attacks with standard MSM dribble, and you'll see why people read him. his takes are piping

>> No.13408382

never trust a qm-take unless it's provided by a Nobel-winning German physicist

>> No.13408390

He's not that bad, come the fuck on. The stuff he said about QM was very reasonable comments about wave function collapse and some of the various types of double slit experiments. He didn't say anything groundbreaking or particularly wrong.

>> No.13408392

Never trust a qm take that doesn't involve at least a countable infinity of universes. Preferably more.

>> No.13408690

Hegel was explicitly opposed to the notion that you can summarize a philosophical system. Have you even read the preface to the Phenomenologt of Spirit?

>> No.13408981


>> No.13409265
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>> No.13410064


John 10:30.

>> No.13410665

>you cant escape ideology
>think, dont act

>> No.13410692

he appears smart because he will speak on any topic in a lacanian/hegelian/marxist way but never "show his hand" so to speak so people just assume there is some underlying meta theory